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Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Azure' wrote:
Good question. Neither the urophion nor the roper entry say, only that the str drain is temporary. So I guess I'll make a DM ruling ... you get 1 str back every 2 hours. This means that by half-descending this evening, you'll get 5 points back. You don't need to rest to get 'em back though, so you'll continue to regain str. You'll have to make a bluff roll to keep the other PCs from seeing that Jhank'kor's a bit weak right now.

And yea, rest up and regain spells. The tiny evil DM on my shoulder says you might need 'em.

Oh, Jhank'kor has a plan if they want to go making light of his current straights... Eye-wink

Oh yeah, I have a feeling that the new insight into the warlock will soon be put to use. Smiling

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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'Dunamin' wrote:

Also… I don’t mean to burst Ben’s bubble, but I took a look at the battle details against the urophion and it doesn’t seem to have been played out quite right.

The urophion has a SR that seems unbeatable for a level 8 warmage, but the only spell that Jhank’kor cast for which spell resistance doesn’t apply was one Orb of Fire. The dice rolled for damage for this spell were 8d8+7, but it seems it should have been 8d6 + Jhank’kor’s Int bonus (thanks to Warmage Edge). The spell doesn’t involve a Reflex save for half damage either, but a Fortitude save or be dazed for 1 round.

Please don’t shoot the messenger! Sticking out tongue


That was the DM shooting himself.

But also FYI fire does 2x damage on a failed save in the roper entry. I also figured that due to his Aberration bane magic, Spell resistance was only applied to the base form damage of the spell.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Dunamin' wrote:
Unless specified otherwise, ability damage is recovered at a rate of 1 point for each night of rest (8 hours) for all abilities, or 2 points per day of complete bed rest. (PHB p146). However, a single casting of Lesser Restoration recovers 1d4 points for one ability score, so multiple castings by Rey could fix Jhank’kor up (or a single casting of Restoration).

Also… I don’t mean to burst Ben’s bubble, but I took a look at the battle details against the urophion and it doesn’t seem to have been played out quite right.
The urophion has a SR that seems unbeatable for a level 8 warmage, but the only spell that Jhank’kor cast for which spell resistance doesn’t apply was one Orb of Fire. The dice rolled for damage for this spell were 8d8+7, but it seems it should have been 8d6 + Jhank’kor’s Int bonus (thanks to Warmage Edge). The spell doesn’t involve a Reflex save for half damage either, but a Fortitude save or be dazed for 1 round.

Please don’t shoot the messenger! Sticking out tongue

Yep yep. That's a good question, but I'll leave it up to Azure. It would be Jhank'kor's bubble, not mine. Eye-wink Oh, thanks for the heads-up on Orb of Fire. Didn't have my spellbook nearby, so I could only remember the damage.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Azure' wrote:

That was the DM shooting himself.

But also FYI fire does 2x damage on a failed save in the roper entry

What a waste of awesome campaign talents... Shocked

Aye, and I figure ol' Jhank'kor would've found some way to light something else on fire, so he didn't have spell resistance to worry about. Eye-wink

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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gotta go mow the lawn

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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'Azure' wrote:
But also FYI fire does 2x damage on a failed save in the roper entry.
By 3.0, yes. They changed it in 3.5 to “Weakness to Fire” (same property the urophion has), which means 50% more damage from fire-based attacks, rather than double damage.

Anyway, Azure could just rule that it was a homebrewed weaker version of urophion, I suppose Sticking out tongue

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Dunamin' wrote:

The dice rolled for damage for this spell were 8d8+7, but it seems it should have been 8d6 + Jhank’kor’s Int bonus (thanks to Warmage Edge).

This much can be explained. He has the Extra Edge feat, which grants 1+1/4 your level bonus to your edge. Eye-wink

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Dunamin' wrote:
'Azure' wrote:
But also FYI fire does 2x damage on a failed save in the roper entry.
By 3.0, yes. They changed it in 3.5 to “Weakness to Fire” (same property the urophion has), which means 50% more damage from fire-based attacks, rather than double damage.

