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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Well, I don't want to rush PC -PC interaction .... once I feel you're done with introductions, and BS has had a chance to post, I'll do a 'next morning' post. There's plenty of room at the Custom House for the party to crash here with Ib'ms troops (and Azthri)

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Boo! I was just waiting for the night to complete as moving corpses didn't exactly sound very appealing. I figured Kirath would be making his way to the city after the job is complete he would try to hook up with the off-world githyanki.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

I'm ready for the next scene.

If Ii and Ya'shenn go to the ship, will there be enough room for everyone? (Ii, Ya'shenn, Ar'dru, Kirath, Azthri, Durog (heh), any other assorted NPCs...)

The Customs House might have more room, but it might be less secure in the sense of "barbarians wanting to slit githyanki throats as they sleep."


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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

double post!


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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: BoG'r OOC.

! AWESOME ! Welcome back BD

As for "where to stay", the Customs House is secure enough. In fact, I figure it is the physically secure building in the city. The castle WOULD BE more secure, but few people go there at all anymore, and besides, Pale's forces are hovering over it now. Ib'm has enough guards to make any break-in extremely difficult to accomplish.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

The Customs House sounds good, then!

Edit: Ya'shenn will be happy with either the Customs House or the ship, provided that the party members can meet up again.


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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Ya'shenn will be happy to interact more soon. I was just hoping to do a dream sequence. Smiling


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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

I can't recall the name of the city (in Abeir-Toril) where the party first arrived through the skipping portal. Which city is it? (Or does the party know?)

Edit: Never mind - Hlondeth.


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Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: BoG'r OOC.

I'm giddy over the way the plot is evolving......Azthri will definitly have a few 'eager scientist' moments around any duthka'gith or sentient undead githyanki. XDDD


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Zimrazim wrote:
Ya'shenn will be happy to interact more soon. I was just hoping to do a dream sequence. Smiling

Just weird, but very interesting, still very weird, lol.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Burning Spear wrote:
Just weird, but very interesting, still very weird, lol.

I try my best Smiling


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Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Ive got the Job I went to the interview for last monday.. start tomorrow, (friday), its 60 hrs a week...security in a clothing shop.. wish me luck, see u guys/ gals when i am online again... dont write to fast plz...

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.



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Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Huzzah! Good luck with the new job! =D


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

I wonder what Azthri's Sense Motive and Bluff scores are like? Ya'shenn is normally hard to 'read' by most githyanki, mostly due to her very high Bluff modifier, but that's not necessarily the case for those with a high Sense Motive.

I had been wondering if the Mind Blank spell affects not only Ya'shenn's mind-reading abilities but also somehow foils Sense Motive (specifically, her ability to notice aberrations in Azthri's body language). It is a very powerful spell.

I've also wondered if Azthri and Derog have different Bluff scores...


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Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Azthri's Bluff score is 11, her Sense Motive is 9, keep in mind this may change after I send the rest of my statistics to Azure.

Derog's Bluff score is 17, his Sense Motive is also 9. Again this will probably change.

I will alter my post if needed. =D


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Just as a general guideline for RP -- Ya'shenn is usually hard to read, unless she decides not to be (or someone has a very good Sense Motive roll). She doesn't often directly lie, but she doesn't usually reveal what she's really thinking.


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Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Cool! Thank you for being paitent with me, too. I'm just trying to make sure my stats are logical before I send them off.

Moral of the story: Try not to have a decade long hiatus from D&D.....>_>


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Ironically, I wouldn't be too surprised if Ya'shenn might have liked the old, pre-evil-ghost version of Derog.


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Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Jikes, you girls can jap, i said to take it slow Sticking out tongue

I cant otherwise keep up, will make a small post now, just to keep in the timeline.

Thats it kids, now off to work, then 2,5 hrs sleep and a long day again.. see ya when i can...

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Burning, do you remember which illithids are in the bag? (You see, Ib'm might be able to find a necromancer in town...)


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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Burning Spear wrote:
Jikes, you girls can jap, i said to take it slow

I cant otherwise keep up, will make a small post now, just to keep in the timeline.

