Brainstorming session, part 1: Planar Pathways

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Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
Brainstorming session, part 1: Planar Pathways

Hello mortals!

In this series of threads, I'll be posting the ideas that were thrown around during the Planewalker Brainstorming Session (patent pending) at GenCon. These ideas are of a fairly general nature, revolving around the metaplots that we might wish to implement, or just imply in the campaign setting work. I hope as many people as possible chime in with their thoughts and ideas.

It's time to flesh out & discuss!

For part one, I'm going to talk about the idea of a new Planar Pathway.

See, we already have several "natural" paths, such as Mt. Olympus, the
world ash Yggdrasil and the river Styx (and Oceanus). Then we have the "made" paths (or are they?), including the Great Ring (which, as pointed out during the session, is an actual road between the Gate-burgs, but not necessarily in the same category as the rest), and the Infinite Staircase, which grows out of the Gates of the Moon in Ysgard.

The idea was to bring in a third path, possibly on the lawful side (we know there are paths there, but mostly within the individual lawful planes, such as the Labyrinthe Portal in Mechanus), to satisfy the rule-of-three, but mostly to build a new plotline around.

Many ideas were sported, such as a Modron Railroad (actual or magical), or even a previously forgotten path that was brought back to life, perhaps through the research & dealings of the Planar Trading Consortium, who are definitely looking for other venues after the Storm of Portals (post-FW). Also, the color pools ("Stay thee from a color pool") might be an interesting option for someone to really take advantage of, now that the githyanki are in an uproar (see another thread).

Plenty of factions and sects might get involved, such as the Planewalker's guild (who have loads of potential to become powerful now - see next thread) and the Guvners (do the Modrons need mortals to help them recover after the Tenebrous incident? - an opportunity for a huge collaboration there).

We even discussed that the gods of travel (Planewalker gods & traveling gods) might become patron "saints" of this new path, and there would very likely be a power struggle between planar forces to seize control over this new path.

The opportunities for plot hooks and conflict this opens are endless. What we need now is to try and detail some of these ideas.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 1: Planar Pathways

A few ideas that came to me while reading this. Firstly, so much stuff has happened recently (a relative term, multiverse-wise) to the lawful planes that adding a new planar pathway must be done carefully, despite having many options available.

Some options include

1) A previously existing planar pathway might have been covered up and forgotten when Menausus slipped into Mechanus. Were the new, less militant, Hardheads partially successful in returning the layer to its proper plane of origin, the old pathway might begin to open up again.

2) Modrons are declining in importance, while the formians are coming to the forefront. With less belief to fuel it, Primus might be losing its power over a pathway it might have been hiding/protecting/trying-to-destroy. Or, the formians have dug up or constructed a new pathway to colonize other worlds. [Personally, I think the lawful planes, especially mechanus, is mechanically oriented enough. Adding a train to it would be overkill. Law does not have to do purely with logic and technology. It also has to do with obedience. While the former is represented by the modrons (which I think are too important to kill off like WotC tried to do), the latter is represented by the formians. Think of a highly structured and very insectoid pathway spanning Mechanus, Arcadia, and Acheron (maybe other formian infested planes as well, though I can't think of any off the top of my head) like some multiplanar anthill.

3) Tenebrous'/Orcus' recent replacement of the previous Primus (and subsequent untimely Modron March) might have added a bit too much chaos into the lawful mix, staining it. The new pathway might be a result of the chaos-stain. While the lawful planes try to reorder themselves, the chaotic pathway remains, chaotically arranging (paradox intentional) a path through the surrounding planes.

Those three ideas, however, imply that the pathway is somehow grounded in Mechanus. It could just as likely be grounded in the good or evil lawful planes. Most of the River Oceanus, the Infinite Staircase, which is grounded in Ysgaard, Yggdrassil, and Mt.Olympus on the chaotic side of the upper planes. The lawful side thereof is practically devoid of pathways. In this light, some more ideas include:

1) Hardheads might be constructing, with the help of a deity or other powerful blood, a pathway from Arcadia to Mechanus in an attempt to get back Menausus. To fuel their 'war' effort, they might even extend the pathway up into Mt. Celestia to ease the transport of troops and flood Menausus with a bit more good than its used to.

