Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

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Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

We had a ton of other ideas (some of which, I didn't manage to write down, so those of you who did, please pick up where I leave off) we mentioned, but didn't have time to go into any detail about.

One of those is the role of the Shadow plane compared to the other transitive planes. In original planescape, this plane is not a fully transitive one (it was a demi-plane), so of course the bloods at the mimir thought up a third transitive plane, named the Ordial. Is the Shadow plane a real transitive plane, or might it actually connect to the entire multiverse, as a sort of dark mirror of reality itself? Will there be a lot more traffic on the transitive planes while Sigil is stabilizing? Can anyone say PTC caravans without their heart thumping really hard (also, good idea for the Outlands - after all, caravans are reliable and safe, even if they are slow...something that planars might really want after the FW)?

What are the modrons up to? Besides trying to build a new pathway (see other thread), shouldn't they be focusing on rebuilding their power base in Mechanus? What about those pesky formians and that nasty little layer that slid in a while back? Could they be secretly building a doomsday weapon to take care of the pest (think an actual "mechanus cannon"), and are they shutting down their borders while they do it? Do they plan to slide that annoying layer even further, down to Acheron? Do they need the help of mortals to revitalize themselves, now that they are diminished? Can modrons evolve? Wouldn't the Guvners be perfect candidates to help reestablish modron presence?

What's up with this new Yugoloth tower in Carceri? Do the three 'loth towers form a trinity of some sort that will set off a new plan (or perhaps, an extension of Squaring the Circle, from Hellbound)? What of the Maeldur et Karuvik - did the fiends get their teleporting powers back, somehow? Did they have to deal with the yugoloths, or did they barter similar powers from the Upper planes (after all, other solars might have similar abilities)?

So many questions...which ones will we focus on, and what direction should we take?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

The Ordial was directly referenced as well in Guide to the Astral as a theoretical plane bridging the Inner and Outer Planes to allow the movement of godlike power and belief from the Outer to the Inner, and the movement of substance to produce petitioner bodies and other such things, from the Inner to the Outer.

The purpose of 'bridging' sets of planes to allow the movement of something is what a transitive plane is. Hence the Shadow (at least in my opinion and the way the PSCS has been treating it up till now) is... only sorta transitive - nothing distinctly *moves* though it from one place to another. The way I picture it, and the way I think that the PSCS portrays it as well is still as a pseudoplane but like a spider or an ocotpus - sneaking its stealthy little trendrils through and into everything - building itself on dark half-truth reflections and shadows cast by the other planes.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Re: The Modrons, one idea I'd tossed out at the meeting was evolution. A deliberate evolution of the modron race from gears and mechanical forces to a more advanced form of themseves....

One counter arguement to this was that they currently consider themselves the perfection of Law. How/why would they even consider changing that?

My answer: Well, yes, they consider themselves the perfection of orderliness. And they got their butts handed to them. So the question is, do they consider their perfection of order something evidenced by the mental or the phsyical form? I would say the mental. Logic, and mathematics. And in this case, perfect logic indicates that given the evidence before them, their current forms and means of expression is inadaquite for their purpose. After long consideration they may consider adopting the successful approaches of other species: formians, humans, mortals, etc. Aka - evolving their own forms to higher levels, and/or becoming invasive - aggressive even.

In addition: The lingering influence of Tenebrus (it could have gone both ways y'know) could lead to this self questioning and evolutionary process. Perhaps even a civil 'war' and internal struggle to determine the highest and best adapted evolutionary form. Knowing the modron, they may lock down the edges of their development ground to prevent outside influence on their works - resulting in the closed borders that the Planes have seen of late.

... All of which, I'll be honest, really comes down in my mind to the incredibly cool image of a 'new modron' controlling a mass of greyish-silver viscous liquid nanotech. Eye-wink

There's plenty of plot and more importantly, module fodder, by giving the PCs a chance to influence what form the new modron takes.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

In my opinion, the Shadow should not be considered a transitive plane. Even if there was a shadow equivalent of every plane in the multiverse, which I don't think is currently the case, then there's still the question of where it connects them. Is there a deep shadow? If so, how is that anything but a darker version of the Ethereal?

