Contest - Planewalker Idol

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edobrzel's picture
Joined: 2003-11-22
Contest - Planewalker Idol

Voice of the Planes

We’re looking for a few good bashers!, the official Planescape setting website and community, is sponsoring a contest to find a formal spokesperson. You, the community, will be able to shape the voice of the planes. Full contest details and rules will be announced on May 6, 2005 (/pwidol/index.php). The contest will begin sometime mid-May (after finals are over and summer has begun). Expect to see a contest forum opening soon!

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Chant on the Streets

Psst...... Hey Basher...........Here are a few snippets of the chant on the streets. Whether you think its a peel or not give 'em a look.

Yah, that does look intereesting now doesn't it? I heard that Teloja, the tieffer bard, is limbering up her mandolin for it even now. Should be very interesting......

Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Odds On The Modron, administrator of chance. Once the competition begins I will happily caluculate the finest odds for you before accepting any gentlemen's wagers you might wish to make. Purely a community service, sir.

Chant is Baleron Silvertongue is returning to Sigil for the first time in 250 years to compete........

Operate in teams of two. One to keep lookout for Sons of Mercy or Sodkillers, the other to peel the clueless....

Teloja is competing? The same one that married the Guildmaster of the Planewlakers Guild? I wonder what Shemeska thinks of that.....

Hey, I heard Snail Outfitters is helping sponsor this. As are the Sensates!!

Oh bloody hells......


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

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Merlianik Surefooted's picture
Joined: 2004-07-15
Contest - Planewalker Idol

Hoi, 'bout time we had somethin' like this t' give us a bit o' fun and flavor around here. Now, I'll say this - my editor may not be too happy if'n I gave him the blow-off fer another job, but I wasn't none to happy with my last assignment either, now was I?

Y' wantin' a cutter what knows how to get a crowd going? Knowledgable of the planes? An' ready an' willin' t' spread the word? I suppose I know someone that'd fit that. But Harys is a mite busy knowadays, so I suppose y'll have t' make due with a bariaur reporter...

Where do I sign up?

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Contest - Planewalker Idol

I'm really looking forward t' this. I can't wait to see what the canny cutters of this little burg whip up for a PW host and mascot. Ashenbach, Dust Mephit Extraordinaire, is sorely missed. This here site needs a new figurehead. And what better way to find one than to hold auditions?!

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Contest - Planewalker Idol

"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
Ashenbach, Dust Mephit Extraordinaire, is sorely missed.

Here, here! It'd be nice to see an elemental cutter in a place of power again. PW affirmative action and all that. If Ashenbach II is looking for a canny bodyguard, I'm willing to bust some skulls for a bit. Particularly Sodkillers, those berks are way too violent...

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Contest - Planewalker Idol

Ashenbach was a tiefer! A tiefer!! Not a dust mephit, not an ash mephit, not any kind of mephit! A tiefling!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Contest - Planewalker Idol

Wellll you have to admit it *is* a mephit making this claim. Perhaps he was a tad confused? I hear they do that sometimes. Get confused. They also get turned into chocolates sometimes.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Contest - Planewalker Idol

It was actually an old running joke on the rpgaconsortium Planewalker boards, that Ashenbach was an ash mephit genasi or some variation on that theme.

caries-caeli's picture
Joined: 2005-04-24
Contest - Planewalker Idol

*sits in the corner, hunched over a drawing pad, penciling wildly. Occasional outbursts of semi-insane laughter rise over the scratching of lead on paper*

caries-caeli's picture
Joined: 2005-04-24
Contest - Planewalker Idol

*places chin, ponderously on his pencil-weilding hand* Will we be able to submit more than one I wonder?

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Contest - Planewalker Idol

Funny, I always thought Ashenbach was an ash mephit as well. I guess the similarity of words confused me.

Just a minor note of warning before we all go running off talking like them Pikeys, that the representative should be readable to someone who isn't already familiar with Planescape. A little bit of slang is good, but slopping it on heavy may bury the message.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
Contest - Planewalker Idol

"Clueless" wrote:
Wellll you have to admit it *is* a mephit making this claim. Perhaps he was a tad confused? I hear they do that sometimes. Get confused. They also get turned into chocolates sometimes.

Most of the time we just dip sassy Clueless in the chocolate... I agree with Krypter, something accessible is a good plan. It should be pretty iconic, though, so somewhere between generic and obscure is the aim. What about writing up this character (or others if people are inclined) in the Bashers section.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Contest - Planewalker Idol

"Mephit James" wrote:
I agree with Krypter, something accessible is a good plan. It should be pretty iconic, though, so somewhere between generic and obscure is the aim. What about writing up this character (or others if people are inclined) in the Bashers section.

Well, contest details are due to be announced May 6th and the fun should start within a couple weeks of that. We're hoping to see all of your great ideas bravely standing before the judges. Who will become the next Planewalker Idol?

As for statting out PW's new mascot for Cutters, sure, why not? Whoever the new mascot is, I say we give 'em a million hp though, so nobody takes 'em out!

edobrzel's picture
Joined: 2003-11-22
Contest - Planewalker Idol

"caries-caeli" wrote:
*places chin, ponderously on his pencil-weilding hand* Will we be able to submit more than one I wonder?
As was mentioned by Enzo, rules will be announced in a few days, but as it stands right now you will be able to submit multiple entries. Might as well allow it rather than have people try to get sneaky... unless you're submitting an idea for a sneaky person. Oh, you know what I mean!

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Contest - Planewalker Idol

Maybe they're asking so that we don't *think* they're sneaky. Now, that's sneaky!

caries-caeli's picture
Joined: 2005-04-24
Contest - Planewalker Idol

*sneaky, devious laughter*

Moltanax's picture
Joined: 2005-05-06
Contest - Planewalker Idol

The ultroloth would be positively smirking if he had a mouth to smirk with. Instead, his luminous eyes glittered malevolently as he surveyed the unwashed masses before him. His telepathic "voice" rang clearly through the thoughts and minds of the crowd.

"Do you really think you have what it takes to be the voice of this place?" he asked, the amusement oozing from his words, "If you think so, you will be held up to my standards. My very, very unfriendly standards."

Box-in-Bloom's picture
Joined: 2005-05-04
Contest - Planewalker Idol

"Unfriendly, my grass!* I've seen the way you flirt with the beer wenches, Moltanax.

* See how I did that, substituting 'grass' for another similar-sounding but more vulgar term? Yep. That's clever. Sometimes I amaze myself with how clever I am.

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