Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

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Lubaf's picture
Joined: 2005-11-28
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

Alright, since the original thread seems to have lost contact with the original idea ("Let's make the Upper Planes more interesting"), I'll start a new thread about what seemed to me to be the most relevant ideas in the thread.

The best idea for making the Upper Planes more interesting, in my opinion, is the Peace War, an Upper Planes counterpart to the Blood War, only less awful, and more, well, peaceful.

My line of reasoning follows:

In order to have the Peace War, we either need the fiends weakened or the Celestials strengthened, or else the fiends will exploit the division of the Upper Planes. If the fiends are less of a threat, the Lower Planes become less interesting; I personally caution against this. Thus, my recommendation of an upgrade. The best upgrade for the purposes of having the Peace War is one that doesn't change anything else; a backup plan (ideally, a somewhat undesirable one) against all Fiends suddenly becoming available would be desirable.

My suggestion for the power up is some magical researcher discovering three spells, all related:

One is a spell that burns away all that is Evil in a group of volunteers as an ongoing process. A surprising side effect is that a person effected by the spell becomes invulnerable.
The second is a spell that will kill anything Evil within line of sight. Oddly, if you can get to a high enough altitude, you can effect half a Prime world completely with this spell.
The third causes a easily notice, impossible to disguise symbol to appear upon all who are Evil. This last only works on a Prime, but it works on the entire Prime world you cast it on.

All three spells, being slight variations of the same spell, have a certain number of things in common:

1. They have a permanent duration. (Yes, including the second one.)
2. They require the primary caster to die in order to complete.
3. They define Evil in terms of the views of the primary caster, with a very peculiar twist (the caster's division of the world into Good and Evil are taken; and whichever side is more selfish is declared Evil for the purposes of the spell).
4. They are shockingly easy to set up, if you have the cooperation of a Celestial, who will also die in the process of casting the spell. (If you don't, well, you can't cast the spell.)

In other words, Ultimate Weapons that are really really really dangerous to use. And the

All this, and the short term consequences, can be dealt with in a single module.

The Peace War itself is somewhat more interesting. The various entities of the Upper Planes decide that since the Fiends can now be effectively countered in extremis, the alliance of the Upper Planes can afford to be loosened slightly; to wit, proselytizing that their version of Good is the Best amongst the other Upper Plane denizens. (That this division gives the Fiends a good reason for sitting back and waiting on the whole Ultimate Weapon situation is probably the reason the celestials decided to allow this in the first place.)

Things rapidly escalate from there.

Any further suggestions?

Luc "Brain Hurricane" French

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

Although I like the idea, which reminds me of the plot in Сумеречный Дозор (Twilight Watch) by Cергей Лукьяненко (Sergey Lukyanenko), I must say that the new topic is really unnecessary. The original thread wasn't that off topic, and this would be just another fine idea to add to it. Splitting it apart into two seperate topics.. well, it'll just confuse people. I say move it over to the original, unless we plan on having seperate topics for each idea for the Peace War.

Lubaf's picture
Joined: 2005-11-28
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

'Iavas' wrote:
Although I like the idea, which reminds me of the plot in Сумеречный Дозор (Twilight Watch) by Cергей Лукьяненко (Sergey Lukyanenko), I must say that the new topic is really unnecessary. The original thread wasn't that off topic, and this would be just another fine idea to add to it. Splitting it apart into two seperate topics.. well, it'll just confuse people. I say move it over to the original, unless we plan on having seperate topics for each idea for the Peace War.

The second reason I did this in a new thread is because the old one was getting far too long. It was, at last count, 99 posts long, and had at least two subthreads going. Thus, my spinning off the Peace War into it's own thread.

As a bonus, here's another bit of my thinking on the subject of the Peace War:

The Role of Violence in the Peace War

While the Peace War is much less violent than the Blood War, there still exists several significant violent components to the conflict. To wit:

1. Contests of strength. Everybody wants to show their version of good is better than the other sides; as an adjunct to this, they occasionally engage in contests to prove their strength. On the more lawful side of the Upper Planes, these contests are full tournaments, with precise rules for the safety of the fighters; on the chaotic side, contests tend to resemble drunken brawls. In fact, they frequently are drunken brawls (there are contests whose rules require you to drink a certain number of drinks before going into the fighting area).

2. Counting Coup. For the sneakier types. The basic idea here is to sneak up on somebody of importance, touch them by surprise, and get away without getting caught. Getting caught on the more Lawful side will lead to more formal punishment; getting caught on the more Chaotic side will merely result in the offender getting beaten up.

