in char forum playing...thing

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BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
in char forum playing...thing

Hi. I have no idea how the gameplay works in the in character forums. Someone help me before I explode violently into a stringy red cloud?
Id hate to have to clean that up.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
in char forum playing...thing

Does this not cover it for you? What question do you have specifically?


BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
in char forum playing...thing

Thanks clue, but I already read that ( by the way, the link to the map of sigil is down. Just in case no one noticed)
What I was asking was... sigh

Okay, is this how it works?

the DM and players work out what the players are, and their abilities. They do this via the posted character sheets. That part I get.
But as for actual gameplay, is that done in the forum? as in:
DM posts description of area, what some guy just said in the bar, and the reactions of those around. end post.
This gives the players time to post what they do, before the dm continues. Or roll their reflex saves. or something.
What gets me is, how amazingly complex would the combat be? If any of this is wrong, please tell me. Or is it done via some sort of IM, using the planewalker forums as a permant base where all the players can catch up with information. Such as a summary of what they might have missed.
Or is their an in depth description of how it all works.
Assume I know nothing beyond basic, real life game play.
I know nothing beyond basic real life game play...

ps whats the differance between a Dungeon master and a Game master?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
in char forum playing...thing

truth be told, I've been wondering as to how some of the game play goes on. BERK, I would reccomaned that you just go through and read some of the in character forums, that might give you a better idea of whats going on.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
in char forum playing...thing

It's done - honestly however the DM wants to do it. I think currently most of the DMs follow the 'post situtaion, ask for rolls with the players post, post summary of the round' method. I, Modron is in combat right now for example. It tends to get worked out amongst players and DM.

Forum roleplaying, like Play by Email play - tends to be much slower, but also much more in depth. You can get a lot out of a description, and a chance to reveal the inner workings and thoughts of the character. And that's simply because it *is* a written format. But it can also go much slower in pace - again, because it's written format and there's lag between posts.

Usually the best games in these sort of formats have a lot of player/DM feedback. If one way of doing posts isn't working - the group just adjusts to another one. If a player goes on vacation, the DM takes it into account and runs for them or sends the character of on their own for a bit.

I've been in a Play by Email game for something approaching 5 years now, so it can be a heck of a lot of fun.

DM vs. GM. I'm showing my colors there - I didn't start roleplaying with D&D - so I switch between DM and GM (as in GURPS). It's the same thing really, just different names for it.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
in char forum playing...thing

thanks clue. That really helps.
although before i join one, i better go and download some of those planescape books...
( wanders off to )

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
in char forum playing...thing

Yer welcome. Smiling

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