City of Suffering/Judgement

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DoRk's picture
Joined: 2007-01-29
City of Suffering/Judgement

this is my first post here, so hi all *wave*

My campain is leading my precious group into the Gray Waste to the realm of Oinus and into the City of Suffering/City of Judgement.

Now iam looking for more info on the npcs withing that Realm and any other special features about it, of course maps would be great.

if checked the planewalker site search and the core planescape books but info about it is rather thin.

Thus any little bit helps me, so if you could refer a book, webpage or something else that contains info id be most gratefull.

thanks in advance.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
City of Suffering/Judgement

*whistles loudly to summon a loth-expert* Here Shemmy, here girl - come'ere, gotcha a biscuit...

( Let's see if that'll get her over here to fill you in on some suggestions. )

DoRk's picture
Joined: 2007-01-29
City of Suffering/Judgement

*starts whisteling along, shrugging*

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
City of Suffering/Judgement

Hi DoRK,

Welcome to the forums!

The boxed set that describes the Gray Waste is known as Planes of Conflict, and can be downloaded from here. You can read Shemeska's storyhour to see a very elaborate expansion of Yugoloth culture.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
City of Suffering/Judgement

The most info on the Gray Waste is going to come from the Planes of Conflict box set, with some additional relevant information in the 'Hellbound: The Blood War' box set, and 'Faces of Evil: The Fiends'.

The largest problems to face anyone moving through Oinos are as follows:
1) The Gray Wasting
2) Disease
3) The Blood War

1) The spiritual wasting of the Gray Waste is something like the multiverse's sinkhole of positive emotions. The plane sucks passion, happiness, drive, motivation, altruism, care... leaving only blind, pointless, abject misery in its wake. PCs first experiencing the plane are going to be shocked by the exposure like being suddenly plunged into ice-cold water; it's a harrowing experience and after the shock while you can adapt and steel yourself against it, it will grow and eventually you'll start to fall pray to it the longer you stay exposed. The 3e Manual of the Planes gives the game mechanics to handle this.

2) Outside of the spiritual malaise, the layer of Oinos is crawling with disease. The soil, water, and air are laced with it, and frankly sickness will manifest on its own without an apparent source like the layer of the plane were possessed of its own perverse immune system, seeking out and poisoning anything that steps upon it.

3) Oinos is the primary battlefield of the Blood War, and the worst thing a traveller can have happen is to be caught between the various sides, or happened upon by scouts, or deserters, etc. They might kill you, eat you, torture you for fun, pressgang you into fighting, etc.

Beyond that, the layer is crawling with larvae, the Night Hags who collect and traffic in them, and wandering packs of Hordelings (larvae that refuse to succumb to the wasting of the plane and who metamorphose into a new, unique form by defining themselves by their own agony).

Then there's the yugoloths. More on them in my next post, along with various locations on Oinos.

DoRk's picture
Joined: 2007-01-29
City of Suffering/Judgement

Thanks guys, i got my hands now on the Planes of Conflict set and find it a very good resource, especially i like the map design giving you a great overview of the land and an idea of how to describe to to my fellow players.

So now i do have a basic idea on the inhabitants and the lay of the land on the gray waste.

Although iam specificly looking for info about the City of Judgement, the crystal tower, kelemvors realm. it is meantioned in the book but very briefly.

any ideas on that ?

EDIT: Shemeska iam very looking forward to your next post Smiling

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
City of Suffering/Judgement

'DoRk' wrote:
Although iam specificly looking for info about the City of Judgement, the crystal tower, kelemvors realm. it is meantioned in the book but very briefly.

any ideas on that ?

There's a map of it in the Forgotten Realms Atlas by Karen Wynn Fonstad.

DoRk's picture
Joined: 2007-01-29
City of Suffering/Judgement

thanks ripvanwormer, iam staying here now by the way, thanks for your replies over at wotc's place Smiling

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