I'm running a Pathfinder Planescape game right now with one of my players playing an Air Genasi Stormborn Sorcerer. For those less familiar with PF, it's exactly what it sounds like - lots of lightning and thunder powers. His character is fascinated by lightning in general and takes an almost scientific approach to it, looking to test how lightning will affect different substances under different circumstances. Of course, he also desperately wants to travel to the Quasielemental Plane of Lightning.
Anyway, I had a thought earlier today after running into the quasielemental genasi here http://users.erols.com/aburner/planescape/ . I was wondering about letting him transform his character into a lightning genasi in a sort of magical rebirth later on, probably involving some sort of elaborate ceremony. I realize that mechanically it wouldn't make him much more or less powerful, but I think the player would really enjoy it story-wise. I'm thinking about using the Tower of Storms on the Quasielemental plane of Lightning to make this happen somehow.
Seem like a good idea? Terrible idea? Comments/thoughts/suggestions?
Hmm, it gives me ideas. Perhaps a undead Genasi becomes a negative quasielemental version of their own element? But anyway, I say have it be a monumentous event. If Genasi could change element easily, it would have many consequences that you need to address. It'd probably require pure positive essence, or the soul of a thunder elemental or something special like that.