I don't think the party will be going into combat turns right away, or anything... I think we have a few in-game days before that. Eye-wink


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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Zimrazim wrote:
Burning, do you remember which illithids are in the bag? (You see, Ib'm might be able to find a necromancer in town...)
Let's see ... Lavender, Bliss, Pigkiller, and Meathook. Mudshow's head got away, and DM is assuming that any heads taken in Hlondeth were dropped as per Kirath's orders.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Should be interesting to see how the Git'ribani react to this conversation. Sticking out tongue


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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: BoG'r OOC.

To Azreal and BD : Either of you can come in at any time. When you do, however, we should assume both Kirath and Ar'dru come together, along with Gy-Nath, K'tch, and Du'minh.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Azure wrote:
along with Gy-Nath, K'tch, and Du'minh.

That should be interesting.


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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

The contrast between Ya'shenn and Sark'ja is startling, isn't it? Sticking out tongue


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Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Oh yes. XD

Azthri really had to hold her tongue over that!!!! To clear things up, she isn't having an instantaneous crush on Ha'kan'a, though she knows a good looking son of Gith when she sees one. Eye-wink I do suspect she will likely become enamoured of one of the githyanki males at some later point, though who it is or wether it will even happen will be up to Azure, as I shall defer to him in that matter to avoid conflicts.

Zimrazim wrote:
Ironically, I wouldn't be too surprised if Ya'shenn might have liked the old, pre-evil-ghost version of Derog.

The feeling would have been mutual, regardless of wether he had a sho-dai or not. Sticking out tongue Now that he's had a lovely alignment shift from true neutral to neutral evil......not so much. Lol.


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Ya'shenn actually has an "E" on her character sheet, though after playing her for some time I think she might be closer to one of the neutral alignments. At least, closer to neutral alignment than many githyanki.


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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Another comment on Derog: Is he a more typical githzerai who absolutely hates all githyanki, or does he have the githzerai version of Reconciliation leanings? If he's Reconciliation-minded, that puts him more into the "potentially valuable" category in Ya'shenn's mind.


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Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Derog was -and still is- more Reconciliation-minded, which was a direct consequense of all the years he spent undercover as one of them. He went from utterly loathing the githyanki to actually admiring certain aspects of the culture and had been carefully cultivating enough of a reputation as a highly successful warrior for there to be talk of a potential promotion to knight. As Azthri's accidental trip into Derog's memories showed, he never got the chance. Despite what he excuses he might make, he truly did love T'sekjil.


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

I think Ya'shenn would like to visit Styrrn sometime soon -- with either Ii or one of the other warriors along. (Simply because Styrrn is a noted duelist and associates with beings that even githyanki refer to as "scum.")

Perhaps Azthri could accompany Ha'kan'a into town.

At some point (depending on what the results of Sense Motive are) Ya'shenn would like to speak privately with Kitiir.


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Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Zimrazim wrote:

Perhaps Azthri could accompany Ha'kan'a into town.

I suddenly had a mental image of Azthri in an 18th-century dress, weapons sheathed in her belt and holding a parasol while striding along a city street arm in arm with Ha'kan'a.

Great.......now I am compelled to draw that! XD

For future reference, exactly how tall are the PCs/Git'ribani? I know Kirath is 5', Ii'Jyka'Vaar is 6'4 and the rest are between 6' to 6'6. Makes it easier and prevents awkward post edits, if I may say so.


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Githyanki tend to be a little taller than humans. Between 6' and 6'6" is typical. Kirath being 5' makes him quite short for a githyanki, so he often gets referred to as the "little warlock".

As for sense motive, that isn't hard. Kitiir is sullen because of the loss of her sh-dai. The mind flayer's influence is null, other than Kitiir's own memories and thoughts of the experience.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Ya'shenn is of average height for a female githyanki. In this particular group, she may seem a little shorter than she actually is, simply because Ar'dru, Du'minh and Ii are all unusually physically intimidating even by gith standards.


