Chronomancy classes

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Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

Well, I was thinking... ( Run, dont walk, to the hills! Hide your children!)

Theres arcane magic, theres divine magic, theres psionics...
and yet very little in the way of time manipulation.

So, in order to kick off the new age of chronomancy, I give you a class you can really sink your teeth (beak, fangs, mandibles) into:


Chronomancy, the manipulation of time, is one of the more subtle (and more powerful) arts. While the legendary chronomancers take control of powerful time energies through magic, the less known Timestriders take a different path. Timestriders focus less on the results, and more on the means. By subtle changes in the nature of Psionics, a Timestrider can command the mysterious chronoplasm that permeates every plane (excluding the astral plane) in much the same way that most psions control ectoplasm.

Adventures: Timestriders spend their time adventuring for the same reasons that most do: for riches, glory, and power. However, any Timestrider worth his salt is doing two things at once. Yes, he is performing actions and deeds of great worth, but he is also scouting, and remembering certain locations and tales. Most Timestrider’s plan to, when they amass the power to travel into the past, to the times of old, use the tales and knowledge of the future to find riches of the past.

Characteristics: Timestriders choose to walk the fine line between combat prowess and Chronomantic powers. Sometimes, the time stream effects its user in ways they don’t expect. More then one Timestrider has found that their lives were saved only by items or equipment that they felt oddly compelled to buy.
Some Timestriders get itchy feelings about a place, until they are forced to leave to make it stop, only to have the building collapse from shoddy workmanship or burn down in the night.
As such, many Timestriders find the ideals of the Transcendent Order to be somewhat to their liking. Specifically the Cadence, although most Timestriders think that this is actually tapping into the timestream on an unconscious level.

Alignment: Any. The time stream is indifferent to the ethics and morals of those who it effects. Although, for some reason the selection process for choosing Timestrider apprentices almost always leads to those of neutral alignments. Perhaps this is the time stream insuring its users maintain a form of balance, who knows. Although, it should be noted that those Timestriders that do commit atrocities with their power and attempt to bend the time stream to their whims are quickly ‘removed’ by other Timestriders who can easily sense such imbalances in the time stream.

Religion: There is no overall deity that all Timestriders worship. However, those that do pick either gods of time or travel.

Background: Becoming a Timestrider is a difficult path, one that is not handled lightly. The secrets of manipulating time, on any level, is something to be respected and feared. When a Timestrider feels the time has come, they find an apprentice that they feel has the potential, the power, and the moral character required to become a Timestrider.

Races: While any race that has the ability to become Psionic can become a Timestrider, very few exemplars are chosen, if only because their nature causes them to become a bit of an unbalance. Also, there are almost no Githyanki Timestriders, considering that there is no time on the astral plane.
Other Classes: Timestriders get along well with druids and rangers, who perform similar function, if for different ideals and causes. They like chronomancers, although they have been known to become annoyingly persistent in trying to ‘enlighten’ them to better means of time control. They have no quarrels with any class of fighter, mage, psion, or combination. Although, they are just as annoyed by paladins as anyone else.

Game Rule information:
Abilities: For combat, Timestriders focus mainly on strength for dealing damage, and constitution so they can take it. But for their time powers, they require wisdom above all else.
Alignment: any
Hit die: d8
Class Skills: Autohypnosis (wis), climb (Str), Concentration (con), Craft (int), Gather Information (cha), Hide (dex), Knowledge (Psionics)(int), Listen (wis), Move Silently (dex), Profession (wis), Ride (dex), Search (int), Spot (wis), Swim (Str)
Skill points at first level: (4 + int modifier) x 4
Skill points at each additional Level: 4 + int modifier

Class Features:

Weapons and armor proficiencies: all simple weapons, longswords, battleaxes, scimitars, glaives, and composite longbows.
And all Light armor.
BaB___ Fort_ Ref_ Will___ Special_______________________________
1: 0 +1 +2 +2 Chronoplasmic Weapon
2: 1 +1 +3 +3
3: 2 +2 +3 +3 Align weapon
4: 3 +2 +4 +4 Chronoplasmic Armor
5: 3 +2 +4 +4
6: 4 +3 +5 +5 Chronoplasmic weapon +1
7: 5 +3 +5 +5
8: 6/1 +4 +6 +6 Augury 1/day
9: 6/1 +4 +6 +6 Time sensation
10: 7/2 +4 +7 +7 Temporal Shock
11: 8/3 +5 +7 +7 Timeless body
12: 9/4 +5 +8 +8 Chronoplasmic weapon +2
13: 9/4 +6 +8 +8 Time Collapse
14: 10/5 +6 +9 +9
15: 11/6/1 +6 +9 +9
16: 12/7/2 +7 +10 +10 Augury 2/day
17: 12/7/2 +7 +10 +10
18: 13/8/3 +8 +11 +11 Chronoplasmic weapon +3
19: 14/9/4 +8 +11 +11
20: 15/10/5 +8 +12 +12

Align weapon: as a standard action, a Timestrider can make a chronoplasmic weapon an aligned weapon, as long as the alignment chosen is the same as that of the creator (for example, a Lawful neutral character could only make his weapon lawful aligned, being that he has no other alignments to choose from).

Augury: By probing both the present and the future, the Timestrider gains insight. The effect created is as the spell of the same name, at a rank equal to the Timestrider level. This extraordinary ability may be performed once per day, until level sixteen where it becomes twice per day.

Chronoplasmic Weapon: Timestriders are able to generate a single type of average medium- or large-sized weapon. This weapon can be any non-ranged weapon composed of a single piece (including a bashing shield, but not other types of shields). The object acts in all regards as a regular weapon of it’s type (damage dice, damage type, material strength, etc.), but appears to be made of a rough crystal of some sort. The weapon takes a Full Action to conjure, and stays material for one hour per Timestrider level.
At every 6 levels, the chronoplasmic weapon gains a +1 enhancement, for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Chronoplasmic Armor: at 4th level, the Timestrider can harden chronoplasmic energy around her/himself. The armor appears to be made of quartz crystal, complete with prism-like projections. The chronoplasmic armor provides an AC modifier equal to the Timestrider level (max +8) for a number of minutes equal to their class level. This armor weighs a mere two pounds per AC bonus, and forms on top of any armor already worn; though the character looks disproportionately bulky as a result. The character, however, does not suffer from anything but the weight. The Chronoplasmic armor lasts for one minuet for every Timestrider level, fading away when its time is up.

Temporal Shock: By charging the chronoplasmic weapon with pure time energy, the Time Knight is able to add electrical damage to an attack equal to an additional 1d6 per Timestrider level. Not all charges/levels need to be applied on one attack. A 10th-level Timestrider, for example, could strike with ten 1d6 shock attacks, two 3d6 and two 2d6 attacks, or two 5d6 shock attack.
Charging your weapon is a free action, and provokes no attacks of opportunity. A Timestrider can only summon 1d6 lighting damage per level once per day. For example, a 10th level Timestrider can summon 10d6 lighting damage throughout the day, dividing it up as he likes. However, after dealing that 10d6 damage, no more can be summoned until he rests.
When summoned, the lighting charge lasts until the weapon hits something, or until the weapon dissolves.

