Charlatans of the Planes

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Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13
Charlatans of the Planes

I thought it might be fun to come up with ideas for things Charlatans might be selling on the planes or in Sigil - questionable items, potions, properties, etc. I'm looking for something more interesting than "fake portal key" unless it did something else interesting to the user. Basically these should be the types of things that take advantage of the incautious in the City's many markets.

To start us out, how about "Potion of Cranial Regeneration" - drink this potion and it will regenerate your head should it be removed from your body. The problem arises, of course, when one realizes that drinking a potion becomes quite impossible without the head attached. (The merchant most certainly does not suggest pouring it down the stump will be sufficient - after all, he doesn't want to be accused of false advertising)

Let's hear your ideas.

Archdukechocula's picture
Joined: 2008-02-24
Re: Charlatans of the Planes

Course, if an illithid dined on your brains, you might still have a mouth to drink it with. But then again, it never said what kind of cranium you might be generating.

Perhaps a potion offering protection from flames. Careful reading of the fine print reveals it to be designed to protect you from old paramours rather than flames of the burning variety.

Maybe some ephemeral chainmail, whose only property is that it's, well, ephemeral.

Also, a snake oil salesman selling actual snake oil said to ward off snakes with a single application. Only problem is, it works only when applied to the snakes.

A guy selling a Sticks to Snakes scroll demonstrating the spell in person. Only problem is, he is just a very good magician, in the more conventional sense of the word, and is using the real world trick that the spell is based on.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Charlatans of the Planes

Really, the sticks to snakes spell could be real, and the scroll could still be a fake. Making spell scrolls is more expensive than just casting spells.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13
Re: Charlatans of the Planes

I always thought snakes to sticks would be more useful ... I mean, it seems like there are always snakes slithering about trying to bite you on the bum, but never any good kindling to make a fire when you need it.

How about an Arrow of Humanoid Slaying, with a small printed set of instructions on where to shoot a humanoid foe to kill him - any arrow is an arrow of slaying if used properly.

Cursed Item: Fingerless Gloves; a fine quality set of leather gloves with the finger sleeves missing - donning the gloves causes one's fingers to fall off.

Bag of Holding; holds anything you can fit in it, until it fills up.

Cursed Item: Ethereal Chain; turns ethereal when you are attacked.

Potion of Remove Curse; doesn't solve your woes, but does erase one curse word from your memory.

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Charlatans of the Planes

Cursed Item: Eye of Wisdom Amulet; the preserved eyeball of a githyanki sealed in a gilded reliquary on a chain....once worn the victim becomes an arrogant megalomaniac with a paranoia complex worse than a Roman Emperor. O-o


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Charlatans of the Planes

Glowing, enchanted rocks: that's it. They detect as enchanted with a minor transmutation aura because their enchantment is to glow dimly. (This isn't my idea, but I can't remember where I saw it first.) Sold with a well-spun backstory to buyers who are sure they'll find out what the stones do and make a tidy profit.

Fake rod of wonder: "I'll spend one charge to test it, but money out so I know you're buying once it works." This rod has Nystul's magic aura on it, and when "tested" the seller uses sleight of hand and a ring to turn himself invisible, or a medallion of ESP to learn someone's surface thoughts, or other permanent device of his own to mimic one of the functions of a rod of wonder. Really fast-talking sellers in Sigil might claim that they felt the summon power activate, and get blocked by Sigil's ban on summonings!

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Charlatans of the Planes

There was a 2E dragon magazine issue that dealt with something like this. It was issue # 263, called "Bazaar of the Bizarre: Blessings in Disguise".
Another good one is Dragon issue #168. The ones in this issue are as useless and unpleasant as cursed items in most circumstances (except that the wearable ones can be removed). Two good examples of this are the Mirror of Sophistication and the Ring of Ice.
The Ring of Ice inflicts cold damage to wearers unless they're in an environment of unearthly heat, such as the Elemental Plane of Fire, in which case it makes them entirely immune to both non-magical and magical fire and heat damage. (actually, they're still immune to such damage even on the Prime and non-fiery planes)