Personally, I see the Ordial as a much more interesting way to complete the Rule of Three in regards to transitive planes. First of all, it explains the connection, however faint, between the Outer and Inner planes. Secondly, there's none of the trouble of having a demiplane evolve to not only connect the entire known multiverse but also other multiverses. Finally, it's not very well described, giving us the freedom to play with it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

The PSCS has been approaching the "Problem of the Shadow Plane" from the viewpoint of the Shadowlie. Though we aren't pulling in any of those rules down at the bottom on impacting others beliefs - it does treat Shadow as something other than a transitive plane. If there's a *lot* of people that way to reverse on that - we probably can.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

As for the Modrons, here's my take on it (whether anybody asks for it or not. Sticking out tongue )

First, I'd like to say that I love the idea of modrons, despite identifying with the chaotic bend in most respects. They seem like funny little walking blocky blokes to most, but there's no arguing that a Modron war unit, or even their semi-annual stomp around the Great Wheel, is terrifying to behold. Their almost cartoonish appearance (not to mention childlike naivete of their rouge adventurers) contrasts with their mechanical/logical thought processes.

Imagine a modron army... no try to forget that they look like anthropomorphic televisions with crossbows. They are, in essence, run by what boils down to a computer program. No mercy, no fear, no pause. The formians are like ants, albeit very intelligent ones. They are all about obedience, but they still have some chaotic elements (for instance, I don't believe they fight in formation). The modrons, although organic, are more like robots. They are about logic and numbers. Having them force themselves to evolve into a more fitting appearance appeals to me. They would be less comedic relief and more potentially terrifying machine conscience (think The Matrix).


The modrons are, despite WotC's efforts, exemplars. Changing their overall appearance would be like changing all slaads from toads to velociraptors to make them more terrifying. The slaads described in 3e material are a bit more frightening than their fat 2e equivalents, but they're still basically bipedal, chaotic toads. Similarly, I think if it is agreed to proceed along the modron evolution line, the change should not be too dramatic. They should still be blocks on legs, but more streamlined and efficient. There should still be all the normal categories, from monodrone up to Primus. After all, their thought patterns have not changed. But instead of being "a goofy face in on a cylinder with arms and legs", it should be "a cylindrical machine with numerous multifunctional limbs spread around the base in equal incriments for maximum utility". Instead of being "a walking box carrying a crossbow" it should be a "cubic lifeform with bolt firing appendages". Do you get my drift? Don't redefine the wheel, redescribe it.

In conclusion:
"'Cutest' is a subjective term. I prefer the designation 'fearsome cubed warrior'." --Nordom, Planescape: Torment

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Yes, Modrons can be terrifying.

Especially when you consider that a properly constructed Modron army is literally undefeatable- whenever you kill one, another one is promoted to fill its place (all the way down the line), and a new monodrone spawns.

This could well be why they've been marginallized in 3e- there's no way to kill the buggers in the right circumstances, and as a result, the challenge they present is highly variable.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Monodrones spawn right under Primus in Mechanus, though, not out on the battlefield, so if you start out with an army, the last type of unit in that army you will face is the highest rank there was to begin with (and that's if all modrons everywhere stayed alive). The first type of unit to disappear, however, would be the monodrone (or, if none were present, the lowest caste above that) because they would either be killed first due to a lower challenge rating or be promoted to replace fallen leaders.

So, technically, modron armies are ferocious and tough, but not invincible.

Xaos_Bob's picture
Joined: 2005-01-31
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

I vote that the modrons investigate a method to assimilate the formians.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

'Iavas' wrote:
Monodrones spawn right under Primus in Mechanus, though, not out on the battlefield, so if you start out with an army, the last type of unit in that army you will face is the highest rank there was to begin with (and that's if all modrons everywhere stayed alive). The first type of unit to disappear, however, would be the monodrone (or, if none were present, the lowest caste above that) because they would either be killed first due to a lower challenge rating or be promoted to replace fallen leaders.

So, technically, modron armies are ferocious and tough, but not invincible.

The 3e stats for them say that the nearest monodrone splits into two when one dies. So, yes, they would be invincible.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Okay, I'm a bit rushed, but I can't find either the 2e stats (Which book is it in? I looked through all three Monster Compendiums!) nor especially the 3e stats. I thought 3e just skipped over them. When I said they respawn in Mechanus, I remembered reading that in one of the descriptions of the Modron March. I might be wrong, but could you point me in the right direction for an official description of monodrones splitting into two? Thankee.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

They were in a web enhancement, here.