Time Collapse: the Chronomantic control of time extends to their spells. This extraordinary ability is treated as the Quicken feat, but without having to sacrifice a power slot of higher level. This ability may be used once per day per four levels.

Time Sensation: this extraordinary ability is the applied sensitivity to the chronoplasmic energy that pervades everything. The Timestrider can sense all corporeal objects within a 30-foot radius. This provides three main bonuses: the Timestrider receives the Blindfight feat, which allows the character to successfully encounter all opponents (within 5’) in the dark with no negative modifier; the character receives a +1 modifier to AC because of his/her acute senses and the ability to react quicker to attacks; and the character also receives a +2 modifier to Initiative rolls because of these sharper senses.

Timeless Body: Your control of the Time stream has reached a point of such control that you have gained the ability to slow your own aging, physically at least. While no feat of chronomancy can stay death's hand, this one can at least make its slow progression on the body. The character will no longer age, or suffer from such effects, but will still die of old age when their time comes.

A Timestrider’s psionic powers are wisdom based.

A Timestrider can choose power from the following list:

1: Precognition-Defensive, Precognition-Offensive, Prescience-Offensive, Burst, Crystal Shard, Déjà vu, Destiny Dissonance, energy ray
2:Recall Agony, Sustenance, Body adjustment, Cloud mind, Concussion Blast, Dissolving weapon, Time web, channel chronoplasm
3:Time Hop, Keen Edge, Crisis of Breath, Danger sense, Dimension slide, Chronoplasmic Cocoon, Energy bolt
4:Accelerate, Decelerate, Energy Ball, Freedom of movement-psionic, inertial barrier, Steadfast perception
5: Timewalk, Time clone, Psionic rust grip, adapt body, Hail of Crystals, Second Chance
6: Suspend Life, Time Storm, Mind blank personal, Precognition Greater,


___________Powers known_____________Max power level______Power points/ day
1 2 1st 1
2 3 1st 3
3 4 1st 5
4 5 2nd 7
5 6 2nd 11
6 7 2nd 15
7 8 3rd 19
8 9 3rd 23
9 10 3rd 27
10 11 4th 35
11 12 4th 43
12 13 4th 51
13 14 5th 59
14 15 5th 67
15 16 5th 79
16 17 6th 91
17 18 6th 103
18 19 6th 115
19 20 6th 127
20 21 6th 139

Level: 4
Display: Silvery goo around the feet of the caster
Manifest: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: The caster
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Save: Nil
Resist: 0
Points: 4
Some psionicists are capable of drastically altering their own metabolisms, doubling their speeds for short periods of time. A character accelerated in this fashion is under an effect similar to the haste spell, plus a few other benefits:

* On his turn, he might take an extra partial action, either before or after his regular action.
* He gains a +4 bonus to his armor class, losing it whenever he would lose a dodge bonus.
* He can jump one and a half times as far as normal. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus.
* He gains the ability to act first on every combat round.
* His movement threshold is effectively doubled (i.e. if the caster has movement 30, when accelerated he could move 60 feet in the same time).

The use of spells and Psionics is not augmented by this power, although it can be used to counter and dispel a slowing effect, such as the haste spell counters and dispels slow.

Level: 4
Display: Silvery goo around the feet of the caster
Manifest: 1 standard action
Range: 40ft
Area: 1 person
Effect: Slows target
Target: 1
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Save: will
Resist: 0
Points: 4
Some psionicists are capable of drastically altering the metabolisms of others, halving their speeds for short periods of time. A character decelerated in this fashion is under an effect similar to the slow spell, plus a few other effects:

* On his turn, he losses a partial action, either before or after his regular action.
* He gains a -4 bonus to his armor class, negating any dodge bonus.
* He can jump half as far as normal.
* He is forced to act last on every combat round.
* His movement threshold is effectively halved (i.e. if the target has movement 30, when decelerated he could move 15 feet in the same time).

The use of spells and Psionics is not weakened by this power, although it can be used to counter and dispel a haste effect, such as the slow spell counters and dispels haste.

Chronoplasmic cocoon- (see ectoplasmic cocoon)

Level 5
Display: Caster fades away
Manifest: 1 standard action
Range: 400ft + 40ft per level
Area: 1 person
Effect: allows travel through a form of ethereal time stop
Target: self
Duration: instantaneous
Power points: 5

The Caster has the extraordinary ability to step out of time and walk through space-time, disappearing from view to all in normal time. Creatures and objects as viewed from outside of space-time appear as ethereal objects and cannot be interacted with in any manner. This ability functions similar to dimension door.

Time Web:
Level: 2
Display: material and visual
Manifest: 1 standard action
Range: 50ft +5ft per level
Area: 20ft radius spread
Effect: target is entangled by strands of sticky time
Target: area
Duration: 10min per level (D)
Power points: 2

By solidifying the criss-crossing strands of chronoplasm in an area, the Timestrider may effectively simulate a web spell. The caster level is equal to the manifester level, lasts as many minutes as manifester levels, and has a hardness/escape DC of 10+ the manifester level.

Time Clone:
Level: 5
Display: creates clones of the caster
Manifest: 1standard action
Range: 20 ft
Area: --
Effect: creates clones of the caster made from chronoplasm
Target: --
Duration: one round per level
Power points: 6
The Timestrider can form 10 HD worth of clones from chronoplasm. The resulting clones look exactly like the Timestrider that formed them, but do not possess any Timestrider abilities, save a chronoplasmic weapon similar to the original’s and chronoplasmic armor that equals the AC of the Timestrider (minus natural armor). These clones are formed one round at a time for each, taking one Full Action per clone to form. The number of hit points possessed by each equals 1d6Xtheir number of HD. They each last a number of rounds equal to their HD totals, and can be composed of as many or as few HD as the Timestrider wishes, with a minimum of 1HD (for ten Clones) and a maximum of 10HD (for one Clone). The Time Clones share the original’s Attack Bonus number and saves, but may only make a single attack per round per their chronoplasmic weapon with no Strength bonuses. This potential army is single-mindedly bent on attack, and can perform no special feats, nor use skills. They are mindless (except for a rudimentary battle prowess), only nod in agreement when given a mental command by the owner, are incapable of speech, and have a rather blank stare. When destroyed, the Time Clone shatters to the ground and the chronoplasmic shards melt away to nothing.

Augment: for every additional three power points, you can add 1 additional hit die.

Channel Chronoplasm:
Level: 2
Display: the users body seeming to be covered in a glass like coating
Manifest: 1 standard action
Range: self
Area: self
Effect: see text
Duration: 1 round per level
Power points: 2
The Timestrider has begun to learn to infuse chronoplasm into his or her nervous system for overall greater efficiency, allowing themselves to generate short-lived bursts of ability. The Manifester can increase any of his/her abilities by 1 point for a number of rounds equal to the Timestrider level. This extraordinary ability also has the side-effect of snapping the character awake for the duration, thus removing any negative effects due to grogginess or muddling spells or effects. The ability is chosen at the time of manifestation, and only one channeling can be in effect at one time.

