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Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Benyamin wrote:
Burning Spear wrote:
Need to make an item out of that Laughing out loud

A wyvern riding helmet might be good. Eye-wink

And, BS, congratulations on being our 4000th poster. *Hands BS plaque*

So, BS (Burning Spear) gets a plaque of BS (Bull Shotting?) lol.

Wyvern Riding would be nice if it wasn't for the fact I am more in the thinking of an anti or pro psionics seeing as the original monster was a natural psion.
That and I would like the skull to be sentient with his personality, he was indirectly helpful as he remorse'd the fact his race was so heinous..

(And there are cheaper riding items to be had in the book of artifacts?), so as not to waste such a unique skull.. Smiling

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Burning Spear wrote:
So, BS (Burning Spear) gets a plaque of BS (Bull Shotting?) lol.

BS=Burning Spear both times. BS was the direct object, not the preposition, in the last sentence. The plaque would've read "4,000th post!" Award. Smiling

Burning Spear wrote:
That and I would like the skull to be sentient with his personality, he was indirectly helpful as he remorse'd the fact his race was so heinous..

Even an impressed Gith would find a sentient Illithid skull repugnant...or her counterparts would at the very least think her barmy to tempt fate retaining an animated ghaik head, as they are the connoisseur mental manipulators.

The only one perhaps worth keeping "alive" would be like Thing's already undead head, since he had lost the power to manipulate with his mind. Such are best left alone. In a cage. As a door trap. lol (And we all remember what happened when ol' Sight "awakened"...)

Then again, I just had a twisted idea for a coo-coo clock that had an illithid head pop out to psionically chime the hour. Evil

Burning Spear wrote:
(And there are cheaper riding items to be had in the book of artifacts?), so as not to waste such a unique skull.. Smiling

Book of artifacts? Do tell. Sounds a bit above our "pay grade" (level).

Yes, you do have a truly "unique" illithid head on your hands. What happened to Mudshow's brainbox?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Benyamin wrote:
What happened to Mudshow's brainbox?

The aboleth stole it.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

This conversation on illithid heads gave me an idea for a story...

A gith became obsessed with reliving his rrakkma kills, so he had their heads animated with a spell that made them constantly relive their final moments. He could "tap" into each 'thid's "channel" any time he wanted. These tormented illithid souls(?), however, were slowly, progressively dominating his psyche with each visit. The result being that he had a growing paranoia that the illithid race, in its multiversal entirety, were watching him and out to kill him personally. He occasionally hears their Quallith mutterings close to his head, smells their distinct aroma, and just feels them close, hovering nearby. Sometimes he sees them lurking in his house, one or a handful at a time, and adds them to his collection...

Final scene would be of a Gith head with empty eye sockets curiously empowered with life and sitting on an abstract deep crystal stand. The poor sod doesn't realize his "TiVo" is actually a twisted dream stasis in which the Illithid keep his mind. His head has been placed in their amphitheater for personal entertainment and recreational "training." They would insert themselves (albeit with virtual levels) into his psyche, either as observers or "players." The "players" get to choose classes and ability scores, even earn achievements for repetitive playing. The gith was programmed to "rank" them by ordering their heads into a "top ten" that they could observe after their "in game" deaths. Thus, the first Illithid arcade and dark comedy film were born. ("Rabid Thrall 1" of the Rabid Thrall 5 Trillion franchise)

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Azure wrote:
Benyamin wrote:
What happened to Mudshow's brainbox?

The aboleth stole it.

Wow. I need to read that story again. I missed that part. Talk about a surprise interference!

Edit: As to the current party situation, I'd like to recommend a few suggestions, which my character may do IC once you acquire the Black Fleet (He'd be joining as a special forces/tactical consultant from Silver fleet).

-A respect/bolster approach to leading the ships would be better than induce fear. Intimidate has its place (esp. with pirates), but I think it will be better used on the battlefield, demoralizing the enemy and forcing them to waiver in their assault against our "Operation Dunkirk.". I could see the knight on her wyvern being a particularly good diversion as she snaps enemy leaders' wills with her amplified intensity.

-It'll be good to check the fleet's stock of alchemical, cannon, and magical/psionic weaponry. We might find some doozies worth unleashing, perhaps akin to Pale's necro-chemical nasties. Styrrn was a crafty, tricky fellow. Ya'sheen's respect from Ib'm and Lahar might gain the Git'ribani some assistance here as well.

-The party might want to decide on what portal they wish to reach, eventually. It might even be good to plan a "get away" ship, probably one of the Astral skiffs/sloops, to break off from the main fleet once we've completed the objective of rescuing as many gith as we can. I'm sure one skiff would carry the party and we could cobble a decent psionic pilot from among us [hopefully].

Opportunities inherent in this "separate" track:
+ Secure goodwill with Na'rai of Jade by solidifying the command under the Heartforce when we leave and basically leave with an "I owe you" from a Heartforce strike force (access to color pools in the future?). At this rate, the party will win influence with major Apocalyte and Heartforce members for their participation in the rescue mission.
+ Leave before Pale finds a way to revenge agains the party for ruining his plans (Trying to stop his lichdom in the Neg Plane seems unlikely for our party for now).
+ Do damage to the graith cause in some way as we fly as an unexpected task force into enemy territory...

What do you guys think?

