Brainstorming for my campaign: Red Hand of Doom (spoilers), City of Brass, Planescape

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Kensanata's picture
Joined: 2007-08-12
Brainstorming for my campaign: Red Hand of Doom (spoilers), City of Brass, Planescape

One of my campaigns started in Kitsunemori (Japanese inspired, all characters are humans) with some self-written material, moved into Barrow of the Forgotten King (finding the Weapon of Legacy in an old tomb) and Red Hand of Doom (Hobgoblins and Dragons invading), and will soon be reaching the end of Red Hand of Doom.

One of my players was interested in a Weapon of Legacy – she wished for a sword of light, and so we introduced a flaming sword that has abilities to be unlocked at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20. Red Hand of Doom also features an aspect of Tiamat CR 13. I also bought City of Brass (Necromancer Games) and hope to receive some Planescape material soon. Based on this, I'm trying to weave an interesting story and would appreciate some ideas for where to take it, what worked for you, warnings of pitfalls, and so on.

I've been talking to my players, and basically they're a bunch of powergaming butt-kicker tacticians, except for the player with the Weapon of Legacy. I think this is excellent, because I can focus the plot on the Weapon, and the others will just come along for the fight. I've asked five out of six players and they all agree. And finally we'd like to play this campaign up to level 20.

Here's the backstory for the Nodachi (greatsword) called Attaxa, with some ideas of where I'm heading:

About a thousand years ago a valiant knight from Celestia used the sword to kill an old evil god of a forgotten race in Dis on Baator's second level. [Any ideas for the knight? Does this make sense? At this point in time Attaxa is a light sword – whatever that means, I haven't figured it out yet. Amaterasu is the LG goddess of the sun.]

On the way back he was killed by Tiamat on Avernus near the skull tower and the sword was lost. Apparently Amaterasu's light was bound in steel and brass. [Magic weapons get weaker away from their home plane; I thus wanted the dragon to send the sword to the swordsmith masters in the City of Brass, binding the light and turning it into fire. This explains the current state of the sword and offers a way to undo it eventually. Haven't got much more than that.]

A Baatezu used the sword on a Prime against an aspect of Pazuzu, the lord of the Tengu (evil bird men). The battle was lost and Attaxa was claimed by the Tengu kings. When they allied themselves with the human empire of the eastern mountains in their fight against the fey of the swamps that covered the area of Kitsunemori a hundred years later, the Tengu lords presented king Ueshiba with the sword Attaxa. The demon lord Obox-Ob had built an empire ruled by Kappa (turtle demons) and Kumo (spider demons). The war was won and when Ueshiba died, the blade was buried with him. [This explains why the blade was buried with the king. It offers the potential of a sidequest to visit the Tengu eeries and some Obox-Ob, turtle-, or spider demon action.]

In terms of mechanics (all bonuses relative to the current bonus on the Material Plane) – I was planning to have the light sword be at +2 on Celestia, ie. +0 on the Material Plane. The transformation in the City of Brass changed the "home plane" of the sword. Now it's +2 on the Inner Planes (the City of Brass is at a junction of fire, earth, and air) and -2 in Celestia. Undoing this will make the sword -2 on the Inner Planes, unchanged +0 on the Material Plane and +2 on Celestia. [But why would anybody want to change the sword thusly? Plus: How did the sword end up here? Did Tiamat send an agent with the sword here? To do what? Was the Baatezu that ended up with the sword in her service? What was he doing fighting Pazuzu on the Material Plane?]

As you can see, I have some ideas but I need more "glue". I think I'd love more plot secrets to allow my storyteller character moments to shine. She is important. She protects & saves. She figures things out and intuits who her friends and foes are. The others want interesting fights, cool treasure, and they like discovering that they are being betrayed and outwitting their foes at the last moment.

Help me brainstorm a cool campaign taking them from level 12 to 20. Smiling

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Brainstorming for my campaign: Red Hand of Doom (spoilers), City

Kensanata wrote:

About a thousand years ago a valiant knight from Celestia used the sword to kill an old evil god of a forgotten race in Dis on Baator's second level. [Any ideas for the knight? Does this make sense? At this point in time Attaxa is a light sword – whatever that means, I haven't figured it out yet. Amaterasu is the LG goddess of the sun.]

