Changing Genasi Types

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Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Changing Genasi Types

I'm running a Pathfinder Planescape game right now with one of my players playing an Air Genasi Stormborn Sorcerer. For those less familiar with PF, it's exactly what it sounds like - lots of lightning and thunder powers. His character is fascinated by lightning in general and takes an almost scientific approach to it, looking to test how lightning will affect different substances under different circumstances. Of course, he also desperately wants to travel to the Quasielemental Plane of Lightning.

Anyway, I had a thought earlier today after running into the quasielemental genasi here . I was wondering about letting him transform his character into a lightning genasi in a sort of magical rebirth later on, probably involving some sort of elaborate ceremony. I realize that mechanically it wouldn't make him much more or less powerful, but I think the player would really enjoy it story-wise. I'm thinking about using the Tower of Storms on the Quasielemental plane of Lightning to make this happen somehow.

Seem like a good idea? Terrible idea? Comments/thoughts/suggestions?

Har Megidon's picture
Joined: 2010-08-27
Re: Changing Genasi Types

Hmm, it gives me ideas. Perhaps a undead Genasi becomes a negative quasielemental version of their own element? But anyway, I say have it be a monumentous event. If Genasi could change element easily, it would have many consequences that you need to address. It'd probably require pure positive essence, or the soul of a thunder elemental or something special like that.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Changing Genasi Types

If he wants to, have a ball with it. Call it "unleashing his Energy nature" or something. If he spends money and XP researching it, you might even consider adding lightning abilities onto his air template, making him a bit more than a lightning genasi.

And don't forget adventure hooks. Does your version of the Inner Planes include Pathfinder's jyoti on the Positive? They may be willing to assist in such a transformation. Perhaps the Doomguard aren't fond of the idea, and one of them takes it in her head to try to dissuade him, or stop him if necessary. Perhaps the process splits his energy nature and turns him into a lightning genasi, but creates a vacuum quasielemental, or some wraithlike undead vacuum-touched version of himself, that will be a recurring enemy in the campaign.

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: Changing Genasi Types

Oh, of course it'll be momentous. Long story-arc topping holy crap this is amazing sort of event. That's the whole idea. Part of the reason I'm using the Tower of Storms to make it happen, too, even just getting INTO that structure is momentous, much less harnessing its energies.

Good idea on giving him something a little extra. I'll have to see what level this ends up happening at before I can fully decide what to give him, but it's a good idea.

I haven't bumped into the jyoti yet but I'll probably use them. Are they in the core bestiary or some other book? Interestingly, he IS a Doomguard, mostly aligned with the Vacuum sect - the moderates who believe that entropy is moving along just fine on its own and doesn't need to speed up or slow down. I could see a more militant Saltie conflicting with him over it though, that's a good idea. And I REALLY like the idea of splitting the nature in half, reminds me of Earthsea in all the right ways. Definitely going to use that.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Changing Genasi Types

They're discussed in "The Great Beyond," and I believe they're put to use in one of the adventures. I thought it was "Beyond the Vault of Souls," but I don't see any details in there. They live on the Pos and nurture immature souls until they're ready for bodies.

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: Changing Genasi Types

Hmm. I saw the discussion in Great Beyond but there's no stats there, I'll have to try to track them down. Thanks!

Har Megidon's picture
Joined: 2010-08-27
Re: Changing Genasi Types

The whole "splitting nature to create Vacuum Quasielemental thing" may be due to his Doomguard nature refusing to ahnillate some of the entropy within him. Thus, he instead expels it.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Changing Genasi Types

If you can't find any official stats on the jyoti, I'd adapt the stats for the soulscaper energons from Bastion of Broken Souls, which is what they're inspired by anyway.

autotransport (not verified)
autotransport's picture
Re: Changing Genasi Types

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Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Changing Genasi Types

Jyoti made it into Bestiary 2, if you haven't noticed them yet.


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