Anyway, Azure could just rule that it was a homebrewed weaker version of urophion, I suppose Sticking out tongue

Either that or a barmy critter who always lowered its resistance. Laughing out loud

Anywho, this only reinforces the reasoning of Jhank'kor's insidious plot brewing inside his mind...did I post that publicly? Oops. 0:)

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Honestly, I didn’t want to ruin your victory, Ben, it just struck me as peculiar at the mention of a CR 9 PC soloing a CR 13 monster, so I checked up.

The battle was entertaining to read, regardless. Smiling

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Dunamin' wrote:
Honestly, I didn’t want to ruin your victory, Ben, it just struck me as peculiar at the mention of a CR 9 PC soloing a CR 13 monster, so I checked up.

The battle was entertaining to read, regardless. Smiling

No problem. Somebody has to be the rules lawyer to keep up crazy mages from doing absurd things. Eye-wink

If anything, you would've had three panels of Jhank'kor cursing--and still casting--up to his early demise. Laughing out loud

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
BoG'r OOC.

'Azure' wrote:
'Trias' wrote:
After waiting a good while in the shadows, Rey makes his way to Haven Port.

He enters, secretly keeping an eye peeled for Grazz, though not really expecting to discern him amongst the locals. He approaches the one in charge, and asks for one of the upper rooms for an hour.
I'm not sure how I was to do this - should Rey enter Haven Port, and continue his actions as above), or is Azure going to describe the scene for us, and we respond. I wasn't sure, (and didn't want to interrupt the dialogue) that's why I posted it here.

Spot: 7
Search: 9

Hmm ... yea ... I'm going to ask everyone to go ahead and, um, just post the time you plan on getting to Haven Port, so I know who'll be there first, etc. So ... if you could just go ahead and do that, that'd be great.

Possibilities -
Peak (early)
Half Descending (about on time)

When more than one PC chooses the same time to arrive, I'll make a secret roll with the d20 on the shelf above my computer to see who got there first.

Then I'll describe the scene.

With all he just went through, expect Jhank'kor late upon Half-Descending...yes, I like that. Late. So, say, when everyone has sat down to their drinks, in the mangy chal slinks. Eye-wink

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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OOC: how much jink did Rey get?

I'm assuming you mean for the resonance stone? None as of yet, unless you want to ignore Grazz's advice and try to hock it IN Git'riban. Heading out of the neighborhood to a pawn shop somewhere else in Sigil would take too much time right now.

I should have clarified - I meant jink from Grazz (the small pouch he gave at 'hello'). Rey is going to hold on to the resonance stone for the time being.

Also, Rey arrives early, at Peak

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Dunamin' wrote:
...especially the pompous chal...

What irony that it’s the others Du’minh should be particularly suspicious of, ey? Laughing out loud

I don't think Jhank'kor's going to help anything in this regard...oh, the "joys" of being evil! Laughing out loud

Edit: Is it possible to have the guns loaded and ready for use? I'd like to not be holding a blank warning next time. Eye-wink

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Du’minh’s going to show up early, after he’s done bartering for new gear. He wants to keep a particular lookout for Telas-Niah, Grazz (yeah, like that’s going to happen), any of the party members, or just plain anyone he might have interest in talking with.

Peak would do.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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I thought I’d just give a heads-up in advance, that I’ll be gone from the 17th until the 21st. Got a festival coming up; beer, music and parties ahoy! Smiling

I’ll PM the DM my character’s plans shortly before leaving.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
BoG'r OOC.

'Dunamin' wrote:
I thought I’d just give a heads-up in advance, that I’ll be gone from the 17th until the 21st. Got a festival coming up; beer, music and parties ahoy! Smiling

I’ll PM the DM my character’s plans shortly before leaving.

