Brainstorming session, part 2: new power groups

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Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
Brainstorming session, part 2: new power groups

So the Faction War leaves everything open, everything up in the air.

We really need to write down some possible plotlines regarding this chaotic time that follows immediately after the war, as well as when things get settled a bit.

First of all, the Factions. They are clearly not gone from the scene, although they are no longer official within the Cage. Some of them already have roles (as told in the FW book), like the Bleakers (who basically change very little) and the Dustmen (who might become the core of a new Undertaker's Guild), while others have shifted focus from the City of Doors onto the planes (such as the Doomguard, whom I find extremely exciting, now that there is nothing holding them back).

Clearly, most of their members aren't about to just give up their beliefs, although they might be looking into other opportunities now. They might try to influence Sigil behind the scenes now (some of them might form guilds). Others might try to push the limits of the Lady's ban on factions.

Ideas include the Harmonium renting their services to the rather inept Sons of Mercy (or even the Sodkillers), the Sensates forming an Entertainer's Guild (to maintain some sort of legitimacy), and others might try to subtly sabotage both the old and the new who try to assert their presence (loads of plotlines here, the Anarchists, the Fated and all the usual suspects are likely to be major players in this).

Of course, now that they are ousted from Sigil, many might try to gain some influence in other places, particularly those that give them access to a lot of planes (such as the Paths, discussed in the previous thread). They might try to expand their presence in their "home" plane - Like the Harmonium trying to work with the Planes-Militant to really start that lawful holy war in the Upper planes (see later thread), and the Mind's Eye trying to take over the old home bases of the Godsmen and the Signers.

The Athar, in particular, must be really desperate. Desperation leads to conflict, and we might see the Athar split across the agnostic-atheist rift, and even some of them joining more extreme splinter groups, such as the Godslayers or the Brotherhood of Belief (the eaters).

No doubt the "winners" of the war, the Anarchists, will wish to keep themselves occupied so they don't start cannabalizing themselves, like trying to prevent the sects gaining influence in the Cage, and moving on to other planar powergroups.

Secondly, we have the guilds. They used to be a real power in Sigil, and it seems very likely that they would form the new government. Sooner or later, the Sigil Advisory Council (headed by Rhys, and heavily influenced by the Ciphers) will have to give up their control. One suggestion is that the new government would consist of newly elected Guildmasters, with the Advisory Council leader being a sort of presiding figurehead (elections in Sigil, anyone?).

A short list of possible guilds:

Minder's Guild (formed by the Sodkillers)
Lawyer's Guild (formed by "ex-Guvners", but probably heavily influenced by the leaders of the Fortress of Enlightened Discipline)
Sanitation Guild (somebody has to take care of the trash, now that the dabus are slacking)
Trader's Guild (a really interesting one - probably very powerful, but hugely conflicted, with such groups as the Merkhants, the PTC and characters such as Shemeska and Zadara fighting over the controls)
Entertainer's Guild and/or Artist's Guild (started by Sensates, HQ in the Civic Festhall)
Craftsmen's guild (ex-Godsmen and others)
Teamster's Union (always important, but after the Storm of Portals, now more than ever)
Undertaker's Guild (Dustmen and collectors)
Worker's Union (possibly started by an Indep)
Prime's Guild/Union (laughable, but we need comic relief too)
Alchemist's Guild
Mage or Warrior's Guild ? (might be inappropriate for the setting, but perhaps you bloods have some ideas for something similar yet more consistent with the planar theme)
Thieve's Guild (funded/started/controlled by a fiend. Cosa Infernis, anyone? Competes with Shemeska and such in the Hive/Lower Ward)
Clerk's Guild
Cleric's / Spiritual / Temple Guild (this group would be extremely powerful, but ultimately splintered. Noshteroth of the Umber Scales was mentioned as a good person to start such a guild, since he is used to running a temple of many power - abyssal lords, no less)

And finally, we have the sects that would move in, seeing opportunity.