And as a Cast (Potential Foreshadow Flashback) for our return to Git'riban:

Zimrazim wrote:
I'm less sure about how our little warband fits into Will's plans....the fighting the party is doing would weaken the PCs for, say, a githyanki-githzerai war in Git'riban, which might await them once they're done in the Palace.

Redacted: Zimrazim, not Azure, projected this as a possible problem going down in Sigiltown.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Um ... I don't remember writing that. Sounds more like Zimrazim?

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Azure wrote:
Um ... I don't remember writing that. Sounds more like Zimrazim?

Totally was Zim. I'm sorry, Azure.

The OOC thread has been almost as entertaining and insightful as the IC thread.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Specially when newcomers (me in this case) made a lot of dust flow about initially Eye-wink

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Benyamin wrote:
Edit: As to the current party situation, I'd like to recommend a few suggestions, which my character may do IC once you acquire the Black Fleet (He'd be joining as a special forces/tactical consultant from Silver fleet).
Probably via the other half of the Black Fleets command then I guess, so as not to impose you on us as the player group to much initially?

Benyamin wrote:
-A respect/bolster approach to leading the ships would be better than induce fear. Intimidate has its place (esp. with pirates), but I think it will be better used on the battlefield, demoralizing the enemy and forcing them to waiver in their assault against our "Operation Dunkirk.". I could see the knight on her wyvern being a particularly good diversion as she snaps enemy leaders' wills with her amplified intensity.
Interesting interpretation of the use of Intimidate, I dont see the skill having that much power, specially in a battle that big.. And respect/bolster?, I dont persay disagree with you BUT.. Fear would work, but I have to work on getting that kind of magic..

Benyamin wrote:
-It'll be good to check the fleet's stock of alchemical, cannon, and magical/psionic weaponry. We might find some doozies worth unleashing, perhaps akin to Pale's necro-chemical nasties. Styrrn was a crafty, tricky fellow. Ya'sheen's respect from Ib'm and Lahar might gain the Git'ribani some assistance here as well.
A far stretch imo, as we have already taken most of the items available atm to us from this town and the gith around already.

Benyamin wrote:
-The party might want to decide on what portal they wish to reach, eventually. It might even be good to plan a "get away" ship, probably one of the Astral skiffs/sloops, to break off from the main fleet once we've completed the objective of rescuing as many gith as we can. I'm sure one skiff would carry the party and we could cobble a decent psionic pilot from among us [hopefully].
You dont need only a psionic pilot to pilot a skiff if I understood correctly, a magic user also works just as well. I have a contact who is just such a person, but not a sweetheart at all, not even by Gith standards..

Benyamin wrote:
Opportunities inherent in this "separate" track: + Secure goodwill with Na'rai of Jade by solidifying the command under the Heartforce when we leave and basically leave with an "I owe you" from a Heartforce strike force (access to color pools in the future?). At this rate, the party will win influence with major Apocalyte and Heartforce members for their participation in the rescue mission. + Leave before Pale finds a way to revenge agains the party for ruining his plans (Trying to stop his lichdom in the Neg Plane seems unlikely for our party for now). + Do damage to the graith cause in some way as we fly as an unexpected task force into enemy territory...
2nd and 3rd bit, sure, logical, but 1st bit, how will we make that happen, just by going in and rescueing loads of Gith? hmmz...

Benyamin wrote:
What do you guys think?
There you go Smiling.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Yes, the talk of portals should start. The party knows of a few in the direction the fleets are going. There are ones that skip, somewhat randomly, to a few locations in Urmlaspyr. There are also more stable ones in Westport, which is why Lahar is evacuating githwarriors there, as well as giving standing orders to "jump through any portal you see" in Urmlaspyr.

Urmlaspyr is still controlled by the githyanki.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: BoG'r OOC.

DM Note: I would like to make a ruling that items the characters have acquired in Starmantle are in fact githyanki-made items that are part of what they get in the takeover of The Black Fleet. This makes much more sense to me than a githyanki wanting to use a barbarian-made item whatever its usefulness.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Fine by me, I think the items I wanted were very specific anyway, and imo already look like more Gith then human made..

The only frustrating bit it, if we want anything specifically tailored to us, this is almost impossible because of time constraints in item creation...

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Benyamin wrote:
Burning Spear wrote:
(And there are cheaper riding items to be had in the book of artifacts?), so as not to waste such a unique skull.. Smiling

Book of artifacts? Do tell. Sounds a bit above our "pay grade" (level).

Yes, you do have a truly "unique" illithid head on your hands. What happened to Mudshow's brainbox?

Lol, well, its not "Artifacts", it's called "Magic Item Compendium".
Any half decent magical items can be seen as artifacts in their own right btw, imo.
Not just on a powerlevel of 20+

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Note to Dm; i'll have to read back on the exchange of items just to make sure I have it right as to what's in my head about it atm Laughing out loud

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Burning Spear wrote:
Benyamin wrote:
Edit: As to the current party situation, I'd like to recommend a few suggestions, which my character may do IC once you acquire the Black Fleet (He'd be joining as a special forces/tactical consultant from Silver fleet).
Probably via the other half of the Black Fleets command then I guess, so as not to impose you on us as the player group to much initially?