Well two heros spring to mind:

One is Momotaro (aka Peach Boy) from traditional japanese children story. He was found in gigant peach by eldery couple without children as gift from gods. Soon, when he grew up a bit he was sad to see his country rawaged by oni king and his horde so he set on adwenture. In his trawels he found 3 companions: Wolf king (or Dog king, depending on wersion), Monkey king and Falcon king (they could be Animal lords in disguise), who agreed to help him in his quest for redicuously small price of Kibi Dango (rice cake). Anywas, in the end they have defeted oni king and his hordes who swore never to pillage again. After that the valiant four had many more adventures, who knows maybe the trip to Dis was one of them.

Second idea for your knight is inspired by character by manga founder Osamu Tezuka.
The character of his horror manga is caled Hyakkimaru (manga is named Dororo by Hyakkimaru´s tiefing sidekick), he is samurai who was as child mutilated by demons/devils who each took parts of his body as power amplifier (one took eyes, other arms etc...), Hyakkimaru would have died, but he was sawed by genius artifisher and medic who created him new prostetic body of metal and wood, filled with warious gadgets and weapons. Equiped like that he set on wengance quest to slay demons (or devils) and retrive his body parts. But there was catch: with each new body part he gained, Hyakkimaru beocome more and more human, but he also became weaker and weaker becaouse he was losing his artificial parts.
He could hawe gone to Dis to retrive one of his parts body parts from those ancient devils nobles.

That´s it for now, hope I was of any help to you.

BDW, I realy like your idea of using Abysal Lords as Yama (demon kings of oriental legends). Laughing out loud


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Brainstorming for my campaign: Red Hand of Doom (spoilers), City

One thing I wanted to point out is that even if you're using the old rules from Planescape 2nd ed about magical items losing 'plusses' (I still use them occasionally) it never falls below 0. So unless it is some special property of the weapon akin to a curse, the sword won't normally become -2 at any point.

As for a 'Sword of Light' from Mt. Celestia, my memory of the plane is a little vague, but I seem to remember that various layers of the plane are associated with different forms of light. The sword may have been forged with/contain in a pommel gem/made of the essence of/etc. a ray of light from Chronias, the unknown seventh layer of Mt. Celestia. As for powers it might have, I'd recommend some form of unextinguishable aura of light and perhaps some anti-fiend or -undead enchantments. Not really sure beyond that.

Oh, and just wanted to say I love your ideas. Sounds like a great campaign

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
Brainstorming for my campaign: Red Hand of Doom (spoilers), City

Here's an old idea of mine; maybe it'll fit neatly into your campaign, maybe not.

Long ago, I ran a campaign where one of the major swords was a bolt of lightning sealed to a hilt. The bolt of lightning had been flung by some good-aligned God in an attempt to smite some evil-doer, and a master swordsman had somehow managed to snag it by the tail-end and pound it with a hammer against an anvil and forge its back-end to an enchanted pommel.

The result was a straight-edged sword with a meteorite appearance that, later on, could pretty much unleash all divine hell on a given battlefield; when its full potential was unleashed, it would turn into living lightning, crackling and whipping across entire fields of battle, scorching evil in its path.

Perhaps the sword is part of a set crafted by an epic-level weapon-maker who produced one weapon for each of the alignments; some of the weapons have been lost, others corrupted (such as yours), and others shattered or remade. Plot points might involve an insane weapon collector who wants all of these weapons (at any cost), one of the weapons having a sentience of its own and being hell-bent on destroying all the other weapons, the God wanting his/her lightning bolt back, the original weapon-maker being needed to uncorrupt/recharge/repair the sword, so on.

The sword might have no real sentience to speak of (sentient swords are kind of cliche in my opinion) but an absolute hard-on for evil-smiting (it is, after all, the smite-o-bolt of a lawful good God). As it's uncorrupted, it begins to shake and rattle hungrily in its sheath while in the presence of evil, scorches the hands of would-be evil wielders, and obstinately refuse to strike anything good (as in the sword will literally veer away from good-aligned creatures its swung at). I'd think it'd be cool to have a sword that's like a ferocious evil-slaying animal.

As a Legacy Weapon, its power-unlock basically involves taming the sword; you must prove your worth to it as both a wielder and a dignitary of good, mastering it much like someone would master a steed or an animal. One of it's high end powers might be something like unleashing a divine bolt of lightning; the sword reverts to its true form, becoming a crackling bolt of lightning attached to a hilt -- you can then proceed to pretty much unleash all havok in the face of evil.

Kensanata's picture
Joined: 2007-08-12
Brainstorming for my campaign: Red Hand of Doom (spoilers), City

Thank you for your thoughts.