3. Skirmishes. There have also been small outbreaks of informal violence. Usually, these are more like a version of Counting Coup with slightly more violent ends; but lethal violence is rare (this is the Upper Planes, after all).

4. Reactions to Proselytizing. Sometimes, a Proselytizer will find him, her, or itself unwelcome; pressing the issue is likely to result in trouble.

5. Fiend fun. Occasionally, a particularly dumb Fiend will get the bright idea that maybe he could get away with interfering with the Peace War. That these Fiends usually wind up getting killed is not taken into consideration too often; failures fail, it's like a law of the Multiverse or something.

6. Miscellaneous.

Luc "Warcrafter" French

Oberoni_Fallacy's picture
Joined: 2006-10-01
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

So we have our Peace War - and the real trick here is "Evil as Defined by the Primary Caster". Now, we're going to have a couple real splits here - let's go with Three, after all.

Now here's an interesting bit. This Peace War is actually going to get the Celestials on their toes - it's going to call them into new beliefs and make them take *more action*. Now, belief is power, and this is going to spreads to more and more planes - not to mention more believing planars.

This is going to make these factions *stronger* - so the Celestials, while divided, will actually be individually more powerful.

But let's get back to the groupings.

First off, we're going to have the vengeful 'smite guys'. Let's call them the "Heralds of Light.", something like that. You know, the ones from the Book of Exalted Deeds who like to think that Evil to the (-1) power is Good, and that their primary duty is to kick ass, take names, and wipe the 'Loths, Devils, and Demons off the Planes. Which most celestials are pretty much fine with, considering they're the embodiments of Evil and all.t

But they go farther. "The Wages of Sin are Death", after all, and they're totally willing to take one of their best buddy spellcasters, toss him with a Celestial who's devoted to the cause, and wipe world after world clear of Evil, Fiends, Mortals, and all.

These guys are mostly Archons of the most Vengeful sorts, and Asuras, but there's a surprising number of Eladrins and Guardinals on their side. After all, they are Good, they've spread Good, and it's been millenia and people still haven't gotten the clue, so maybe they need to take action.

Then you get the second group - the ones who don't want to use the weapon at all. Some of them are afraid of the consequences, some of them are just big on redemption, some of them point out the fact that "Hey, it's Evil and Good in the definition of the CASTER. See a problem?"

While a lot of the more moderate Celestials and other Good people are on their side, at least unofficially, the leaders of this second sect have initiated some of the "callings-out" and general contests - not to mention more subtle things. They want to get the Weapon issue dealt with right now - they don't want to ignore it and let some Rogue Asura and her caster buddy Holy-Nuke an entire prime world, after all. They're young and idealistic, and they don't want to see a jaded Celestial, to their eyes, 'ruin it all' - or make a bunch of people who aren't actually all that good suddenly invulnerable.

These guys want to take action, and they're willing to stride up to the Court of Stars to make sure this weapon doesn't happen. Which is going to garner them a lot of odd looks, but they don't care - they're 'saving the world' - or at least those evil beings that can, in fact, be converted.

The Third group here is still kind of nebulous, but let's take a look at the first spell defined here. It purifies people, making them 'Good', and it makes them invulnerable. Now, this weapon hasn't been around long enough to test if it actually makes them immortal , but this third group, the Purifiers, doesn't really care. It's win-win. Every single volunteer they get becomes perfect and powerful. So these guys, the Sign of Purity , are looking around to find Judges. These are Mortals and other spellcasters which have a true view of what is Pure and Good - and they use them to start on volunteers.

That's the thing. They've already started, and the First Two Groups don't like it. Should Mortals be invulnerable? What if the Judge is flawed? What will the long-term effects of the spell be? In short, the feces have hit the Air Purifier.

Lubaf's picture
Joined: 2005-11-28
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

Some more possible sub-factions:

The "Markers" seek to use the third spell (the one that marks everyone who is evil) on as many Primes as possible.

The "Darksiders" hope to use the Killing spell on as large a chunk of a Lower Plane as they possibly can. The fact that any attempt to cast the Killing spell will fail, for many different reasons, is one they're trying to work around.

The "Diviners" are a series of groups that seek to discover as much about the spells as possible, in hopes of fixing various perceived flaws or discovering a new variant, or at least having a good idea of the duration.

The "Raiders" seek to use the protection to the Upper Planes afforded by the spells to interfere in the Blood War.