By nature of being a consultant, he wouldn't impose. It would probably be unwise to insult the Silver fleet (and by extension, the Silver Warband) by ignoring his presence, but he's not there to wrestle control from the party. He'll join under Na'rai as one of her lower "lefts" (lower because, similar to relating to the party, he would not assume her most trusted advisor's position).

Any advice would be given as that. He's more joining Black Fleet because it coincides with his purposes and is along for the ride/offer assistance.

Burning Spear wrote:
Benyamin wrote:
-A respect/bolster approach to leading the ships would be better than induce fear. Intimidate has its place (esp. with pirates), but I think it will be better used on the battlefield, demoralizing the enemy and forcing them to waiver in their assault against our "Operation Dunkirk.". I could see the knight on her wyvern being a particularly good diversion as she snaps enemy leaders' wills with her amplified intensity.
Interesting interpretation of the use of Intimidate, I dont see the skill having that much power, specially in a battle that big.. And respect/bolster?, I dont persay disagree with you BUT.. Fear would work, but I have to work on getting that kind of magic..

A) Intimidate allows you to "Demoralize Opponent." It works against one person, normally. When used against a leader of a squad/platoon/regiment/division/etc, proves more powerful than say, in a one-on-one brawl, because you cause the one giving command to become shaken. Sure, it's for one round each attempt, but the fact the leader is shaken goes a long way to hurting the morale and efficiency of his troops. It is why, in stories like Return of the King, the death or daunting of a king/banner bearer symbolized a turn in the tide of a battle.

B) Fear would work. Temporarily, at least. But it would leave the situation less than desired for say, if the party should ever be jaunted back into Toril, or have to meet affiliates of these groups down the line. The Git'ribani are incidentally ambassadors for the Gith of Sigil, and how they treat fellow Gith here will determine how they/their kinsmen are received later. (The rub of being ECL 10 characters).

Respect went a long way for Kirath in his short stint as Captain. Sure, Styrrn was a dueler, but I think it might become more of a Rehoboam situation where the "new management" would incite a rebellion by being harder than the "leaving management."

Burning Spear wrote:
Benyamin wrote:
-It'll be good to check the fleet's stock of alchemical, cannon, and magical/psionic weaponry. We might find some doozies worth unleashing, perhaps akin to Pale's necro-chemical nasties. Styrrn was a crafty, tricky fellow. Ya'sheen's respect from Ib'm and Lahar might gain the Git'ribani some assistance here as well.
A far stretch imo, as we have already taken most of the items available atm to us from this town and the gith around already.

Are you referring categorically or just to magic/psionic items? I meant things like ballistae, cannon, volleys of alchemist fire, perhaps some roguish seige weapon Styrrn or his men invented to outfit their Capital ship. I figure even shipboard gunneries might have some magical, psionic, or alchemical enhancement.

Burning Spear wrote:
Benyamin wrote:
-The party might want to decide on what portal they wish to reach, eventually. It might even be good to plan a "get away" ship, probably one of the Astral skiffs/sloops, to break off from the main fleet once we've completed the objective of rescuing as many gith as we can. I'm sure one skiff would carry the party and we could cobble a decent psionic pilot from among us [hopefully].
You dont need only a psionic pilot to pilot a skiff if I understood correctly, a magic user also works just as well. I have a contact who is just such a person, but not a sweetheart at all, not even by Gith standards..

Yep, I forgot that you only need an intelligent creature to operate the ship. I figure we would want someone experienced or adept at driving such vehicles at the helm.

And, reading Azure's last post about Lahar's advice for Gith to "jump into any portal they see," we might even be able to convince a shipload of Gith to go with us through the portal. It would probably be best to take a squad of mid-to-high skilled berks to ensure we don't max out the portal's "No more than 20" trend Lahar referred to...

Burning Spear wrote:
Benyamin wrote:
Opportunities inherent in this "separate" track: + Secure goodwill with Na'rai of Jade by solidifying the command under the Heartforce when we leave and basically leave with an "I owe you" from a Heartforce strike force (access to color pools in the future?). At this rate, the party will win influence with major Apocalyte and Heartforce members for their participation in the rescue mission. + Leave before Pale finds a way to revenge agains the party for ruining his plans (Trying to stop his lichdom in the Neg Plane seems unlikely for our party for now). + Do damage to the graith cause in some way as we fly as an unexpected task force into enemy territory...
2nd and 3rd bit, sure, logical, but 1st bit, how will we make that happen, just by going in and rescueing loads of Gith? hmmz...

The fact that the party is sticking around to assist in the evacuation and willing to serve under Na'rai says a lot. They could just as easily demand a skiff of their own and jet for the nearest portal. They chose the harder road, deciding to stake their lives on saving their kinsmen--a big thing for a group coming from a place most Gith viewed as seedy and of ill-repute before the Void Bombs went off.

Serving under a Strike Force commander from Jade also gives a sense of honor for the Heartforce Bloc. It may only be out of expediency and because it would look poorly for the Git'ribani to object to Jade's leadership when the Council decided she was the new captain. If the party affirms her leadership, she is a valuable contact, which is why I meant it could lead to benefits with the Heartforce along the way.

Thanks, BS, for your input. Smiling

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Burning Spear wrote:
The only frustrating bit it, if we want anything specifically tailored to us, this is almost impossible because of time constraints in item creation...

