The "Chainmail" minutures rules (now defunct) detailed what was goin on on a different area of Oerth than the usual Flannaes. Now that "Chainmail" has bit the dust, is that material considered canonical or not? I'd like to know more about it, but is it listed on a website somewhere, and should I bother trying to buy the out-of-print books (I could care less about the actual minuture rules, I just want the info about the continent and the political factions/countries...) I know Wizards of the Coast has a new Minutures handbook out, but they apparenty just dumped the Oerth material (no loyalty there, I guess)... I saw a minuture of a Drow holding what appeared to be a gun of some sort! Did the "Chainmail" campaign add guns to Oerth (or at least that area?)
Probably. I don't think there's anyone officially keeping track of Greyhawk canon anymore, now that Living Greyhawk is ending and Paizo is out of the Greyhawk business. I assume if it's officially published, and not contradicted by anything, it's canonical.
You'll pretty much only find out about it in old Dragon Magazines, though.
No. I think that was just a mini-crossbow.