2) Bytopian gnomes (or other residents) might have devised a pathway through a combination of technological innovation and magic, that goes from Bytopia, to Lunia, and onward into the rich, orderly groves of Abellio, which was their original intent. After all, both Bytopia and Arcadia are particularly preoccupied with farming, whereas the Mountian that divides them is not.

Again, I like the idea but stress that this is not a decision to be made lightly. I think its evident that this new pathway, were it to (re)appear, should balance the already teetering multiverse in the proper direction.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Brainstorming session, part 1: Planar Pathways

There are lots of alternative planar pathways on the Mimir.

For example:

The River Ar-En-Gereh (this came up at the brainstorming session, though it took a while for anyone to remember the name)
The Via Romana
And many more...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Brainstorming session, part 1: Planar Pathways

I was just reading a book that mentioned the River Ar-En-Gereh, or something very simular to it as the path of the Egyptian Soul in the sky at night... it's a pretty cool idea.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 1: Planar Pathways

Deities & Demigods already incorporated the ancient Egyptian afterlife, although not named Ar-En-Gereh, inlcuding Ra's chariot (treated as a demiplane) into the core D&D rules (although not into the Planescape multiverse). However, if my memory serves me correctly, the Egyptian deities are either dead or hiding in the current version of Planescape. Anubis, the only one left, wanders the Astral taking care of all the deific bodies floating around. Therefore, incorporating a pathway based on the belief system of a now defunct pantheon would require a major plotline. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, especially as I would love to see the pantheon revive and become almost as powerful as the Olympians. The only problem with that, again, is that resurrecting even a single deity is an epic undertaking (not epic in an Epic Handbook sort of way, necessarily, but really big nonetheless). Bringing back an entire pantheon would require converting at least a few prime worlds to the Egyptian faith.

I haven't read the other misc. pathways from Mimir, but the Via Romana seems too grounded in our own world to be a major pathway. After all, it's not based on a belief system but on a civilization. A single civilization on a single prime world (ours) will not be enough to pave the planes, I don't think.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Brainstorming session, part 1: Planar Pathways

I know Anubis is out being "I'm not a god anymore" - but I coulda sworn the others were still around. Set's realm is even mentioned in the Outlands? Am I wrong on this?

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Brainstorming session, part 1: Planar Pathways

Of the Egyptian pantheon, all of them are still around with the exception of Anubis who now exists as the Guardian of Dead Gods / 'something else'.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 1: Planar Pathways

I guess I stand doubly corrected then. I can't find the source that I remember reading (and it might've been temporary online screed for all I know), so I am probably wrong. If the Egyptian pantheon is still on high, minus Anubis of course, then are they really a pantheon with a communal realm or are they more spread out?

Dang, I wish I could find some references in the old PS2e books, but I don't have all of them with me right now. I'll keep looking.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Brainstorming session, part 1: Planar Pathways

'Iavas' wrote:
they more spread out?

They're more spread out, although four of them - Ra, Horus, Osiris, and Isis - share the realm of Heliopolis in Arcadia. The article I linked to above shows their proper planar realms, I think.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 1: Planar Pathways

But does that article agree with officially pooblished materials?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Brainstorming session, part 1: Planar Pathways

'Iavas' wrote:
But does that article agree with officially pooblished materials?

There's no river connecting the Egyptian realms specifically in officially published materials, if that's what you mean. But it doesn't say there isn't such a river, either.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brainstorming session, part 1: Planar Pathways

In reference to my first post under this thread (due to some recent thought regarding the nature of the Outer Planes), I want to add one little thing:

To create a new pathway (or rediscover an old unused one), there has to be a great number of bashers believing in it. If nobody believes in trains, which exist on very few, if any, prime worlds, then it's very unlikely that there will be train tracks running through the mechanus. A major new aspect of the Outer Planes, such as a new pathway, should not just be found by accident (which was one of my previous suggestions). It should be found due to an increased amount of thought or belief on the subject or be built on purpose using the same.

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