Yess.... B urning as in burning with a B, here, well ehm, he is right out of the monstrous manual so... look him up and it will say Flight 60ft Poor Manouvr.
BoG'r OOC.
Why are you so condescending towards me? It irks me just a bit. I don't point out every spelling mistake you make in your posts do I? I would appreciate it if you tone down your attitude.
I simply dislike my name being misspelled thats all, you make a lot of spelling mistakes, and I correct u and any others that make them, just as much as my DM's correct me... I like to have a clean and good written game with as good a spelling as we can try, no sloppy writing, regardless of who you are, i myself use Word just to check spelling of certain words, if i am not certain. lighten up plz, i was not condescending..
I do wish Dunamin and Weishan would start posting again.
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1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Sorry for the scarcity. We can assume now that the party is getting a good night's sleep. I'll post IC once some inspiration strikes.
Still here. Reading to catch up.
Edit: Damn, I'm sorry I couldn't post. I'll get something up after classes.
I'm happy to do some more specific dialogue with the other Duthka'gith if you're up for it Azure. Otherwise Ar'dru would have something to add to the discussion going on relating to the up-coming attack.
"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer
Sorry for the slow rate as of late,folks. Busy busy at work lately. Trying to move things along. Next post or so will be the scouts' report. Just wanted to allow everyone input before then. If Ya'shenn is a scout, she'll have first-hand knowledge of the report.
By the wauy, anyone know FR better than me? I have, like nothing on Assam. It is one of the (few) cities of the shining plains. Which I assume are plains, as in semi-nomadic goat-headers and such. Beyond that, I'm making this all up. If anyone actually knows anything about Assam and/or the shing plains, please tell us.
Was hoping Dunamin would start posting again...
Sure, she can join the scouting trip. Could we actually RP the scouting, or would you rather just summarize? Also, since most of the inhabitants of Assam presumably don't have 25+ power resistance, can Ya'shenn pretty please charm and dominate a few, either during the scouting or the raid itself?
We could just charm some graith, ask him for anything he knows about Assam, and feed him to Ii'Jyka'Vaar's pet...
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1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Assuming the raid is successful, would it be feasible to sow their fields with salt? (Ya'shenn would be happy to suggest it if so.) Of course, rendering the fields infertile might mean the githyanki would have little need to raid Assam some more in the future...
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2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Sure, but ... where you gonna get the salt?
I think I'm going to have to back out. I'm sorry I didn't commit earlier, but I can't stay in good conscience and keep everyone waiting.
Sent you a PM regarding the scouting, Azure.
As for salt: If the githyanki don't want to lower themselves enough to utilize barbarian merchants, I remember there's at least one major outpost of githyanki in the Underdark of this world. Said githyanki could probably provide all kinds of non-surface-crop-friendly minerals rather easily. (Not in reference so much to this upcoming raid, but if Kirath's buddies want to make SURE that graith don't resettle Assam in the future.)
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1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
OOOoo, multiple independent scouting reports, lol, who will tell what to whome, hehehe
I'm fairly sure that Ya'shenn will be happy to share what she learns during scouting.
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2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Aha, amongst the group or to all npc's included?
Ii'Jyka would not per example tell her findings to much to any npc's.
That is, she would tell parts of it, as she sees fit to diverge to any non allied Gith.. (allied to our group on a reasonable basis)
Possibly silly question: Has it actually been indicated in character to the party that the reason Assam is being attacked is because it's directly above Oryndoll? If not, could it be?
Not just for the "salting the fields" idea, but this reason for the raid may influence strategy and tactics used.
Incidentally, it would not be at all hard for a telepath to make it abundantly clear to a bunch of barbarians why they're being raided again.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Possibly silly question: Has it actually been indicated in character to the party that the reason Assam is being attacked is because it's directly above Oryndoll? If not, could it be?
Not just for the "salting the fields" idea, but this reason for the raid may influence strategy and tactics used.
Incidentally, it would not be at all hard for a telepath to make it abundantly clear to a bunch of barbarians why they're being raided again.
Of course, the graith of Assam are mostly ignorant, other than that the githyanki have something against them in particular, which has something to do with vague rumors about something far under their feet.
have you missed my question about the dragon draughts twice or have you just forgotten to answer me? Azure?