Such is the way of life in a combat zone. Starmantle should be like Bastogne during WW2, a rally point between many front lines. The way the group came also ensured they didn't have a chance to fine tune their arsenal.

Then again, they are ECL 10-11 and already carrying very powerful magical items (I'm curious about your sword/class enhancement). They're not chumming in regards to equipment, even with a 10,000gp item limit. (Not to mention that treasure trove you guys acquired back in the Brothel!)

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Azure wrote:
Yes, the talk of portals should start. The party knows of a few in the direction the fleets are going. There are ones that skip, somewhat randomly, to a few locations in Urmlaspyr. There are also more stable ones in Westport, which is why Lahar is evacuating githwarriors there, as well as giving standing orders to "jump through any portal you see" in Urmlaspyr.

Urmlaspyr is still controlled by the githyanki.

What is Lahar's plan (or apparent plan, if the party isn't privy to his designs) in regard to Westport? Have the Gith rush the portals, or slip into them as covert squads?

Stable portals sound favorable after the last go around with skipping portals. However, Will and his cohorts in Sigil might be anticipating that the party will head for a stable gate precisely because of their last experience.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Benyamin wrote:
Such is the way of life in a combat zone. Starmantle should be like Bastogne during WW2, a rally point between many front lines. The way the group came also ensured they didn't have a chance to fine tune their arsenal.
I am certainly not complaining about the total value of the stuff we found so far, but it has been somewhat restrictive... Some things a character might need might not even be very expensive, just particular or difficult to get,

Benyamin wrote:
Then again, they are ECL 10-11 and already carrying very powerful magical items (I'm curious about your sword/class enhancement). They're not chumming in regards to equipment, even with a 10,000gp item limit. (Not to mention that treasure trove you guys acquired back in the Brothel!)
Weapons are still only weapons, really, some characters to flourish might need more misc types.. regardless of price..

I for one would kill for a +2 Wisdom item (which I might already have just gotten, not sure, have to check, lol..)
But there are more such items which might not cost much, but are needed to make a character of our level more effective in our own specialities..
Per example, Ya'Shenn is a pure psion, she does not need a +3 weapon, yet she has one, and it does count towards the treasure, but is it really that useful?
(except that its fluffy for any Gith to have a good blade (thus a decent magical one) :+)

This is by no means complaining at all, just observing and discussing..

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

WiP reply!..

Benyamin wrote:
By nature of being a consultant, he wouldn't impose. It would probably be unwise to insult the Silver fleet (and by extension, the Silver Warband) by ignoring his presence, but he's not there to wrestle control from the party. He'll join under Na'rai as one of her lower "lefts" (lower because, similar to relating to the party, he would not assume her most trusted advisor's position).
Sounds ok so far, no objections from my side, just making you aware of conflicts that might pop up unintentionally... because of power-shuffles..

Benyamin wrote:
Any advice would be given as that. He's more joining Black Fleet because it coincides with his purposes and is along for the ride/offer assistance.
Ok, I guess Sticking out tongue

Benyamin wrote:
A) Intimidate allows you to "Demoralize Opponent." It works against one person, normally. When used against a leader of a squad/platoon/regiment/division/etc, proves more powerful than say, in a one-on-one brawl, because you cause the one giving command to become shaken. Sure, it's for one round each attempt, but the fact the leader is shaken goes a long way to hurting the morale and efficiency of his troops. It is why, in stories like Return of the King, the death or daunting of a king/banner bearer symbolized a turn in the tide of a battle.
If you say so, I never saw Intimidate as such an impacter of a skill (unlike some ways Diplomacy could be used ruleswise.., but I ain't no fan of that either)

Benyamin wrote:
B) Fear would work. Temporarily, at least. But it would leave the situation less than desired for say, if the party should ever be jaunted back into Toril, or have to meet affiliates of these groups down the line. The Git'ribani are incidentally ambassadors for the Gith of Sigil, and how they treat fellow Gith here will determine how they/their kinsmen are received later. (The rub of being ECL 10 characters).
I would like to be able to use the Fear spell (something like 3x/day), on top of the intimidate thing..

Benyamin wrote:
Respect went a long way for Kirath in his short stint as Captain. Sure, Styrrn was a dueler, but I think it might become more of a Rehoboam situation where the "new management" would incite a rebellion by being harder than the "leaving management."
What does Rehobam mean? Smiling (I guess so, maybe, as far as I get the gist of the reply)

Benyamin wrote:
Are you referring categorically or just to magic/psionic items? I meant things like ballistae, cannon, volleys of alchemist fire, perhaps some roguish seige weapon Styrrn or his men invented to outfit their Capital ship. I figure even shipboard gunneries might have some magical, psionic, or alchemical enhancement.
I was mplying to mostly magical/ psionic stuff, not mundane equipment as yet.

Benyamin wrote:
Yep, I forgot that you only need an intelligent creature to operate the ship. I figure we would want someone experienced or adept at driving such vehicles at the helm.

Benyamin wrote:
And, reading Azure's last post about Lahar's advice for Gith to "jump into any portal they see," we might even be able to convince a shipload of Gith to go with us through the portal. It would probably be best to take a squad of mid-to-high skilled berks to ensure we don't max out the portal's "No more than 20" trend Lahar referred to...
We already have a astral skiff atm, and my drake.. so that would be easy to accomplish.

