brave new monster

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perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
brave new monster

stupid PMs well here goes

The metal king[u]
in the eons before a group of gnomes were trapped in carcerai while there they built a great machine to protect them they called the ferrous king a giant mechnacil being that protected them from the infernal forces
it's body was that of great man though over time this became the appearence of a great skeleton with a skull like head and clawed hands
it now sits on massive throne which houses it's power suorce a super massive metal heart beating with arcane power

attacks 1slam(10D6),1 claw(5D8
full attack-1slam(10d6),2claw(5d8
special attacks-energy blast,devastate
S.commands-animate obgects at will and arcane eye at will
S qualities- DR10/+4,SR15,darkvision60',linked

linked-if the throne is destroyed the king caese to function

devastate-once every 20 rounds the king can release a hemisphere of energy that deals cold fire electric or sonic damage

energy blast- created by a cannon located in it's mouth the king can release a blast 20' wide and 1000' long that deals cold fire electric sonic or force damage

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
brave new monster

This kinda pick it up, but this bearly grasps the consept in my mind.... I think me and you should get together to make this guy, though this is a good start.
Some Ideas I had were something like this:
The great metal, the machine king, the seer, these are all nicknames of the great Sherninbog, the machine strue name. He is called these things for all of the great things he can do. This thing was created by the gnomes of Beknel, with help from their future selves. These future selves came from a technically advanced culture, and gave the Gnomes of Beknel the gift of intellegence. With the smarts to make great machines, these Gnomes made Sherninbog, the first of all of their automations. Sherninbog was born as a self contained being, and could tell right from wrong for itself. When Beknel fell, so did this great machine, and all of the information and other machines with it. The gnomes forsake this place, and left it a barren desert. nearly a millenia, the gnomes of their new home, the Tinker islands, found a scroll showing them the old ones stories were not only stories, and their leaders started to excavate beknel. They dig up multiple pieces of machines and automations per day, and it is only a matter of time before they might happen upon Sherninbog.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
brave new monster

true but it seems that it should rise and follow it's last order? and as a weapon as well as the first of the machines the things got to be big.Oh i wonder future selves or the elves or a god which if a god then we could make it into a real power house feeding off the energy in divinty or other gods?

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
brave new monster

yea, those could work too, I really didn't think much on the futureselves. as far as the machine king himself, a millenia burried under sand I think would kindof mess him up. But I think his general programing would be to protect gnomes. And yes, it should definately be very large, I said that over the phone didn't I?

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
brave new monster

Just to let anyone else watching the thread know, we are scratching the throne concept and a few other things and starting a new with a floating mech sherninbog that has some pretty niffty features, including the beam cannon and energy nodes that feed on divine, arcane, positive, and negative energy. I included some concept drawings of himself, and a drawing of him entering beam-mode, with the four nodes exposed.

Also I incorperated four massive tendrils that are going to give him slam attacks, and sweep attacks.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
brave new monster

perro wrote:
stupid PMs well here goes

The metal king[u]
in the eons before a group of gnomes were trapped in carcerai while there they built a great machine to protect them they called the ferrous king a giant mechnacil being that protected them from the infernal forces
it's body was that of great man though over time this became the appearence of a great skeleton with a skull like head and clawed hands
it now sits on massive throne which houses it's power suorce a super massive metal heart beating with arcane power

attacks 1slam(8D6),1 slice(3D12
full attack-2slam(10d6),2pierce(3d8),2slice(3D12
special attacks-energy blast,devastate,posi-ray(1D12),Ncro-ray(1D12),posi-ray(1D12),arcanumray(1D12),deific ray(1D12
S.commands-animate obgects at will and arcane eye at will
S qualities- DR10/+4,SR25,darkvision60',energy comsumption

devastate-once every 20 rounds the king can release a hemisphere of energy that deals cold fire electric or sonic damage(costs twelve points of every energy type

energy blast- created by a cannon located in it's mouth the king can release a blast 20' wide and 1000' long that deals cold fire electric sonic or force damage(costs 5 points of divine + arcane energy

Rays-to power the machine's greatest weapons it has to asorb energy from sources that oppose the ray for example a arcanum ray deals twelve points of damage to a cleric as such the cleric is unable to cast a spell for half that (6 rounds)and the core asobs twelve points of divine energy(costs 1 point of specified energy type

consumption-in it's core the metal king has furnace that burns away energy it gathers in four nodes each made of a specific crystal and holding a specific energy type onyx for negative opal for arcane ruby for positive and diamond for divine these each hold 144 POINTS OF ENERGY which are derived from a high source for example a wizard for arcane and a undead for most it can only derive 12 points (for arcane and divine this is the inability to cast spells for 1/2 the points derived and a loss of HP from positive or negative sources

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
brave new monster

To anone reading this particular thread, I will be posting up the final Stats and information on Sherninbog, as well as some other creatures that live on the vast prime continent known as kildik

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