And a random question:

What are the Fiends doing during this?

Luc "Random" French

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

Obviously the Fiends will be trying to turn the whole thing to their advantage. Either by devising ways to to counter the spells, use them to their own ends (if a spell can kill only evil, it shouldn't be too hard to get it to kill only good), or simply corrupt those who weild them.

Personally, I would revise the "invulnerability" spell. It would make sense that a spell that "purifies" them will make them less powerful, mentally at least, because they have been robbed of part of their identities. People who have been purified in this way would likely have an extremely rigid definition of good drilled into their minds and would be unable to comprehend the subtleties of allignment that actually shape the planes. Basically, the spell would turn people into intolerant zealots enforcing their own or others' notions of good on the multiverse.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

If we could hold the thought about the Apocalypse Spell for just a moment...

I was browsing through Planes of Conflict recently and noticed a little blurb in the Elysium/Belierin section that could very well apply to this particular topic. The site "Quesar's Birthplace" is where the Aasimon made the first Quesar. The Quesar decided to try to propogate themselves by going back to their birthplace and make more of themselves. Lacking that divine spark, however, they got through the corporeal part of the process but couldn't animate them, Dr.Frankenstein being busy at the moment. So they just sort of left them until they figured out a way to gather the remaining energies left by the Aasimon and amplify them. The Guardinals know about the botched attempt, but they haven't done anything about it either way.

So, I guess my suggestion is expanding on the idea. Could be the Asuras or one of our other chief suspects discussed either above or in the previous topic have found out about the site and have decided to, for whatever reason, raise the new army and use it to attack the lower planes. This will mean almost certain decimation for the second generation Quasars, but it would give the other upper planar armies the chance they need to seriously threaten the fiends, or at least their most important fiendish plans. It would take some time to find a way to gather enough energy to raise the army, and that leaves time for a major philosophical argument concerning the ethics of the scheme.

Not to say I don't like the idea of the superpowered spell, because I do, but the realism aspect of it has been nagging me a bit.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

so what besides arbitrary limits on where a spell can be cast will stop goodies from going to the lower planes and decimating billions of fiends with a cost of a mortal and a celestial? whats to stop them from going to sigil and trying to bring it to good? what is to stop the game from becoming a tea party because evil is too easy to kill?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

'Daylen' wrote:
so what besides arbitrary limits on where a spell can be cast will stop goodies from going to the lower planes and decimating billions of fiends with a cost of a mortal and a celestial? whats to stop them from going to sigil and trying to bring it to good? what is to stop the game from becoming a tea party because evil is too easy to kill?

Nothing. That's why this weapon is such a big deal.


Pants of the North!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

Hi, I know that this is a bit of a tangent but I've noticed a few biblical verses being thrown about and I thought that this one might raise a good subplot/ new faction -

"I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spit you out of my mouth."

Thought it might be plausible to have a faction of celestials who are trying to force those from the neutral planes (on the good/evil axis) to pick a side - good or evil. It just makes a nice change to the law/chaos battles that you see so often in planescape and the good/evil battles from everywhere else. It also lets players explore what good means in the game - is balance good? If not what defines goodness?

There could be some good opportunities for Fiend/Celestial alliances (or at least co-operation) in this too and they're always fun.

As a great man once said-

"With enemies you know where they stand but with neutrals? Who knows! It sickens me."


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

I've realised again why evil is given more power and a blood war in standard PS: good vs good is boring. Whats next bring barby dolls over and play tea party?

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

why not something more like the lawful types get into an industrial revolution start making massive armies and march on the chaotic planes to make them lawful. Not in the fiendish way of just annihilating everyone but Occupation style like what we did with Germany after WW2 and are doing to Iraq.

Thig's picture
Joined: 2005-11-07
Longer Term Goals

So the Holy Nuke goes off, and evil aligned mortals across the Prime world are instantly ker-zatt'ed. Hooray! Prime world is CLEAN!

Where do all those evil souls go? YAY for more fodder for the Blood War! Go right ahead, goodlings: Fire it off. Your people are split over whether to use this thing or not, and yeah, we want to make it LOOK like we're opposing it, but ultimately, you're feeding us, so...

Thig's picture
Joined: 2005-11-07
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

'Lubaf' wrote:
One is a spell that burns away all that is Evil in a group of volunteers as an ongoing process. A surprising side effect is that a person effected by the spell becomes invulnerable. The second is a spell that will kill anything Evil within line of sight. Oddly, if you can get to a high enough altitude, you can effect half a Prime world completely with this spell. The third causes a easily notice, impossible to disguise symbol to appear upon all who are Evil. This last only works on a Prime, but it works on the entire Prime world you cast it on.