Benyamin wrote:
The fact that the party is sticking around to assist in the evacuation and willing to serve under Na'rai says a lot. They could just as easily demand a skiff of their own and jet for the nearest portal. They chose the harder road, deciding to stake their lives on saving their kinsmen--a big thing for a group coming from a place most Gith viewed as seedy and of ill-repute before the Void Bombs went off.
I guess we do, makes for better roleplay/ game I guess.

Benyamin wrote:
Serving under a Strike Force commander from Jade also gives a sense of honor for the Heartforce Bloc. It may only be out of expediency and because it would look poorly for the Git'ribani to object to Jade's leadership when the Council decided she was the new captain. If the party affirms her leadership, she is a valuable contact, which is why I meant it could lead to benefits with the Heartforce along the way.
I am not sure I entirely agree with this.. i'll have a think about it..

Benyamin wrote:
Thanks, BS, for your input. Smiling
Very welcome, no worries, I am not shy of a decent discussion Smiling

Now bed time, had a night shift here in the UK.. need sleep.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.



BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

If Ya'shenn is along for this adventure:

She'd be happy to persuade as many or as few of the graith associated with the Black Fleet as the party wants. She would also be quite willing to sort them to find the best/worst, and would be more likely than most to detect signs of mutiny before they happen.

Her vote as to the party's destination would definitely not be for places that are chock-full of Ascendancy supporters, especially if they include ancient undead terrors...even if they do make for awesome NPCs. (That includes Urmlaspyr, doesn't it? I don't recall...) That doesn't mean that the party can't do that, just that Ya'shenn would definitely advocate to go somewhere else.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Zimmy!!! Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: BoG'r OOC.


Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Zimrazim wrote:
If Ya'shenn is along for this adventure...

...then it's Christmas in May! Welcome back, Zim!

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Burning Spear wrote:
Sounds ok so far, no objections from my side, just making you aware of conflicts that might pop up unintentionally... because of power-shuffles..

Certainly appreciated.

Burning Spear wrote:
If you say so, I never saw Intimidate as such an impacter of a skill (unlike some ways Diplomacy could be used ruleswise.., but I ain't no fan of that either)

It allows those who invested large ranks in skills to actually do something with them besides hustle a local merchant or "make friends" with the tavern barmaid. Your dislike is understandable, and a shared sentiment, despite it's usefulness at times.

Fear would be handy coupled with Intimidate, for sure.

Burning Spear wrote:
What does Rehobam mean? Smiling (I guess so, maybe, as far as I get the gist of the reply)

He was an ancient Israelite king who forever split the kingdom because he decided to increase the forced labor in his country as opposed to giving the complaining citizens a break.

Burning Spear wrote:
We already have a astral skiff atm, and my drake.. so that would be easy to accomplish.


Burning Spear wrote:
I guess we do, makes for better roleplay/ game I guess.

Yep, always fun to play a party of evil "do-gooders." Smiling

Burning Spear wrote:
Very welcome, no worries, I am not shy of a decent discussion Smiling
Cool, same here. Looking forward to joining in again on the festivities.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Zimrazim wrote:
If Ya'shenn is along for this adventure:

She'd be happy to persuade as many or as few of the graith associated with the Black Fleet as the party wants. She would also be quite willing to sort them to find the best/worst, and would be more likely than most to detect signs of mutiny before they happen.

That'd be brilliant. She would certainly keep the morale "adjusted" to a somewhat even keel. Would it be better to leave the graith behind, but perhaps still favorable (diplomatically, psionically, or not) to the Githyanki? She, and any with similar powers, would have a week before the next encounter to recover power points, bar any DM surprises, if I remember correctly.

Zimrazim wrote:
Her vote as to the party's destination would definitely not be for places that are chock-full of Ascendancy supporters, especially if they include ancient undead terrors...even if they do make for awesome NPCs. (That includes Urmlaspyr, doesn't it? I don't recall...) That doesn't mean that the party can't do that, just that Ya'shenn would definitely advocate to go somewhere else.

Agreed. I can't remember who is "holding down the fort" in Urmlaspyr. I think Westgate is enemy occupied, but that means no Ascendancy or terrifying undead. Invisibility wouldn't work on the ship (only Epic level casters could even dream of that CL), but Nondetection would get through any scry/detection nets set along the City's borders/coast. That's assuming we have someone who can manifest/cast similar powers, or desire to slip unnoticed into whichever city we hope to escape through.

Do we know the precise location of the portals and/or have a means to detect them? I vaguely remember one was in a window, so sliding a skiff alongside would make it easier to reach.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Urmlaspyr is occupied by Apocalyte forces. The Ascendancy forces are in Daerlun, a couple of dozen miles further. Westgate is not githyanki-occupied except for (presumably) its light tower, which Lahar has told some githyanki forces to seize since it has a fairly regular portal. Westgate has other regular portals, but it is a graith pirate city. Urmlaspyr has some skipping portals if you want to try them. Daerlun also has some portals but it doesn't seem like you want to go there at all.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

SO no large Heartforce groups, wasn't that what you were hinting at that we would get in their good books? Benyamin?

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Burning Spear wrote:
SO no large Heartforce groups, wasn't that what you were hinting at that we would get in their good books? Benyamin?

