Brainstorming: Steampunk Planescape

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Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Brainstorming: Steampunk Planescape

Some of my gathering of ideas for such a setting have been gathered in this thread, so make sure to look at first.

I'm looking for neat ideas to use for such campaign...

I see airships being a pretty common way of getting around in many places. They could vary from being more technological to very, very arcane in construction. Some are dirigibles, some use levitating minerals, some use bound elementals and the methods are many and varied. Some airships are capable of planeshifting themselves (rather than having to rely of portals big enough for them to fit through), which makes them highly sought after forms of transportation.

One of my ideas for an airship of some note would be the Black Lotus a Feng Huang Class destroyer, a military airship armed with cannons and ballista-rockets from a prime material nation known as Long Guo that's shaped vaguely like a Chinese phoenix, crewed by a bunch of deserters turned planar buccaneers, refitted for planar travel.

Another one would be the Aleerin Nations of the Hintersky. Massive flying cities that travel around the skies of the Hinterlands, in the Outlands. It's citizens mainly being humanoids known as the Aleerin (also known as the Mechalus Alternity fame). The Aleerin are partially mechanical race of people, except with more steamtech-like parts instead of cybernetic, some of them have mechanical parts like wings that enable them to soar the skies outside the confines on their cities. The biggest and most well known of these cities is Rhaelaera, a massive collection of metal citadels, floatstone, constantly humming propeller engines, and gas furnaces with patches of earth growing trees and food, surrounded by numbers of satellite 'towns'.

Inter-Planar Trains
The logistics of having trains going to or from Sigil isn't practical given the nature of the Lady of Pain controlling Sigil's portals. However out on the planes, it's possible for trains to go to other planes. Well I see probably the upper planes having the more stable lines.

Gnomeway based out of Bytopia being perhaps the most successful train company across the outer planes, made even more successful with the help of the Planar Trade Consortium.

Outland Militia
A standing army in the Outlands, that's supposably unaffliated with any realm or gatetown. Though it's main "headquarters" is located in Rigus. The Outland militia is a volunteer army, composed of mainly Outland natives who want to protect the Outlands from dangerous incursions that spill into the Lands on a not that uncommon basis. The militia is supplied and funded by all of the gate-towns to varying degrees, and some of the Outland realms. They generally patrol the eighth and ninth rings.

Most of it's members are humans and planetouched, however there's a quite a number goblins, orcs, kobolds, dwarves, warforged, rilmani and other races that make up its ranks. As a "volunteer" force they are quite well armed with reliable rifles, cannon artillery, magic blades, spellcasting support, airships and aerial calvary. The Outlands Militia has its share of internal conflicts, such as that between its varied chaplains of different deities and its Athar volunteers, or the occasion gate-town politics. Their uniforms consist of a black coat with burgundy trim.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Brainstorming: Steampunk Planescape

Now you've got my creative juices flowing.

New Sects:
The Manufacturers.

Based on the Plane of Earth, the Manufacturers believe that The Factory is the perfect manifestation of man's abillity to change his environment. To the Manufacturors, a perfect world is one were no stone has been left unturned, and all things bear the mark of industry. The Manufacturers are based out of The Great Mill, a miles-wide factory on the Plane of Earth that is powered by a massive portal to the Plane of Water, and functions soley to mine minerals and metals from the plane and turn them into building materials with which to expand the Great Mill so that they can mine more minerals. Unwanted minerals and imperfect building materials are sold of to Planar merchants, and the money made is used to keep the factory going. The leader of the Manufacturers is a construct from Automata known only as "The Unfinished." his goals are unclear but most people can agree that his determination to the cause makes the rest of the Manufacturers seem positively lazy. The Manufacturers hate the Railbenders on principle, but pretty much ignore everyone else.


