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Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Will do, boss, and many pardons to you both!

Hmm, I figure slaying illithids may not be the only incentive necessary to tie them together in the long run, considering how both characters seem to have been written with explosive tempers and a mind never to back down. Perhaps we ought to invent a background incentive that could soon come to revelation?

How about discovering they are actually part of the same band, seperated by some unusual occurence? (or just general chaos in the wake of the Queen's death)

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Thanks guys.

Fighting mind flayers should be enough of an incentive to keep the party together, but they shouldn't have to be right in front of them. Now , I admit, I've stirred the hornet's nest myself before. And I've got some eeevilDM ideas for the future that may stir up the rivalry some more. Still, the party, and especially Du'minh and Jhank'kor, need a strong leader to keep 'em in line, and I'm sure that the situation we're seeing is fairly comman even within a warband, but the officers are there to keep it under control. So, you've now got an NPC captain, who might not be accompanying the party, but just having a leader-type to report to may keep these giths' minds on their duty rather than on fighting with each other.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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No hard feelings here, Dun. Hopefully, our characters will come to an accord. I find it interesting that good friends will also rib each other nearly as often as staunch enemies--they just don't try to kill each other (if sometimes they beat each other up. Laughing out loud). So, there's something to look forward to in character development. Eye-wink

You could easily be from the Band of Onyx, who are

are best known for combining swords and spells to conquor their foes.
according to the info handed to me--perfect place to also carry a division of antimages, too. And it'd also explain why there was competition, as the two Elites tried to prove their training held the more perfect blend of power of mind, body, and spirit.

If you had met Jhank'kor in the past, you would be hard pressed to recognize him. He was a strong, lithe warmage, known for his ruthless tactics and cunning--spells were tools to be used with perfection. The imposing, proud warlock of high esteem disappeared with a warband into Sigil's gith ghetto, Git'riban, on a mission to assassinate a rogue member of their flock. No one heard from them again, though rumors speak of a warband betrayed by a former warlock, who led the crew into an illithid ambush.

Yes, plenty of intrigue and possibilities there...

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Oh, I plan to cameo our warband into a gaming session tomorrow night. It's my last gaming night in the area for some time as I'm heading off to college in another state. Might not be able to post as regularly starting the end of next week to the end of August until I get my laptop in from the shop.

But, as I was saying, the group is roaming the Riotous Realms (the chaotic end of the Wheel) and end up at a portal to the Astral. It's 'zerai held...until a moment after the PCs arrive; that's when an incursion force of 'yankis blast into the scene--that's right: it's our warband (but at significantly higher levels...say, 15-16).

So, thanks, Azure--all--for the wonderful inspiration!!! I think it'll an anarchic session full of awesome craziness...what side will the party choose to fight for? They pick up a 'Zerai guide to find the portal, but they know nothing of the racial conflicts. Oh, did I mention one of the party members has illithid traits? She fought off the host, but gained some of the abilities (including tentacles)...it's going to be a bloody night! Smiling

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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BTW, Gy-Nath is my own PC from another campaign, so he's got quite a history, though you guys are actually meeting the re-vamped 3e version, not the original 2e version.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Sweet! I just finished the Rish-i-Chal...which I must say is a highly admirable build Smiling...and now onto the others!

Oh, Azure, I'll get you those contacts/personas, too. I have some inspiration for ooky characters running through my head.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Wow, these characters are POWERFUL...I did the Rish, Chal, and Duktha and found myself amazed by the sheer abilities of our team ('course this is as slightly higher protracted levels Laughing out loud). If we don't kill each other, I'm sure we'll make a sizable dent into 'lithid population before we enter the Dead Books. Eye-wink

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Da Rish have spoken, with inclusion of character development to start a path down to turning his rivalry with Jhank'kor to something more harmonious. Cool

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Aw, Dun, I'm torn now--how can Jhank'kor lead your character into a trap and feel totally vindicated? Laughing out loud

Actually, you have brought of several good points which need to be addressed. However, besides killing a traitor, the chal's main focus is the Illithid House--as it has been for some time now. Eye-wink

