Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

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Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

	Specialized in hand to hand combat like a monk but without the rigid dogma and discipline the brawler is a fighter and a rogue who is just at home in a barroom, as he is on a battlefield.  
Lvl Bab   Fort Refl Will Damage   Special
 1  +1    +2   +2   +0   1d6      Unarmed Strike, Evasion 
 2  +2    +3   +3   +0   1d6      Sneak Attack +1d6
 3  +3    +3   +3   +1   1d6      Uncanny Dodge
 4  +4    +4   +4   +1   1d8      DR 1/-
 5  +5    +4   +4   +1   1d8      

crazyfool's picture
Joined: 2005-05-16
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

i haven't playtested it (duh!) but it looks ok. also fix your table. maybe d10 hp.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

Ok here is the class's stats full out. I am looking for opinions. Is it balanced? Is it useful? What would you change? What do you like? I'm trying to make it a class where the character specializes in unarmed fighting and soaking hits as the name implies.


Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

I think that instead of a sneak attack, which doesn't seem particularly characteristic for someone who brawls, I would suggest either raging, or perhaps an ability that makes them proficient with any non-weapon items when using them as weapons, possible with a damage bonus equal to or better than their unarmed damage. in this way, a brawler becomes far more useful when using improvised weapons through the practice he would get in bars, ustilizing tables, chairs, broken bottles, and other people as good weapons.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

A new version made to be more balanced.

HD: d10
Skills: 4 + int
Lvl Bab   Fort Refl Will Damage   Special
 1  +1    +2   +2   +0   1d6      Unarmed Strike, Evasion 
 2  +2    +3   +3   +0   1d6      Sneak Attack +1d6
 3  +3    +3   +3   +1   1d6      
 4  +4    +4   +4   +1   1d8      
 5  +5    +4   +4   +1   1d8      Uncanny Dodge(Dex bonus to AC), Sneak Attack +2d6
 6  +6    +5   +5   +2   1d8      
 7  +7    +5   +5   +2   1d8      
 8  +8    +6   +6   +2   1d10     Sneak Attack +3d6
 9  +9    +6   +6   +3   1d10     
10  +10   +7   +7   +3   1d10     Uncanny Dodge(Can't be flanked)
11  +11   +7   +7   +3   1d10     Sneak Attack +4d6
12  +12   +8   +8   +4   1d12     
13  +13   +8   +8   +4   1d12     
14  +14   +9   +9   +4   1d12     Sneak Attack +5d6
15  +15   +9   +9   +5   1d12     
16  +16   +10  +10  +5   1d20     
17  +17   +10  +10  +5   1d20     Sneak Attack +6d6
18  +18   +11  +11  +6   1d20     
19  +19   +11  +11  +6   1d20     
20  +20   +12  +12  +6   1d20     Sneak Attack +7d6

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

'Sarrin' wrote:
I think that instead of a sneak attack, which doesn't seem particularly characteristic for someone who brawls, I would suggest either raging, or perhaps an ability that makes them proficient with any non-weapon items when using them as weapons, possible with a damage bonus equal to or better than their unarmed damage. in this way, a brawler becomes far more useful when using improvised weapons through the practice he would get in bars, ustilizing tables, chairs, broken bottles, and other people as good weapons.

The problem is figuring out what to put in that would fit there. I thought of adding another die of damage representing dirty tricks and follow through strikes. The improvised weapons (chairs ect) are hard to put into the rules in my mind in such a way as to make them useful for players. For one there are cases where improvised weapons just are not around.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

how about this, you strike sneak attack and say that at 2nd level, the caractor is familiar with all improvised weapons, and at 3rd level his unarmed attack die gets added to the damage already being inflicted by the weapon. then at 5th level they do twice as much damage as normal with improvized weapons (before adding in the unarmed bonus) and then at every 5th level after that they can increase either their threat range or their crit multiplier with improvised weapons by one. so at level 10 they could have either 19-20 x2 or x3, at 15th they could have 18-20 x2, 19-20 x3, or x4 et cetera.

that would work well, except you'd find your high level characters wandering around with a +3 barstool of smiting, or a vorpal broken wine bottle. to say nothing of the +2 flaming returning beer stein of flight... oy.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

Maybe an alternitive to sneak attack:

Skirmish, it shows up a few times in Complete Adventurer

It works like so

You deal extra <>d6 damage on attacks made as long as you move at least 10 ft a round. This also applies to ranged attacks made within 30ft. At higher levels, you also gain AC bonuses.