My favorites are the Ring-Givers, who would definitely be playing a larger part now than ever. This might be the right time to move Jeremo the Natterer, the Lady's Jester, to full sectol-hood, and switch their focus to the City of Doors. They would be real players in the wake of the war, giving (and of course, collecting) favors in order to soldify their influence. The Jester's Palace seems like a good place for them to start out, and perhaps Jeremo, known as one of the richest of the golden lords, could buy out some old faction HQ, such as the Hall of Records, for their use.

The Planes-Militant are another sect that might increase in influence, but perhaps they are better used for another plotline, regarding the (cold) war in the upper planes. See next thread.

Tons of other sects should be moving in, making Sigil even more interesting than it ever was. Ideas?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Brainstorming session, part 2: new power groups

'Orroloth' wrote:
Ideas include the Harmonium renting their services to the rather inept Sons of Mercy (or even the Sodkillers)

The Sodkillers actually make a lot of sense; after all, many of them were trusted Harmonium allies before the Faction War. They're a well-armed, capable group, and their allegiance to Law and Justice should still be strong; at least as strong as that of the Sons of Mercy, who might be perceived as wishy-washy compared to the Mercykillers of old, more concerned with letting criminals off the hook than justice. Could there be a Willie Horton of Sigil to inflame sentiments against the Sons of Mercy and to the Sodkillers' favor? That could be an adventure there.

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
Brainstorming session, part 2: new power groups

I forgot to mention the Planewalker's Guild, who are now a definite player. Not only do they have a base in the Infinite Staircase (as well as in Azzagrat!), they are finally allowed back in Sigil. Their lore regarding planar travel is more needed than ever, now that the portals are all screwed up.

Also, a Portal-seeker guild seems very likely, with someone like Lissandra the Gate-seeker at the helm. They would become very popular (and powerful) quickly, and compete with both the Planewalker's Guild and others such as Ramander "the wise", who must be particularly desperate now, Kylie and her touts, and probably Autochon and other lackeys of Shemeska.

Those who know the portals control a lot of the traffic. Controlling traffic is the biggest cash-cow of the multiverse, what with all the extremely rich people that need to move things around.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Brainstorming session, part 2: new power groups

There is a list of existant guilds in Chapter 7 of the PSCS - which I think fairly closely reflects the guilds listed here. But we don't have them actively *doing* stuff. Which is afterall the point of what we're doing here actually - coming up with ideas for modules and adventures. Eye-wink

Another conflict, built into things already released in the PSCS is the buildup between the PTC and the Indeps as the PTC is going to start needing to use the Outlands for overland trade caravans. They are rivals for portal use in the Outlands, and with the Indep support of small business and aversion to taking orders from others... that situation lends itself to hiring PCs for acts of espionague and sabatogue as the two groups amp up their conflict.

Mh... who is Willie Horton?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Brainstorming session, part 2: new power groups

'Clueless' wrote:
Mh... who is Willie Horton?

The idea would be that the Sons of Mercy start releasing felons from Sigil's prison (and possibly even Carceri) for limited periods in an attempt to rehabilitate them back into society. And then the Anarchists help one disappear - the PCs might decide to help track the escapee down before any damage is done, both to innocents and to the reputation of the Sons of Mercy.

Or maybe they'll want to help him avoid the clutches of Law! Maybe they think he's innocent - maybe he is, but the Sodkillers still want to use him as an example of their former fellows' overly-merciful ways. Maybe the Sodkillers are killing people and framing the escapee.

I also like the idea of the Sons of Mercy trying to give the imprisoned titans a furlough. Or Apomps!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Brainstorming session, part 2: new power groups

Heh. Well - that sort of shows how much I pay attention to the news doesn't it? Eye-wink

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Brainstorming session, part 2: new power groups

'Clueless' wrote:
Heh. Well - that sort of shows how much I pay attention to the news doesn't it? Eye-wink

Well, it's news from almost 20 years ago, so you can be forgiven. I didn't watch the news back then either. He's still mentioned now and then, though, as he's a fairly dramatic example of something or other (racism, negative campaigning, or the perils of mercy).