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Well, I figured Gy-Nath’s disciplinary speech might serve as a tipping point for Du’minh. Besides, Jhank’kor would hate for the Rish to have taken the first step of maturity, so that’s an unspoken bonus as well. Eye-wink

Actually, exposing and punishing traitors is secondary to bring down Illithid House for Du’minh. What he is suggesting, is that it would be more efficient to damage Illithid House via information pried out of Grazz’ operation, than by walking around in sewers where there has been illithid activity, hoping to find tunnels that lead directly to safe houses rather than dead-ends with obscure hidden portals.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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LOL. Jhank'kor would argue, "To hell with your 'maturity,'" but that is more out of regards of past experiences than present annoyance. A lot of resentment is bottled in that lanky frame. Eye-wink

I like the plan, though Jhank'kor isn't for giving up on the portal hub he located--nearly cost him his life, so he's not going to count it cheap! Besides, if that many high CR critters are guarding the place, then he knows it's more than a skip point to the market.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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'Benyamin' wrote:
Jhank'kor would argue, "To hell with your 'maturity,'" but that is more out of regards of past experiences than present annoyance. A lot of resentment is bottled in that lanky frame. Eye-wink
Surely, Jhank’kor isn’t in denial of his own actions, though? Looking at past exchanges between the two, I would be hard-pressed to view the chal as a victim. Laughing out loud

By the way, I’m contemplating stealing your cameo idea for my Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil campaign with my local group. I’m using the githyanki incursion as partial explanation for why the power figures of Oerth are too busy to deal with the return of Tharizdun, and there’s a massive warship floating high in the sky near Verbobonc City.

Perhaps I’ll let my players catch a glimpse of a raid by gith ground troops, something situational so that they don’t have much of a chance of interfering.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Oh, he'd see that as the world of Yankis, full of hatred and potential traitors--trust no one more than yourself. (<--His view, not mine) A very bitter chap, but not without provocation. (again, far more "ancient" than the Rish Eye-wink

Go for it! Smiling You'll probably have more luck than I did with party balance. The crew has two barbarians who need only to close with something to kill it within one or two blows... a big killjoy for da DM Sad I mean, I created an uberchaos beast and it lasted oh...two rounds. However, I made them lick some wounds from the land of Limbo. >:)

Overall, the whole "Welcome to Rhakkma" went great. The party got into the whole conflict of the Gith people, first from a Zerai city in the Soup (where one of the characters--a monkey monk--totally shined in RP, teaching the value of joy as the bane of fear and fear as a form of slavery...absolutely beautiful! Smiling...to experiencing the pains and trials of infiltrating a Yanki fortress in the Astral (having to portal jump through a giant slaad's butt after eating peanuts and blowing raspberries [thank you In the Spire's Shadow for that last bit!] Laughing out loud)....where they got indoctrinated with Gith scripture and ended up in a colossal battle between a Zerai raiding party and Yanki elites (Undead Knight on Ancient Red included Smiling...all that and an illithid-blooded party member to tick the whole slew off. I must say the tension was deliciously high.

Sorry to pirate this much time, but I'm just returning from the session with the wonderful images of characters trying to dodge lightning that turns into rocks and withstand concussive blasts of psychic assaults...I'm so geared up to play some more Gith games! Esp. this one Eye-wink

Edit: The greatest irony was that we actually HAD peanuts for snacks on the table. I give Ashy credit for creating the idea of a slaad's butt as a portal and the peanuts to top it off--I couldn't resist throwing in the raspberry part, too...their faces (a spectrum of dread and dire humor) at having to real-time RP the prior actions were priceless. Laughing out loud

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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I don't think Jhank'kor and Du'minh can be from the same warband, however large the Band of Onyx is on the Astral. D. would have heard J. I-D himself as an Onyx to O.Orb. He may, however, be familiar with the band of Onyx, having fought beside members of it before.

BTW, each PC should decide what warband they belong(ed) to.

Rules for warband names in BOG'r: Use any jemstone, mineral, rock (slate, shale, granite, etc.) or metal name for the larger warbands.