When factories started becoming common-place, so too did poor treatment of factory workers. The Railbenders (so named for tendency to sneak into factories and smash all the machinery) exist to combat that injustice. Whereever there are factory owners mistreating workers, there are Railbenders there to make their lives difficult. The Railbenders used to be based in Sigil, but they've pretty much been persona non grata ever since they firebombed the Great Foundry. These days, they are based in Automata where they find no shortage of greedy capitalists to intimidate. The Sectol of the Railbenders is an fiery Aasimar by the name of Ladix. Most planar scholars agree that Ladix has probably been dead for years, but that doesn't seem to be stopping anyone from following him. The Railbenders get along well with the Free league, Revolutionary League, and Doomguard, and Xaositects, but pretty much everyone else hates their guts. In fact, the Sect has been nearly wiped out twice only to re-emerge elsewhere on the Great Wheel.

The Privateers.
If you took a bunch of Sodkillers and Planar mercenaries, gave them a fleet of top of the line Airships and left them on the Astral with no other intstructions but to kill pirates, the Privateers are what you would get. In fact, that's where they came from. Fifty years ago three hundred members of the Minders Guild were hired by the Planar Trade Consortium to man a fleet of Astral ships against Githyanki pirates. They were more successful than anyone could have dreamed. Now, half a century later, the Privateers number in the thousands and don't just patrol the Astral, but launch raids on Acheronian cubes and bombard prime worlds from orbit, all for the highest bidder. But the Privateers are not jut thugs or pirates, they adhere to a strict code of conduct knows as Blackbrow's Creed which essentially states that they are not allowed to attack traders and Merchants, they aren't allowed to steel from other Privateers, and they aren't allowed to attack any neutral organization unless someone is paying them. The Sectol of the Privateers is a Zenythri known as Blackbrow. Blackbrow is nearly 90 (which is still pretty old for a Zenythri) and has been a Privateer from the beginning and Sectol for the last thirty years. There has been talk of overthrowing him by some of the Factors (all of whom are powerful admirals in their own right), but the Blackbrow is loved by the rank and file, so any attempted coup will likely end badly. The Privateers have pretty much been allied to or at war with almost everyone at some point or another. There closest allies are people with a lot of money, like they the Planar Trade Consortium and the Fated, which puts them on bad terms with the Free League and similar groups.

Caladors's picture
Joined: 2006-08-31
Brainstorming: Steampunk Planescape


Sigil always has been in it's heart steam punk.
However Fantasy gets first kick in Roshambo.

Anywho when you think about it, would have to be.
Ok so you have all of these planes and worlds out there if there is a techological inovation ofcorse it is going to make it's way to sigil so when you get every singil worlds/planes techological advances in one place ofcorse there going be more advanaced than anywhere else.

Also I love idea of man powered machine in rural areas you have animal powered whatever but in this city labour is cheap and pentiful!
So you have a whole lot of things that are run by people.

But basicly this is an Idea I would through your way.
Everywhere else is the same.

Ok think about it, you have the kind of advance that you do in ebberon now you have magic out the warzo in all of these other place and connection to planes.

Think of this Water systems that come from the plane of water and surage that is connected to the plane of ooze.
heating systems streat from the plane of fire.
eletricity from the plane of lighting.
cogs gears and wheels from mechainus!

Think about it seriously when push comes to shove Sigil should be alot more advanced than it is.

and basicly Sigil is like London back when the english were at the peak of empire, it was like travelling to the USS enterprise as far as anyone else was conscerned thats how advanced they were compared to everyone else.

Lighting provied by pocket portals to the plane of radiance! (light bulbs)

You have dawarves whom have elven city planners....

basicly yeah Sigil could/should be steam punk

also everything I threw out there was just off the top of my head, so somethings may not be feesiable.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Brainstorming: Steampunk Planescape

The Society of the Transient Form
This sect combines the steampunk/cyberpunk tendency of transhuman(oid)ism with the current batch of 3.5isms of grafts (see Fiend Folio, Lords of Madness, Magic of Eberron and Races of Dragon for examples). The Transients are an offshoot of the Mind's Eye and Godsmen who've taken to altering the physical form as a method of ascension. They use grafts, soul-crafting, arcane transmutations, psionic psychometabolism and animism for their methods. Their disparate ranks include Fleshwarpers (Lords of Madness prc), Xixchil artisans, and mystic surgeons. For the right price, they'll gladly reshape anyone. It's said that the elite of the transients are capable of effortlessly reshaping their form and abilities for any situation, despite the fact that they are of a practice that is not well liked by most.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Brainstorming: Steampunk Planescape

