I wanted to share some of the gratest RPG campaign I ever played from a bunch of endless RPG's, so I've started this thread to share some of the stuff my playing troupe has produced. And I must state that this was the most emotionally compelling campaign on my personal basis and I'm considering compiling it into a web site and even into a comic book. Artists(moi' and Filip Cerovecki):
This is my party(I'm playing the bariauress) from the campaign we've been playing for the last eight or so years. I'll design a colored site about this long time campaign and it's name will be Voyagers of Cinder House Cinderhouse is an inn situated in Sigil, between the Great Bazaar and the Guilds.
This picture was drawn after the second session. In order of appereance: Trysa(Elysean bariaur),32(rogue modron), Michael(prime human) and the wierd vase is an urn from the deceased character.
This picture was drawn after a couple of months or even years of playing(I can't remember clearly). Cartfey(prime elf), Michael, Teller (Abbysal Flind), Trysa, Redro (a new rogue modron, the last one got abducted by yugoloths). The faces above the adventurers are the villans from the campaign.
This picture was taken three to four years ago and it was at the time I came back from the army when we started to switch to third edition D&D. Zhare(a fire genasi, harbringer of doom for prime material world he came from), Redro, Michael(he was initated into Toth's priesthood), Teller, Cartfey and Trysa. As you can see our adventuring party composition changed over the time, there were also other part-time characters who weren't depicted over the long years of roleplaying.
This is the last sketch made in the last year of roleplaying and it was made at the end of our campaign and the sketch isn't even finished. The right topmost and the one in the bottom is Zhare wearing the mask and Zhare without the mask. Leftmost on the upper corner is Teller, under him are outlines of Andrija(prime dwarf, one of the new main characters). In the middle is Trysa who has reformed into a pixy after having lost her physical body to the Chariots of the Dead in Set's realm. This picture was taken somewhere during the time beetween the two above. Michael is now a Michelle and a halfling (the same reason I'm a pixy), the pixi is me, and Zhare is the frowning face at the bottom. Now we are playing with new set of characters who are merc's in Zhare & Andrija's Mercenary Guild.
All of the artwork above was drawn by Filip Cerovecki, my friend playing the Teller character and he allowed me to post it here. Those are mostly sketches but I'll redisign them into colored CG's. There are quite a few sketches of the whole campaign and many more on the way, so that's the reason I'll create a site (and it's a great campaign,thnx Zgaga).
Hope you enjoy it .