Already taken :
Iron (Gy-Nath)
Bronze (Telas-Niah)
Onyx (Jhank'kor)
Lead, Diamond & Lapis (witness to Gith's rebirth)
Bloodstone (mystery NPC)

Smaller orders and training centers can be named many things, and members often break their ties to their original warband to identify themselves with thir order.

Examples I've used in my Incursion/Gith campaign:
The Sharp Librum (Warlocks & Seekers)
The Black Librum (Necromancers)
The Void Walkers (Teleporting Psions)
The Mind Hunters (Psions & Psi-War)
The Red Flames (Duthka'gith Gish)

The Knights are all of 'The Order of Vlaakith', but within are competing sub-orders like 'The Queens Zelots' 'The Bringers of Her Word' and 'Her Majesty's Steel'

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Du’minh, githwarrior of fortress Nor’mujin, Rish-i-Chal of the Band of Godsteel.

It'll be on my business card, AKA "flail to the face".

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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How about just The Band of Steel?

Not that I have any real problem with the Band of GODsteel, it just sounds a little ... egotistical.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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Daraz would change which band he was from depending on his disguise so I dunno what I should do.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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'Azure' wrote:
How about just The Band of Steel?

Not that I have any real problem with the Band of GODsteel, it just sounds a little ... egotistical.

Hmm, that’s a good option, too.

My reasoning was that godsteel is something that is so uniquely githyanki, that it suited a traditionally-minded overtly loyalist githwarrior.
Further, egotistical works well, too. Du’minh prides himself enough that he also is a bit arrogant (though I suppose that’s also true for the vast majority of githwarriors).

But Band of Steel is nice too, and a split-second faster to shout out in the heat of battle. Hmm…

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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hello bloods, sorry for the slowness. I will have full internet access in a week. I'll try to post today if I can, but I may not be able to get to reading what's transpired thusfar.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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By the way, Rey would change his warband depending on circumstances, but in this case, in accord with Vivec's identity, he would belong to the The Black Librum (Necromancers) or some equal/similar warband.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Sorry if I was hazy. I really only meant 'Yanki characters would belong to a warband or one of the organizations i mentioned. Zerai characters can make up their own secret societies or remain individuals.

Note from the dialog: Gy-Nath is from the Band of Iron, and the Band of Iron's Knights are the Iron Fists. Get it?

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Canny, boss. Are deserters called the Rusty Ones? Laughing out loud

Dunamin's picture
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I did actually briefly do a bit of crazy speculation on the similarity between the names Grazz and Grazz’t, but I figure our DM didn’t want to splatter us just yet :shock:
Come to think of it, isn’t planar lords and similar godlike beings (though not technically deities) also barred from entering Sigil?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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Yeah, that's why it's so terrifying.

Trias's picture
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Azure, is there a window in the room?

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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I doubt it; this room was supposed to be a safe room, which would probably mean in the bowels of the tavern. Could be wrong, but that's my guess.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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I think the creation of a window for Rey could easily be aranged, Trias.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Yes, Jhank'kor could easily put one in--do you prefer skylight or plantation style? Smiling

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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heheheh who says indecision is bad- why not both?!

I actually wanted Rey to distract the rest of the characters by pointing at "Grazz" right out the window... It seems now that Grazz may end up being the method of obtaining the window itself.

Benyamin's picture
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Working on it, Rey. Laughing out loud

weishan's picture
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How many scorching rays does Jhank'kor fire? Two right? You could make both windows in one fell swoop.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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That's it! I'm gonna go do spellcraft right now just for that! Eye-wink

How's this, Trias??

Edit: Spellcraft: 15 he's dragging the second ray downward to make a large, plantation "window" in the wall. It would explain the bad accuracy too. Eye-wink

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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yes, yes,

now sorry if i'm taking a mile, but sometimes I like to see what's directly below me, could you also make a trapdoor...without the door...

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Trias' wrote:
yes, yes,

now sorry if i'm taking a mile, but could you also make a trapdoor...without the door...