Things like that WILL be available, but not until the main base
O, ok, not really useful then
The city has no walls, but there is a castle made of thick wooden palisades, and a stone tower, next to the river. It looks fairly new.
* The castle is fairly recent, built after the first few githyani raids.
* The castle itself is protected from scying.
* The tower in the wooden 'castle' is pretty stout, and has balistas on top for defence from air attack.
* Ya'shenn only sees three guard patrols, but they have over a dozen heavily armed (with bows as well) warriors each.
Outside the city are two camps made up of wagons. The one with fewer wagons has more horses, in fact it seems to be transporting horses as its chief ware.
* The wagons are actually owned by a few merchants banding together for protection. 4 different merchants with different wares. In order of number of wagons; 1. Barrels of pickled fish and other preserved foodstuffs, 2. Tools and stout wooden tool-handles, guarded by dwarves, 3. Textiles, some made into clothes or other items, but most in lange bolts/rolls, 4. A couple of wagons of bric-a-brac, gypsy-types selling whatever they've found in their travels.
The city seems underpopulated, with several unoccupied buildings, including one small street seemingly devoid of graith.
[Ya'shenn examined the empty street more thoroughly -- nothing obviously interesting here]
At the time of day, early evening, most graith were either in their homes or congregating at one of three tavens in the town.
The town square is a couple of blocks south of the ford. The ford is very wide, but only about a foot deep.
* There are also a couple of stone civic buildings (newly repaired) in the main square that could house a jail, armory, treasury, etc. These buldings also have anti-scry wards.
The town square includes a large inn/tavern, a couple of civic buildings, and many store-fronts. Several of the store-fronts are empty, but about two-thirds seem to be active (stuff in the windows). Most of the store-type businesses in the central square have one or two floors above the store. Almost all of these are actively occupied by graith.
Churches: 4, and some minor shrines.
Water sources: There is a public well in the main square, and a few private wells here and there.
-outside the city-
The strike-force will be coming from the south-east. On their right flank is the wetwoods, a swampy forest upstream from the ford at Assam. There are a few fishing-shacks in the woods, but little logging activity.
*The wetwoods constitute a pretty major obstacle for anybody trying to go through on foot.
On their left flank is the shining plains. The scouts encountered a goat-herder living alone in a small tent. They learned very little of use from the graith, save that he lives in a shack with his wife closer to Assam.
There are several shacks like the graith desribed, dotting the landscape in a region extending fifteen miles from Assam's outskirts. Each shack (sometimes a few shacks), has pens for animals. Most include small herds of goats or sheep, but a few are empty, evidently out grazing
There are a few actual farms close to Assam. They have large plots dedicated to vegetables as opposed to the subsistance plots of the herdsmen. In any case, the ground is not especially fertile, and there are only two farms trying to grow wheat crops.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
*cough* anybody there!? (sounding very hollow)
Your first in - character post seemed OK to me, zim. I don't know why you deleted it. Anyway, Ya'shenn is out on the scouting mission, and can fly back and report. She's not there for the currrent discussion of the officers. She can, however, arrive at any point in time through any hatch except the top one (the wyvern's up there)
I'll add the following to refine your description.
*The 'castle' is made of wood, with wooden towers on the walls. There are two rings of wooden walls. The inner wall has more towers, and they have lower floors, while the towes in the outer wall are built on top of the palisades.
* The design of the tower is such that is is almost like four towers in a cloverleaf shape. There is a square courtyard in the center, and short straight walls connecting the four towers. There are three balista per tower, making twelve. The tower itself is on a steep mound with a wide stairway in the front. The back has a postern gate and a rough trail-stair of placed stones. The Tower is about four stories high, with room for two or three more basements within the steep mound.
* The 4 churches present are two stone temples, a grove of trees, and a dark wooden temple that looks new. There are two buildings that were once temples, but have already been ruined. Gib, being a coordinater and Cult of Tiamat, is trained to recognize graith symbols and identifies the temples as being of the powers; Helm (watchfulness), Tymora (luck), Talos (storms & trouble, the new dark wooden temple), and Chauntea (harvest, the grove & garde, with a small temple in the middle.)
whaddayamean with she's "First in"? o DM...
