Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

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Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

I wanted to share some of the gratest RPG campaign I ever played from a bunch of endless RPG's, so I've started this thread to share some of the stuff my playing troupe has produced. And I must state that this was the most emotionally compelling campaign on my personal basis and I'm considering compiling it into a web site and even into a comic book. Artists(moi' and Filip Cerovecki):

This is my party(I'm playing the bariauress) from the campaign we've been playing for the last eight or so years. I'll design a colored site about this long time campaign and it's name will be Voyagers of Cinder House Cinderhouse is an inn situated in Sigil, between the Great Bazaar and the Guilds.

This picture was drawn after the second session. In order of appereance: Trysa(Elysean bariaur),32(rogue modron), Michael(prime human) and the wierd vase is an urn from the deceased character.

This picture was drawn after a couple of months or even years of playing(I can't remember clearly). Cartfey(prime elf), Michael, Teller (Abbysal Flind), Trysa, Redro (a new rogue modron, the last one got abducted by yugoloths). The faces above the adventurers are the villans from the campaign.

This picture was taken three to four years ago and it was at the time I came back from the army when we started to switch to third edition D&D. Zhare(a fire genasi, harbringer of doom for prime material world he came from), Redro, Michael(he was initated into Toth's priesthood), Teller, Cartfey and Trysa. As you can see our adventuring party composition changed over the time, there were also other part-time characters who weren't depicted over the long years of roleplaying.

This is the last sketch made in the last year of roleplaying and it was made at the end of our campaign and the sketch isn't even finished. The right topmost and the one in the bottom is Zhare wearing the mask and Zhare without the mask. Leftmost on the upper corner is Teller, under him are outlines of Andrija(prime dwarf, one of the new main characters). In the middle is Trysa who has reformed into a pixy after having lost her physical body to the Chariots of the Dead in Set's realm. This picture was taken somewhere during the time beetween the two above. Michael is now a Michelle and a halfling (the same reason I'm a pixy), the pixi is me, and Zhare is the frowning face at the bottom. Now we are playing with new set of characters who are merc's in Zhare & Andrija's Mercenary Guild.

All of the artwork above was drawn by Filip Cerovecki, my friend playing the Teller character and he allowed me to post it here. Those are mostly sketches but I'll redisign them into colored CG's. There are quite a few sketches of the whole campaign and many more on the way, so that's the reason I'll create a site (and it's a great campaign,thnx Zgaga).

Hope you enjoy it Laughing out loud .

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

Cool Smiling

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

Bok, zemljak.

Maybe I know you in real life, could you PM me some personal info.

Anyway, it would be cool to see some of RPG art from other Planescape campaigns.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

I don't think so but there it is Smiling

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

Uh, no one else posted any pictures :cry: , it's a shame(maybe I should rename this topic).

Anyway as I've promised before, I've uploaded pictures of my new party.
These are all members of Andrija & Zhare Mercenary Company.

This is Marco D'Arthas from a strangely normal prime world without any fantasy monsters and this world has reached steam age.
He thinks that all the wierd creatures are some sort of machines and humanoids are of some unknown race of humans from unexplored parts of his world.
He isn't suprised with planewalking at all, as this must be some sort of strange teleporting science and he doesn't believe in magic.

Next one is a planar dwarf, named Vesela from clan Grom .
She comes from Mechanus and she got very annoyed with all her modron tutors and her boring architect parents in her juvenile age, so she ran away and joined the Sensates.

This is a character played by me Smiling . He's a githzerai who lost his Rrakkma band on some undeveloped prime while they were hunting for mind flayers. Later he washed dishes in Sigil's Gatehouse and presently he's working for a mercenary company in the market ward.
Ardamgy Gihistrim is a man free of social scrupules, religious dogma's and any fashion sense, he is a rather cheerful chap for a Bleak Cabal cutter. He's escaping from daily melancholies observing the world around him accepting the thruths as they are, a simple natural things that exist for no other reasons besides existing as they are.

This one is called Skvavf and he's a ghoul, he's very misteryous and I suspect he joined some faction, maybe even Revolutionary League.
He was a tax collector or royal advisor in his former life.