Heh. The whole "Invincible army" thing could be useful for plots, even if it makes for unsatisfying encounters, if the BBEG has managed to acquire a Modron army and is using it to conquer the world.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Ah. That would do it. Thank you. Now, does anybody know where the 2e stats are to see if they match. I don't trust WotC with planescape.

EDIT: Okay, now that I have the time, the 3e file is downloading, but I also found the 3.5e conversion here on PlaneWalker. This is what I got from it, and correct me if I'm wrong:

According to the Life Cycle section, it says that when a modron of any rank dies, a random one below it is promoted, and one below that, etc etc until the monodrone level. At that point, a monodrone (any one in the world) splits into two through fission. This keeps the numbers constant, but not necessarily on the battlefield where the losses occur. In fact, it would be far more likely that the splitting monodrone would be somewhere safe while being given the order to split by fission (fizz?).

Xaos_Bob's picture
Joined: 2005-01-31
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

2e stats are in the PS boxed set Monstrous Compendium Appendix/insert.

nick012000's picture
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Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Well, the 3e rules say that it's the closest one that is promoted, not a random one (which seems highly un-Modron, seeing as they're the ultimate creatures of Law).

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

'nick012000' wrote:
The 3e stats for them say that the nearest monodrone splits into two when one dies. So, yes, they would be invincible.

The Great Modron March had it that new monodrones emerged from Primus' pool in Regulus. Thus, the modron parade got smaller and smaller as it moved across the Great Ring.

Which is how it should be. If modrons were invincible, the adventure wouldn't work.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

That's how I remember it. Primus was the Queen Alien. Sticking out tongue

However, it seems the thread has kind of lost focus: What miscellaneous changes could occur Post Faction War. So far, we have two main points of interest:

1) A new planar pathway
2) Modron Evolution

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Maybe the latest Primus decided to change the way things work, as far as monodrone-spawning?

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

He'd have to have a pretty darn good reason. Primus doesn't tend to do things on a whim. And, if you think about it, having the nearest monodrone split into two could wipe out the entire species in one spectacular battle (such as when the little tykes walk through a Blood War field during their bicentennial romps through the planes).

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

No, it wouldn't. It would make modron armies invincible, unless the enemy managed to wipe out every monodrone present simultaneously. Maybe the latest Primus saw how the last one met his end, and decided to make the minimum change to maximize modron capabilities to prevent someone from doing something like that again.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

We did note that Priumus really *does* have a good reason to make changes to the race (see earlier in this thread). It's possible that sort of change is part of the evolution movement for modrons?

Whilte the debate is interesting, it's not quite what we're focused on in this thread which is: We're looking for module ideas and eventually to make modules on this thread to address the ideas... is there anything in here that has inspired ideas for you for evil things to do to your players?

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

I think the modrons could use some more base ranks after pentadrone. If you think about it, the various 'ton ranks are the modron version of unique creatures, their equivalent of the rulers of Hell (Dukes on up to LoftNine) or the Princes of Hell. Currently, the modron Secundus, of which only four exist at any given time, are matched in power by the Pit Fiend and the Balor, of which an infinite number exists at any one time.

I think the base ranks should be exended up to a CR 20-ish decadrone, which would leave the heirarch casts to be treated the same as other planar heirarchies.

Another avanue of evolution for the modrons is simply to create new varients (like the two winged varients of the monodrone and the quadrone that already exist). These varients could have special purpose abilities, making the modrons as a whole more versitile.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Fine, I relent. Considering their recent slap-in-the-face by Tenebrous, they have a good reason for changing. *sniffle* 'tis like the passing of an era.

But if we're going to go changing everything from their life cycle to their caste system, we might as well make it one hell of an adventure. The old modrons should "not go lawful into that good night", they should stir up half the Wheel whilst doing it.