Augment: for every addition power point, add another two rounds to the duration

Time storm
Level: 6
Display: creates a swirling storm of light
Manifest: 1 standard action
Range: self
Area: a thirty-foot radius
Effect: see text
Duration: 1 round
Power point: 8

By channeling a massive amount of ultra-dense chronoplasm from the surrounding area, a Timestrider can cause the fabric of time to disrupt around him.
All opponents within thirty feet must make a will save, or be subject to the time storms full effects.
If they make the will save, roll a 1d3.
If they fail, roll a 1d10 to determine the effects.

1: Targets body speeds up, healing 1d6 hp through regeneration. However, they age rapidly, suffer excruciating pain, and suffer a minus two on all rolls for the next round.
2: subject rejuvenates 1d10 years and is dazed for a number of rounds equal to years regained.
3: target is effected by slow
4: Target ages 3d6 years, is sickened for 1d8 rounds.
5: A random burst of energy (4d6 lightning damage)
6: Target is encased in chronoplasm, immobilized for 1d10 rounds
7: Target is effected by haste for 1d3 rounds, but becomes fatigued for 1d6 rounds afterward
8: target dissapers for 1d4 rounds, returning at the end of the duration. And must make and additional will save or be confused for one round.
9: target ages 1d10 x 100 years. Items are unaffected
10: target is sucked into the time stream, hurled into the temporal energy plane, and dies instantly from the ravages of accelerated entropy.

Augment: By adding 3 power points, you can add 1 to whatever you roll, but can go no higher then a ten. This power can only be augmented once for every person effected, with one augmentation per person.

Psionic rusting grasp:
Level 5
Display: rusts iron metal
Manifest: 1 standard action
Range: touch
Area: --
Effect: Rusts all non-magical iron in a 3-foot area around the touch point
Target: 1
Duration: see rusting grasp
Save: none
Resist: none
Power points: 6

Same as the spell of the same name.


I would like to say, that yes the accelerate is from PW, and the decellerate is a reversal inspired by it.

And if any of you noticed, the chronoplasmic abilities are based off of a collection of prestige classes someone posted on the web, but that was a year or so ago, so I don't know where exactly.

Have fun with the time stream!

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Chronomancy classes

Well, it definatly looks like you put work into this.
Have you tryed playing it yet? Thats usually the best way to work out if its too powerful or whatnot.

and you mention being able to go to the past at high levels? And yet there is no mention of past effecting spells, only ones that effect the future...

is this because you don't like the idea of the DM having to remember where everyone was three rounds ago whenever you jump backwards? Or is it an epic timetravel thing?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

Well, I have though of a couple past effecting spells, but yea, their epic level. because if you mess them up you can make things very, very bad for everyone involved.

Although ( im short on time at the moment) I might post them later. I don't think they're balanced enough for below epic, but some of you might disagree

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Chronomancy classes

Well, I was thinking... ( Run, dont walk, to the hills! Hide your children!)

Great intro. I'll read through the rest and comment later.

BTW, there's some Planescape-related chronomancy to be found here:

(planar mechanics, spells, and converted creatures from the Temporal Energy Plane; by Seraph of Babel)

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

No time travel in Sigil? *smacks head*

wait, is it the big things, like traveling to the past that she wont permit?
Or does she stop minor spells like time hop?

and additionally...
Would all time power be cut off? Or just the ones involving travel?
and would Chronoplasm still work?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

So yea, I've been trying to write up a new class, the Chronoplasmic Tinkerer. Less focus on things like temporal acceleration and time travel, and more focus on the crafting and manipulation of chronoplasm.

But, beyond the previously mentioned abilities of creating temporary chronoplasmic weapons and armor, and the new ability to create temporary chronoplasmic equipment (things like portable rams and caltrops, maybe 10 foot poles. But if would have to be steady, solid objects. So, for example, you could make a grappling hook, but not a rope. You'd have to wait untill you were able to make a crhonoplasmic chain too) I havn't had much luck.
Besides stealing the shapers psionic powers and replacing ectoplasm with chronoplasm, are there any suggestions?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

I wonder if you can use chronoplasm to repair or heal. You know, by making temporary parts.
If the blade breaks off of a sword, make a new blade ( or a new handle, if the blade is adamantine)

Or make a chronoplasmic layer of skin, to stop bleeding.
Chronoplasmic organs are out, but you might be able to make a chronoplasmic arm. for a little while.

Or what about the ability to make some chronoplasmic items last longer, maybe even be permenant.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Chronomancy classes

do you think I should submit the Chrono Shifter?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

yes, yes i do. And hurry please. Im all alone is this big forum and its spooky here at night....

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Chronomancy classes

lol, alright, I just have to make a few touch ups and I'll post it soon (it's too weak, I have to add a couple things before I do)

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Chronomancy classes

AH! I killed it, I'm sorry Fid, IM SO SORRY WAHHHH!!!

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

This is one of the past effecting spells I came up with. yea, I though it was a bit risky too...

Past flash:
Display: a transperant copy of the caster.
Manifest: 1 standard action
Range: Self
Area: --
Effect:Summons self from the future to help.
Target: self
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round every 2 levels
Save: none
Resist: none
Power points:

Using this power causes you to reach across time for a few moments, bringing your future self back to fight along side you.
When your copy shows up, it has all the same stats as you.
All Damage taken by the origanal effects the copy as well. However, you must make sure neither of you dies. Should the original die, then both disappear immediatly. If the copy dies, it disappears.

After this effect ends, have the DM roll a 2d4 ( keep the result a secret). That number of rounds later, the manifester suddenly fades away and disappears. When it returns next round, it has sustained all the damage and effects dealt to the copy during its existance. Note: damage recieved due to damage to the original during that time is not added on.
If the copy died during the summoning, when themanifester returns it is dead, killed in the same way.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

Chronoplasmic Tinkerer

Chronoplasm, the very substance of time itself, is everywhere. Well, everywhere that is effected by time. Which basically means everywhere except the Astral and a handful of other places.
The point is, it’s almost everywhere. It just takes a lot of training to see that it’s there. And even more to interact with it. That’s where the Chronoplasmic Tinkerer comes in.
A Chronoplasmic Tinkerer is best used as a support character, due to their ability to form items from Chronoplasm. They can form weapons, armor, and even equipment. But all suck items eventually melt and fade away, being reabsorbed into the timestream.

Hit die: d6
Requirements: To become a Chronoplasmic Tinkerer, a person must fulfill the following criteria.
Base attack Bonus: +3
Skills: 4 ranks in Psicraft.
Special: Must know at least one metacreativity power

Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge Psionics (Int), Open lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Psicraft (Int), Use Psionic Device (Cha)

Skill Points: 2+Intelligence Modifier

Class Features:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Chronoplasmic Tinkerer, while focused on learning the secrets of the substance of time, do not forget that the planes are a dangerous place. Chronoplasmic Tinkerer's are proficient with all simple weapons, the rapier, battleaxe, warhammer, and Halberd.
They are also proficient with all light armor.