In this campaign we will be allowed to play our old characters(the ones above) from time to time, as they are the employers of these new characters and the storyline will be connected with the old one.
There might be a comic book in the future of our campaign... :shock:

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

My first doublepost ^^ Sticking out tongue
I just wanted to return to some of the old characters, because I converted (resculpted a miniature) a miniature and painted it to look like Teller as showed on the picture beside the photo:

Agamemnon's picture
Joined: 2004-11-17
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

'Duster' wrote:
Anyway as I've promised before, I've uploaded pictures of my new party. These are all members of Andrija & Zhare Mercenary Company.

There might be a comic book in the future of our campaign...


Nice Sketches! Have you rendered any of the places that party is touring?

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

We had two of the tieflings in the old party.
We killed them off, they were sabotaging our work and wanted to wipe out an entire race.

I'll upload more of the pictures from the old campaign when I get my old computer working, in a weeks time. I don't want to scan them all over again.

There are quite a few of landscape pictures from the various outer and prime material planes and Sigil.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

This is really *cool* stuff.... I'm sorry I missed the posts when they were first put up - those are some damn good pics.

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

Here are some portraits, both PC's & NPC's.

The characters:

Brother Michael
- after initiation into priesthood of Toth(egyptian god of science & knowledge)


After a successfully done campaign to save a prime world on their return back to Sigil, they were intercepted by an Ilithid guardian being called Urophion. As Trysas face was ripped off and her brain eaten, Brother Michael opted his temple to bring her back. She was brought back as a Mummy.

Afterwards Trysa was brought back by a Solar the company has freed from his eternal imprisonment in a soul crystal thinga-majig.
And even later she reformed as a pixie. This is her polymorphed version of a hybrid between bariaur & pixie(both are fey--like).
Trysa was a gladiator at the time the this picture is taken.

Infamous flind that brought an end to the reign of the Yeenoghu's proxy Grigo.

He is a bard that later joined our slummy travels. He is prophecied to destroy his world, but we blame him only for bad country music...

Eldan Cartfeyrly
He left our company from time to time to fight in wars on his home plane. One time he didn't return, so we hope he found his happiness...

The NPC's:

Infamous proxy of Yeenoghu, mentioned before. He blinded Teller with a hot iron while he was a whee flind slave kid. These are rutterkin standing beside him.

Grigo after his demise, we still fear his shadow is lurking somewhere.

Three scientists
A planar zoologist, a philosophical sage and a mathematician. They are our only living human looking friends in the whole wide multiworld. The guy in the back is a both a friend & a villain, he's called Schezzar.

Uuloi spy
The Uuloi are a nearly extinct race our party managed to save(more on this later).

Fylron de Brass
This was Trysa's manager during her gladiatorial days. She was a great hit at the time, but no one can stay on the top in showbiz'.

A villain from the start of campaign, he just made a lot of empty threats.

Hellish 64
Some of our friends (former PC's) were abducted by a Maraenoloth while they were escaping a strange mob on Gehenna. They were unable to pay a fare to the ferryman. So this is what we suspect happened to the modron.

Repentant to Ra
This is a leader of repented mummies in Ra's realm on Arcadia.

Beehive Queen
This is from an episode "Attack of the killer bees on Sigil" Smiling .

More pictures in the next post.

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

Fine stuff indeed!

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

These are some of the scenes from the campaign, there are much more of these on the way :shock: .

Great Devourer Shrieks
Once upon a time during the early adventures(fourth adventure I guess) our heroes were hired by the Sensorium to investigate appearings of a strange floating hump that appeared on Outlands Puzzled .
It seems that hump was a floating home of Uuloi, a blind race that comunicated by whistling through a hole on their scalp.
Through a strange whistling rythms of Uuloi the heroes entered a trance and were allowed too see their history.
They were pursued by a Necrophilius through the planes for thousands of years after the death of their god Uulomar.

Pandemonium Bar Room Brawl
The heroes were sent to retrieve ancestral crown of Uuloi Shocked .
After a few wrong turns on pandemonium and some madness, they decided to visit the place later. After being chased by a barmy Babau they reached the city leading out of the damned place. The battle raged and after a lot of luck on the side of mortals, babau was defeated.
Some Rager person wanted to contest our hero of the day and his sword broke for unexplainable reasons(Michael's psionic powers).

Stroll on Elysean Fields
Trysa went to visit her family.