The scout (for example) advances its skirmish like so:

level 1: skirmish 1d6
level 3: skirmish 1d6 +1AC
level 5: skirmish 2d6 +1AC
level 7: skirmish 2d6 +2AC
level 9: skirmish 3d6 +2AC
level 11: skirmish 3d6 +3AC
level 13: skirmish 4d6 +3AC
level 15: skirmish 4d6 +4AC
level 17: skirmish 5d6 +4AC
level 19: skirmish 5d6 +5AC

I figure a similar advancement for the brawler might work. If you decide to use it, Ill post a more detailed description of Skirmish.

crazyfool's picture
Joined: 2005-05-16
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

yeah, skirmish is more apropriate. rage is also a good idea.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

I was thinking something similar, but not skirmish. The whole move 10ft. and do more damage seems well hoakey to me.

My idea was that if a creature is subject to critical hits and is within the character's natural reach (ie reach when unarmed) then the brawler deals extra damage dice. This represents follow up hits with the hilt of blades, headbuts, hits with the knee, & ect..

I am hesitent to add rage as the brawler is not nessasarilly someone who fights so wildly that they do not know what is going on around them. A prime example of a brawler would be the pikey in the movie Snatch.

Some qualities I would attribute to brawlers:
*Powerful unarmed fighting
*Toughness and an ability to take blows
*In formal or semi-formal training (If any training at all. Many are self-taught)

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

Well here is a new version of the brawler. Keep the comments coming.

	Specialized in hand to hand combat like a monk but without the rigid dogma and discipline the brawler is a fighter and a rogue who is just at home in a barroom, as he is on a battlefield.  

Skills: 2 + int
Hit Die: d12

Lvl Bab   Fort Refl Will Damage   Special
 1  +1    +2   +2   +0   1d6      Unarmed Strike, Evasion 
 2  +2    +3   +3   +0   1d6      Furious Attack +1d6
 3  +3    +3   +3   +1   1d6      
 4  +4    +4   +4   +1   1d8      
 5  +5    +4   +4   +1   1d8      Uncanny Dodge(Dex bonus to AC)
 6  +6    +5   +5   +2   1d8      
 7  +7    +5   +5   +2   1d8      
 8  +8    +6   +6   +2   1d10     Furious Attack +2d6
 9  +9    +6   +6   +3   1d10     
10  +10   +7   +7   +3   1d10     Uncanny Dodge(Can't be flanked)
11  +11   +7   +7   +3   1d10     
12  +12   +8   +8   +4   1d12     
13  +13   +8   +8   +4   1d12     
14  +14   +9   +9   +4   1d12     Furious Attack +3d6
15  +15   +9   +9   +5   1d12     
16  +16   +10  +10  +5   1d20     
17  +17   +10  +10  +5   1d20     
18  +18   +11  +11  +6   1d20     
19  +19   +11  +11  +6   1d20     
20  +20   +12  +12  +6   1d20     Furious Attack +4d6

Furious Attack - Whenever the brawler strikes an opponent standing within his natural reach, and who is subject to critical hits the brawler deals extra dice of damage, starting at +1d6 at second level and +1d6 every four levels there after.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

I'd move evasion back to at least lev 3- more likely lev 5. If you leave it at one you'll see a lot of folks taking Exactly one level of this class just for that feat. Like the way people took 3rd ed ranger.