Cults of the God-Machines
With the invention of difference engines, machines built for calculation, came the idea that you could build a sentient being from a combination of gears, index cards and various mechanical parts. Most of difference engines are just calculating machines, but some artificers have been able to create machines that can truly think, using touches such as esoteric energy sources, bound spirits, disembodied brains and imprinted telepathic crystals. It seems to be a trend across the multiverse on many worlds where such creations are made. Constructs of various types seeing more and more use along with these creations. These machines have reached levels of consciousness beyond that of most beings, and in many cases almost divine.

Some feel that it's the dawning of a new type of life across the multiverse, and cults of such technomancer artificer are spreading. Some say their agendas may be varied, but rumours speak of links these cults may have to links to the manipulation of exiled Modrons, or other forces originating from Mechanus. However there's also whispers of cults dedicated to thinking machines that other cultists find blasphemous containing the very essences of chaos and madness from Limbo and beyond.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Brainstorming: Steampunk Planescape

Two more ideas, one deals with a mad-scientist, and the other one is a more western-themed gunslinger order.

Marynnelle's Planar Lenses
A scientist named Hala Marynnelle (N female aasimar, artificer 14+) working from a hidden lab located in Muspelheim, Ysgard developed a theory that it's possible to reach or create planes unthought of through the concentration and mixtures of varied and disparate planar energies. Much of her studies focussed on the phenomena of planar breaches, bleeds and pockets. Some of her theories were based on the research of the infamous wizard Leicester. Using a combination of her studies and research she created a massive mechanical and eldritch device capable of peering into almost any plane across the multiverse, and focusing the energies from that plane to any other plane. Calling this device the Planar Lenses, she can create breaches on some planes enabling her to easily travel and explore such places for specimens, and experiments. It's said she's been to places no one else has yet, and counts herself among the many Planar Theorist who are disproving the orthodox view of the Great Wheel Cosmology. Much of her work is known in Sigil and across the known multiverse, and that has brought her as many enemies and many supporters. There are many people after her, and many unknowable things after her, forcing her to relocate her lab to the more inhospitable layer of Muspelheim of her native plane.

The Cabal of Perfected Moment
With the right action, done in the right place, with the right clarity of thought and purpose one can change the course of a life, of a destiny, a world and possibly the multiverse itself. This cabal of wanderers has many members from the Transcendent Order and the Mind's Eye. They seek to change the fates of themselves and others, mostly with the tool that has become their way of life and a powerful symbol of their struggle: the Gun. The Cabal of the Perfected Moment is perhaps some of the best gunslingers across the planes. These Gunslingers do look for conflict, but only use their weapons with purpose, for to use their pistols they can shape possibility with just a single action. For each Gunslinger it's all part of a quest for clarity, when to act and what to do for the one perfect moment in destiny.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Brainstorming: Steampunk Planescape

The Eye of Umbral Camera
Cameras are devices that can capture images by focusing incoming light through a small lens onto an alchemically treated sheet. In most cases it takes several minutes of exposure for an image to be produced by such devices. Many inventors have circumvented such limitations through the use of magic. Some of these cameras just seem to have the tendency to capture things in their images unseen or unthought of. Most of the time these appear as double images, a 'trick' in the pictures development. Other times they are glimpses of coexistant planes, psychic auras, possessing fiends, or even strange alien landscapes that barely resemble what is seen before the camera by the naked eye.