Level/Bab/Fort/Ref/Will/Special/Powers known
1 0/2/0/2/Chronoplasmic weapon, Chronoplasmic armor +1/+1 level of manifesting class
2 1/3/0/3/Advanced Chronoplasm +2, Chronoplasmic armor +2
3 2/3/1/3/Chronoplasmic equipment, Chronoplasmic armor +3/+1 level of manifesting class
4 3/4/1/4/Chronoplasmic Lockpick, Chronoplasmic armor +4
5 3/4/1/4/Chronoplasmic Infusion, Chronoplasmic armor +5/+1 level of manifesting class
6 4/5/2/5/Advanced Chronoplasm +3, Chronoplasmic armor +6
7 5/5/2/5/Greater Chronoplasmic Equipment, Chronoplasmic armor +7/+1 level of manifesting class
8 6/1 /6/2/6/Chronoplasmic Regeneration, Chronoplasmic armor +8
9 6/1 6/3/6/Advanced Chronoplasm +4, Chronoplasmic armor +9/+1 level of manifesting class
10 7/2 7/3/7/Temporal Rift, Chronoplasmic armor +10/+1 level of manifesting class

Chronoplasmic Weapon: Chronoplasmic Tinkerer’s are able to generate any weapon that they are proficient in. This weapon can be any non-ranged weapon composed of a single piece (including a bashing shield, but not other types of shields). The object acts in all regards as a regular weapon of it’s type (damage dice, damage type, material strength, etc.), but appears to be made of a rough crystal of some sort. The weapon takes a Full Action to conjure, and stays material for one hour per class level.

Chronoplasmic Armor: at 1st level, the Chronoplasmic Tinkerer can harden chronoplasmic energy around her/himself a number of times per day equal to half Chronoplasmic Tinkerer level (minimum of 1). The armor appears to be made of quartz crystal, complete with prism-like projections. The chronoplasmic armor provides an AC modifier equal to the Chronoplasmic Tinkerer level (max +10 AC). This armor weighs a mere two pounds per AC bonus, and forms on top of any armor already worn; though the character looks disproportionately bulky as a result. The character, however, does not suffer from anything but the weight. The chronoplasmic armor lasts for one minuet for every Chronoplasmic Tinkerer level, fading away when its time is up. This ability stack with any existing form of armor, Chronoplasmic or otherwise.

Advanced Chronoplasm: A Chronoplasmic Tinkerer can learn to craft his weapons with magical (or psionic) enhancements. However, at least one enhancement must be a normal +1 enhancement.
The possible enhancements are:
+1: Lucky, Sundering, Psychokenetic, merciful, keen, ghost touch,
+2: Anarchic, Axiomatic, Holy, Unholy, Psychokenetic Burst
+3: Speed
To change the enhancements on a weapon, a new chronoplasmic weapon must be summoned.

Chronoplasmic Equipment: At third level, a Chronoplasmic Tinkerer can create any solid piece of equipment that has no moving parts, or parts that bend. So, while they can create a grappling hook, they can no create their own rope. And while they can create what looks like a magic item, the item will not have any magical properties. All chronoplasmic items have hp 30 and hardness 8 for every inch of thickness.
Such equipment always seems to be made of a rough crystal, but has the same properties of the item they resemble, including weight. However, a Chronoplasmic Tinkerer can only create items weighing 10 pounds or less. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to Chronoplasmic Tinkerer level. Any created equipment lasts a number of rounder equal to class level times 2.

Chronoplasmic Lockpick: At 4th level, a Chronoplasmic Tinkerer can create a wad of chronoplasm that can shift to take the shape of any key. This gives them a +12 to all open lock checks.

Chronoplasmic Infusion: This extraordinary ability infuses the Chronoplasmic Tinkerer’s body with chronoplasm, giving them sensitivity to the timestream. The Chronoplasmic Tinkerer can sense all corporeal objects within a 30-foot radius. This provides three main bonuses: the Chronoplasmic Tinkerer receives the Blindfight feat, which allows the character to successfully encounter all opponents (within 5’) in the dark with no negative modifier; the character receives a +1 modifier to AC because of his/her acute senses and the ability to react quicker to attacks; and the character also receives a +2 modifier to Initiative rolls because of these sharper senses.

Chronoplasmic Equipment, Greater: Now, a Chronoplasmic Tinkerer can create equipment of a wider variety. Not only can they now create equipment of 20 pounds or less, but such equipment lasts for a number of minuets equal to twice the class level. Also, such equipment can now be made of a tough, rubbery substance rather than crystal. As such, now any piece of mundane equipment can be made. While the hp per inch for these items is the same, the hardness is now 15.

Chronoplasmic Regeneration: The chronoplasmic Tinkerer has mastered the use of chronoplasm infused with flesh. They now have fast healing of 1/4th, and any severed limb (save the head) is instantly replace by an identical chronoplasmic limb. This limb lasts until for 1d6 months, during which time the chronoplasm is slowly replaced by flesh. This process can be accelerated through the use of healing magic.

Temporal Rift: The Chronoplasmic Tinkerer can now craft a small, glowing chronoplasmic gem the size of a fist. Inside this gem is a small rift to the temporal energy plane. This portable rift creates a bubble of time extending 30 feet from it, which has several effects.
1:Now, any form of time manipulation can be carried out within the area of effect, including (but not limited to) the use of chronoplasm. This effect allows the use of such powers on the astral, or any other timeless plane. However, timeless environments still suppress aging, natural healing, and the like.
2: The duration of chronoplasm within the field is doubled.
3: If the gem is every broken, every creature within the 300 foot radius must make a will save, or be effected by the Time Storm power.
This gem, unlike other chronoplasm, will never fade away.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

So... Off on the next (and unless someone suddenly takes interest, final) project. I need to make the term 'Chronomacer' legit.

To do that, I need to create the magic school of chronomancy.
New time spells, of any level, would be greatly appreciated. Note: this time when I say spells, I actually mean magic. While time psionics are awsome, I would like to leave an alternative for someone who doesn't own the psionics handbook. Or for none psionic campaigns. And I would rather not end up relableing the effects of psionic powers and calling that a spell. And (wow, im needy) spells that are less chronoplasm focused would be prefered.

Any suggestions? Anyone?

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Chronomancy classes

There are some really good psionic things. You could just make them psi-like abilities or spell-like abilities and detail them in full for those who don't have the XPH (it's all legit to republish powers, since they're OGL).

I just had a really potentially cool idea: since you've got the combatish chrono-character, the tinkering chrono-character, you don't really have the original time-mage character. And you've sort of got it done for you: the fatespinner class from Tome and Blood or Complete Arcane- a mage who can reroll checks and manipulate events. Just alter the name of the class and abilities, and it works.

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Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

Thats why I asked for spells that are less focused on chronoplasm. Because if you think about it, chronomancer really is just a fancy name for time mage. I was kinda hoping to have abilitys like that as spells, rather than as the class abilitities of a whole new class.

As for posting the timestrider power list in depth, I could. Must of the powers I wrote down are created somewhat differantly by the timestrider, but have the same effect as existing powers, so I wrote down those for the sake of simplicity.

Thanks rhys, and by the way, Tenshi? why havent you posted the chrono shifter yet? You have to have it done by now, heck, you made a chronoshifter
character months ago. Or if you dont have time, give me the stats and ill post it for you.

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Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

So yea, couple of time based spells here, but except for the last one, I cant figure out what spell level to put these at. Any guesses?