I referred to Na'rai of Jade, who is commander of the Black Fleet. Her and her strike force are Heartforce.

I also mentioned Apocalyte forces as well, since the party is familiar with the Firebringer of the Toril Incursion. That, and they did forewarn the fleets in Starmantle that the Necromancer was coming, so I'd say that y'all have been making a name for yourselves among the Gith inhabitants.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Azure wrote:
Urmlaspyr is occupied by Apocalyte forces. The Ascendancy forces are in Daerlun, a couple of dozen miles further. Westgate is not githyanki-occupied except for (presumably) its light tower, which Lahar has told some githyanki forces to seize since it has a fairly regular portal. Westgate has other regular portals, but it is a graith pirate city. Urmlaspyr has some skipping portals if you want to try them. Daerlun also has some portals but it doesn't seem like you want to go there at all.

What is Na'rai's plan once she has evacuated Gith forces from the Dead Stones? Is she going back to Starmantle or joining in the effort to seize Westgate's light tower?

It sounds like Urmlaspyr will also be chaotic, since Gish Lis is evacuating troops from there to return to Starmantle. I can't imagine a run through the streets there will be any less of a cake walk.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Benyamin wrote:
Burning Spear wrote:
SO no large Heartforce groups, wasn't that what you were hinting at that we would get in their good books? Benyamin?

I referred to Na'rai of Jade, who is commander of the Black Fleet. Her and her strike force are Heartforce.

I also mentioned Apocalyte forces as well, since the party is familiar with the Firebringer of the Toril Incursion. That, and they did forewarn the fleets in Starmantle that the Necromancer was coming, so I'd say that y'all have been making a name for yourselves among the Gith inhabitants.

Well, my bad, but at least I got some part of it right,
It's all quite extensive and chaotic, all the different groups and forces..
I am not keeping all the tabs up as I think I should.. Smiling

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: BoG'r OOC.

I had no internet for a bit and I come back to all of this grand planning. What I have been reading here is great! Laughing out loud Let me know if I can help in any way


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Burning Spear wrote:
Well, my bad, but at least I got some part of it right, It's all quite extensive and chaotic, all the different groups and forces.. I am not keeping all the tabs up as I think I should.. Smiling

Yep, you were right about there being loads of other groups in control (Apocalyte should be the forces seen and felt on the Incursion worlds. Heartforce tend to stick to their guns in the astral, except for missions like Na'rai). It is easy to get things turned around. I keep having to read back through the last page or so on the IC thread to figure out what fleet is going where and what fleet commander is doing what. So, no worries about feeling lost.

Perhaps that's the point, for both players and characters alike to feel lost in all the politics and power play. Smiling

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Chaotic_Goth1431 wrote:
I had no internet for a bit and I come back to all of this grand planning. What I have been reading here is great! Laughing out loud Let me know if I can help in any way

No worries, CG! Jump right in and share your thoughts on things.

We're trying to figure out what our own evacuation route will be, whether Urmlaspyr or Westage. Azure says Daerlun is an option as well. However, the real reason no one wants to do that, to the disappointment of any ooky EvilDM moments happening there with the Claws of Death and the Court of Vlaakith (anyone up for a trip to the Neg Energy plane for some templates? Sticking out tongue ), is because Pale-Mist's psycho-necromancer self is leading the rally charge there to fight off Sembian and Cormyr forces. Though a trip there would be a vision of uber-powerful personalities clashing in mortal (and immortal?) combat. If only the PCs could pull up levitating ringside seats and some popcorn....

Our plan at its rudimentary core, it seems, is to aim for a semi-less dangerous portal. We'll just be facing pirates and DM-knows-what to get to one. Sticking out tongue

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

OK, before leaving Starmantle:

Buy a model boat somewhere in town, to test out that "boat without a bottom" portal idea if it comes up.

Confer with one of Lahar's engineers about the proper method of removing an illithid head so that it may be turned into a control skull later. While it's useful to know on its own, it might be a way to curry favor with Lahar and his Apocalytes in the future, while reducing Gib's influence. When it comes to meeting the engineer, she'll follow whatever chain of command/etiquette is necessary to do so, though it would be ideal if Gib herself remains unaware of this development.

Also, can we get a decent shipboard cook? Have you tried Githyanki cooking? Additionally, for those who have seen 300, opportunities for "And eat hearty, for tonight we dine in Hell!" jokes.

Additionally: A couple of Lahar's scouts were captured by Pale/Mist. I do hope they get returned...


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Benyamin wrote:
Burning Spear wrote:
Well, my bad, but at least I got some part of it right, It's all quite extensive and chaotic, all the different groups and forces.. I am not keeping all the tabs up as I think I should.. Smiling

Yep, you were right about there being loads of other groups in control (Apocalyte should be the forces seen and felt on the Incursion worlds. Heartforce tend to stick to their guns in the astral, except for missions like Na'rai). It is easy to get things turned around. I keep having to read back through the last page or so on the IC thread to figure out what fleet is going where and what fleet commander is doing what. So, no worries about feeling lost.

Perhaps that's the point, for both players and characters alike to feel lost in all the politics and power play. Smiling

But it should not be such a mire of a sea to get some form of grip on those politics though..
I guess we should simply start by ferrying Gith to a good quality portal...