No no, "First 'in-character' post"
Ah, the tone of emphasis places on different parts of the words, ok
Your first in - character post seemed OK to me, zim. I don't know why you deleted it. Anyway, Ya'shenn is out on the scouting mission, and can fly back and report. She's not there for the currrent discussion of the officers. She can, however, arrive at any point in time through any hatch except the top one (the wyvern's up there)
OK. I'll (re)post later today.
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1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Done. Sorry for the delay, guys.
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1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
I think they are all "delayed" (slow) so dont worry
My internet's been down for a few days, finally back up. Thanks Zim, looks good. Finishing up the school year now, and I'm off for a couple of weeks starting tuesday (yay!) so I'll probably post more often for the next couple of weeks, and for July and August in general (I'll actually have one day a week I won't have to go to work!)
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Woot !
Nothing from the Sense Motive, Azure?
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Though this would take place after the discussion of tactics, Ya'shenn will overhear Gy-Nath and Na'rai talking. The sense motive roll was pretty good, so she'll glean the following from both: - Gy only considered himself a commanding officer in the traditional sense for the purpose of raiding Illithid House. Now that that raid is done, he considers himself simply one more blade, and while he may make suggestions in the current discussion, he'll no longer issue orders to the Sigilan githyanki (unless they indicate that they still want him to command or he's put in charge of a striketeam by Kirath). This is typical Unifist M.O.; to bring various blocs together for a single purpose but not to presume to be a larger political player than this. [Also the DM wanted more player interaction rather than DM-driven orders from the NPC] - Na'rai is subtle, but Ya'shenn realizes she is pumping Gy for information, such as how the Git'ribani knew about Hlondeth. - Gy, for his part, won't reveal their source, but ends up giving up more than he trully intends. - Na'rai is (sort of) the source of intel about Hlondeth for the Cultists and Apocalytes. She and her warriors represent a third bloc present; the Heartforce.
ok, WTF? I seem to not be able to do line breaks.
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1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Anything else, specifically, you want to know?
I should have a post up by tomorrow
I was wondering whether we should try doing anything mind-control-wise prior to the battle, or at the very beginning of the battle. For example, there's the dramatic possibility of having some charmed farmer/herdsman/whatever walk into the city, climb a rooftop near the town square, and proclaim exactly why Assam is totally doomed and why its people must leave and never return -- right before the overwhelming attack on the town begins!
Alternately, the githyanki could grab a couple of herdsmen/etc outside the city, charm them, and (just before the battle) have them start running through the city screaming at their top of the lungs "We're doomed, doomed, doomed, we have angered the gods, this land is cursed," etc.
Or we could do both!
On the other hand, we don't want to give the defenders too much warning that the githyanki are about to attack. What do you think?
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1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Zimmy, you reminded me about that Tu'narathi buisness so i added it to my post...

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1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
So should Ii'Jyka, but I forgot Ii'Jyka is a bit more demanding of protocol and of her origines.. so she will speak out. and She will take some action soon..
So, about that tower. It's unscryable, so teleporting directly into the tower isn't an option currently. I'm not sure how much Ya'shenn knows about magical combat, but I figure it's possible that one or more mages might sit inside the stone tower and toss medium- to long-range spells (fireball, lightning bolt...) at the raiders. If so, I'm not sure how to counter that strategy. Basically, the githyanki might have to force their way into the tower in that case. Another point: The tower's ballistae (and archers) should be torched right off, either by Kirath's fireballs or breath weapons.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!
Perhaps using a mind-fuggled graith as a way to infiltrate the tower?
BS: Ii's knowledge check will turn up whatever knowledge you have/can find in sourcebooks about the gods aof Faerun; Chauntea (harvest), Tymora (luck), Helm (watchfulness), and Talos (storms). Since you have a bunch of FR knowledge, I'll allow your PC to have a good general kowledge of the world. In fact, didn't we say Ii had served in the initial invasion of Faerun?
Hey Nurning Spear what speed does your wyvern fly at? As I was thinking Kirath might tag along on your scouting mission. If he won't slow Ii and the wyvern down.