Great Gnoll Threat
Our friend Teller hired us to kill his tormentor Grigo and those rumors reached villain from the beginning of the campaign, Grigo himself.
He sent some cronies to threaten our friend Nallor the original barkeep of the Cinder House(formerly known as Nallor's Inn)

Isatoria and Path to a Secret Gnoll Village
We diceded it was a time to stop the menace and taken some drastic measures.
Grigo went into hiding and there was a person with the information, an ilithid Tyklarr.
The bargain was, we have to swear(he's telephatic) to bring him a sacered shield from some primitive natives from a prime world and he'll give us information and a gatekey as a reward.

Grigo's last Stand
Teller challenges Grigo, but is mortally wounded.
Trysa kills Grigo from her tower hidingplace with her trusting "Arrow of Gnoll Slaying" and manages to kill two rutterkin with one blast of air.

The darkland
Tyklar was scheming to use the sacred shield of Isaatorian sun god in some ritual. He took them through a portal and revealed that the whole Isaatoria is enveloped in darkness.
The ilithid have shut off the sun and made a perfect breeding ground for the flayers of minds.
After a long research they discovered that the ritual must be constantly upheld by a few of flayers.
The party discovered an elemental fortress guarded by air elementals and trysa as an air elemental master managed to suck them in the Staff of elements.
They used the staffs powers to conjure an airship and entered the Ilithid mountain from above, barely avoiding the Squidiee patrol ship.
Redro, the modron mage managed to calculate the entrance through the labirynth and the day was literally saved.
Unfortunately Trysa was lost, or so they thought :shock: .

Passing Time on Planes
After a full year of adventuring, battling with an evil mercant corporation under leadership of arcane Taanie, destroying of armour of Yeenoghu, bringing Trysa back to life from the unlife, they all decided to take a brake.
Teller found a pyromaniac fire genasi who liked to sing by fire, but gnomes didn't liked his art and his burning of their fields so they got rid of him by sending him through a portal.

Attack of the killer Bees
Shezzar our greedy merchant quasi enemy asked us for help to rid his house of some pests.
A colony of big humanoid bees migrated to Sigil's Hive through a portal.
Later through a wierd diplomacy of brother Michael they were relocated to Beastlands.

No One escapes the Dark
We went to Pandemonium this time to finish the mission.
On our travels we stumbled upon a Shadow Weaver.
All of the characters escaped under an effect of dread and were pursued by hypnotized brother Michael.
Teller was left alone to battle the darkness Sad .

Lair of the Shadow Weaver
Teller was victorious, but to what end.
He was left alone in the shrieking wind.

Healing Lights
Trysa finds Teller and closes his wounds with healing balms and other herbal ointments. Zhare follows, trailing his way through darkness with his flaming hair.

The great Hollow of Pandemonium
The party traverses through the first three layers of the plane.

Guardians of the God Tomb
Teller loses one of his feet to a hordling.
Afterward we have to hide from the Guardians, Michael summons sacered monkeys to ward them off.

The Pillars of Belief
We manage to find the final resting place of the god's belief.
On each pillar made from the bones of countless skulls of believers is a mock godskull that leads toward the fourth layer of gods - The God Vault.

The Book of Truth
We find the aincent king of Uuloi and he still lives in the ancient city inside the vault.
Uuloi are ageless beings, but they were supposed to be blind.
Their king had eyes and he betrayed his people for the treasures of the people and they were condamned to blindness and were pursued by a monster for countless milleniums.
After we stole his crown he become violent and we had to finish him off.
There we found the sacered book, which we opened in hope to escape from the vault.
Teller's other leg gets ripped out.

I've rendered some color on this one in Photoshop. There is just one tiny mistake in the left corner of the book.

Rebirth of an Ancient Civilization
The clue was in abandoning the treasure and after we all denyed Uuloi riches the town emerged in the Outlands and the Uuloi folk opened their eyes again.

Set's Slithering Trail of Deception
We return to find our friend Nallor's brain eaten and by none other than our Illithid friend who pledged his new alliance to Baatezu.
We were tipped off by some other enemies and Tellers children got abducted by Followers of Set.
They were taken to Set's realm and we all faced doom.

Belly of Apep
Zhare's mercenaray Andrija perished under blades of Set's guards.
Teller fell to darkness of the Sets Follower himself.
Trysa was skewered on a spear, but was still breathing.
Michael on the other hand was victorious and he finished the evil priest, throwing his carcass into Styx.
Afterwards Trysa and Michael had a serious quarrel in the middle of Hell and didn't listen to a warning of a freed leper and were both reaped by the chariots of death.
They both were of strong will
Laughing out loud and managed to reform on their home planes, but not without side-effects.
Meanwhile the soul of Teller was tormented by evil, but it stayed ever vigilant.

