A City in Agathion Pandemonium

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Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
A City in Agathion Pandemonium

I've always had this idea of a city locked away in Agathion, the final layer of Pandemonium where things no-one wants unleashed or found on the rest of the planes are locked away.

One of my ideas of what's in one of those empty spheres is a Lost City that's built all around the surface of this massive sphere, and at the centre is a green glowing orb that levitates dead centre as the city is sort of like Dyson Sphere. It's not known what this sphere is, as no one has gone there and lived to tell about it. But it's said that the Green Orb somehow exerts it's influence on the city of humanoids (mainly Humans, Planetouched and a bunch of common and possibly uncommon races). They live in fear of the Green Orb fearful of what it can do always there above their heads. The buildings are ancient and no one has ever been known to leave the city, and many simply vanish from the city.

So here's the things I'm trying to come up with. Did the city ever have a name? What's really the thing that's being locked away in Agathion, is it the city or the orb? Exactly how does one get to this city, since it's in Agathion and really difficult to get to?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: A City in Agathion Pandemonium

Somewhere on the Prime, deep in the black, is a cold, dead world orbiting a faintly guttering remnant of a star. This world used to be vibrant and full of life before the arrival of Meriq Deathweaver. On the day he came the sky went dark and a dread winter set in forever. The Deathweaver waged war on the green, the very spirit of the world that brought it life and warmth. Mighty as he was, Meriq could not slay this force directly. So he did the next best thing - he bound it to Agathion, never to be seen again.

The green has brought heroes and shamans to its prison over the centuries, hoping to find someone who can destroy the Deathweaver and return it to its rightful place in the heart of a planet. So far, none who it has sent have returned.


Pants of the North!

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: A City in Agathion Pandemonium

The Green Orb is actually a prison for an outsider: Baatezu, Tanar'ri, Obyrith, Yugoloth, Far Realm, take your pick. Somehow, it discovered secrets of mental control beyond any known by any other force, powerful enough to pierce even the most potent magical defenses. The powers quickly realized what a threat this could be to their followers (and, by extension, to their own power) and bound the creature in the orb, sealing it away in Agathion. However, with nothing else in the cave to occupy itself, the creature could focus its considerable intellectual and magical faculties on escape, and given enough time it was bound to succeed. Thus, the powers (not all of them if you prefer, just whoever was involved in this whole incident) each sacrificed a few of their worshipers to populate a city ringing the orb. These mortals live their daily lives not too differently from those of any other planar or prime city, other than the fact that their sole true purpose is to keep the creature in the orb amused. The city allows it to exercise its mental domination at its leisure, keeping it too entertained meddling with the petty lives of those mortals to think too long or too hard about escape.

Of course, as a safeguard against any planewalkers stumbling into the city and giving the creature new information or magical means of freedom, the powers made sure the city had a tendency to eliminate any outsiders that appeared....

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: A City in Agathion Pandemonium

""The Green Orb is actually a prison for an outsider: Baatezu, Tanar'ri, Obyrith, Yugoloth, Far Realm, take your pick.""
Essentially, an "Elder Evil" (which can include all of what you described, plus Baatorians, Draedens, and a few other things.)

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: A City in Agathion Pandemonium

I meant to put Ancient Baatorians, sorry, merely forgot. The Draedens I've seen here and there but am less familiar with. Some sort of pre-time tentacle-y things, right?

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: A City in Agathion Pandemonium

As for the city possibly being what is locked away, my thoughts for this is that maybe the city has a conspicuous lack of children and that the Green Orb might in fact be the city's warden over whatever is lurking down below.

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: A City in Agathion Pandemonium

The city has no children (or very few) because every inhabitant of the city is a would-be tyrant, dictator, warlord, and so on. Various worlds across the Prime, and even a few planar realms, have discovered a ritual allowing them to banish individuals who threaten the peace through war, genocide, and the like. What none (or perhaps merely a few) of these individual groups know is that the ritual always sends them to the same place. However, the Green Orb pacifies the former conquerors, reshaping their personalities as simple bakers, smiths, and tailors. They forget their old lives and live peacefully in the city, not even aware there is a world outside the cave.

Of course, the PCs could need to visit one of these men or women for information their old personality knew. Not only would they have to discover a way into a specific sphere of Agathion, but that they would also have to learn how to unlock the buried memories, avoid the orb's efforts to stop them, and moreover, make sure that the individual they restore does not become a greater threat than whatever they were trying to stop in the first place.

astralsahu's picture
Joined: 2005-07-22
Re: A City in Agathion Pandemonium

Maybe it WAS a Dyson sphere. The inhabitants of a relatively small and unusually god-free crystal sphere developed a means of utilizing all the (magical?) energy of their green sun, but, not content to passively absorb, they found a way to extract energy, slowly contracting their world closer and closer to the dwindling fire body. Maybe there was a plan (and the capability!) to move their world to another crystal sphere when there was nothing left.

In the end, almost dead, the spirit or sapience of their sun banished them, along with itself, to a planar prison. There, without their tech (or magic, psionics, whatever) the people are both reliant on and captives of the tiny, vestigial sun.

And somewhere in the phlogiston is yet another doomsday device, one capable of destroying a solar system and more. The multiverse's biggest lifejammer, kind of.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: A City in Agathion Pandemonium

The city is the orb's jailor.

The orb is the failed result of an attempted ascension to godhood by a powerful, undead mortal spellcaster. He performed monstrous deeds upon his homeworld, directing wars in ritual patterns until his phylactery swelled in power with dark rites, and he entered it as a chrysalis from which to emerge as a god. Thanks to the intervention of hundreds of his world's heroes uniting from many enemy nations, he failed and now his spirit is locked within the stone.

The heroes, knowing their sacrifice, entered Agathion with him, since the spellcaster could escape if not surrounded in all directions by living beings too closely packed for it to maneuver through, as living beings now repel it horribly. It tries desperately to blast some of them off-plane every now and then, but its power is insufficient. The heroes' descendants have forgotten why they are here, only the imperative that the city must be kept populated.


The PCs may come to know the city when some of the inhabitants blasted off-plane arrive in their home, along with many warmongering servant spirits that are the residue of the arch-lich's powers, acting on old and random-seeming orders. What the PCs see is a sudden burst of conflict and reports of marauding monsters near a local site with a troubled history (it was spiritually weak enough for the arch-lich to push a portal through). Investigating, they find several frightened citizens who have never seen things like open sky and blazing sun, and a new, permanent portal back to Agathion.

This is trouble, since other citizens will want to leave, and new portals in the region begin popping up in the bare spots they leave behind as they do. Each one brings new marauder spirits, and of course not all of the citizens are pleasant or sane people. Fortunately, a space a mile wide or so has to clear before the lich can escape, meaning over 2000 people will have to depart from a single neighborhood. Before this happens, the PCs can hopefully explore the oldest, spell-protected ruins in the city of the Orb, a small church long avoided due to the curse-bearing hatred of the lich spelling anger for those who enter, and realize that someone must take up the guard duty again. . . and close the portals behind them: either the old citizens must return, or a new population must move in.

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