Campaigning on the Inner planes

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nick's picture
Joined: 2006-11-27
Campaigning on the Inner planes

Ok, say I wanted to start a new campaign. And I wanted players to go to every inner plane. Air, fire, magma, lightning, etc. Does anyone have a campaign idea that would work?

I basically want them to go to all the inner planes, then after they've done that, learn of the archomental on the plane of fire who wants to take over the multiverse.

One idea is for everyone to be in the order of sensates. What better way to experience everything than to go to the inner planes, right? But then comes the transitiion into going after the archomental.

Does anyone have any other ideas? Ideas that don't involve the society of sensates maybe?

Kensanata's picture
Joined: 2007-08-12
Campaigning on the Inner planes

Maybe offer a reason for researching the inner planes. Is magic affected? Fireballs, Lightning Bolts etc. are growing weaker or stronger, or maybe suffering periodic changes as the inner planes are crowding in? Is the deep ethereal no longer accessible?

I'd introduce conflict within the Inner Planes that provides extra sidequests and initial justification. An evil god has decided that he wants to build yet another Material Plane and requires the services of the four elements, yet unlike the current gods, he does not feel like making pacts rewarding them for their services. He feels like enslaving them, and marches through the Inner Planes with a host of evil creatures and strong artifacts that will allow him to bind many elementals. Discovering this elemental slaver treck, warning cities ahead of it, helping to lead them astray or into an ambush and making an escape, learning the rituals that allow them to find some more portals they will require to foil the advance of the hellish horde -- that should keep a low level party busy at first. Then they'll realize that the y managed to stop the invasion before it reached the Plane of Fire.

And maybe there was a hint here or there. Just a whisper of course. Maybe all of this was but a trick to weaken the other Inner Planes.

The first effect would be that they are ever harder to reach. If you've allowed them to learn of many different gates, maybe written on lists in books, let the party discover that more and more of them are closing down. Non fire evocation is getting weaker, if you want to pick up on the first idea. The plan is not to conquer the other Inner Planes but to make them inaccessible.

I've recently bought City of Brass by Necromancer Games. That also offers some ideas for fire related adventure and intrigue.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Campaigning on the Inner planes

There's a set of towers on the border of positive of each of the positive touched quasielemental planes. No one is entirely sure what created the towers or what's in them... possibly use those to start off your tour?

Or.... you can have them follow the path of destruction left by an entrope? They don't have to be Doomies or Sensates for that one. And an entrope goes in *many* places.... following, capturing, and controlling that entrope could become the major goal of your players and multiple interested parties (including your big bad). Don't forget to use the Primals.

I'll admit one of my previous plot ideas for a game involved playing through Ragnarok, in which Fenris escapes from his prison in Carceri/Pandemonium... and charges off to the Inner Planes to devour the entire plane of Elemental Fire... I'm not sure how you could pull in the rest of the planes from there, but with enough interested NPCs I'm sure you could.

gnome's picture
Joined: 2007-10-22
Campaigning on the Inner planes

1) A wealthy Sigilian hires the party to search for a particular item (or simply collect a sample of the pure element) from each plane. He keeps the reason he wants these items dark.

2) A djinn noble makes a bet that no mortal can survive a non-stop tour of the Inner Planes. The party is somehow chosen as the experiment.

3) A Guvner begins gathering information to write (yet another) treatise about the Inner Planes. However, two of his sources provide contradictory information. He hires a group of Planewalkers to determine which source (if either) is correct and requests that the party verify his other facts while they are at it.

nick's picture
Joined: 2006-11-27
Campaigning on the Inner planes

Ya know, I'm liking kensanata's idea. I'm thinking that the evil gods/beings minions could set up a base on each inner plane (Except for the plane of fire), with inside, some kind of object that is slowly closing down all access to the plane. To re-open all the portals and such of the plane, the PCs will need to destroy said object. The evil god will enslave some of the planes elementals to help him keep the object safe and use some of his own minions. They have a set amount of time to free as many planes as possible before his material plane is created. Failing to free an inner plane will result in the material plane being created with very little or none of the substance on it. For example, failing to free the elemental plane of air would mean the atmosphere is not breathable to normal creatures on the material plane.

When the god creates the material plane he will create his own race, or maybe an existing race, im not sure, on the material plane, based on the elements that are there. The fewer elements available, the more powerful the race. The gods ideal material plane will be one based around fire, to make a fire based race. Said material plane will have molten seas of fire, hardened coal/fire or something as its land base and etc. Since the god shall be an elemental god, he can only make a fire based race, so adding more elements will weaken the race. All of the beings on said material plane shall worship the evil god, making him very powerful. From there, he will try to take over kossuths place as ruler of the plane of fire, and then, will try to take over the multiverse.

The PCs plan of action once the material plane is created, is to finish freeing any planes they havent freed, and then either try and destroy the material plane, or all his followers on it. And then eventually kill the god.

What do you think?

nick's picture
Joined: 2006-11-27
Campaigning on the Inner planes

No comments?

I've figured out how to control which inner plane they go to when, by limiting what portals are available to what inner planes at what times and not allowing them to planeshift to them.

I think i've decided on the being resposinsible for all this.

Lucifer. Thats right, you heard me, Lucifer.

Hit Dice: 51d8+666 (1,074 hp)

CR: 39.

I was going to use Imix the fire archomental, but I just couldn't pass lucifer up. Statted up n all.

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