The Mirror of Sophistication states on the back that "Any woman who views herself in this mirror shall have her hair arranged for her best appearance." Unfortunately the mage who designed this mirror designed it specifically for a dwarven princess, so that refers to beard hair (in other words, the chick will start growing a beard for anywhere between 100 days to a full year)
The other items in Dragon 168:

Elixir of Additional Weaponry: Flask states in common "Whoever drinks this elixir will be able to use twice as many weapons as normal.". This actually is a cursed item if you aren't drow or elven. It causes the imbiber to grow an extra pair of arms, but if they're not elven or drowish, the arms will be hostile. Only Remove Curse (in 1&2E, from a cleric of at least 12th level) can remove this condition.

Elixir of Reduction: Says on the vial "This potion makes my enemies nothing before me."
Problem is, the potion is meant to be GIVEN to one's enemies. Whoever drinks it is shrunken to 1/10th original size.

Scroll of Transmutation: Those with legend lore, etc. will recall that the creator of this scroll "knew how to create
valuable treasure from dross." Thing is, he was a druid who considered gold and silver to be worthless. This scroll permanently transforms any gold within 20 ft. to mistletoe, and silver to delicious bread.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Charlatans of the Planes

Silver Fork (Napkin, etc.) of the Gourmet: This item is reputed to greatly enhance the taste sensations of the owner. Unfortunately, since this is Sigil, it may well be designed with the palate of some really weird monster type in mind. (Effectively, the Fork/whatever of the Gourmet not only enhances taste sensations, it confers the sense of taste of... (name of race/monster type) to the owner for as long as the item is worn or wielded, and also for an hour or so afterward.

A number of "illithid" versions of this item exist, unfortunately, and either the mind flayers came up with the idea, or merely make a lot of these themselves. "Gelatinous Cube" and various "fiend" versions exist as well.

While getting a Clueless berk to buy or use one of these is a common trick, Sensates often genuinely enjoy trying these out. (How often do you get to find out what things taste like to a gelatinous cube?)


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Charlatans of the Planes

Zimrazim wrote:
Silver Fork (Napkin, etc.) of the Gourmet: This item is reputed to greatly enhance the taste sensations of the owner. Unfortunately, since this is Sigil, it may well be designed with the palate of some really weird monster type in mind. (Effectively, the Fork/whatever of the Gourmet not only enhances taste sensations, it confers the sense of taste of... (name of race/monster type) to the owner for as long as the item is worn or wielded, and also for an hour or so afterward.

A number of "illithid" versions of this item exist, unfortunately, and either the mind flayers came up with the idea, or merely make a lot of these themselves. "Gelatinous Cube" and various "fiend" versions exist as well.

While getting a Clueless berk to buy or use one of these is a common trick, Sensates often genuinely enjoy trying these out. (How often do you get to find out what things taste like to a gelatinous cube?)

Oh dear god, memories of the Pigkiller incident in the meat-packing house are resurfacing!


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Charlatans of the Planes

Obviously, a major theme of these products will be that they are either poorly advertised (such as the Dragon 168 items), but another major theme would be, of course, items intended only for certain outsider races. For instance, a ring that makes someone "feel cool and refreshed in any environment, no matter how hot" may be intended for elementals, Qorrash genies, Frost Giants, ice mephits, and Gelugons (in other words, cold and refreshed= a balmy 0 degrees F.)
Another devious example I can think of: a small stone, necklace, etc. said to "upon command, transform into any type of armor the wearer desires". Unfortunately, this only includes baraiaur armor (that is to say, if someone wears it and speaks the command word for chain mail, he will be wearing a suit of chain mail fitted for a baraiaur.)
Even more devous would be a brooch version... which only creates armor for modrons.

One must bear in mind the Darwinistic aspect of this charlatanism. The smart charlatans will have devised various means to protect themselves from dissatisfied customers. And I DO mean various. Not just relocating to the opposite end of the trade district, but also polymorphing (if you want to be devious, make the merchant a Doppleganger, mwa ha~!) or hiring beefy bodyguards.

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