Stasis Touch
School: Chronomancy
Spell level: Sor/wiz 5
Components: VS
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 5 feet per level
Area of effect: A single 5x5 area or a single small-, medium- or large-sized individual
Duration: 1 hour per level
Saving throw: Will negates
SR: yes

The caster’s touch causes the target to become encased in a crystalline cocoon of chronoplasmic energy. If alive, the subject’s vital signs are suspended (i.e., frozen in time), is unable to talk or react in any fashion, is unaware of anything occurring outside or inside the cocoon, loses no further hit points (if in the process of dying), and registers no brain activity. The cocoon is a hardness 30, and a number of hit points equal to half the caster’s. Anyone looking into the cocoon can see colors and a vague shape, but is unable to exactly determine the contents. In addition, the cocoon weighs a mere 20 lbs total, despite the contents of the cocoon. It is large and bulky, though, and requires two people to carry or one person using both arms and succeeding at a Balance skill check of 15 per hour. Living creatures can resist the stasis on a Will save. On expiration, the cocoon crackles, shatters harmlessly, and the shards melt away to nothing. Any living creature inside continues to act in the manner they did when they were put in stasis (talking, fighting, walking, etc). This spell can be cancelled in duration by the caster at any time, and can be used on a voluntary subject (who foregoes the save). This last point also applies to the caster her/himself, and may be performed on themselves even if in a fragile condition or situation (i.e., in the process of dying, fainting, or falling). However, if the caster uses this spell on themselves, then it will last the full duration, unless the cocoon is destroyed.

Temporal Removal

School: Chronomancy
Spell Level: sor/wiz 8
Components: VSM
Casting Time: full round
Range: self
Area of Effect: 30 foot radius + 5 feet every 2 levels
Duration : 2 hours per caster level
Saving Throw:
SR: no

This spell creates a separate time stream within the current plane. This minor dimension radiates outward from the caster. The area of effect is essentially frozen in time, and those viewing the area of effect from the outside see only a brief flash of light, no matter how long the affected creatures remained inside. Any material or people covered by the area of effect are taken into the minor dimension. All creatures within the area, even those hostile to the caster, continue to act and move normally.
Time seems to pass normally, and clocks inside continue to pass time according to time registered inside. The environment inside the area of effect continues to function normally and air continues to circulate, though a portion of a fresh river inside the minor dimension would cease to flow (but still be drinkable) and rain from outside would cease to fall. Water and perishable goods left standing in this manner would begin to stagnate and spoil in a normal time-frame. Those inside the minor dimension are unable to see outside the area of effect – a shimmering opaque wall of force prevents outside viewing. This wall is not breakable to anyone on the inside or outside, since the wall forms the barrier between two dimensions of time.
Spells cast that affect anything outside the area of effect (including astral projection, divination/sensing spells directed outside the area of effect, and spells with areas of effect that overlap outside the minor dimension, etc.) may be cast, but nothing happens and the spell is lost from memory. Rest may occur within the minor dimension, but new spells may not prayed-for, since divine sources are located outside the area of effect. However, arcane spells can be memorized, and power points are regained normally. Magic items located inside the area of effect continue to function – though their abilities may not, if the area of effect is located outside the minor dimension.
This spell is useful for resting in hostile territory, buying time to plan for a sudden change in events, or dividing an enemy force so it can be easily destroyed.

Time Ripple
School: chronomancy
Spell level: Sor/wiz 0
Components: v
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 25 ft +5ft per level
Area of effect: twenty foot radius
Duration: 1 round per level
Saving throw: Reflex partial
SR: no

By focusing a small amount of arcane energy into the surrounding chronoplasm, the caster can temporarily destabilize the time stream. All creatures caught within the area of effect become slightly slower, and take a –1 penalty to attack rolls. Also, they must make a reflex save or become flatfooted for the duration of the spell.

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Chronomancy classes

Time Compression
School: Chronomancy
Spell level: Sor/wiz 4
Components: VS
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: self
Area of effect:
Duration: 1 round per level
Saving throw: none
SR: no

This spell creates a shell of slowed time around the caster, however, this spell is cancled as soon as the caster moves 5ft in any direction.
Firstly, any and all projectiles, be them arrows, bolts, or projectiles of magical nature (fireballs, magic missiles, even rays) are slowed to a stop a few feet from the caster. However, these resume along their original path once the field fails or is canceled. But the caster now has a + 4 AC (dodge bonus) and a +4 to his reflex saves ( should such a save be needed) when they all resume.
Any effect that does not need to pass through the area of effect (such as daze, insanity, or sleep) still effects the caster.
Melee attacks against the caster during this time have a –1 to their attack roll, and have a 20% miss chance. If the attack hits, but fails the miss chance, then it is caught by the time field. If this happens, than the attack must make a strength check (DC= 10 + caster level + intelligence mod) to pull it free. Until it is pulled free or the effect fails, the weapon will stay in place, even if released. In the event that said weapon is a natural weapon, the creature is considered flat footed, and cannot move, but gains a +2 circumstance bonus to their strength check.
Dispel Magic cast on the area of effect will dispel the field, and any spells trapped within it, at the same time. Any spells that deal with time ( including those cast by the caster, can bypass this shell without effect.

Metabolic Acceleration
School: Chronomancy
Spell level: Sor/wiz 4
Components: VS
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: touch
Area of effect: 1 creature/ every 3 levels
Duration: 1 round per level
Saving throw: Will negates
SR: yes

The caster, or any creature that the caster touchs, is sped up in the time stream. They gain a + 2 to their initative, + 1 to hit, +1 to AC, + 5 to their speed, and gain fast healing 2.

However, any poison or curse works twice as fast, and the duration of any other spells is halved.

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Chronomancy classes

Time Scry
School: Chronomancy
Spell level: Sor/wiz (?)
Components: VS
Casting time: 10 min
Range: self (see text)
Area of effect: 5ft radius per level
Duration: 1 min per level
Saving throw: none
SR: yes

The caster summons a floating orb of clear chronoplasm which can be used to see and hear a limited amount into either the future ro the past, this must have been decided before the casting.
The caster can see 10 min into the past (or future) per level, but the location which can be view is only a certain distance from the caster. (10ft radius per level)
If a creature's spell resistance wins, then in the veiwing, it appears as a heavly blurred and distorted spot, and their speech is garbled.
This spell may be used to determine the criminal at a recent murder, discover who is about to enter the door, or determine if someone was in the room since you left.
However, when scrying the future, if you decide to act upon the newly gained information, what you saw in the crystal may be changed. By taking a differant action, you destroy the event that would have taken place. So if you later scryed the past, you could not access that event, becuase it never happened. However, it would be possibile to scry yourself scrying the event.