Couple of months later Teller and Andrija were ressurected after the curse was taken off their souls.
A lot of adventures happened in the following years and one of them was taken by Andrija, Zhare and Teller.
Athar heared of rumor that some people claimed to be gods and they were all called Dominion, but missed their godly powers.
They were all astral travelers.
Our heroes were hired by Athar to travel Astral plane, to inspect Dominion's carcass.
In the god's head they were to find bubbles and bring one of them.
Zhare managed to puncture lot of those bubbles with a spell and memories of Dominion swarmed Tellers mind.
He becomes posessed by dead gods memories and escapes his friends.

Meanwhile Trysa was earning some money in Hive's Arena while honing her martial skills.
Unfortunately, her fame was taken away by newer fighting trends and she rejoins her company.

Reclaiming of Friendship
Dominion inside Tellers body influenced Believers of the Source and managed to get most of the faction on his side, with stories of his ascendance and other lies.
He started building houses for the poor and giving everyone hope, but none knew his true plan to dominate the multiverse.
The houses were built from his dead carcass shipped from Astral and he hoareded a whole lot of believers in no time, he wasn't even present in the city, so he couldn't be stopped by the Lady. Everyone awaited for his grand coronation ceremony.
The Faction wars were neigh, but our heroes found a way to isolate Dominion from Teller's body.
The solution was a brain surgeon Pnkt from the plane of crystal(can't remember being's name).
The grand ceremony was stormed by Trysa and she teleported Teller/Dominion to Pnkt's clinic where the apocalyptic battle was joined. Trysa managed to beat hulking Teller in hand to hand combat, but she was spell'd out.
Pnkt managed to isolate Dominions consciousness into a small crystal neuron inside Tellers brain. Laughing out loud .

One of the eternals, Marut came to destroy the ressurecting god and beats Trysa to a bloody pulp. Andrija & Zhare managed to reach the clinic in the last moment and they hold off the unstoppable Marut long enough for Pnkt to finish the operation.
Andrija breaks the floor and sends Marut tumbling down into Undersigil. Teller was better, but the gods whisper remained inside his consciousness forever. Lady of Pain and dozens of Ddabus appear in hive to give Teller an audience. After Tellers testimony she allows Teller to live.

THE END - for now

There are a lot of gaps in this story and I wrote it in a hurry.
We have to finish all of the pictures and write down the entire eight yearwlong campaign.
We started a new one with brand new characters, but we also play old ones from time to time, so the story will continue.
As you can see we had quite a few different seasons, as most of TV series have. :oops:

Good bye for now, I'm rambling too long as it is.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

what sort of media do you use for this? It looks like pencil - any particular hardness or paper? Or sketching technique to build up the figures? You've got a very nice sense of rythm to your later illustrations.

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

AS I've written before, I'm not the artist, I'm just one of his inspirations.
I just drew some of the faces on the oldest pics and I'll paint his inked versions on my computer in the future.

Filip uses regular pencils and tracers on a plain A4 paper, but all these are just sketches.

He'll do it on a comic book board paper when he get's time for it.
All of this is a very old work, from one year ago to eight years in the past.
Except the new characters from my third post, those are new sketches.

He couldn't get into art academy and he finished comic book school and he's a little bit to shy to advertise himself.

Thanks for all the comments.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

ahhh - makes sense. Now get his butt over here so he can read how much we like his stuff! He's really good Smiling

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

Yeah, his work is really good!


Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

I've edited most of my writing mistakes I've found.
My english writing capability is not as good as in croatian.
I just wonder, did anyone read anything I wrote about the campaign??

Filip's art really is great and his drawing ability got finely honed over the years.
He won some of the web art contests I've found for him while browsing various fantasy/SF stuff, but he's still too shy to apply for some job offers for various game art propositions that exist.

I'll show him this thread when he visits my house this weekend(for a session of course Smiling ). I hope that your comments will give him some courage for future projects.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

Clueless wrote:

ahhh - makes sense. Now get his butt over here so he can read how much we like his stuff! He's really good

What can I say, Duster finaly got my butt here (Thank you Duster).

So if you have any questons about me or my art, please feel free to ask Laughing out loud .