But I still warn agains the whole "invincible" thing. It'll make any one army as strong as the entire race, but it'll also make the entire race as weak as one army. What happens if they encounter a really big Blood War battle? Just think about it, is all I'm saying.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Personally I'm inclined to leave their old class system alone - and instead upgrade the stats to make up the difference. As noted above with that whole evolution note I tossed in. Eye-wink

It may be of importance to note that while there are infinate balor and pitfiends - there are also infinate Secundus... in the long run. They have four at a time, but on death, another modron is promoted (or Primus spits out another one). So there's a little less need to make them teh uber.


So..... How do we wanna turn all of this into a PC orriented module? Have the players investigating why the modrons suddenly went quiet...?

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

To be more on topic, any creation of new modron casts opens up new ways for DMs to surprise their players. (Parenthetically, I think one reason WotC is moving away from the modrons is that its to hard to insert a novel modron. They seem mostly in the business of selling books of new monsters.)

The most simplistic plot of this kind is that the PCs somehow end up in an area where new casts or new varients are being tested.

By-the-by: I think that new monodrones should arise at a centralized, or at least specialized*, location. While cool, nearly invincable modron groups would simply cause too much trouble at the encounter level.

*new idea: a modron cast that can convert itself, over a period of rounds, into a monodrone spawnpoint. Members of this cast that entered this mode would need to be destroyed first, the PCs or whoever would then have several rounds in which to goosh monodrons without them respawning in the encounter area before they had to deal with the spawnpoint again. Once the monodrons are all gone, the rest of the encounter plays out like a standard modron fight.

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

'Clueless' wrote:
Personally I'm inclined to leave their old class system alone - and instead upgrade the stats to make up the difference.

That makes a CR jump of around 4CRs per cast, kind of a lot. On the other hand, it does leave lots of room for more varients, with different CRs.

It may be of importance to note that while there are infinate balor and pitfiends - there are also infinate Secundus... in the long run. They have four at a time, but on death, another modron is promoted (or Primus spits out another one). So there's a little less need to make them teh uber.

Very true, however, there can still only be 4 Secundi at any one time. On a large scale, 4 Secundi can't be everywhere at once, especially since its stated that 2 never leave Primus. On a battlefield scale, the Secundi are vulnarable to having their proverbial legs cut out from under them: if their opponents concentrate on the lowest cast first, they need only fight the Secundi once.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

I was actually of the opinion that Secundi, among other high ranking modrons, rarely if ever leave the 64 cog Modron city on Mechanus. So, much like the demon Princes or any other exemplar ruler caste, they shouldn't be too far away from CR20. They don't seem that powerful, but considering they have an entire quarter of the city and the race at their command, there's really very little chance of killing them unless you catch them wandering alone in a field of daisies (good luck with that one).

I really like the idea of modron's getting together to create spawn points. Rather than adding new castes, why not add new creatures that are loyal to the modrons. Say, the modrons 'evolved' by creating non modron semi-constructs semi-creatures whose abilities directly support that of the modrons themselves. So they could have an army of transformer type creatures who are only useful when they combine to create buildings (it's a better idea than it sounds).

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

'Clueless' wrote:
So..... How do we wanna turn all of this into a PC orriented module? Have the players investigating why the modrons suddenly went quiet...?

Sounds like a good start. I'd say it begins something like this:
After the incident with Tenebrous, the modrons fell silent. Almost like they've disappeared from the multiverse. Formians have expanded throughout Mechanus, and new castes of inevitables have appeared, seemingly from nowhere. Eventually, some cutter's gonna be curious about it. Maybe some slaad want to know if their eternal enemies are finally gone (albeit, apparently replaced by new eternal enemies). Maybe an archon is curious about the status of the modrons, as he personally had a contract with them to acquire modron aid in certain circumstances, and said circumstances are approaching. He's really hoping to be able to call on modron help for this problem. Anyway, somebody sends the PCs in to Mechanus to discern the status of the modron race. And that, really, is where the adventure begins. What do they find? What have the modrons been up to? I like the idea of an upgrade underway, but there are many directions we could go with that.


Pants of the North!

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
What do they find? What have the modrons been up to? I like the idea of an upgrade underway, but there are many directions we could go with that.

I think we should start by asking ourselves "What do the modrons need?"

You guys are probably getting tired of hearing me say this, but given that all the heirarch modrons have very proscribed roles in modron society, I realy think the modrons need some non-heirarch firepower.