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 2: new power groups

After rereading some of the articles under the Chronicles section (especially ripvanwormer's Twin Furnaces), I remembered one particular thread that hasn't been mentioned yet: Jemorille the Exile manipulating Shemeshka the Marauder into manipulating the factions (especially Darkwood) into the Faction War while maneuvering against A'kin the Friendly Fiend and Zadara the Titan, among many others, while knee deep in Yugoloth politics involving the Oinoloth coup and Helekanalaith's growing power in the Tower Arcane which is soon to be joined in a triumvirate with Khin-Oin and the almost finished Tower of Incarnate Pain (whose location within Carceri I'm still having trouble finding) which threatens a shift of balance, which is exactly what the Rilmani in Sum-of-All were trying to avoid when exiling Jemorille. Wow, Unity of Rings, huh?

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Brainstorming session, part 2: new power groups

'Orroloth' wrote:
Tons of other sects should be moving in, making Sigil even more interesting than it ever was. Ideas?

Well, we do have several fan-submited Sects on the site here. Maybe we could form a poll for the ones that people think have the most potential to become official PSCS Sects. I'd personally love to have my Sect, the "Etchers of the Mark" become an official part of the setting, and I'm sure others would love theirs to be as well.

Vzerii til Corrinea's picture
Joined: 2005-05-08
Brainstorming session, part 2: new power groups

Fan-created sects wouldn't seem to be too much of a stretch. Chapter 3 made the Ring-Givers a faction. I think it would be interesting to see some Guardians move into the city, and I imagine that Convert levels would be up.

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
Brainstorming session, part 2: new power groups

Hi folks!

I'm pretty unexperienced when it comes to actual roleplaying but I've kept an eye on this site and the setting since I played PS:T (yes, another clueless bugger, who played the game and thinks he's an expert now), but maybe you'd like to hear some minor suggestions from some "outstanding" person.

First of all I don't think the guilds will divide "functionally". This should be true especially when it comes to trade and crime. Smiling There may be a nice expansion of organised crime through every part of the City. Several syndicates or just gangs might fill in the hole the Harmonium/Mercykillers left, since the Guard doesn't seem to perform very well. I also don't see why the "big guys" (like Shmenskar) should be interested in those.. minor affairs (as long as they are), since they are, well, minor affairs to them. This should leave much space for criminal activities without getting involved too far in things you don't want to be involved - everyday life in Sigil is "exiting" enough without this.

About the Mage/Warriors Guild: It just doesn't fit in the setting (from my point of view).

Trade, in short: After the Tempest of Doors, why should the PTC and the Free Leaguers the only "big players". The Merkhants are already a rising faction (in the common sense of this word). New corporations and guilds will come up (although they might need some "backup" when they don't want to be consumed by the others [plot hook, plot hook]). Conflicts may arise, the Free Leaugers and others might be forced to form some sort of Free Traders Association, conflicts my rise fourther and so on. (The possibility of a Trade War has already been mentioned.)
Furthermore the Trade associations will struggle for economical and political power (as mentioned above), try to dominate the Council etc. Likewise they'll also be capable of financing their own "security personal" within the Cage and other places of importance posing a threat even to the local authorities. The Anarchs may find those activities most contradictionary to their philosophy and so far.

I also have a strong feeling of the Cage shifting towards a pretty egoistic place - a weak guard and council, organised crime, the moneymakers. The Fated, Merkhants, Sodkillers - even some Indepts - pretty much fit in this scenery. The Ringgivers, Sons of Mercy, Cryptists and possibly the Anarchs would be the opposing force to this overall trend.

* I'm having the feeling that these guys may shift to the evil side of "justice" - but then justice isn't order. Maybe indifference would be more accurate - the Sons of Mercy being the caring part. Oh wait, I'm just repeating whats already in the book. :oops:

I hope I have helped or inspired you to something. I'd also appreciate a poll to rate fan-created guidls - but only the best should be taken into the project since the best is even good enough. Sticking out tongue

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