P.S. I am sooo happy that you like it. Laughing out loud


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

Okay, after a half year Squaff has finished this picture I've finally posted it here. Yay to my wondrous quickness.
I've scanned it couple of months ago and forgot it, the picture needed cleaning because of the paper and excess sketch lines.

So this is one of the bad guys from adventures of the second mentioned party of travelers(human, dwarf girl, githzerai and Squaff the ghoul).

I give you Warden Drape the cornugon:

I have two more colored pictures from the adventures of the initial party, but they need some photoshopping, so until further notice enjoy the horny Baatezu.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

Artist comment´s:

Ah, "Warden Drape"(nickname comes from his flowing cape),
he is nice person who knows many fun games with whip. Laughing out loud

All jokes aside he is nasty piece of work: he is warden of Blacktop penal colony hidden somewere in Avernus underground. Blacktop is build around enormus obsidian cone that floats on its top in central cave (hence institution name).

Blacktop inmates consists of political prisoners, Baatezu criminals, tresspassers on Avernus, and other berks (and bloods) who Baatezu think they may be usefull to them.

So Blacktop is used as interogation institute (there is plenty kokarachon there), prison (inmates are cramed in small cells big enough to sit or sleep but not big enough to stand or walk), and working camp (Blacktop includes mines and forges where inmates work).

Warden Drape is wery "nice" and usualy likes to "chat" with inmates and his hobbies include: mimir colecting and prisoner branding (his sigil is black or blue triangle that stands on one point), all other fun activities he leaves to his Maug guards (Fiend Folio) and Kokarachon interrogators.

Anyway in near future I will draw map ot Blacktop prison.

P.S. If you have wondering in what tehnique was "Drape" made, here is anwser: water collors, collored ink and black marker.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

aXos's picture
Joined: 2007-02-14
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

Cool stuff!!
There are a bunch that are specially cool. Nicely done ;D

Zgagoth's picture
Joined: 2007-05-15
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

A big thank you to duster for the effort he's put into showcasing our campaign. Laughing out loud

Just joined these boards, seems like you got a nice atmosphere going on here.

Is there an introduction thread thingie around here then? Shocked

The Barmy's picture
Joined: 2007-03-26
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

This artwork is GREAT!! My jaw was dropped for most of the scroll down the page!

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

Thanks, Barmy!!! Smiling

Coming soon: dwarf Andrija "Iceheart", the greedy mercenary guild boss with eternal quest for immortality and more money. Smiling


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Tarion'sCousin's picture
Joined: 2006-10-13
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

Great stuff! I'm really looking forward to seeing the color versions.

Nice modified miniature as well.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

This are all fantastic pictures. I love your style and talent. Please keep it up. Doesn't matter what, but I'd love to see more of whatever planar drawings you feel like putting out.

Did it feel to you like your campaign involved a lot of PC-crippling? Maybe they were just moments that really stood out, but it seems like half the PCs died and were brought back to life through epic quests and Teller the poor gnoll kept being ripped apart and losing extremities.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

Well we started our PS campaign back in 2.e, and in that time fiends and multiverse were much more nastier, and going to lower planes is certanly no picnic.
Secondly: in our campaign we are poor PCs bums without money or magic item´s (only later our financial state improves but lack of magic stays the same).
Third: We never really had healing machine (we had cleric but eventually he left), and you know that in 3.5 cleric´s are bit boring to play, so basically we have to use all of our wits to get out of sticky situations (some of them are even our fault).
As of PC-crippling, each player had most harrowing experience: Pandemonium story arc was harrowing (but I had to admit it was one of the best arcs we had in our long campaign) for whole party, but especially for Teller the gnoll: Darkweaver battle one on one, then hoardling that cost him both legs (those 2.e critical tables from players option are real killers). Also Teller died on Baator in battle with minions of Set (who kidnapped his children, but it is long story), and Set offered him revival if he serves him as an proxy or Appep's belly. Teller chose later. He was saved by his friends who have found and restored "Obelisk of Life Giving Sun". It was place of power that is strongly connected to Ra, so his soul could be freed and revived.
As of Teller I think of him as negative karma drain, and is a living proof of old saying that bad stuff happens to good people: he usually suffers bad stuff that should happen to other players (whole "Dominion saga" is based on one failed save and one foolish move).

