I've discovered this website recently, and I'd love to have a look at the contents, unfortunately when I click on the categories at the top (campaign setting, resources, fiction...), the subcategories appear on top of the following line, the whole is unreadable and I can't click on anything. Is this a problem with my computer, or is it a temporary problem on the site? I couldn't find the answer in the forum.
Besides, the "contact us" form is, um... a page in Latin? Is this temporary as well?
Thank you,
Good to see a new face here.
Basically, the subcategories stack on top of eachother. Try clicking Bonus Material (which closes off the default subcategories) before clicking on a category.
The Latin is the famous "Lorem Ipsum". Basically it means "There is nothing here yet, so we put some stuff as a placeholder or test of the font or whatever". It is probably temporary.