Wow, I'm quite envious! However, we'll surely miss your imput into the dialogue--and I'll try to keep a certain chal from doing too many mean things to a sooth slayer. Eye-wink

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Sorry guys, I'm going to be out of town for a day or so. Ar'dru'll do a little shopping and rest for a while before heading to the bar just before half-descending. I'll post Items bought later, it wont be anything major, some Gith scriptures and scrolls, maybe a potion or alchemical item or two.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Yeah, probably one reason for Jhank'kor being late would be a trip to a reputable jeweler/psionicist. He'll get things appraised, though I'm uncertain that he will sell said gems yet.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Rey hungers for red meat to renew his constitution. He wonders if he can spot an unsuspecting Cager who doesn't look too dirty. He's not completely aversed by humaniod flesh.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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OK, things are slowed down a bit, and both Du'minh and Weishan will be gone 'til the 21st, so we're on holiday 'till then.

Unless I'm incorrect, the order of arival goes something like:

Du'minh (he lives right around the corner and he's the type to get there 3 hours early)



Jhank'kor (had a solo trek for a couple hours and had to recover spells after)

I may work on a rough draft of the cantena scene, but consider it a wor in progress until Dun and Wei get back. Post here when you return, and I'll give the "GAME ON"

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Rey'arteb, in a slightly effeminate stance.

(sorry, I'm going through an 'art phase' right now)

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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No problem with that, Trias! Love the pics you're adding!! Where do you find them??

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Thanks! The one above i found in a google search for 'githzerai'

here's another site, simply filled with links to planescape concept art:


Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Sweet! Thanks!

I use Deviantart, which is brimming with high-end works gallore; it's one of those trinkets I collected from spending time with Ashy (the guy who started PW), one of the canniest cutters I know. Eye-wink

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Ashy (the guy who started PW), one of the canniest cutters I know. Eye-wink

I've heard a lot about Ashy, it's cool that you know him.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Trias' wrote:
Ashy (the guy who started PW), one of the canniest cutters I know. Eye-wink

I've heard a lot about Ashy, it's cool that you know him.

Yeah...it's been a huge blessing. The guy lives down the road from me. He introduced me to DnD and drew me into the realm of storytelling, which has helped me grow as a writer and a person in general.

I thought it was funny that I came across PW on accident, looking for some gaming sites, and thought to show it to him as a great resource for ideas. He sure dropped my jaw when he chuckled and said, "Bud, I created that one." Laughing out loud

But I'll end this personal testimonial...hope we haven't derailed this OOC thread too much, Azure. I've enjoyed this game a ton and hope to see where it goes next!

Tuning in patiently (though eagerly) until the green light for gaming comes on. Smiling

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Hey guys, I’m back!

Had me a couple fun days of partying and concerts, but now I’m back and ready to get this show on the road.
Nice pic by the way, Trias, is that from NWN2?

Azure, let met know what you think about my latest PM (regarding Du’minh’s trading interests).

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Hey Dunamin! Glad to hear you had fun.

I don't know where it's from, I just searched "githzerai" on google image. It does, however look like it is indeed from NWN2.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Same here, Dun! Glad you were able to live it up in the festivities.

Anxiously awaiting to employ this irritable mage's ire (with half the strength! Laughing out loud)

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Thanks! Smiling

Yeah, I’m also looking forward to how things will go down at the all-time classic adventurer rendezvous site.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Dunamin' wrote:
Yeah, I’m also looking forward to how things will go down at the all-time classic adventurer rendezvous site.

Probably in the glorious blaze of fireballs and bullets. Laughing out loud

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Glad to hear everybody's back and anticipating the game. I've been rather busy myself of late. It's only fair that Daraz gets a solo side-trek too, but as soon as that's done I'll be ready to set up the Haven Port scene.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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OK folks, time to get back to whole-party. I will be setting up first the scene outside Haven Port, then the scene inside. Get ready for the favor!

Game On!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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What's the flavor, Flavor?

For flavor's sake (not Flavor's), the 'cantina scene' in Haven Port will take a page from the clasic STAR WARS cantina scene, and have live music. There will be a group of bards playing in the main room.

Which, of course begs the question:

What does githyanki music sound like?