After all, a rogue (the most evasive of the evasive) doesn't get that feat till level 3.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

'Clueless' wrote:
I'd move evasion back to at least lev 3- more likely lev 5. If you leave it at one you'll see a lot of folks taking Exactly one level of this class just for that feat. Like the way people took 3rd ed ranger.

After all, a rogue (the most evasive of the evasive) doesn't get that feat till level 3.

Right. I'll make that change.

I think I'll start the Furious Attack progression at 1st level then and make it the centerpiece of the class. Lower damage than sneak attack but is used more often. I originally thought of using d4s for it, but caltrops are hard to handle and would be a drawback to the class imho.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

Ok, yet another version even more refined than the past bunches of versions. (This is kindo how writing is supposed to go with lots of drafts) Anyhoo I put in more text on what weapons and armor the brawler may use and more informatoin for furious attack to try and make it clearer.

	Specialized in hand to hand combat like a monk but without the rigid dogma and discipline the brawler is a fighter and a rogue who is just at home in a barroom, as he is on a battlefield.  

Skills: 2 + int
Hit Die: d12

Lvl Bab   Fort Refl Will Damage   Special
 1  +1    +2   +2   +0   1d6      Unarmed Strike, Furious Attack +1d6 
 2  +2    +3   +3   +0   1d6      
 3  +3    +3   +3   +1   1d6      
 4  +4    +4   +4   +1   1d8      Furious Attack +2d6
 5  +5    +4   +4   +1   1d8      Evasion
 6  +6    +5   +5   +2   1d8      
 7  +7    +5   +5   +2   1d8      
 8  +8    +6   +6   +2   1d10     Furious Attack +3d6
 9  +9    +6   +6   +3   1d10     
10  +10   +7   +7   +3   1d10     Uncanny Dodge(Dex bonus to AC)
11  +11   +7   +7   +3   1d10     
12  +12   +8   +8   +4   1d12     Furious Attack +4d6
13  +13   +8   +8   +4   1d12     
14  +14   +9   +9   +4   1d12     
15  +15   +9   +9   +5   1d12     Uncanny Dodge(Can't be flanked)
16  +16   +10  +10  +5   1d20     Furious Attack +5d6
17  +17   +10  +10  +5   1d20     
18  +18   +11  +11  +6   1d20     
19  +19   +11  +11  +6   1d20     
20  +20   +12  +12  +6   1d20     Furious Attack +6d6

Weapons & Armor - The brawler though strong and a fighter by nature does not receive the formal and rigorous training that other fighting classes receive.  Thus he is only proficient with all simple weapons.  He may still use martial weapons, but must take the appropriate feat to be proficient with any one of them.  The brawler has no class restrictions on wearing armor, though any armor heavier than light does impede his abilities.

Furious Attack - Whenever the brawler strikes an opponent standing within his natural reach, and who is subject to critical hits the brawler deals extra dice of damage, starting at +1d6 at second level and +1d6 every four levels there after.  Furious attack may be used regardless of the armor the brawler wears or the weapon he wields, as long as he is striking the target with-in his own natural unarmed reach.  The only exception is with ranged weapons; furious attack may not be used with any ranged weapon.

Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

Give it improvised weapons proficiency. Other than that, I like it.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

is there an improvised weapons proficiancy? if not, you could just have that be a feat specifically available to the class.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

I don't belive so. The problem with improvised weapons are that they shouldn't be as good as normal weapons. After all if they were then everyone would use them. There is a reason that spears, swords and shields are so prolific. The furios attack would represent using weapons and oportunistic attacks to get more damage.

Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

Actually, Improvised weapons proficiency has appeared in two canon WotC products; The drunken boxer(from sword and fist?= and the Infiltrator(from D20 Modern).

crazyfool's picture
Joined: 2005-05-16
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

improvised weps are likely to break and deal less damage than simalr weapons of their size with lower threat ranges and multipliers, imp wep prof is feasable

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

in addition, people don't use improvised weapons all the time because they are *harder to use* than exotic weapons which them selves are rather difficult.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Brawler: A Core class Work in Progress

ok ok. So I'll add in Improvised weapon prof.

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