Somehow I had not realized that the rule for diminishing magic bonuses had disappeared in 3rd ed. Rethinking this, I think this is a change for the better. No player likes his sword to loose power. I think the reason I never thought about it was because one of my players is still wielding the valkyre sword +1 from Crucible of Freya. It grants a single yes-or-no answer to a question every seven days, and is +3 in the Outer Planes. When I read about the magic weapon effects in the AD&D 1st ed. Manual of the Planes, I just figured that those were and still are the rules.

Using a gem for the sword is excellent. The first thing to unlock the sword's power was to place a diamond worth 1000 or 5000 gp into its pommel. I felt that a diamond was best suited to represent celestial light.

I also like the idea of a ferocious sword with a mission: A drive to do something. I fear that "fight evil on sight" is a bit too simple. Perhaps a subsonic hum and a fierce light that announces "I am here to kill evil on sight" – that would provide interesting opportunities for roleplay without the player feeling that I was using the sword as a device to control the plot.

Of course being chased by over zealous lawful agents both good and evil bent on recovering the sword is a fantastic idea. I'll just have to find an explanation for the error the good guys are making. (Or not, depending on how my players act in the future.)

Perhaps as follows. Amaterasu (or her agents) planned her mission to fail. The knight sent was Momotarō, prince of Peachblossom Castle on Celestia's second layer and a confidante of Bahamut. Momotarō willingly sacrificed himself [or an aspect of his – not sure on the options the rules provide here?] in order to kill a minor god of no importance and thus deliver the sword into Tiamat's claws. I guess they must have tried to trick Tiamat into doing something… Or maybe the sword coming from Tiamat would be passed on to the real target of the ruse. Somebody who would accept and use the sword. Maybe somebody smarter than Tiamat. [Any ideas?]

The plan must be that Amaterasu's agents wants to place the sword such that it will be used against her enemies many centuries later on a Material Plane that only Tiamat knows. And that's exactly what the party shall be doing. Of course the plan is either secret or forgotten, so that misguided champions of good will pursue the party once they either learn that they have the sword and no intentions of giving it back, or once they learn that they are using the sword for a (seemingly) nefarious purpose. Yikes… I'm trying to make up a celestial counter-plot to a fiendish plot.

So basically Ameterasu knows Tiamat has hatched a plan to bring a Material Plane under her dominion, but she has not discovered which one it was going to be. Perhaps by whispering arcane secrets into mortal ears that were never intended for human souls to bear. Insidiously these ideas secrets grew into arcane powers and at last her subjects were ready to discover the Codex of Draconic Gates [just made that one up – a book hidden away on a draconic demiplane, detailing how to summon an aspect of Tiamat, which is how I will reinterpret the ending of Red Hand of Doom].

So Amaterasu knows that she needs to trick Tiamat into delivering a weapon against herself to the very plane she intends to conquer a millennium hence.

She delivers the sword into Tiamat's hands and manages to send word to a Baatezu known to be clever enough to outsmart Tiamat. This is accomplished by another multi-layered plan. And in the end the fiends fall for it. The sword is modified in a predictable way by the Baatezu as Amaterasus agents have anticipated: It is brought to the City of Brass and the celestial light is bound and chained to fire and destruction. But they had hidden secrets into the blade that would take a thousand years to unravel.

The sword was built to loose power. Slowly at first, but ever faster in the end, the sword drank the energies of those around it, storing them in extradimensional pockets away from prying eyes. And so the Baatezu was betrayed at first. And so the Tengu kings were betrayed as well. So was Ueshiba, king of men, betrayed at last. The sword had reverted to a simple +1 weapon.

Only now that Tiamat's agents are returning to the Prime Material world is the sword regaining its power. The wielder will have to speed the sword along: Awaken its dormant abilities, learn to master its secret stores of power hidden away in spaces too twisted for mortal minds to understand. Restoring the diamond reestablished the original "mission" of the sword, leading its wielder back to the City of Brass, where agents of Amaterasu will recognize the sword and unlock the next level of abilities. At the same time the agents will have their own agendas, hopefully diverging from the party's goals. [Maybe I'll reuse the idea of a monkey king? Not sure whether a falcon king would be too close to Pazuzu…]

Should the party decide to fulfill the original mission, they will have to destroy Tiamat's aspect on their Material Plane, and since it will be impossible to kill all those that have learnt of her terrible secrets, the only way to secure their plane will be to find and destroy the Codex of Draconic Gates, severing easy access between their home plane and Avernus.