It was suggested, elsewhere in the Rrakkma project, that githyanki use a lot of percussion (which I agree is in character) and that therefore they played many millitary marches (which I think is screed). The githyanki are millitaristic, true, but they are not a 'marching' millitary. Githyanki don't attack in a phalynx, they don't use massed archery, and they don't drill by marching around in formation. They are warriors, not centurions.

So, I've been scouring the web for music, as I often do anyway, but this time to collect a few tunes that I could credibly call "Githish". My ctriteria were : (1) Unusual, experimental, ambient music (2) Not super-synthesized (3) Good beat but not traditional 4-4.

Githyanki use several varieties of drum sets, cymbols, percussion bells, sticks, and xylophones. To this are added horns and stringed instruments made of strange alloys from the astral isles, and often incorporating vibrating crystals. The sounds produced by some of these instruments would surprize many harpers of other races, and indeed many are designed such that only a being with psionic telekinesis can play them properly.

DM's Flavor : The following music is all available on MySpace, and constitutes my take on "Githyanki Music". In those very few cases where there are lyrics, there need only be minor changes to the lyrics themselves.

Dirty Elegance - melophobia & rememorari

THE ORB (UK, "myspace.com/orbisms" there are a few 'Orbs') - Shem

A Perfect Circle - Counting Bodies Like Sheep & Annihlation {Heavyer, Pre-battle songs, modify lyrics slightly}

Fringe (myspace.com/fringe1) - machine gun doris

Arcana - The Nemesis [love this one]

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Will definitely check out your gith music suggestions later on, but your assertion sounds good to me. I would particularly emphasize horns – a horn is such a traditional instrument that can easily be carried into battle and swiftly blown to deliver distinct clear signals across the battlefield, and which I think is easy to imagine being applied to the githyanki. Consider the ideal githyanki horn to be one which only sounds “just right”, when Astral winds flow through it (possibly being actively psionically manipulated by the musician).

Du’minh is ready to step into the scene of the inn on your mark, having conducted what business we discussed in PMs.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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OOC: Though out-of-game I’m curious to see how Jhank’kor lives, Du’minh doesn’t trust him. Besides, there’s lots of interesting NPCs here… I’m sure Jhank’kor has a particular one in mind, as well. Eye-wink

Hahaha...It'll be interesting to see how the Rish-i-Chal and warmage (wish they had a word for 'war' in the battle-speak...odd that they don't) continue on in their paths. Maybe they'll have a "heart-to-heart" moment where they stop pounding each other's heads enough to think the other guy is ok...

*razorvine visibly grows in the silence*

Yeah, I'm waiting to see who rolls a new character first. Laughing out loud

On other news, I don't know what a 3 Str character can prove to his lady, other than how rubbery limbs become when drained. Eye-wink

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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I think you're right about the Gith diplomacy thing, actually. I can picture this kind of scene as pretty common throughout githyanki culture.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Yep yep. I find it interesting, cause the image I get is the weathered vet having to deal with a snide warrior--and I'm sure you think I'm referring to the Rish as the vet, but it fits the warmage too(a rather prestigious group as well, though the complete inverse of D's training Eye-wink. Perception is a fun thing.

I'm sure we'll have a fun tale to tell when this is through!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Man, imagine the two bickering over which movie to go watch. It'd be hilarious! Laughing out loud

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Hahaha...I think they'd get thrown out because they wouldn't shut up during the show. Eye-wink

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Lovin' it!

D. got the best sense motive roll, but the fact that y'all rolled shows you're thinking. So, Du'minh is half a step ahead of the rest at the moment, but none of the PCs are dumb.

Yes, O.O. is so very sly. In fact a mage who isn't sly won't live out the day on Athas. Does she know the PCs are Sight's killers, or is she fishing? She at very least suspects, as the ulitharid's body was left at the ruin, and the Black Spears got a good look at Jhank'kor at the very least. Ar'dru himself has heard the rumor on the streets that it was a duthka'gith that did in the uber-illithid, and lo and behold that chal from the lot ended up meeting with one. Hey, what's in that sack?

How informed she REALLY is about the illithid in general and Illithid House in Sigil, I will leave to speculation.

Also notice when the conversation started to turn toward "What and how much DO you know Ms. Orb?" she changed the subject.