This could come in a number of forms

1) Some modification to the base modron casts to give a decent spread of CRs before reaching hierarch level.

    a)New base casts, extending the chain of command.
    b)Spread out the CRs of the current base casts and insert more varients of said casts at different CRs
2) The additon of constructs or semi-sentient non-modron outsiders of significant power.

3) New modrons, constructs, or semi-sentient non-modron outsiders that increase the power of the modrons by maximizing strengths already inherent to the modrons. Ex Monodrone spawnpoints.

Beyond raw firepower (CRs), the modrons could also use some spellcasters that aren't heirarchs, for the same reasons.

Superspecialization is a trait of Law, as a lawful knows his budies can look out for him, while a chaotic knows that he's on his own. Therefore: creatures(modrons ect.) that can fight best in the dark, that can fight best in the light, whilest climbing, flying, swimming, or swinging through the trees. Dedicated counterspellers, dedicated commandos, dedicated scryers. The list goes on.

Last of all, the modrons, being aware that no prediction can be perfect untill they have collected all possible data, will need someone to test all this on. What better subjects than groups of adventures snooping arround tresspassing on modron teritory?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Well, if the Modrons are looking to test their new varients in a combat situation, then they need a something to fight.
The biggest war in the Multiverse is the Blood War. Fighters (especially mortal fighters) in the Blood War are battle hardened vetrens. Or at least the ones that survive a few battles are, anyway. And if they survived even one battle, one must assume they are good at what they do.

I can see the Modrons doing an intial test using their new varients by capturing a large number of combatants from Blood War Battlefields. using some sort of 'Transporter Modron'. They dimension door/teleprt/planeshift in, grab someone, and leave the way they came, all as fast and precise as a modron can.

After all, on such a bloody battlefiend, no one will miss a dozen troops here or there.

Then the modrons use these captured troops as test subjects. If you want your modron to be effective in battle (assume the modrons are putting their new varieties through combat tests, the simple things like locomotion would have been handled before) You want it to be able to hold its own against a larger force. There should, however, be situations where a Modron undergoing testing suddenly fails, or trips, or something else goes wrong. These are *tests*. Or Modrone varieties that have easily exploitable weaknesess.


Seperate idea. One of the things thats always Bothered me about the Modrons is that they possess a higher level of technoledgy, and yet they dont seem to make use of it. New varieties of modrons are fine, but what about new modrons designed to use weapons and equipment of a higher progress level then the rest of the planes has at their disposal?

I'm not talking about Modrons with machine guns here, but a few low level firearms might be in order. Think 'Steampunk.'

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
Maybe an archon is curious about the status of the modrons, as he personally had a contract with them to acquire modron aid in certain circumstances, and said circumstances are approaching. He's really hoping to be able to call on modron help for this problem.

I just realised that this could be tied into the War in Heaven storyline, as well.


Pants of the North!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Yep! It defiantely could!
What level do we want to put our PCs at for this?

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Hey everyone. Something just struck me that may or may not be an interesting aside for the modron restructuring adventure that ties it in with the Modron March. In TMM there was a group (name escapes me right now) that was creating modronoids by grafting pieces of living modrons onto their own bodies. Eventually, a pretty large number of the successful transplant owners were killed by the PC's, releasing the Modrons joined to them back to the Source. Perhaps, when this happened, the information concerning the combination of living tissue and Modron essence passed with them.

Hear me out. It sounds like it is generally agreed that the Modrons need a physical upgrade. They probably already believe that their mental abilities are perfect already, but their physical abilities are woefully lacking in many respects. As beings of pure law that have no real comprehension of good and evil, or at least no real concern for it, I don't think they would be opposed to the idea of using other creatures to do this using a more refined version of the modron-fusing. Now, what type of creature has recently shown itself to be a powerful opponent with great efficiency and many other advantages, as well as being close by, nigh-infinite in number, and a possible adversary to the modrons as well? Yup, Formians.

Picture the process of upgrading the entire modron race to a sort of streamlined, semi-insectoid, mechanical force. Of course, they would only want to use the mostly LN formians that have been pushed into Mechanus for this purpose, and this could lead to any manner of quests for the PCs. Do they want to help the process along? Hinder it? Will it require a brunt force assult on the Formian cogs, or maybe a series of negotiations with the Formian over-queen who might see it in her best interests to sacrifice a large quantity of living formians or formian eggs to the Modrons in exchange for, perhaps, Primus's assistance in shifting the Formian cogs to Acheron, completing their slide.

