Calling all cullers: LSE V

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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Calling all cullers: LSE V

So far I have gotten three submissions for the next issue. If I can get it out by Halloween, that'll be 2 issues for 2009! I have a couple of Halloween-themed articles already,more couldn't hurt, but what I really need is some 'news'. Something that follows one of the stories in issue iv would be great.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Not Halloween themed,

Not Halloween themed, but:

Actually, I just had an idea for an article, but I would like some help with research and such.

If you were some adventurer in Sigil, and wanted someone to peer into the future for you, where would you go?

There are precognitives/clairsentients of the various psionic orders.  You might be able to get some divinatory help from a priest/mage but I'm looking for more exotic stuff in the Planescape setting.

I know of the githyanki senja'si, but I figure a barbarian asking a lot about them would be told (at swordpoint) to go bugger off.

I guess the aperusa of Spelljammer could read tarot cards, or whatever method they use.

Are there any well-known fortuneteller NPCs/demigods, famous shrines on the Upper Planes, things like that, in the canonical Planescape material?  An article that "reviews" some of these methods might be fun.



BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

jareddm's picture
Joined: 2007-12-12
It's not exactly the same

It's not exactly the same but there's an article over on on fortune tellers in Sigil.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13
Re: Calling all cullers: LSE V

>>If you were some adventurer in Sigil, and wanted someone to peer into the future for you, where would you go<<

There are any number of options ... if you are doing an article on the different types of fortune tellers to be found, you need only be creative and not worry about what is already established. You might have a Modron collective which break down one's future into intricate mathmatics and draw out a formula representing one's fortune. I have had a Slaad seer in my games which would swallow the character and by tasting it gain insight into the individual's life/path, etc.

I think an even more interesting article might be an investigative look at how people might be using fortune telling for coruptive purposes - forseeing how the merchantile trade market is going to progress, etc.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Calling all cullers: LSE V


I set an arbitrary deadline for myself to get issue 5 to the masses. I wanted it out by halloween, which is 10 days away, and I'm only 95% done!

What I need to finish
3 to 4 letters for the letters page

about 10-12 short want-ads for the want-ad page.

I may be able to do a few more things on my own, but I need help from other creative people.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Calling all cullers: LSE V


I still need some help, especially with letters to the editors. Any length will do, I've got plenty of space.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Calling all cullers: LSE V

Another BUMP just to keep this topic up front. I promise I'll stop once I (a) receive enough submissions, (b) complete the issue myself, or (c) Halloween comes and I miss the arbitrary deadline.

Wexquif's picture
Joined: 2007-04-07
Re: Calling all cullers: LSE V

How long should letters to the editor be?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Calling all cullers: LSE V

Wexquif wrote:
How long should letters to the editor be?
Looks like somewhere around 100 words for a letter is good. The ones I've written so far range from about 75 to 150.

Want ads should range between 15 or fewer to about 50 (kinda long ad) words.

Wexquif's picture
Joined: 2007-04-07
Re: Calling all cullers: LSE V

How we doing?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Calling all cullers: LSE V

We are doing awesome! Thanks for the last minute submissions. I'm going to do a little tweaking tomorrow night, but it looks like it'll be done after that!

Wexquif's picture
Joined: 2007-04-07
Re: Calling all cullers: LSE V

Awesome! Glad to help out.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Calling all cullers: LSE V


I can't use your latest want-ads as such. No space left on the wantads pages Smiling The halfling one made me laugh (i have a dark sense of humor), but I don't think that's actually legal in Sigil.

Wexquif's picture
Joined: 2007-04-07
Re: Calling all cullers: LSE V

Azure wrote:

I can't use your latest want-ads as such. No space left on the wantads pages Smiling

That's fantastic news.

Azure wrote:
The halfling one made me laugh (i have a dark sense of humor), but I don't think that's actually legal in Sigil.

Haha, thanks.

I always thought enslavement (even of escaped slaves) was illegal, but the slave trade was fine.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: Calling all cullers: LSE V

See, I always figured the opposite. Property is property, you can't take away a Pt Fiend's pet elf, but buying and selling sentient beings is illegal, and re-capturing escapees is considered assault and kidnapping.

Wexquif's picture
Joined: 2007-04-07
Re: Calling all cullers: LSE V

Azure wrote:
See, I always figured the opposite. Property is property, you can't take away a Pt Fiend's pet elf, but buying and selling sentient beings is illegal, and re-capturing escapees is considered assault and kidnapping.

Maybe I phrased it weird, but besides the trading part, that's what I meant.

In any case, we set for Saturday?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Calling all cullers: LSE V

Not on topic but still nice:
Hei Wexquif! still alive? Smiling

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