One particular device is umbral camera, allegedly the invention of a mad shadowcaster looking to capture the essence of the soul through its lenses. However due to the nature of the Shadow Plane and the construction of such a device, it hungers instead for essence of all the falls before its eye, across multiple planes. Sometimes something or someone caught before the lenses finds itself on the Shadow Plane, and other times such this unpredictable device has been known to create a simulacrum of shadow stuff of what it's seen. The current location of the camera is unknown, as the last known owner Yilan Carth (CN male cansin, rogue 3/ shadowcaster 2, planewalker's guild) went into hiding after being visited by a gang of strange men dressed in black.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Brainstorming: Steampunk Planescape

Life's Creed

The Creed are a group of luddites who believe that technology and undead should be destroyed. Members of this group set out to destroy all constructs, technology, and undead they can find. Modrons living outside Mechanus are primary targets of the group, as are Warforged and golems, as they believe that mechanical beings make a mockery of organic life, and that these constructs are therefore the worst type of technology, as they most directly mock life.

The Creed often ally with Doomguard and the Sodkillers, despite the two groups being on the opposite sides of the Law/Chaos axis, if the two factions are doing something that would further the Creedites' goals. Likewise, the Bleak Cabal and the Dustmen are almost always enemies of the sect, as they claim a number of undead and constructs as members.

Tactics of the group are usually fairly simple: gather some converts in an area, then proceed to raid technological centers, firebombing and smashing anything they can, then leaving before defenders come. For especially hated targets, they may sometimes infiltrate the target's defenses to better ensure their success. They rarely fight in small groups, preferring to attack en masse, overwhelming any defenders onsite by numerical advantage.

The symbols of the group are a sword cleaving through a skull and broken gear.

The Reclaimers

The Reclaimers are a sect of constructs devoted to promoting construct freedom. They help machine beings by repairing them, as well as finding golems and purchasing them then setting them free. The mainline members of the sect are largely non-violent, saying that life is valuable in all forms and will provide healing services to non-constructs as well, though if they heal non-machines, they often ask for a 'donation' in the form of some information or a promise to help the group at a later date. A sub-group believe that machine life is better than organic, and thus will be more violent in the way they "help their brethren get freed from the yoke of organic oppression." Non-machine allies who can help the group are welcomed by the mainliners, though the other sub-group views them with heavy suspicion and only tolerates them as being a means to an end.

Their symbol is the 'Mended Gear' which is a six-spoked gear cracked down the middle and bolted back together.

Elder Elemental Jester's picture
Joined: 2007-04-17
Brainstorming: Steampunk Planescape

Why stop at steampunk?

A few years ago I ran a Gamma World (post apocalyptic super-tech setting with mutated animals and sentient plants for those in the dark) group through the Planes as a lark. They ended up following most of the Great Modron March (the adventure series book) and laying waste to armies in Archeron before finding out that fiends were only half damaged by masers, although a full-conversion cyborg can split a Molydeus with a claymore Smiling. We'll just say that the portals to Sigil lead EVERYWHERE, even some mostly magic-dead world like Gamma Terra. It was fun watching them learn to try and talk to opponents before just whipping out weapons, which is a lesson valuable on the Planes (both Inner and Outer).

As far as Steampunk goes, don't forget to read The Difference Engine by William Gibson. It describes a steampunk London/world that seems to fit exactly what you're saying. The logistics of getting a train to run through any but a stable portal are mind-boggling, but the airships are a nice idea especially for folks traveling to air or smoke or any of the para/quasi planes that border Air. With the right enchantments, the same airships could survive in Fire and its border planes as well (where there is a definate up-down to gravity and a medium to float through).

Alitis's picture
Joined: 2007-04-05
Brainstorming: Steampunk Planescape

Second Chance Enterprises

Hey there cutter! You look a little down. Life lost its thrill? Things not turn out quite how you planned? Is every day blending together into the same sodding routine over and over again? Well I say its time for a fresh start! For a fair, negotiable payment Second Chance Enterprises can help you and yours start an exciting new life in Limbo, the plane of change and new beginnings! Live in the environment of your dreams, free of all the worry and bother you have to deal with here. Till the soil, craft tools, guard your loved ones, or do whatever else you please! Don’t give me an answer now, talk to your family and friends! Here, take a brochure. We have offices in Sigil and Tradegate, drop my name if you decide to stop by. I guarantee, we’ll have you set up with a new life in no time! – Lazlo Pinetti, SCE salesman