Given, any or all of this is free for anyone to change or run with as they please. Just by 2cp

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Currently the modrons experience a large gap in CR between the pentadrone (CR 4) and the Decaton (CR 10), so many of the changes will probably fall around this range, as long as we make no major changes to the current modron casts.

Therefore: PC levels 8-10?

'Fidrikon' wrote:
The biggest war in the Multiverse is the Blood War. Fighters (especially mortal fighters) in the Blood War are battle hardened vetrens. Or at least the ones that survive a few battles are, anyway. And if they survived even one battle, one must assume they are good at what they do.

I was sugesting that the modrons would test their creations on adventurer parties that entered modron teritory. The Blood War is, to my mind, too uncontroled: for the modrons to interfear in it at all is to risk prematurely revealing their addaptations to the Multiverse at large. Much better to keep things under control, ie, in entirely in modron teritory.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Here's a good way to start a modron campaign, I think...

What if Modrons suddenly started showing up around various parts of Sigil. Not rogues, but true-to-law modrons. Always for a few minutes at a time, always with a small job to do, and always staying quiet unless threatened (in which case they still stay quiet, but fight back). Hmm... what could it be that they're doing? Fill in the blank, add water, and voila! Instant Adventure... well... almost.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

'Iavas' wrote:
What if Modrons suddenly started showing up around various parts of Sigil. Not rogues, but true-to-law modrons. Always for a few minutes at a time, always with a small job to do, and always staying quiet unless threatened (in which case they still stay quiet, but fight back). Hmm... what could it be that they're doing? Fill in the blank, add water, and voila! Instant Adventure... well... almost.

Step 1: Send modrons to Sigil.
Step 2: ...
Step 3: Profit!

Right... but seriously, let's say they're doing weird things. Things nobody can figure out why a modron is doing them. What's going on? They're testing the upgrades. Some of the non-combat streamlining of how the new modron is expected to operate.


Pants of the North!

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Like stealing underwear to test their new "+5 to pickpocket hand" upgrade and "gnome disguise".

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous


They've probably got models that have an inherent racial +10 to disguise checks to disguise themselves as a gnome, now.

Xaos_Bob's picture
Joined: 2005-01-31
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Or, perhaps, a warforged. I would think the modrons would be very interested in this extraordinarily new race from Eberron...

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

OK, how about this?
Tenebrous leaves, and a new Primus is made. The first thing he does is send out a call. All non-rogues immediately get the irresistable urge to return to Regulus. Probably by the time of Faction War the only Modrons to be found outside of Regulus are rogues. The Modrons wall themselves up, and then create the creshe-forges of the Inevitables. The Inevitables answer directly to the Modron Hierarchy, and were created because a) the Modrons have decided that they need to do more about enforcing Law, and b) the Modrons need to work out some of their own problems, and the Inevitables can be somwhat autonomus. The first Inevitables show up probably shortly after the Vecna incident, and have been around ever since.
Once the Inevitables are up and running, the Modrons work on upgrading themselves, specifically the base ranks. First, they make all of them twice as powerful, makeing Monodrones CR1, Duodrones CR2, Tridrones CR4, Quadrones CR6, and Pentadrones CR8. Second they utilize their own transformative potential (as is seen in promotion, going rogue, and the Quadrones ability to change arms into wings) to make the base castes more adaptable. This would develop over several years and in multiple phases.
Phase 1: Monodrones: Base form only
Duodrones: Base form only
Tridrones: Base form and 1 additional form
Quadrones: Base form and 2 additional forms
Pentadrones: Base form and 4 additional forms
Phase 2: M: Base
D: Base + 1
T: Base + 2
Q: Base + 3
P: Base + 4
Phase 3: M: Base
D: Base + 1
T: Base + 3
Q: Base + 7
P: Base + 16
Phase 4: M: Base
D: Base + 3
T: Base + 8
Q: Base + 15
P: Base + 24
and finally, after an eon
Phase 5: M: Base
D: Base + 3
T: Base + 26
Q: Base + 255
P: Base + 3124
OK that's a little silly, but that would be years off anyway. They could at least be done with Phase 1 by the beginning of PSCS, and Phase 2 could be introduced part way in. Transformations between forms would probably take at least a minute if not longer. Base forms look exactly like they did in 2e. Oh, and Rogues would still revert to pre-upgrade Quadrone stats.