And yes, she is trying to loosen you up with some alcohol.

And yes, she is sounding wise and sagely.

And yes, she is handing out praises for the "Yanki Clan".

And yes, she is sexy in a slightly scarred, somewhat disturbing way.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Sweet! My character is sooo much fun to play!!! Thanks, Azure, for suggesting the switch from Mind Blade to mage, cause this guy has just enough ookiness to his efficiencies to make him viable and interesting. Smiling

And I can see how that'd be true for mages on Athas--or anywhere you have brawn favored over most other things. I figure Jhank'kor's knowledge(history) would include any Gith races he encountered, especially as they pertained to his conquests for the Queen and his stay in Git'Riban.

So, here's a Knowledge(His) on O.O's clan (ironic that her initials form the emoticon for stunned. Laughing out loud): 16 --thank you PW for the amazing nat one...I hope his ranks of researching pull something more out than "You know they are Giths" Laughing out loud

Oh btw, do you want some contacts for the chal?? I think this matter got overlooked (by myself mainly) and I wouldn't mind creating some interesting minor characters for you to integrate as you want/need. Eye-wink

15 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+15, the result is 16.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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'Benyamin' wrote:
I figure Jhank'kor's knowledge(history) would include any Gith races he encountered, especially as they pertained to his conquests for the Queen and his stay in Git'Riban.

So, here's a Knowledge(His) on O.O's clan (ironic that her initials form the emoticon for stunned. Laughing out loud): 16 --thank you PW for the amazing nat one...I hope his ranks of researching pull something more out than "You know they are Giths" Laughing out loud

Oh btw, do you want some contacts for the chal?? I think this matter got overlooked (by myself mainly) and I wouldn't mind creating some interesting minor characters for you to integrate as you want/need. Eye-wink

Neh, fagedabaadit! Roll for on the spot checks, something like knowing your neighbors you take 20 over several months. Unfortunately there isn't much more to tell, except the gith clans on Athas are big and spread out and number in the thousands. So it is likely (but not certain) that those claiming to be "Chief of the Bone Clan" (or whatever) are actually not THE chief as much as A chief.

As for the contacts, didn't I give you the Key Shop Owner and his Apprentice? Not that I wouldn't welcome interesting ideas for more NPCs.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Um, if ya did, my inbox ate them. Laughing out loud

Alrighty, thanks for the info to munch on. Smiling

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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One thing is for certain - we sure are going through loads of metaphors for "things are more than what they seem". Laughing out loud

Hope you guys don't mind me ushering us a bit onwards. O.O. is intriguing to speak with, but she is obviously trying to pump us for info, while giving little in return (nice Yoda-attempts at dodging questions, I'll give her that).

Also, I think Trias feels very much left out (weishan is out walking the jungle, so I'm sure Daraz is fine with fading into the background).

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Hahaha. true dat.

No problem, though I was personally looking forward to more conversation with O.O. However, for the party's sake (since she wasn't going to spill anything worthwhile to us), I'm glad for the action--it gives the chal another excuse to "lock horns" with the Rish. Laughing out loud

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Don’t worry, I think we’ve had ample foreshadowing that we’ll run into her again sometime in the future.

Not to get into crazy conspiracy mode, but there is some thematic parallel between O.O. and Sight, isn’t there? Laughing out loud
Betcha 10 gold that eye of hers is a Gem of True Seeing.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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LOL. That or a giant psi crystal full of different powers--can anyone say disintegrate? Laughing out loud

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Just in case Gy-Nath's reaction wasn't hint enough, Dun, Ben, I'm officially asking you to tone it down. I know neither character is content without having the last word, but death duels between characters might put a crimp in the storyline. The IC bickering was OK up to a point, but the very first statement by Gy-Nath, an admonishment by a superior officer, was designed to put an end to it, and by continuing to retort to each other you made his respect for you plummet.

Were we go from here is up to you.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Ah, understood; warning taken, Azure. :oops:

I'm going to talk with Polp to make myself feel nicer now... Laughing out loud

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