Headquartered in the Outlands, Second Chance Enterprises builds quasi-sentient difference engines with enough reasoning ability to stabilize sections of Limbo. The Deluxe Colony Model can create a 1700 yard sphere of influence able to mimic the conditions of most prime worlds. Programs can be loaded to create various buildings (sold separately) or other free-standing structures such as walls or defensive emplacements. The Bolthole Economy package is somewhat more limited, able to produce only 100 yards of stabilized Limbo and incapable of generating buildings. All purchases come with a colonization kit filled with rations, tools, and firearms; the official Limbo Survival Guide; five years of service, and a one-way pass through the company’s portal to Limbo. Higher-end models also include boxes of metal punch cards for basic homes, shops, smithies, and taverns. Other programs are available upon request. SCE is not responsible for loss or damage of life or property due to native conditions and life forms. No refunds available.

Alitis's picture
Joined: 2007-04-05
Brainstorming: Steampunk Planescape

The Empiricists
The Empiricists are a sect of scientists that deny belief is the most powerful force in the multiverse, and point to the raw physicality of the Inner Planes as proof. According to them everything arose from base elements, and only once these diffused through the Ethereal and combined in such a way as to create sentient life did the Outer Planes get dreamt into being. The Empiricists have established several laboratories and factories on the planes of Air, Water, and Earth.

Most sect members devote their lives to empirical investigation of the natural world, seeking to understand the elemental nature of reality. Certain Empiricists are less devoted to basic research, and instead devise and build new ways of manipulating the world. They are especially interested in creating difference engines and observational apparatus to further their studies. Both are willing to spend some time on specific projects if the jink is good, since high-quality tools don’t come cheap. Allies include the Manufactures and the Society of Transient Form, for whom they have completed several applied research projects. Their heavy use of constructs and quasi-sentient difference engines have put the Empiricists at odds with the Reclaimers, and their stated goal of understanding through science and technology puts them in opposition to Life’ Creed.

Their symbol is a microscope superimposed over a field of the symbols for each element.

Alitis's picture
Joined: 2007-04-05
Brainstorming: Steampunk Planescape

I'm not sure this is technically steampunk, but the prevailing attitude seems to fit this genre more than traditional Planescape:

Tertrysto Transport Service

Five years ago, a little-known planar by the name of Thomas Tertrysto and a band of like-minded comrades split from the Etherfarer Society over a disagreement about the group’s ultimate goals. Believing that knowledge and expertise of the plane should be exploited for profit and power, the Tertrysto group somehow stole five of the society’s newest ether cruisers and disappeared into the mists. Each ship was equipped with both traditional ether sails and a specially adapted steam-powered screw capable of churning through the ethereal mists at high velocities. In addition, a carefully guarded treatment of their hulls allowed the cruisers to endure the border conditions of any Inner Plane without suffering lasting damage.

Nothing was heard of the group for three years, and it was widely assumed that the bashers had run afoul of one of the plane’s natural hazards or powerful denizens. The ships were written off as a loss, and the Etherfarers returned to Freehold City several million gp poorer. Two years ago, however, agents of the self-proclaimed ‘Tertrysto Transport Service’ surfaced in the City of Glass and the Great Dismal Delve. They promised to move any cargo anywhere in the Inner Planes, no questions asked. Clients would bring their goods to secret locations on their plane, where ethereal operatives would materialize and claim the shipment. The customer would then be escorted out, and the nearby ethereal border secured. One week later the operatives would rematerialize at their destination and deliver the cargo.

Tertrysto rates were exorbitant, but delivery was absolutely guaranteed. Chant is that the organization now has its fingers in several smuggling operations, and for enough jink will even ‘deliver’ human cargo from a secure location (such as a prison cell) to a destination of their choice. No confirmed sightings of the stolen cruisers have been linked to TTS, but it is widely assumed that these are the backbone of their operation. The organization is currently headquartered at Courier’s Tragedy, a shipyard hidden somewhere in the Deep Ethereal.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Brainstorming: Steampunk Planescape

This actually came from the other thread, but I decided to elaborate more and put it here.