Benyamin wrote:
Chaotic_Goth1431 wrote:
I had no internet for a bit and I come back to all of this grand planning. What I have been reading here is great! Laughing out loud Let me know if I can help in any way

No worries, CG! Jump right in and share your thoughts on things.

We're trying to figure out what our own evacuation route will be, whether Urmlaspyr or Westage. Azure says Daerlun is an option as well. However, the real reason no one wants to do that, to the disappointment of any ooky EvilDM moments happening there with the Claws of Death and the Court of Vlaakith (anyone up for a trip to the Neg Energy plane for some templates? Sticking out tongue ), is because Pale-Mist's psycho-necromancer self is leading the rally charge there to fight off Sembian and Cormyr forces. Though a trip there would be a vision of uber-powerful personalities clashing in mortal (and immortal?) combat. If only the PCs could pull up levitating ringside seats and some popcorn....

Our plan at its rudimentary core, it seems, is to aim for a semi-less dangerous portal. We'll just be facing pirates and DM-knows-what to get to one. Sticking out tongue

I already have a template, so I would reply OC: no for a trip to the neg. plane..
And although the idea of ringside seats and popcorn is hilarious, I doubt it would be wise to go even near such a battle, seeing as that the collateral damage might be to much of a spillover...

Zimrazim wrote:
OK, before leaving Starmantle:

Buy a model boat somewhere in town, to test out that "boat without a bottom" portal idea if it comes up.

Confer with one of Lahar's engineers about the proper method of removing an illithid head so that it may be turned into a control skull later. While it's useful to know on its own, it might be a way to curry favor with Lahar and his Apocalytes in the future, while reducing Gib's influence. When it comes to meeting the engineer, she'll follow whatever chain of command/etiquette is necessary to do so, though it would be ideal if Gib herself remains unaware of this development.

Also, can we get a decent shipboard cook? Have you tried Githyanki cooking? Additionally, for those who have seen 300, opportunities for "And eat hearty, for tonight we dine in Hell!" jokes.

Additionally: A couple of Lahar's scouts were captured by Pale/Mist. I do hope they get returned...

I am happy to see Zimmy back into our fold Smiling
Why the dislike for Gib? (I might simply have forgotten..)
I'll make us a npc Graith cook, that way we will be sure of some better food than the meager Gith dishes.. lol.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Zimrazim wrote:
Also, can we get a decent shipboard cook? Have you tried Githyanki cooking? Additionally, for those who have seen 300, opportunities for "And eat hearty, for tonight we dine in Hell!" jokes.

Yes, I second that. Perhaps we could go for some 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea cuisine while we're at it. I have some ranks in Survival to help out with the "acquisition" aspect. Craft(Cooking) on the other hand...better wait for Burning Spear's chef. Eye-wink

Zimrazim wrote:
A couple of Lahar's scouts were captured by Pale/Mist. I do hope they get returned...

As well as the astral skiffs and sloops Pale conscripted...

Burning Spear wrote:
I already have a template, so I would reply OC: no for a trip to the neg. plane.. And although the idea of ringside seats and popcorn is hilarious, I doubt it would be wise to go even near such a battle, seeing as that the collateral damage might be to much of a spillover...

I agree on all accounts. I don't want either IC or OOC to send my character through the blender, d12s be darned. I imagine that Pale's mission will be catastrophic in the end... Sad

Burning Spear wrote:
I am happy to see Zimmy back into our fold Smiling

I am too!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

aw Smiling

What do you think of Urmlaspyr vs. Westgate?

My impression is that Urmlaspyr would be a harder fight (didn't Pale say the battle would be 'pitched?'), but with more potential to gain honor, while Westgate would be easier, but with less potential to gain honor. I'm not sure if Ar'dru is around, and he is one of the party's heavyweight fighters. On the other hand, I think maybe the DM would like us to go to Urmlaspyr. Eye-wink

Edit: Actually, are Pale/Mist's forces participating in the evacuation at Urmlaspyr, or are those forces headed directly to Daerlun?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

If Pale isn't beelining towards Urmlaspyr, then I am all for that one, but if he is.. hmmz...

Although Ar'dru was the "heaviest" fighter (literally Smiling ) I wasn't far behind...

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

About to send the DM a PM, about current condition of items in possession/ party pot..

Party pot consists of:
Party pot:
-10.000 gold
-Golden Lion Shield +2 large steel shield, + special attack.(9.170)

I want to ooc suggest the following:
use either the 10K gold or the shield (or part of both if the caster is greedy) to upgrade my bag of holding I that I have..this way the party will have better CC..

Hows that? thoughts plz..

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Zimrazim wrote:
aw Smiling

What do you think of Urmlaspyr vs. Westgate?

My impression is that Urmlaspyr would be a harder fight (didn't Pale say the battle would be 'pitched?'), but with more potential to gain honor, while Westgate would be easier, but with less potential to gain honor. I'm not sure if Ar'dru is around, and he is one of the party's heavyweight fighters. On the other hand, I think maybe the DM would like us to go to Urmlaspyr. Eye-wink

Edit: Actually, are Pale/Mist's forces participating in the evacuation at Urmlaspyr, or are those forces headed directly to Daerlun?

