Completely and utterly new?

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Completely and utterly new?

This is picking up the conversation in a previous thread ( Here)

The question posed on the thread:

well.... when rp'ing, I dont know how to make a character... and I dont know what half the things are that people are talking about! >.< ! so that makes it awfully hard to rp anyways...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Completely and utterly new?

So - from the sounds of it - you've never been to forums before, and probably never been to a gaming forum before. Not to worry - this is what we're here for. Eye-wink

Planewalker forums have a lot of RP forums - but they also have *non* RP forums. So that's probably part of what's confusing you - a lot of the forums here aren't actually in-game talk at all, it's just a whole bunch of folks hanging out together online and talking.

Each of the boards has a description to give you an idea of the sort of posts expected on the board. The Civic Festhall for example is for creative works such as fiction or artwork. When in doubt, the RPG Discussion board is the 'catch-all' board for general topics of conversation. This is where questions about games, planescape, etc. are most often answered.

In the RP section of the forums, assuming you want to do some roleplaying on the forums with us - we have two major boards you'll want to look at:

The Planes (Board Roleplaying Here)
This board is the board where the gaming occurs. Most games are held on a single extra-long thread. Players and DM (the person hosting and being referee for the game), post on their game's thread, taking turns to say what their character's are doing, and what the reaction of the surroundings are to the characters. The DM is the person in charge of the game. Planewalker merely provides the space for others to play in, so if you have a specific problem in a game - you want to talk to your DM about it if you can, not to the site administrators. This area is the most like to a tabletop game.

Behind the Scenes (OOC Boards for Forum Roleplaying)
This board is where you want to start if you want to get into a game. If you're looking to play a game, or run a game yourself - then this is the board you advertise in. Most posts here are along the lines of "Hey, I'd like to play - is anyone running a game and has an open slot?" It's generally considered a little rude to just jump into a game thread without knowing if the players and DM of that thread are ok with it. But you can find that out very easily by simply asking. Eye-wink

Regarding stats and rules for making characters
That sort of call is left up entirely to the DM of the game. The DM may be the sort where you have to have your character fully detailed before game or he/she may be willing to forego character creation entirely and just improvise it all. There's plenty of DM's whose playing style is somewhere in between. The DM may be willing to make your character for you if you don't have one or don't know how to make one. You want to talk to the DM of your game to find out which style he/she prefers.

Sango Uchiha 08's picture
Joined: 2006-04-27
Completely and utterly new?

Thankyou! that helps! Oh, and this isnt the first forum/rp site I go to... Im very active on .... that is an Anime rp'ing site... and this one looks equally as fun! ^_^ so I cant wait until I am able to start! ^_~ once again, thankyou!

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Completely and utterly new?

Well, unlike Gaia Online, we don't tend to look favorably on people who make masses of useless posts. This isn't a chat room; take your time to write out your posts coherently, and do so with correct spelling and grammar. Capitalization and punctuation should not be considered optional.

Sango Uchiha 08's picture
Joined: 2006-04-27
Completely and utterly new?

Um... Thanks for the tip... I'll try to keep that in mind next time...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Completely and utterly new?

*eyes nick blandly* There's a saying about folks who live in glass houses...

We won't summarily throw you out the front door if you have a single misspelling or anything. Just feel free to take your time with your posts and enjoy them, it's not a race.

Sango Uchiha 08's picture
Joined: 2006-04-27
Completely and utterly new?

lol! ^_^ ok!

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