Trysa, (bariaur mage) also had some agonizing moments: first she was forced to marry armanite demon, then later her brain was ripped from her skull by ulrothian (superultramegagross), after that she was "revived" as mummy (we have strong connections with Egyptian church), but she was returned to life by solar Oriel as reward for freeing him from his ancient prison.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

'Rhys' wrote:
Did it feel to you like your campaign involved a lot of PC-crippling? Maybe they were just moments that really stood out, but it seems like half the PCs died and were brought back to life through epic quests and Teller the poor gnoll kept being ripped apart and losing extremities.

Yes you may say crippling, Squaff said it the best when he described our party as bums.
Our DM and some players never believe in treasure per level of character, but adventurers never do an honest day of job.
They live through loot and sometimes you have too run for your life and leave the loot.
And there were funny deaths:
"Ya' say that a sprinkle of this dust is a key fer dis' partal(bariaur accent)" Trysa to a gnoll she captured just moments ago.
"Wait no!" just moments after she sprinkled dust of chonking over her head. Hyenas can be so damn annoying with their laughter.

And there were a lot of unlucky on session/adventure characters that just didn't made it.

I even remember two thiefers which turned tail on us, so we ur erm got even.

And Suqaff, you didn't mention that Yeenoghu blinded brother Michael after he succeeded to divine the property or powers of his artifact.
One of the most crippling moments for brother Michael was converting to third edition, because he was a 9th level dualclassed psionic/mage/cleric in all three classes. That's when he became boring.

Only one that seems to dodge every wrong is Zhare(the one who coocked up the whole Dominion farce)


And be wary, there are three new pics to be posted soon in this thread.
As a matter of fact, I'm right on them.
C' ya soon.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

And there were a lot of unlucky on session/adventure characters that just didn't made it.

Here are little more deaths from less important PC:
One mortally wounded mage was pushed over the edge of Acheron cube into planar void, only to be pulled by cube other side gravity moments later. (that was our fault, we was inexperienced at cube crossing in that time.)

Other death was of Anarchist mage who was eaten by Styx shark (talaren), the thing just leaped out of watter and he was gone.

Finnaly, there was lizardfolk barbarian who was turned into minced meat by Brother Michael spell: Sword barrier. (It was not on purpose, but fight against Aboleth was tough and lizard got in the way).
But in words of Brother Michael: "Oh phoey and phsaw, they died, well I could allways resurrect them, but I won´t becaouse I don´t like them."


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Again I'm a few days late,

Again I'm a few days late, but the newt came through (just a figure of speech ^_^). I've got four new colored pictures from the revisit of the old campaign that we started playing almost a half a year ago, but it got pretty long and we did a lot of pauses. Everything went well for Andrija's Mercenary Guild, but for a curse of lycanthropy that befell Marco D'Arthas and Ardamgy one of his most esteemed and useful mercenaries, he keeps in the highest of regards(a dirty lie ). The removing of curse didn't go well as usual and the pesky priests wanted to get payed for business they didn't do. The payment would be a quest to save a certain prime world. Go figure. And although Trysa did start living a life of pacifism she decided not to argue with priests concerning the payment. She decided to investigate, but not because of the payment, rather because that she was worried about a world she and Teller had unfinished business to attend on. There were rumors of Teller sighting by Ra's priests and that was a deciding information that had our heroes going. This is a picture of our favorite heroine(I wish) on a going away libation, or more commonly known as drinking spree night before embarking on a new adventure (it's good to own an inn, free drinks for everyone invited!).