1. They have a permanent duration. (Yes, including the second one.)
2. They require the primary caster to die in order to complete.
3. They define Evil in terms of the views of the primary caster, with a very peculiar twist (the caster's division of the world into Good and Evil are taken; and whichever side is more selfish is declared Evil for the purposes of the spell).
4. They are shockingly easy to set up, if you have the cooperation of a Celestial, who will also die in the process of casting the spell. (If you don't, well, you can't cast the spell.)

Luc "Brain Hurricane" French

Just another aside on this... Wouldn't the primary caster's line of sight be terminated when he/she dies? I mean, it's permanent, so the victims don't get back up after the casting, but it's not like this thing would prevent evil people from repopulating.

Lubaf's picture
Joined: 2005-11-28
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

'Thig' wrote:
So the Holy Nuke goes off, and evil aligned mortals across the Prime world are instantly ker-zatt'ed. Hooray! Prime world is CLEAN!

Where do all those evil souls go? YAY for more fodder for the Blood War! Go right ahead, goodlings: Fire it off. Your people are split over whether to use this thing or not, and yeah, we want to make it LOOK like we're opposing it, but ultimately, you're feeding us, so...

And this ambiguity was intentional; yes, this version of the spell can wind up just feeding the Fiends, if injudiciously applied. That's one of the reasons why people are so freaked out about it.

'Thig' wrote:
Just another aside on this... Wouldn't the primary caster's line of sight be terminated when he/she dies? I mean, it's permanent, so the victims don't get back up after the casting, but it's not like this thing would prevent evil people from repopulating.

The caster's line of sight is the area of the spell. And the duration is permanent. In other words, if you can draw an uninterrupted line from where the caster was to the entity who is considered "evil" for the purpose of the spell, that entity is killed. In other words, repopulating is possible, but you'd better be doing it indoors, underground, or on the other side of the planet if the caster was up high enough.

Luc "Late, but better than never" French

Caladors's picture
Joined: 2006-08-31
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

Though the faction war may have end in Sigil it was only the beginning.
The war for hearts and minds had begun.
And it's battlefield the multiverse, indiscriminately used weather it be in the upper planes to the lower, from elemental planes to the prime.
No where is safe from the new thought police.

Just an idea....

Also another for Ather speficily (inspired by findish codex two)
They say in the begining that the Devils drew there power directly from the gods.
The truth of this is unknown.
But not for long.
The Ather have long wanted to prove that gods are just guys with the best high score not some beings to forced into worship.
So a radical group after study of the various relgious/histortrical text has stumbled upon an idea.
To force the power out of the power, clerics can gain spells from there deity however if all is said and done and is true in regards to the anicent myths.
Then power can be driven from a diety and channelled to another beign.
If this is a success then, the whole faction may turn it's efforts to directly removing powers.

(Ather have a base in X upper plane where there presence is tolerated as there flock should be able to decide for themselves however recently there have been more and more people coming to this out post from other planes.
Is something foul a foot or are the clergy simply scared of losing there flock)

Some ideas...

Alder_Fiter_Galaz's picture
Joined: 2007-03-07
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

nice idea that's of the peace war.

I imagine all the upper planes really in a diplomatic war to win the control of that what an ultimate weapon, and obiously dangerous to control and use.

Although most celestials honor the holy aliance of goodness, most try to give a winning edge to their particulary view of the world.

Then a lot of jousts and tournaments in the upper planes would be a nice change of pace.

Its nice the groupings, too. Let me see there are
The Herald of Light - the smite-guys so similar to the raiders
The Moderate - seek to control the weapon and divinate how to made it safer
The Purifiers - only want to purify the primes, some even thinking in a cleanising war against evil in the primes
The Markers - want to mark as many evil people as they can
The Darksiders - try to use the spell to destroy the lower planes

I do not forget the group of no-neutral-allowed proposed before and remember that old struggle between St. Cuthbert a lawful neutral god and Pholtus a zealot lawful good.

Most fiends will try to trick celestial into killing bad people so strenghen indirectly the lower planes.

Also i propose a full war chaos vs law, somewhere. That's be nice, too.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Brainstroming Session part 3: The Peace War

and then we can have pokemon duels!!! yay kids!

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