Vzerii til Corrinea's picture
Joined: 2005-05-08
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Problem with that is, the creche-forges were created roughly 10,000 years ago (According to Dragon. I personally think it's a lot further away).

Also, the idea of Modrons testing new forms and equipment in Sigil is interesting, but what if the motivation was more base? (For creatures of law, that is.) Suppose they're simply trying to find out whether the planes are safe and lawful enough to emerge in, and there's no entity like Tenebrous to disrupt them?

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

In the intrests of integrating Inevitables into PS, considering that they've never really existed in the setting prior to 3E (2E Maruts are not 3.x Maruts), there is going to have to be some tweaking. Saying that they are new makes more sense than yet annother retcon.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

I agree with Narfi. 3E says everything happened thousands of years ago. Including the Nemausus (Menauasus) incident. Which, obviously, would mean that the entire Planescape Setting's Metaplot takes place "thousands of years ago," anyway. Besides, Inevitables are too significant to just Ret Con in and hope nobody notices.

A few posts back, someone mentioned that the Blood War is the largest conflict in the Outer Planes. That is certainly true, but I'm inclined to believe that the conflict over Nemausus is the second. The PSCS currently states explicitly that the Harmonium and Arcadians are fighting the Modrons for control of the Nemausus. Personally, I think that this sounds more like something the Formians would do, but the battle for the layer could certainly play a major role in the adventure. In addition, the heated struggle for the layer would provide the Modrons with the impetus necessary to change and adapt. Modron aren't particularly war-like, if they were, there forms would have been combat optimized all along, but their new Primus may be leading them in a new (at least by Modron standards) direction. Hence the need to upgrade to more combat-ready forms.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

The planes are infinite, and there's plenty of room to add major races without needing to call it a "retcon." It's quite likely there are all sorts of important planar beings your PCs haven't met yet.

2e maruts and 3e maruts are essentially identical, and their 3e slant as enforcers of mortality comes directly from the flavor text in the Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix. Having all the other inevitables appear all of a sudden over the last few years is too extreme and unlikely for my tastes - and if that did happen, they should be the creations of the Vedic pantheon, like the maruts.

I prefer to think that the slide of Nemausus happened in two stages; the formians were responsible for the loss of much of the layer thousands of years ago, while the Harmonium finished it off a decade or so back.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
The planes are infinite, and there's plenty of room to add major races without needing to call it a "retcon." It's quite likely there are all sorts of important planar beings your PCs haven't met yet.

2e maruts and 3e maruts are essentially identical, and their 3e slant as enforcers of mortality comes directly from the flavor text in the Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix. Having all the other inevitables appear all of a sudden over the last few years is too extreme and unlikely for my tastes - and if that did happen, they should be the creations of the Vedic pantheon, like the maruts.

I prefer to think that the slide of Nemausus happened in two stages; the formians were responsible for the loss of much of the layer thousands of years ago, while the Harmonium finished it off a decade or so back.

Ah yes, the beauty of Planescape. You can add as much new stuff as you want as long as you don't mess with the extensive history already written, and that is vague at best anyway.

As for the Inevitables... could the Vedic pantheon have accidentally created a construct able to not only think for itself but also propogate (what, with those deities constantly making life as it is, this should be an understandable blunder). Said Inevitable dutifully thanked the stunned deities, promised to uphold their ideals, and left to set up kip in Mechanus. The pantheon decided that was all for the best and turned its attention elsewhere. That's just one idea, though. I'm not really up to par concerning the Vedic pantheon, so I might have contradicted something or other.

Finally, regarding the Nemausus slip... I doubt that the Hardheads, stubborn as they are, could be responsible for such an epic "boo boo" as that all by themselves. If the Formians did split up between the more good aligned and the more lawful (such as in rip's Formian article that he linked me to a while ago), then the Hardhead's training camps could have just been the final shove to an already teetering layer. The Formians aren't taking the blame... they're probably happy to be in Mechanus. The Hardheads think it's their fault, though they won't admit it, which only goes to show their high opinions of themselves. And in their attempts to get the layer back, it's history repeating.