Future Spell

School: Chronomancy
Spell level: Sor/wiz (?)
Components: VSM
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: see text
Area of effect: see text
Duration: see text
Saving throw: none
SR: yes

This spell is special, in that when you decide to cast it, its effect happened before you actually cast it.
This spell will not have any effect untill the caster has made the choice to cast it at some point in the future.
Using this spell created a temporary portal through time, far to unstable to support any form of life, by stable enough to send through a single spell.
the portal, and the spell to be sent through, are considered to be cast in the same round, but take up two individual spell levels accordingly. The caster must cast this spell, and use both spell slots, at the soonest possible time. Either just after the battle has ended, or as soon as the caster has rested and prepared his spells for the day, should the spell slot needed not be open at this time.
Note: the caster must be able to cast Future Spell and the spell that goes through without having to rest in between. (aka: if he can cast future spell, but has used up his one spell of that level for the day, he can not cast a spell of the same level through the portal). This must be taken into account before the effect takes place.
Note: The DM has the authoritiy to block the use of this spell, should his plans for the campaign make the casting of this spell at a future point no garunteed, or if the caster is likely to die before they can cast it later.
If the caster does manage to die before casting, the battle (or game) must be rewound to the time that the effect took place (in which case, the caster still has to die to prevent the casting of the spell), and played as if the effect never happened. Or a suitible excuse come up with.(such as finding out that the fireball that distracted the orc cleric was actually cast by a secret NPC who has been tracking you since the beastlands: make somthing up. You can always tye up ends like that by having him die very soon.)

Not so sure about the future spell idea, too powerful? Too dangerous?
Too much of a pain in the ars for the DM?

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Chronomancy classes

Time Glitch
Spell level: Sor/wiz 2
Components: VS
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: self
Duration:see text
Saving throw: none
SR: no

The caster gains the ability to reroll any failed save or attack roll, but only once per casting. This spell remains in effect until the charge is used or the caster rests.
If caught within the area of a dispel magic spell, the charge is wasted.

Time Glitch, greater
Spell level: Sor/wiz 4
Components: VS
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: self
Duration:see text
Saving throw: no
SR: yes

The caster gains the ability to reroll any failed roll whatsoever, or can force an enemy to reroll a successful attack or save., But still only once per casting. This spell remains in effect until the charge is used or the caster rests.
If caught within the area of a dispel magic spell, the charge is wasted.

By the way, is there a legit system for determining spell level? Or is it all guesswork?

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Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

Well, might as well get on to the type of spells that make a timestrider feared...

Ray of Rapid Aging
Spell level: sor/wiz 7
Components: VS
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 25ft+5ft per level
Saving throw: fort
SR: yes

The caster shoots forth a blurry line from his fingertips, causing the target to age rapidly. On a failed save, the target ages to death, and then crumbles away as their decomposation continues at the same rate. Any creature killed in this way can not be ressurected in any way shape or form, because they technically died of old age.
On a successful save, the creature only ages one age catagory up (to middle aged, venerable, ect) and they gain minuses accordingly. If they are already old, this may kill them as if they had failed the saveing throw.
However, the time stream will repair itself, and within 2d6 week they will have returned to their original state.
Exemplars and other immortal creatures are naturally immune to this spell.

Chronoplasmic Bomb
Spell level: Sor/wiz 3
casting time:1 standard action
range:30 ft +10 ft per level
Area of effect: 20 foot radius from target
Save: reflex partial

The caster summons a ball of chronoplasm, which he then propells at the target area. There, it explodes for 2d10 force damage +1d6 force damage per 2 caster levels. (2d10+8d6 max).
The targets must also make a reflex save or be flat footed.

Chronoplasm Cannon

Spell level: sor/wiz 5
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 80ft+10ft per level
Duration: instant
Area of effect: 1 creature
Save: reflex partial

The caster summons a dense ball of chronoplasm and hurls it at the enemy with tremendous force, hitting on a successful ranged touch attack. The ball deals 1d6 crushing damage per level, and caused the target to be thrown back 5ft per 10 points of damage done in total. A reflex save halves the distance thown, however any creature currently flying, levitating, or otherwise floating in mid air suffers a -2 circumstance penalty to their saving throw.

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Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

C'mon, does anyone out theri have any ideas or comments at all?
They don't even have to be fully written spells or anything. Just ideas. Id much rather have a surplus of chronomancy spells to choose from then have to use spells because otherwise I wouldnt have enough.

Here's my quota for spells per spells level:

Level 0: 1-2 spells
Level 1: 3-5 spells
Level 2: 4-6 spells
Level 3: 3-5 spells
Level 4: 5-6 spells
Level 5: 4-5 spells
Level 6: 4-5 spells
Level 7: 4-6 spells
Level 8: 4-5 spells
Level 9: 2-3 spells

I really wouldn't feel comfortable submiting chronomany untill we are somewhere around this ballpark.
And if i dont get feed back on spell levl, Ill have to try and guess it, and I can't guraentee much accuracy there.

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Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

Well, never going to use it for the timestrider anyway...

Past Flash
Level 8
casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Self
Area: --
Target: self
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round every 2 levels
Save: none
Resist: none
SR: no

Using this spell causes you to reach across time for a few moments, bringing your future self back to fight along side you.
When your copy shows up, it has all the same stats as you.
All damage taken by the origanal effects the copy as well. ( keep track of how much damage the copy takes on account of the original being hit write that down) However, you must make sure neither of you dies. Should the original die, then both disappear immediatly. If the copy dies, it disappears.

After this effect ends, have the DM roll a 2d4 ( keep the result a secret). That number of rounds later, the caster suddenly fades away and disappears. When it returns next round, it has sustained all the damage and effects dealt to the copy during its existance. Note: damage recieved due to damage to the original during that time is not added on.
If the copy died during the summoning, when the caster returns it is dead, killed in the same way.

Chronoplasmic shell
Spell level: Sor/wiz 1
Components: VSM
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: touch
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving throw: none
SR: no

The caster surrounds any weapon he can touch with a tine sheet of chronoplasm. This does not effect the weapons efficiency in any way.
If the weapon next hits a target within the duration of the spell, small spikes of chronoplasm instantly grow from the weapon and embed themselves in the struck creature for 1d4/level points of piercing damage (max: +8d4).
After dealing the damage, all chronoplasm involved (spikes and sheet) vanish.

Wall of chronoplasm
Level: Sor/wiz 4
Components: VS
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 100+10ft per level
Area of effect: anchored plane of chronoplasm, up to 1 10 ft square per level, or hemisphere, with a radius of 5 ft per level
Duration: 1 minute per level
Saves: reflex negates, see text

This spell created a wall of chronoplasm, or hemisphere of chronoplasm, depending on the version selected. The wall cannot for in an area already occupied by creatures or objects. Any creature adjacent to the wall may make a reflex save to disrupt its creation. If successful, the wall fails.
The wall is a 10 ft square per level. So a 10th level wizard can make a wall 100 ft long and 10ft high, 50 ft long and 20 ft high, or some other combination that does not exceed 1000 ft.
The wall can be formed at any angle so long at it is anchored. A vertical wall need only be anchored to the floor, while a slanting or horizontal wall must be supported on two opposite sides.
Each 10ft square of wall has 3 hp, and a hardness of 5. Anyone who attacks it automatically hits. Any section reduced to 0 is breached. However, passing through the breach is passing through an area of broken time, and such creatures must make a will save, or be effected by slow.
A hemisphere has a radius of 5 ft per level, and has the same HP and hardness as the wall. But passing through the breach threatens no slow effect.

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Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

Well, it came to me that I might not be the first to attempt this. It turns out a handfull of differant groups have made chronomancers, but made them as completly seperate classes. While much of it was recycled spells (and more versions of the haste spell then I like to think about), some of the more promising ones I decided to convert.