The majority of the Apocalyte forces are trapped in Urmlaspyr. There are some portals there, but as they skip, they are not very reliable. (The DM might make one available, however) The evacuation plan is to bring a few boatloads to Westgate, which has more regular portals, before loading up one final time and heading back to Starmantle (or somewhere else, Lahar hadn't announced his final destination ... )

The party is, of course, free to chart their own course ...

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Well, being bound to a seabound fleet is different then just having a skiff and a Wyvern to contend with...

Btw the pilot I have in mind has: Pilot 9 +5/+3 skill ratings.. so not shabby.
(there is just some detail work being bicked over between me and the DM..) lol.

Can you remind me of the dimensions of the Skiff (+ layout? perhaps a piccy?)
And the ships? size and maximum hold in number of bodies they can contain...

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Azure wrote:
Lahar hadn't announced his final destination ...

I keep wondering if Lahar and the Singer of Fire will eventually get together. A strong, politically popular consort would strengthen her own claim to power. Lahar is obviously ambitious himself, and it would give him a direct connection to the royal bloodline. It would also give the Singer an edge over the other Ascendancy candidates; only the Singer is able to produce heirs at this time.

Even if nothing of the sort happens, it seems like the sort of thing that might make it into the rumor mill.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

"Zimrazim" wrote:
What do you think of Urmlaspyr vs. Westgate?

I'm thinking if Pale/Mist are participating in the Urmlaspyr evacuation, then go to Westgate; if they're not, go to Urmlaspyr.

As much as it would be cool to go to Urmlaspyr with the others, Pale/Mist are NOT thinking happy thoughts about our party right now. (Particularly not Ya'shenn or Kirath.) Sticking around would give Pale/Mist too many opportunities to mess with the party.

Look at how close some of the participants in the war council are to attacking each other outright...


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Pale-Mist is going to Daerlun, not Urmlaspyr.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

well, then its easy then, lol, Urmlaspyr it is! Smiling

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Urmlaspyr works for me!

When we arrive in Urmlaspyr, how do we want to organize the party? My suggestions would be contingent between "air" and ground" stages.

In the air:
-Utilize ranged abilities to pick off enemy forces on our way to pick up Gith and to recon the city.
-The knight has great versatility on her poison drake, so she can effectively act and transition between "air" and "ground" stages.
-Yasheen, Kirath, K'tch, and my PC can offer ranged support while searching for good drop zones, evac points, and portal locations.
-Yasheen could coordinate with ground forces via psionic missives (hopefully conserving your power points, Zim) if we cannot simply drop down and join the stranded/fleeing Gith.
-Party can drop down to clear an evac point, if need be.

On the ground:
-If the knight is better positioned in the air, she and the drake would provide air support (much like her fly-by attacks in the fight against those Druids a while back).
-Yasheen and Kirath seem better positioned in the middle to make the best use of their powers:
->Yasheen has an awesome mind blast ability, but I don't know how cramped the streets/landing zone will be.
->Kirath's fireballs will be nasty from the air and likely handy in blowing open any barricades.
-Urban setting means there may be no true "rear" position, so my PC can cover rearguard since he has decent melee abilities, though not quite up to Ar'du or Ij's standards. He has good scouting/tracking skills, too, if we need them.

Party order in the air would look like: (air/prow/amidships/stern) (Ar'du, Ij/My PC/Kirath/Yasheen)
Party order on the ground would look like: (Lead/middle/rear) Ar'du, Ij / Yasheen, Kirath / My PC.

Related questions:
-Do astral skiffs have a similar levitate function on their metal hatch that corresponds to its feather fall property? I'm wondering if this wouldn't be their fallback option for beleaguered troops who've spent up their psionic abilities.
-What kind of detection/divination abilities does the party have at their disposal? May prove handy to know what we are facing and the positions of both enemy and allied forces.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

"Benyamin" wrote:
What kind of detection/divination abilities does the party have at their disposal? May prove handy to know what we are facing and the positions of both enemy and allied forces.

Ya'shenn has clairvoyance as a 3x/day racial ability, rather than concealing amorpha. If she's at a control skull, that gets recharged (if I recall correctly), and she gets to use missive and a few other very low-level abilities at will. She also has detect psionics... which probably isn't a bad way to find out where githyanki are in a mostly barbarian area, actually.

If she's mindlinked with someone, her knowledge of that person's location can be used so that others can dimension door to that location. Should work with clairvoyance as well, actually.

She has charm person, suggestion, and dominate, so there may be some opportunities to use a mind-controlled barbarian to sabotage enemy defenses, locate refugees or enemies, destroy or steal supplies, distract (or even attack) an enemy commander or wizard, and so on. Generally, strategies like these will require more planning in advance.

When she leveled I gave her some telekinetic ability (looking forward to using telekinetic thrust...). She now has a collection of handy, throwable things that, in some cases, also create unpleasant status conditions for the intended target. It helps that this power is a way to ignore/bypass power resistance. She can't pick up an illithid and throw it at another illithid, but she can pick up a number of sharp, pointy objects and throw them at an illithid. (Or pick up a thrall and throw it at an illithid...)

What kind of healing resources will the rescuers have available? It wouldn't be surprising if some/a lot of the githyanki refugees are wounded.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

I am thinking of making the cook into a kind if healer...
Isn't that the way that it is on a ship anyway? Cook/ Bucher/ Healer... All roled into one? Smiling

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Echo post

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