Caladors's picture
Joined: 2006-08-31
A bit longer than I had expected it to be :s

I like eberron or rather I like some of the ideas presented in eberron.

I know that I readily included NPC that were from eberron to my campaign they were mostly comic relief or just comic.

Anywho, this is how I treated the whole thing well despite the whole eberron cosmology and all that, I figure that the best way to introduce such characters is that they come from a one way portal.

There is plenty of ways to explain it away.

And it avoids clashing with current fluff for eberron because if it one way then how could anything be reported of it in eberron.
Ok sure there are ways and it has holes but not big major one that tear universes apart.

Also I think that it adds a very interesting element to whole planescape setting theologically they clash which makes for good story.
In eberron alignment means very little, where as in planescape.

Anywho, I did note some stories with an Inquisitor being corrupted by planar demon not one of the eberron moon phase thingies.
(I will admit I am not an expert on the subject of eberron however one of players is very well informed on the subject)

So anywho, there’s some of those ideas for brainstorming and such.

Opps my brain just kicked into gear again another idea would be some short modules/adventures with pre designed characters that have a set out come to set up the mood and current state of Sigil in a more visceral way to new players/DMs to this setting.

Also something that seems a lot like more set up for Urban Planescape rather than here but still perhaps a suggested style of play.
Super Hero'esk? Style adventures, comic book?
With the lack of visible authorities, it seems like a good time for individuals rather than organizations rising to power.

I.e. Villains/Heroes. Ala the classic comic book style.

Not as full as cheese as the comic books though.

(This looks like it's starting to fade into ramblings Sad)

Also something I did in my campaign since music played a big part in it the wristbands that were described in the .... Faces of Sigil?
(I will look that up and put it up what book and page number after)
Instead of constantly humming a tune, they had a single song on them that could be reduced or increased in volume and also restarted.

This was mainly because of the duo of comic relief characters I described had there own them music for before they would come and fight someone or do something.
A little bit of fun.
(End Ramblings)

Also another thing I did something that, could possible be adopted, in a different form to how I presented it.
Is an adventures guild.

This wasn't some sort of union for adventures.
There are high membership fees which payed for updating of passwords for the various guild meets and the changes of portals to the location and gate keys.
It is some what like mercenary guild in that jobs were presented for money but there was a reverse bidding system and access to 'jobs' was based on an 'honour' system where the parties were rated on level of success and various parameters that was put in place by the 'employer'.

But all of the jobs incoming are reviewed and put out according to the guilds will, so basically blood war recruiting drives are avoided.
So these filters allow for the 'correct' level of characters to get certain jobs.
The other thing was very much prestige thing to be accepted into the guild they need some sort of backer so that guilds name doesn't get tarnished.
If a new group turns out to be not what they hoped they can lay the blame squarely on someone shoulders and the guild avoids humiliation themselves.

Also the guild was not just for good/neutral characters there was and equal volume of evil characters in there.
And also 'monster'.

The long and the short of it is, though there is many groups of adventures out there this makes the adventures special and by the same token it does the same thing for evil characters.
It's an easy place to put recurring villains without making every single encounter deadly, so you can raise the notoriety of a villain by making the characters experience there 'crimes' seeing what jobs they take.

Also for those still here the whole reason for the reverse bidding system is one to keep guild filled with jinx and so that adventures can take jobs that would provide them with some sort of advantage beyond jinx.
Certain jobs would provide information by there very nature.
Also certain jobs would be well sort after so there price would be reduced and other avoided so there price would remain high.
Also taking jobs for free gains you higher levels of honour.

Ok it seems a bit too much like a sales pitch but I don't have any organized notes on it.

Well there are my miscellaneous ideas in regard to planescape.
Seems to be a bit more there than I had expected but meh perhaps you will find something useful.

Caladors's picture
Joined: 2006-08-31
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

In retro spect this seems like a much better place to present these ideas so anywho a link.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Brainstorming session, part 5: Miscellaneous

Sorry, but I find modrons to be, as a concept, horribly boring. Except for rogue modrons. Those are hilarious.


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1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

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