Time Reversal

Level: sor/wiz 7
Components: VS, XP
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 10 feet
Target: 1 creature or object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

Everything that has happened to the target within the minute immediately prior to the casting of the spell is immediately reversed. This spell is powerful enough to reverse even death. If a target is saved from death by this spell, they do not suffer a level or constitution loss. The target also has no recollection of the ‘missing’ minute.
If used on an item, any damage dealt to it, even if the item is destroyed or its magic dispelled is reversed. This spell even works on destroyed artifacts, should it have been destroyed in the allotted time.
XP Cost: 200 XP

Time Travel
Level: sor/wiz 9
Components: VS, XP
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal and touch
Target: Caster and touched objects or other touched willing creatures weighing up to 100 lb/level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None and Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: No and Yes (object)
This spell instantly transports the character to a designated time. The character can bring along objects and willing creatures totaling up to 100 pounds per caster level. Only objects held or in use (attended) by another person, and other people, receive saving throws and SR if they are unwilling participants.

The character must have some clear idea of the temporal destination, but they need not specify a place. If they do not specify a location, the spell will move them as little as possible from their current location to put them in an immediately survivable locale. Areas of strong temporal or magical energies may make time travel more hazardous or even impossible.

Note: Time travel is instantaneous travel through Temporal Energy Plane. Anything that blocks planar travel also blocks time travel.

To see how well the time travel works, roll d% and consult the time travel table.

Specifications On Target Off Target Similar Time Mishap
Specified exact time: 01–97 98–99 100 –
Specified time conditions: 01–76 77–88 89–98 99–100
Specified event 01–52 53–76 77–96 97–100
No specific details or unstable (d20+80) – – 81–92 93–100

Refer to the following information for definitions of the terms on the table.

Specifications: “Exact time” means that the character states exactly using a temporal reference he understands, the precise destination. “Time conditions” means that the character states conditions for the general age that they wish to appear in, but do not specify exact time. For example, “just before the dawn of the Illithid Empire” is a condition. “Event” refers to a specific event, person or place that the caster wishes to travel to, but does not supply an exact date for. “No details” means the caster blindly travels into the past, and “unstable” means that the caster is trying to travel to an area of overwhelming cosmic importance, of extremely high paradox value, or that is blocked from temporal travel.

On Target: The caster arrives in the time they desired. If they did not specify an exact time, they arrive in a normal time for the event (or conditions) when the event (or condition) was not undergoing dramatic change.

Off Target: The caster appears in a close era to the one desired. If they specified an exact time, they appear 1d10% away (the percentage is compared to the total time traveled). If they sought an event or conditions, they arrive this amount of time either after or before the event or conditions existed. There is an equal chance of arriving before or after the desired time.

Similar Time: The caster winds up in a time that’s visually or thematically similar to the target time. They could be any time in the continuum.

Mishap: The caster and anyone else traveling with them have gotten “scrambled.” the travelers may separate (10% chance per person that they separate from the caster and arrive in a different time). Anyone on the journey must make a Will save (Vs the DC of the Time Travel spell) or change age category by one value (equal chance of gain or loss, roll 1d2 to determine). Changes are physical only. Character advancing beyond venerable are slain, and lost on Temporal Energy Plane (unless they are immune to aging). Reroll the destination, using d20+80.
Note: the DM may say that Time travel to a particular era is blocked due to the Temporal energy plane being out of alignment.
XP cost : 400

Detect Time Use
Level: sor/wiz 0
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60’
Area: Quarter circle emanating from caster
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You can sense any temporal anomalies in the area of effect. Temporal anomalies include creatures or objects that have time traveled (either through a portal, via a spell or power, or by traveling Temporal Prime), spell or powers that affect the flow of time (including time hop, accelerate, etc.), and creatures or objects that are associated with a past event that caused history to change. Each round of concentration reveals different information, as detailed below.
Round 1: Presence or absence of temporal anomalies.
Round 2: Number of different anomalies and the intensity of the strongest.
Round 3: The intensity and location of each anomaly.

The power fails if cast in an area with no time, such as Temporal Prime, or the astral plane.
Intensity: An anomaly’s intensity depends on the amount of disruption it is likely to cause the continuum by its presence.

Event : Dim
Power: Small change, no change to continuity
Spell/ power: 0-4

Event: Faint
Power: Change to continuity that could affect future in some small way

Event: Moderate
Power: Change that may destroy large parts of future
Event: Strong
Power: Paradox; temporal event that is self-destroying
Spell/power: Time Travel

Event: Overwhelming
Power: Entire city moved through time, threat to Temporal energy plane, Person moving to period of tremendous cosmic importance (dawn or end of time)

If an anomaly falls into more than one category, the spell indicates the stronger of the two.

Spell level: sor/ wiz 3
Components: VS
Casting time: 1 move action
Range: self
Duration: instant
Saving throw: none
SR: no

The caster gets to choose any placement in the turn order as long as it is within 2 places of where they would have gone with their original initiative.
EX: with an initiative roll of 12, you go 6th. With this spell, you now move yourself in turn order to 4th, or 8th. You can not gain an extra turn that round by choosing a turn after you.

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Chronomancy classes

Temporal Shielding
Level: sor/wiz 6
Casting time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 hour per level
range: touch
Area of effect: 1 person ever 3 levels
Saving thow: none
Spell resist: yes

This spell makes you, or any creature or object you can touch, completly removed from the time stream for a short amount of time. While shielded, no time based spell ( except those using chronoplasm as a weapon) can effect the person.
they are now immune to all version of haste/ slow, and are temporarily immune to any changed cause by time travel. Even if someone killed their parents and denied their existence, they will continue to exist untill the duration ends.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Chronomancy classes

So yea, I remembered some guys on EN world talking about chronomancy, and I found some stuff you might like. Enjoy!

Accelerate Plant Growth
Level: Chr 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One round
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft/lvl)
Target: Special
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None or Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

When this spell is cast, it manipulates time to accelerate the aging of plants. This does not allow them to grow beyond thier natural size. The area of effect is up to a maximum of 100 square feet per caster's level. The caster can age all plants in the area by up to 1 month per level. This spell is mostly used for growing of crops within a short period of time. If used on sentient plant life and the saving roll fails, the plant loses d6 hp per month aged. (Max 20d6)

Level: Chr 8, Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft/lvl)
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell dooms the target creature to repeat any punishment dealt to him in the last round. All damaging taken since the same initiative count on the previous round, is again applied, in the same order, immediately to the target creature.

Conceal Temporal Anomaly
Level: Chr 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One hour
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/lvl)
Target: 1 Anomaly
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell shields a temporal disturbance (such as a slipgate or temporal wall) from detection. A detect temporal anomaly spell has only a 25% chance to reveal the effect, as does a true seeing spell (Which also requires a spellcraft DC 25 to determine the exact cause of the disturbance). Temporal vortices may be hidden, but the caster must make a Will save DC 25 or lose 1 point of CON and WIS permanently.

