Brain-Storming: Monstrous dwellers of the abyss

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Chrysalis's picture
Joined: 2004-10-27
Brain-Storming: Monstrous dwellers of the abyss


I am trying to think of monstrous creatures to populate a layer of the Abyss with. Most of the monsters even in the Fiend Folio are well, not very monstrous.

I am trying to think of creatures that are born from suffering, pain, and undeath.

I was thinking of maybe some that have the partial and hideous aspect of looking human from afar, but closer they are not.

here is one such creature

Church spider

Tangled bodies haphazardly sewn together. Six to sixteen flayling human limbs are what cause this creature to move. Its back formed from putrified flesh that has been chained and has run together. It has no single face, but is made up of the occasional skull or eyes that seem to seep from the flesh. It often enjoys tangling together chains, and using them to create places for it to lurk in the ceilings of darkened cathedrals.

Blood Golem

Originally may have been a water elemental or perhaps created on purpose, but now has a hideous strength and will of its own. It lives in deep and fetid pits of blood. It does not like moving from them, but if a creature whose body courses with blood comes close it tries to rip its vitae from its body.


This may have once been a hezrou. It's body is still coated in its putrid stink. Its arms and feet have been mauled and changed, and now it has wicked pincers and blades for limbs. Swords and and pole arms pierce its flesh, It often runs and tries to pierce its foes with its blades. It's jaw has been snapped off and now its tongue lolls from the horrifying hole that had once been its maw.

War Dogs

They hunt in packs, their skin has turned reddish and some even still sport heavy iron collars that were used to bind them to places. Now they hunger for anything living to eat. They have tasted man and enjoy rending its flesh from their bodies. They are the size of a man and have become strangely intelligent in their behavior.

Often found in packs, they hunt together. Some have started capturing humans, keeping them in cowering herds.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Brain-Storming: Monstrous dwellers of the abyss

The Bloodhulk from MM 4 could fit into the theme you seem to be creating. Would probably fulfill a minion type role given the power levels of the other creatures you've mentioned.

BTW what sort of CR are you looking for here?

[edit] oh, and Bodaks are really creepy if you play them right and they've got suffering, pain and undeath all in one, especially if it happens to be an old friend of theirs who still retains some memories.


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Chrysalis's picture
Joined: 2004-10-27
Brain-Storming: Monstrous dwellers of the abyss

All sorts.

This is a place that does not have any kind of organisation anymore. It is now a rotting city filled with creatures that have their own will.

Madness ran through the streets, so most of teh creations are (un)natural evolutions or then creatures that have been created from fevered imaginings.

i was thinking on having kytons and razorvine golems from the existing creatures.

Blood Hulks and bodaks sound good.

CR is 6+

Most likely city destroying creatures would not live here, but anything lower would.


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Brain-Storming: Monstrous dwellers of the abyss

'Chrysalis' wrote:
i was thinking on having kytons and razorvine golems from the existing creatures.

Kytons are LE spirits native to Baator.


Pants of the North!

Chrysalis's picture
Joined: 2004-10-27
Brain-Storming: Monstrous dwellers of the abyss

I know they are. I would just like some similar types of monsters.

Things that use chains from the darkness, things that by now rights should exist but are shambling towards the PCs.


Bootchie!'s picture
Joined: 2007-03-18
Brain-Storming: Monstrous dwellers of the abyss

Mendicant: a member of any of several orders of friars that originally forbade ownership of property, subsisting mostly on alms.

The shadows parted to reveal a slowly walking man, a moth-eaten cloak and robe draping his figure, his hands clasped in prayer. The warriors made to move out ofhis way, only to find he had opened his arms...
and six skeletal arms began pulling the fighters into his cloak.

In many of the large cities of the Abyss, figures can occasionally be seen wrapped tightly in cloaks, large beards concealing their faces, and their eyes covered in a bandage. These are the Mendicants. The facial features don't appear to synch up with the actions of the face: the lips hang slack when smiling, the musculature slightly at odds. Beneath the bandage are lidless, limpid orbs with a red iris. When unclasped, the hands are revealed to have a razor-sharp, rigid bone spur along the pinky finger and edge of the hand. Further, from the depths of the Mendicant's sleeves appear skeletal arms - not from the shoulder joint, but as if disembodied - and bits of flesh slough off. The Mendicants rarely keep belongings other than these arms. And the faces, which are torn from still living bodies. Then the Mendicants open their mouths to reveal a tongue made up several thousand acidic filaments which strip flesh from the shoulderjoints of their victims. Once the arms have been torn from the body, they are concealed in the depths of the cloak and added to the collection.

Mendicants are most commonly priests and rogues, and are frequently summoned to the prime as assassins. In Graz'zt's court, a Mendicant with fighter levels acts as a body guard, his armored form and six arms gripping a variety of weapons.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Brain-Storming: Monstrous dwellers of the abyss

Raptata: When mortal innocence is violated by evil, it is sometimes warped into a chaotic and evil Abyssal entity that seeks company through force.

A single terrified human child is cowering amongst these Abyssal ruins. As you approach to offer it aid, the child recedes into the slowly materializing maw of a monsterous creature that continues whimpering even as it lunges at you.