Sigil's Cursed Trains
When Sigil's train system was built, it was hardly perfect. It was first conceived by the Sigil Advisory Council, funded initially by the Planar Trade Consortium, and built by various machinist and factory guilds. Different rail lines had different plans and implementations, which made the whole system confusing. Also there was plenty of opposition from various guilds and other groups around the cage. Many of the residents of Undersigil, didn't want trains going through there homes either.

It was during this time when the Sigilian Rail System, was new there were plenty of mishaps and sabotages to hinder the trains. Many trains went missing, or in some cases trains filled with passengers would go into a train-station mysteriously empty. Eventually the Sodkillers went in and cleared away most of the physical threats to Sigil's train system, but problems still remained.

Trains often went through portals along their path, and it was determined by the gate-seekers guild that this was the result of many of the disappearances. With their help they kept most of the trains safe from most portal mishaps. Trains would no longer disappear, as whenever a big portal was discovered, peculiar restrictions on what could be brought or done on a train would appear on certain routes to prevent this. However this never prevented individuals occasionally disappearing through portals while riding the train. Such incidents now maybe only happen a few times per year, making the trains mostly safe.

However in some cases the paths of the trains dug in all those tunnels, changed themselves. Some said it was Sigil itself that occasionally shifted around it's form, causing these problems. The fate of these trains is unknown.

There is said to be 'ghost trains' around Sigil. Some of the trains are spectral trains which appear only at anti-peak, reflections or phantasms themselves. Other times it's a rotting train filled with undead, who are more than enough of a menace. At least a couple of Undersigil tribes are said of have rogue trains of their own which they use to travel the tunnels, and raid all along their routes. Some trains themselves have awakened, gained sentience of their own, rebelling against passengers and crew. There's a train known as the Fh'ekrrilaan which was awakened and tranformed by the Far Realm itself, becoming a living organic entity of a most alien physiology. It's intentions remain unknown.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Brainstorming: Steampunk Planescape

Remember if you have any more neat ideas, related to this thread to post them here...

Phonographing the Patterns of the Planes

"Turn the crank and make some soddin' noise out of that horn, am I supposed to be impressed?
I don't care what those sods have to say about this Phonograph, it's a bleedin' frivolous toy for the idle rich and the obsessive collector.
This will never replace any live gig from a real musician."

-Frelassa Lucette, an infamous bard commenting on this new technological wonder

The phonograph is one of the earliest audio recording and replaying devices invented, a pins minute vibrations when moved along the groove of a disc can be magnified into an approximation of sound. While hardly a revolutionary device around Sigil and the planes, where thoughts and experiences themselves can be recorded and music carries great mystical energies that can only be produced in person, the phonograph still became a curiosity among the elites who could afford such things. In most cases they were dismissed as mere toys, it was the fact the a phonograph could 'read' certain patterns and create noises that interested some.

Soon a bunch sages and explorers determined how to use a phonogram needle on more than just discs. It was always said that in many places across the multiverse that minute patterns and signs were hidden out there. In the darkest depths of Pandemonium one phonogram researcher, Welula Pirn (CE female aasimar, beguiler 5, bleak cabal) discovered a message that told of souls descent into madness by having a pin read the pattern of stalactite. From that discovery she also learned that 'playing' the pin off stalactites pattern outside of Pandemonium could drive anyone to madness with the winds of that plane.

Another researcher Gurthan Mucar (LN male axani, archivist 6, guvner) discovered that the minute patterns on rocks, surfaces and even fauna across the planes could play patterns relaying ancient histories of events that happened around them. The conditions in which the phonograph plays such messages, is never something that can be accurately determined, but Gurthan through is years of research was able to learn many details about the ancient past. It's said fearing for his safety he recorded many of his secrets on surfaces hidden through out the Cage, before he disappeared after a visit from what some say were the Keepers.

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