Sure, Jhank'kor will stand in the gap...that should be nasty enough. Laughing out loud

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Tits of Gith and Slippers of Zerthimon, that second answer was more than pure gold! We’re gonna raid them flayers bigtime boys!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Only if it's completely true. Fortunately Ar'dru thinks the same since Vivec accused the head of lying and will try to confirm the info, preferably from Grazz if we catch the slippery little Zerai (nice throw btw).


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Now this is what I call Super Smash Bros. Laughing out loud

'Azriael' wrote:
Only if it's completely true. Fortunately Ar'dru thinks the same since Vivec accused the head of lying and will try to confirm the info, preferably from Grazz if we catch the slippery little Zerai (nice throw btw).
Thanks, I actually held my breath while rolling - a guy like Grazz likely has a wicked touch AC, but I doubt he'll dodge this one. Even if he isn't immobilized, he will at least have his speed halved so that we all can catch up and take him down.

As to the authenticity of Sight's answer - the spell shouldn't allow him the option of lieing, though it is apparently acting wonky for unknown reasons.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Dunamin' wrote:
Tits of Gith and Slippers of Zerthimon, that second answer was more than pure gold! We’re gonna raid them flayers bigtime boys!

WOOT!!! I was ready to flash-fry a flayer and freeze a zerai when I heard that...well, I can at least freeze a zerai! (Now, which one to choose....jk Eye-wink

Trias's picture
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It must be really funny to imagine fireballs erupting and a hell, otherwise breaking loose- all while Vivec sits and questions the corpse.

weishan's picture
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My guess as to why sight is being so use full is the eyes. Maybe they're inteligent and he's controlled by them, or maybe the work for the dead too.

Benyamin's picture
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No, I called in the brute squad this time; I figured it'd be better to question this one alive--though you might want to begin thinking up three questions to ask Rey just in case. Eye-wink

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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I don't wanna die...

Benyamin's picture
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'Trias' wrote:
I don't wanna die...

Hopefully, you won't...though I don't think Jhank'kor will take too well to having you walk around with psycrystals embedded in your head. :shock:

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Oooh, personally I'm kind of hoping that we're about to witness a Diablo style self-stabbing but I'm nasty like that.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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'Benyamin' wrote:
'Trias' wrote:
I don't wanna die...

Hopefully, you won't...though I don't think Jhank'kor will take too well to having you walk around with psycrystals embedded in your head. :shock:

Not to mention what his rat-sucking date will say... Might spice up their relationship, though.

'Azriael' wrote:
Oooh, personally I'm kind of hoping that we're about to witness a Diablo style self-stabbing but I'm nasty like that.
That would be awesome, if somewhat awkward in regards to party harmony. But what will happen if he rolls a natural 1 to hit his own head?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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'Dunamin' wrote:
That would be awesome, if somewhat awkward in regards to party harmony. But what will happen if he rolls a natural 1 to hit his own head?

I'm sure as hell not standing next to him when the nat. 1 goes down.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Sweet, multi-angle vision and foreseeing. Trias could you do that again, but this time focus on hot gith babes that are undressing? Laughing out loud

On a serious note, I sense a moment of inner-party confrontation coming up. Foreshadowlicious!

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Dunamin' wrote:
Sweet, multi-angle vision and foreseeing. Trias could you do that again, but this time focus on hot gith babes that are undressing? Laughing out loud

On a serious note, I sense a moment of inner-party confrontation coming up. Foreshadowlicious!

Jhank'kor will put all five eyes out (Rey's included) if he does that to a certain gith chick.Sticking out tongue

But yes...I'm quite interested to see how things go. I'm tempted to play along with the vision, cept the dying part. :shock:

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Hmm, perhaps we can also somehow activate the left eye to see into the past and learn some more illithid secrets?

I like the new material Azure edited into his most recent post, except for the part about the entire party going down in the vision. Sad

Let's hope Gy-Nath's psionics can incapacitate Grazz fast.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Visions can prove amiss to free-willed entities...especially hot-headed crazies with explosive reasoning. Laughing out loud

Yes, I'm hoping we can subdue the Accursed...maybe putting his name in a new light. Eye-wink

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