The four friends haven't gathered for adventuring for quite some time and now they are seasoned veterans gotten which ave' gotten too lazy and they have a starting budget for a first time. The helmet on the picture is old Trysa's bariaur helmet that is kept on her night table. We are currently working our way through helping a prime world we left in disarray in one of our previous adventures. I've mentioned it in this thread before, the breeding ground of illithids with a shut off sun and later brother Michael introduced religion of Ra, so the sun shines again. Everything was peachy but the inter planar mess was immense, portals started to ripple and this world caught eye of one of the fire elemental princes who is planning to call forth a massive invasion or something. These are the four half bred ice, stone, storm and magma giant sons of the Fire Lord (I'll type in his name later), who are generals for this invasion: Those four came to conquer the world and to capture a mysterious being the Sculptress living in a murky oozy lake somewhere to the east. Last time(four to three years ago) Teller introduced a new way of life to a handful of gnolls and he returned to see how they were doing in they new forest village. Meanwhile the humans of the prime started to persecute these gnolls because they've always feared their kind, but couldn't recognize a new gnoll nation. After some diplomacy the gnoll witchdoctor and the woodcutters formed an embassy. Gnolls mentioned that their sadistic brethren moved to east to live near lake and that all the other tribes formed a megapolis in the vicinity. While exploring the east the characters finally reached an enormous ooze lake where the before mentioned Sculptress was residing. This brings me to introduce the first picture of Andrija the Dwarf, the Hunger Father: During one of his adventures on icy layer of Stygia on Baator he got hit by one of the enchanted shards of ice (from exploding artifact on some planar ghost ship thingamajig), so he become an ice dwarf, or whatever that species is called. Finally we found a way to traverse the mucky lake and met the Lady of The lake the Baroness of Ooze, whose father was bruttaly murdered by Orcus himself. Here's a picture of the lovely Sculptress: We haven't decided if she's a villain or if she's just deranged enough, but she has a hobby of collecting creatures and sculpting their features from ooze, which become alive at her whim. I should metion that she took a fancy to our party dwarf. Anyway the new gnoll nation(bioggest nation we've stumbled upon on this prime) is feeding off the crabs and fishes of this lake and they are also planing to conquer the world of Isaatoria. The conclusion of adventure is still to come, and more pictures with it. Sorry for the possible sucky english, I tried to edit most of it.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Cinder House Passengers, campaign art [NEW COLORED UPDATES]

Artist comments:

4 Fire Sons:
Here is litle explanation: father of 4 fire gigans generals is great Imix, he mated with warious elemental beings (earth elementals and djinn) and fire gigants. Aldough "brothers" come from different mothers fire is element that binds them so they share same mind and same soul.
The reason they started invasion on prime world is becaouse they want Sculptress power (creation of elemental creatures) but it is wild guess, maybe they just dont like her.

As of Andrija the greedy Ice Dwarf: once he died in Baator, in life he was LE so his soul was harrasd by devils after death. After he was ressurected the decided to change his way of life and become immortal so devils dont bother him anymore. That awful thing in lower right corner is his mud mask wich he used to hide his brand of fire lords but all he manages is to scare rather small children.
Also he presents himself as false doom prophet so natives offer him food to please him, and cult of Hunger Father is born (think of him as evil Santa Claus).

She is one of quickest pictures I drew (one day), and I can tell you more I work with water colors, more I like them. They give pictures that dirty PS look we all like.
As of Sculptress, I think she is Greater Ooze Wierd (elemental oracle), and as Duster said she is daughter of late Ooze Baron. But she is also little insane: after all she has powers of both earth and water, and can give ooze template to living creatures and create ooze copies of creatures she studied (such powers is enough to drive person crazy), and on top of that her father was brutaly murdred (this part DM used from Dead Gods, but we never played it) and she was exiled from Ooze plane by her sisters, that can drive anyone insane.
As I said Fire Sons wants her head (or what passes for head on elemental) but I think they want her powers.

Anyways the outcome of this epic drama is in hands of our heros: Who will die? Who will live? Can they save the world from elemental doom? Will Modrons repair Bike of Primus before is too late? Will Doctor Who save Earth from evil Master?
Stay tunded and find out! Nyar!!! Laughing out loud


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Would it be possible to

Would it be possible to reedit my posts from the old forum.

I'm not allowed to edit any of my posts before post #27( posted at Tue, 06/19/2007 - 22:08 ).


Btw. here's the link for the whole gallery:

Mayhap some pictures are missing, but I can check and rescan old sketches.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Hey, just browsed through

Hey, just browsed through your gallery and I am quite amazed.  I intend to take a better look when I get home and I've got a faster and more stable connection than this crappy work connection. Smiling

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Yah, the art's

Yah, the art's awesome.


You probably get this a lot, but do you take commissions?  :^) 

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
I think he does take

I think he does take requests, but I'm not sure if he ever took a comission. I think he'll be happy about your proposition.

I'll tell Squaff to visit the site(he stopped visiting a few months ago) so you can talk to him about it.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Hello, everyone. After

Hello, everyone. Smiling

After long pause I have decided to go back to my favorite PS site, becaouse Clueless in desperate need of art. Eye-wink

@ Jem: 

As of commisions, like Duster said, I have taken warious requests but never commision. So I haven't decided decided prices jet.

Anyways, you may ask me anything and we'll figure something out. Smiling



One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

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