The Raptata are creatures born from the misery of young children abducted from their parents. Looking like a twenty-foot long shaggy frog with a huge mandibled mouth and large tearful eyes, the Raptata usually skulks along the empty streets of long-abandoned cities in the Abyss, constantly emiting a childlike whimpering that disheartens any Good creature that hears it. When it detects any beings of Good alignment, the creature becomes invisible, leaving only its long tongue hanging out in sight. The visible tip of this tongue takes the shape of the child that birthed the creature, luring in the well-meaning prey much like an anglerfish. As the prey nears, the 'child' seems to retreat until the prey comes within range. The Raptata then lunges and uses its huge mandibles to draw as many of the do-gooders into its mouth as it can. After the first successful attempt, it bounds away to 'digest' its meal. One lucky sod that was miraculously rescued from the very maw of a Raptata by his allies reported that inside, the child-shaped tongue embraced him and telepathically begged him to take care of it forever, slowly squeezing the poor basher in half even as it drove him barmy.

EDIT: In retrospect, this was probably heavily, if subconsciously, influenced by first iteration of the Grand Fisher Hollow from the Bleach manga and anime. However, I do imagine the Raptata (I'm pretty sure that's Latin for 'she having been stolen away') to be more froglike and less talkative than the Grand Fisher. Its hair and eyes are supposed to be endearing, as much as an abyssal horror can be, rather than menacing, although the overall effect is more instinctually unnerving than anything else.

Stat-wise, the tongue doll probably creates some sort of 'charm' effect while the whimpering causes all who fail a will-save to be 'shaken'. Three times per day, the Raptata can attempt to 'daze' opponents with its eyes. It obviously has natural invisibility at will and has 'improved grab' so that it can attempt to 'swallow whole' any opponent that it bites with its mandibles. Inside, the subject must will-save against permanent insanity and then slowly takes crushing and possibly acid damage from the tongue. In the rare case that it attempts to kill enemies without devouring them first, it charges at them with 'pounce' and uses its claws and mandibles to furiously slice at the offenders. Its movement consists of long bounds, so it obviously has a good 'jump' skill, and it must be sneaky, so 'move silently' and 'hide' are a must.

Alitis's picture
Joined: 2007-04-05
Brain-Storming: Monstrous dwellers of the abyss

Mardraum: When some strong minds die, they try to take others with them

The robed human seemed to appear out of nowhere. As the party stared in astonishment, his withered hands drew back a travel-stained hood. Revealed was something beyond words, a personal horror dragged from the depths of each victim's subconscious mind. They began to scream...

Those who die in their sleep normally pass on to their fate as petitioners, just like any other poor sod who ends up in the dead book. When particularly strong minds are snuffed out in the madness of absolute nightmare or pain, however, the psychic shock can sometimes give rise to these undead horrors. From a distance most mardraums appear roughly as they did in life. A cloak or hat normally shadows their face, and a breeze always seems to blow around them carrying the cloying stench of decay.

Wandering alone through ruined cities and other remnants of civilization, a mardraum normally remains invisible until it detects nearby life. Then it will approach its prey, becoming visible and revealing its face only at close range; where as many mortals as possible can see its horrible visage. Most that gaze into the face of a mardraum see one of their own nightmares gazing back, and are immediately struck with fright. The true horror comes later, however. Whether the spirit flees or is killed, those that survive an encounter find it impossible to sleep without seeing that same face revealed over and over again in otherwise normal dreams. Most mortals feel their sanity slipping away, and will eventually descend into a state of permanent catatonia. Bloods with a strong mind who resist the nightmares for three days in a row, however, conquer their fear and are no longer haunted by the fiend.

Chrysalis's picture
Joined: 2004-10-27
Brain-Storming: Monstrous dwellers of the abyss

These are really good. Keep them coming!

I was thinking about kytons. What about

The jangling forest

Many demons enjoy capturing kytons and stripping them. Their chains are made to hang limply from the ceiling. From some hooks still hang the pieces limbs that had strayed into them. A kyton is simply a ging of chains that use a body as the framework that they animate. Once unraveled they hang limply, waiting for a body to come close.

The forest composes of many unraveled kytons. Their chains hanging limply, each hungers for a body to animate their strands into a whole. The unwary often approach in the middle of such latices of chains, unaware of the danger. Each chain selfishly wants the body for itself. Only those who are fortunate walk out as kytons, most are ripped asunder as each chain fights to take the body as its own.

The jangle in their captivity.

Elder Elemental Jester's picture
Joined: 2007-04-17
Brain-Storming: Monstrous dwellers of the abyss

I'd have to put in a vote for Bodaks, too. A well played bodak can be both terrifying and sympathetic at the same time. Especially if you can make the bodak somebody the pcs have known before: another adventurer lost in the abyss or even a friend or family member that disappeared some time in the past, drawn into the abyss to die horribly. Not all bodaks look alike, either...although all bodaks are hardy enough to survive where even some other Tanar'ri might fear to tread.

A community of bodaks could offer a welcome respite or a horrifying alternative to the lunatic ravings of a group of manes or dretches.

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