Delay Damage
Level: Chr 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One action
Range: 0
Target: Caster
Duration: 1 round/lvl
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell intercepts physical attacks and shifts some of the effects into the future, allowing the chronomancer to prepare. The magnitude of the shift depends on the type of attack.
If the attack does physical damage, half the damage is applied immediately, and the other half is applied when the spell duration ends.
If the attack produces a spell effect that would disable the caster or otherwise remove him from combat, the effect is delayed until the end of the spell. Preventative actions can be taken to negate the effect before the end of the duration. (Such as casting freedom to negate the effects of an imprisonment spell, or gaining an immunity to the effect, for instance) Only the spell effect can be negated. The spell itself is has not been stopped and even entering an area of antimagic will not stop an effect from occurring.

Delay Image
Level: Chr 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature Touched
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)

This spell may be cast in one of two ways, Delay Image or Advance Image, chosen at time of casting.
When Delay Image is cast, the recipient is surrounded by a thin magical aura that bends time slightly, causing the person's image to appear one second behind actual motion. This gives a +2 distortion bonus to AC and a +1 distortion bonus to saves.
When Advance Image is cast, the recipient is surrounded by a thin magical aura that bends time slightly, causing the person's image to appear one second ahead of actual motion. This gives a +1 distortion bonus to attack rolls, as opponents misjudge his blows.

Item Supercharger
Level: Chr 8
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One action
Range: Touch
Target: Object Touched
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell doubles either the uses per day of a single power, the duration of a single power, or the charges of a magical item. This spell may only alter 1 ability per item, and has a chance of permanently dispelling the item. The Item must make a Will save DC 20 or be dispelled. Artifacts can not be affected by this spell.

Life Sounding
Level: Chr 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature Touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

When this spell is cast, the caster magically analyzes the subject's lifeline. This allows the caster to determine the exact age of a creature and approximately how much life it has left.

Major Paradox
Level: Chr 9
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One hour
Range: 0
Target: Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The caster may change an important event in thier past. Such an event may be as far back as a year. The event must be something the caster had control of at the time, and the change may not always work out the way the caster hopes. Examples include changing what feat was selected at a previous level, deciding to create a magical item instead of studying spells etc.
Special: there is a 50% chance of attracting unwanted attention due to temporal turbulence created.

Minor Paradox
Level: Chr 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One round
Range: 0
Target: Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The caster may take back or change an action performed within the last 5 rounds. It is also possible to act before an encounter begins. (Gaining a surprise round as if the caster had surprised his enemy).
Events changed should follow the same basic course due to temporal momentum, excepting what the caster directly affects.
Special: there is a 10% chance of attracting unwanted attention due to temporal turbulence created.

Level: Chr 6
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One round
Range: 0
Target: Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The caster may alter a minor event from his past that may affect the present. The event changed should not be more than 3 hours in duration and can not have occured more than 1 month before the spell is cast. Events such as changing what spells were memorized in the morning, having remembered to buy something at a store, or taking back an insult that led to a fight.
Special: there is a 25% chance of attracting unwanted attention due to temporal turbulence created.

Temporal Disjunction
Level: Chr 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One action
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/lvl)
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: 1 day/lvl
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

The affected creature loses any sense of time. It is perpetually late, unable to function under any time restraints. The victim may only take partial actions in combat. A chronomancer or a creature of the temporal prime who is affected by this spell, loses the ability to cast chronomancy spells or use time-related abilities.

Temporal Push
Level: Chr 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One action
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/lvl)
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell throws a target creature forward in time up to 1 round plus 1 round per level of the caster. The amount must be decided before the spell is cast. The creature reappears at the same location unless it is occupied physically, whereupon it is displaced to the nearest safe location. If the target succeeds in it’s saving roll (but not spell resistance) then the caster must also save or it is he who is thrown forward in time.

And here’s one I made up myself

Time Pinch
Level: 4
Components: vs
Casting time: 1 action
Range: self
Targets: self
Duration: see below
Save: none
Spell resist: no

Slows down the casters personal time stream, and instantly suspended the effects of all poisons and curses for as long as the casters can concentrate.

I dont think you have to worry at all about rolling for temporal turbulence. Unless you have a secret socioty of time mages hidden away somewhere, or plan on having other time related nasties waiting..

Uoh, almost forgot. For more info go to:

I hope you like thses, theres plently more if this stuff whets your appetite.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

:shock: Holy S***!

That is an amzing list of spells. en world you say.... must go... must find...

I especially love the paradox spells. Dm's beware!

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 15.
Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

WEll berk, took your advice, found a few more.
Im assuming that CHR is shor for chronomancer, so in this case Ill treat that as the normal level.

Magic Manager
Level: Chr 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One action
Range: 0
Target: Caster
Duration: 1 round/lvl
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

One round after the spell is cast, the caster may cast additional spells on his turn as free actions. These spells must have a casting time of 1 action. Roll a spellcraft check DC 10 plus the spell to be cast's level plus the total levels of spells cast in this manner so far this round. If the check fails, the spell suceeds, but you may not cast any further spells this round. These spells still count against your number of spells per day / memorized spells, so this is an easy way to run dangerously low on spells if your not careful.

Level: Chr 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft/lvl)
Target: 25 Cu ft/lvl
Duration: 3 Months/lvl
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The caster can halt the decay of nonliving matter. In the case of food, the food must first be placed in a container. The spell is dispelled when the container is opened.

Sands of Time
Level: Chr 7
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One round
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/lvl)
Target: 1 Object of up to 10 cu ft. / lvl
Duration: 1 rd
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell restores any object decayed over time back to its original form. The restoration achieved is based on caster level:
Level 8 - 10 : 1 year, Level 11 - 13 : 5 years, Level 14 - 16 : 50 years, Level 17 - 19 : 500 years, Level 20 - 22 : 5,000 years,
Level 23 - 25 : 50,000 years, Level 26 - 28 : 1,000,000 years, Level 29+ +1,000,000 years / lvl above 28.
This spell only restores objects destroyed by aging.

And with this last one, I think I hit my quota.

Chronoplasmic Skin
Level: 1
Components: V
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: self
Target: self
Duration: 1 round per level
Saving throw: none
SR: no

This spell creates a thin layer of chronoplasm on the casters skin, giving them an AC bonus of +1 per level (max + 10). However, this layer is crystalline, and is effected as such. When the duration ends, or if the chronoplasmic layer is ever shattered, the chronoplasm melts away and vanishes.

Unless anyone has suggestions or any objections, I think ill submit this on monday.

By the way, should I submit chronoplasm itself? And if so, is it a house rule?

oracleoftruth's picture
Joined: 2005-04-26
Chronomancy classes

Just found some time to read though this thread Smiling .

The spells seem balanced so far except for Temporal Removal which needs an XP cost (or some other restriction) imo. Otherwise a wizard could cast it in the middle of a battle, heal some damage and get all his spells back after his rest. And he could also do this all over again^^.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Chronomancy classes

Actually, thats one of the main uses of the spell. But beware, you also have to spend the duration of that time with whatever enemies come through with you. A decent way of splitting the attack group in two.
Maybe Ill give it an expensive material component.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Chronomancy classes

Sorry to bump a quiet thread, but I found this and Fidrikon did put a lot of effort into this Chronomancy stuff:

The Chronoptic over at The Waking Lands.

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