The "stored energies" of the sword might also be used in a final battle as suggested by The Great Hippo – "living lightning, crackling and whipping across entire fields of battle, scorching evil in its path." I like that.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Brainstorming for my campaign: Red Hand of Doom (spoilers), City

Kensanata wrote:

[Maybe I'll reuse the idea of a monkey king? Not sure whether a falcon king would be too close to Pazuzu…]

I dont think you should wory too much of falcon king being too close to Pazuzu. I mean Pazuzu is lord of evil flying beings like tengus, kenku, vrocks and such, and he represents ferocity (and cruelty) of birds of prey.

Falcon king would be similar in every aspect to Animal lord of Beastlands, he would represent the perfection and best things of animals of its kind represent: freedom, swiftnest and beauty. Yes, Pazuzu and King of Falcons share some aspects but Pazuzu represents only the worst aspects of the bird, while falcon king represent only the traits of his kin (falcons) not bird race as whole. Who knows maybe it would be interesting involving Falcon King, and then see how PCs will react to this new "agent" of Pazuzu.

Here is idea for Aspect of Tiamat in your world: You could use someting similar from japanese legend of grass cutting sword: Great 8 headed serpent Orochi, who was defeted by warior Susano. Susano tricked the serpent by offerig sake to the Orochi so the each head drunk it. Orochi became intoxicated by sake and Susano simply beheded each head. While he was cutting the tail of Orochi he found sword in serpent´s body wich became one of imperial treasures (with holy gem and sun mirror) and later was renamed into Grasscutter.
Prehaps you can use something simmilar in your game.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Brainstorming for my campaign: Red Hand of Doom (spoilers), City

Pazuzu's form is an adapted form, he's an Obyrith that's sort of transformed into a Tanar'ri and in the past he looked quite a bit more different and alien in appearance.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Brainstorming for my campaign: Red Hand of Doom (spoilers), City

Kobold Avenger wrote:

Pazuzu's form is an adapted form, he's an Obyrith that's sort of transformed into a Tanar'ri and in the past he looked quite a bit more different and alien in appearance.

True, but that is just details.
What is matters is that Kensanata uses aspect of Pazuzu as King of Tengus.
But this gives me idea for interesting and nasty surprise for to PC: they defeat King of Tengus, and then he shred his weaker tanar´ri (King of Tengus mask) form and resume fight in more powerful Obyrith form before they very eyes.
(Hey, boss transformation in more powerful form is essential part of anime culture). Laughing out loud


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Brainstorming for my campaign: Red Hand of Doom (spoilers), City

The sword could be Kusanagi.

I came up with this Japanese myth-inspired Planescape hook a while ago:

The Celestial Bureaucracy is a tightly organized empire of spirits that dominates several afterworlds, including those of the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Kara-Turans, and Rokuganese. While the pantheons are technically independent, most of the inhabitants of their realms are required to report in some way to Shang-ti's court of jade every year.

The Japanese pantheon have grown increasingly frustrated at this involuntary subservience in recent millennia, and have decided to do something about it.

One of the things they've done is tasked the merchant lord Estavan to help them gain power. Estavan is an ogre mage, a blue-skinned horned devil of the huang gui caste native to the Celestial Bureaucracy's infernal pits of punishment. A thousand or so years ago Estavan came to Sigil to petition Aoskar - the children of Heaven wanted the god to join them, adding his talents to strengthen the whole. In return, Aoskar would receive their protection from his enemies, as well as the sentient rose who protected him in his childhood, which he had thought long lost. Aoskar said he would consider it - he wanted the benefits badly, but feared the clannish kami would never accept him as one of them, treating him as a servant as they did the gods of the Ainu.

Aoskar was found dead the next day, is corpse torn apart by the Lady of Pain.

The kami still use Estavan. His Planar Trade Consortium grows with each passing hour, bringing wealth and power to the gods' home in Arcadia. They hope to gain enough to become untangled from the Celestial Bureaucracy into which Estavan was born.

Estavan is often found in Feng-to in the Abyss, in Arcadia and of course in Sigil (indoors), Tradegate, and Yeoman. His employees can usually be seen in the City of Glass, attempting to deal with the marids, in the Dismal Delve and the City of Brass too. Estavan is everywhere except outside a building in Sigil - is it because he fears the Lady because of his long-ago association with the dead god of portals?

Estavan has heard that the Sign of One is considering resurrecting Aoskar at last. He fears the consequences of this, but hopes that it might finally mean the end of his indenture to the gods of the rising sun.

Kensanata's picture
Joined: 2007-08-12
Brainstorming for my campaign: Red Hand of Doom (spoilers), City

I started a wiki to keep track of stuff for this campaign.

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