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Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Azthri is six feet tall and 160 pounds. Eye-wink

Oh! I had been meaning to ask, was there any specific type of armour you wanted Azthri to have? I was thinking of going with a chain shirt unless you want me to ggive her medium armour proficiency, though I'll likely stick with leather armour for the sake of dexterity-based skills.

I also gave her Exotic Weapons proficiency so she could have her flintlocks. She pilfered them off of a dead graith in the Hive. XD


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

I don't have the rules for Militant Rogue, so I'm actually not sure what they use in terms of armor. Burning would know, though. Eye-wink


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Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: BoG'r OOC.

This is the first time I've ever played a Militant Rogue. XD

By the way, I am currently attempting to draw a picture of our current surviving group. I will be sketching Du'minh, Ar'dru, Jhank'kor, Gy-Nath, Ya'shenn, Ii'Jyka'Vaar, Kirath, Rey'arteb (and a certain rat on his shoulder) K'tch, Na'rai, Sark'ja, Kitiir, Ha'kan'a and Azthri. Let me know if I'm missing anyone! O_o;;;

**waits for the githyanki to administer painful death**

Any descriptions of physical traits or reference pictures of armour/clothing/etc would be helpful. I'll post my email address here in case pms are being evil:



So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Zimrazim wrote:
I don't have the rules for Militant Rogue, so I'm actually not sure what they use in terms of armor. Burning would know, though. Eye-wink
Really the same as rogue, only the sneak attack is exchanged for feats, nothing else changes to the normal rogue Smiling

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Chaotic_Goth1431 wrote:
By the way, I am currently attempting to draw a picture of our current surviving group. I will be sketching Du'minh, Ar'dru, Jhank'kor, Gy-Nath, Ya'shenn, Ii'Jyka'Vaar, Kirath, Rey'arteb (and a certain rat on his shoulder) K'tch, Na'rai, Sark'ja, Kitiir, Ha'kan'a and Azthri. Let me know if I'm missing anyone! O_o;;;

Any descriptions of physical traits or reference pictures of armour/clothing/etc would be helpful. I'll post my email address here in case pms are being evil:

I will have to check, dont remember them by heart, and have to think about more detailed looks then just vague descriptions.
Its difficult to think of looks and equipment other then feeling from your own mind, specicially when another is to interpret it and draw what i think Sticking out tongue

That, and she is changing slowly but subtly.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

I had been wondering about styles of clothing, actually. I had always imagined Ya'shenn dressing in the style DiTerlizzi used for githyanki in Guide to the Astral Plane (lots of color, tassels, etc.), but most other depictions of githyanki outside the 2e Planescape material have githyanki in mummy wrappings.


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Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Zimrazim wrote:
I think Ya'shenn would like to visit Styrrn sometime soon -- with either Ii or one of the other warriors along. (Simply because Styrrn is a noted duelist and associates with beings that even githyanki refer to as "scum.")

I have no problem with that, post as you wish, Ii'Jyka will accompany you in all useful meetings, simply to listen and watch, your more eloquent then i atm. and you have more time to write, so that helps.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Speaking of DiTerlizzi...


The second picture is a decent example of what githyanki threads in Guide to the Astral look like. This one is in armor, though; the depictions of mages or other light/no-armor types in that book would be closer.

Just, no polka-dots, please...


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Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Zimrazim wrote:
I had been wondering about styles of clothing, actually. I had always imagined Ya'shenn dressing in the style DiTerlizzi used for githyanki in Guide to the Astral Plane (lots of color, tassels, etc.), but most other depictions of githyanki outside the 2e Planescape material have githyanki in mummy wrappings.

Geeuugh. Save the mummy wrappings for Master Pale! Ya'shenn is too dignified for those.

Burning Spear wrote:
I will have to check, dont remember them by heart, and have to think about more detailed looks then just vague descriptions. Its difficult to think of looks and equipment other then feeling from your own mind, specicially when another is to interpret it and draw what i think

That, and she is changing slowly but subtly.

I appreciate it. I have been wanting to do this for quite a while ever since I stumbled across the RPG and lurked for about three months before inquiring to join. XD

Burning Spear wrote:
Really the same as rogue, only the sneak attack is exchanged for feats, nothing else changes to the normal rogue Smiling

Hrm and how many feats would that equate exactly? I have Azthri as a level 9 Rogue.

