Character backstorys

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richard_k's picture
Joined: 2004-08-08
Character backstorys

Hi all. I've started to right up a planescape adventure for some new people to the setting. I decided to have them start at level 4 so that atleast there chars might sustain a few hits before they go down. Since none of my PC's no much about the setting I was going to have them all start out with amnesia so that everything they encounter is new to them. However i thought atleat they could pick theyre own names and stuff so I thought i would write up a random last memory for them so that atleast they'd know there name but a part from that they have no memories. At the moment I have 3 last memories. One where the PC gets knocked around a bit by some abishai, pulled to safety by smoe stranger and watches someone precious to the PC die (well the guy before he got his memory erased. The second is someone makes a deal with some Baatezu and gets a drink from the styx over some mysterious contract thing he had with them. The last is one where the character is actually made new. Its one of teh touchstone in the Planar handbook where its a forge that can make anything, any way the PC wakes up inside it. I need 3 more backgrounds and my brain at the moment is to muddled up to think of anymore. Thanks for reading this semi-rant.

DNA's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Character backstorys

If you're doing a campaign in Sigil, it could be a bit easier than amnesia... just make the characters Primes who got shoved through a portal, so that they don't know anything about where they are.

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