Zimrazim wrote:
Speaking of DiTerlizzi...


The second picture is a decent example of what githyanki threads in Guide to the Astral look like. This one is in armor, though; the depictions of mages or other light/no-armor types in that book would be closer.

Just, no polka-dots, please...

Excellent! Don't worry I will not subject Ya'shenn to the horror of polka-dots.


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Burning Spear wrote:
and you have more time to write, so that helps.

I hope you get a little time to rest, Burning. Some time to post too!


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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Hmm. I'm debating making a post about going to see Styrrn, but I'd like to give Az and Bladedancer (and Burning) more time to post.


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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Chaotic_Goth1431 wrote:

By the way, I am currently attempting to draw a picture of our current surviving group. I will be sketching Du'minh, Ar'dru, Jhank'kor, Gy-Nath, Ya'shenn, Ii'Jyka'Vaar, Kirath, Rey'arteb (and a certain rat on his shoulder) K'tch, Na'rai, Sark'ja, Kitiir, Ha'kan'a and Azthri. Let me know if I'm missing anyone! O_o;;;

Jhank'kor, Gy-Nath and most of the PCs are described within the first page of BoG'r. Gy-Nath wears full armor and is heavily armed (over-armed, even). For a fun fact nobody in the party yet knows, one of the swords he carries (the longsword) has a broken blade ... use this fun fact in your artwork should you wish.

Sark'ja and co. are described recently. I always pictured Sark'ja and looking "Sharky" and preditory. I picture her hair as like the Preditor alien. Kitiir should have practicality her main theme, as she is a knife-fighter. Ha'kan'a is the youngest githyanki here, about mid-teens and not done growing yet. K'tch can look stoned, and should have a lute, or better yet, a bongo-drum.

Na'rai wears a mask and wields a pole-weapon. Her 'spear' has a three-pronged head to catch a weapon (a spetum, if you know what I mean) I always pictured the mask as blank, except for the eye-holes, silver on one half, jade-green on the other, with thin swirling lines. I'm not sure if this is my own idea or the player's description of her mask, I forget.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.

Azure wrote:
Gy-Nath wears full armor and is heavily armed (over-armed, even). For a fun fact nobody in the party yet knows, one of the swords he carries (the longsword) has a broken blade ... use this fun fact in your artwork should you wish.

Is Gy-Nath as massive as Ar'dru, Du'minh, and Ii, or closer to the githyanki norm in terms of height/weight?


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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: BoG'r OOC.


Burning Spear wrote:
she herself is sturdily build, you can see in the shadow of her cloak that she is well muscled, but loooks much denser than an average Gith would look, even of similar weight... she lets her words sink in to whome she addresses and awaits a reaction patiently.

She stands 6ft 4inches high, and her skin is noticable darker then a normal Gith would have, however this can't be seen clearly in this light.

She has black irises with blue pinpricks in them that glow a little supernaturally, her hair is black, but cannot be seen properly apart from some tufts under the hood.

Anybody with some knowledge of the military will recocnize her coat-collar's emblems as those of a Dragon rider, of Sarth’Gar rank (Lieutnant equiv.).
Other notables are: a black with greyish skin wrapped handle sticking out from her back, through her cloak, and a large weapon hangs at just below belt hight, the handle sticking up and back, with the round head of her Morningstar hanging at the same hight as her upper thigh.
That, and her Godsblood Splint mail.

In some ways she resembles (a female version of) Du'minh enough that he initially thought they might be related:

Dunamin wrote:
Du’minh can’t clearly hear the words exchanged, but he is more than a little thoughtful at how close the woman mirrors him visually - significantly darker skin than the norm, black hair, and very fit of build. Perhaps the Steels had sent one of his old clutch-mates to aid this cause?


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Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: BoG'r OOC.

I am cackling maniacally over here as I sit at my desk doing test sketches for the characters. I can't wait to finish the final result......hopefully everyone will enjoy it!


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.