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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear wrote: what

Burning Spear wrote:

what was the rank (the rank's name) of the 2 major honchos? Gib and Kirath... Kith'rak?

BOMB's away!!!! Laughing out loud

Yes, Gib is a Kith'rak-rank "Controler" while Kirath is called "Commander", an indistinct title that is above kith'rak.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear

Burning Spear wrote:

Bladedancer, its Hlondeth , NOT Holendeth or something Laughing out loud

And my characters name is spelled: Ii'Jyka'Vaar



Yea spelling and pronunciation are ongoing issues in BoG'r.  Heading to the Realms only complicates matters.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
I have all books on

I have all books on Forgotten Realms and am very versed in the lore of said world so... shoot me Eye-wink

When does our downtime kick in? is the nighs sleep enough to already gain a lvl or not?


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
PS: pm me plz any details i

PS: pm me plz any details i need to know about the Wyvern, is he straight from the MM? or is there bits differing...?

and how much control do I have over him as a pc?and did u yet create a name or can I?

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Sorry for the spelling

Sorry for the spelling mistake <bows humbly>

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear wrote: PS: pm

Burning Spear wrote:

PS: pm me plz any details i need to know about the Wyvern, is he straight from the MM? or is there bits differing...?

and how much control do I have over him as a pc?and did u yet create a name or can I?

You can name him if you want, and as for control I'm willing to be fairly liberal, but I'll have final say, of course.  Dragonriding checks for anything difficult, like doing a loop or getting him to understand complex concepts.  He starts off with about a 50-word vocabulary of orders.

The Wyvern is right out of the MM for stats, including average HP (actually +1 for an even 60 HP), but he'll be a little smarter than an average Wyvern (+2 for int=8 ).  He's about equivilent to a "village idiot" i.e. a bit dimmer than your average farm-hand who shovels dirt all day.  Still, that makes him a bit smarter than the average bear (wyvern) too, and as per MM his wisdom=12.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear wrote: I have

Burning Spear wrote:

I have all books on Forgotten Realms and am very versed in the lore of said world so... shoot me Eye-wink

Well, then you can perhaps give me some feedback about my Incursion and Aftermath on Toril.  I think I've sent you details of the Incursion ...

The following is known by Kirath and Na'rai, and will be geaned by the PCs before the trip is over




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The Githyanki Empire of Toril is run by several commanders of divided loyalties.  Most are Apocalytes, but there are two main camps, the Imperialists, who are closer to the Heartforce and believe they can forge a prime-world empire, and the True Apocalytes, who believe the fall of Vlaakith and the return of Gith in the form of Ar-Gish signify the end times for their race.  The True Apocalytes are close to The True, but represent their own distinct cult of Gith's return.  Their dogma that Gith's return heralds the end is not accepted by The True, but The True send squads of apostles to the primes to keep an eye on the Apocalytes, and get support for their own power bloc.

The Githyanki Empire on Toril is now more like several large fleets of raiders and pirates operating out of a few bases.  There are six main centers of power.  In addition there are three 'allied areas' where githyanki trade and move through in relative safety, but which are wholly graith.

The Northern Base consists of three enclaves, The Graith City of Mulmaster on the Moonsea, the nearby Ironfang Keep, and Kurogolomsh, an underdark area deep under the mountains which was destroyed by the void bombs and is now being rebuilt.  Due to the presence of many graith and the rebuilding activities in Kurogolomsh, there aren't as many raids out of the northern bases.

The Southern Base is the Pirate Isles in the inland Sea of Fallen Stars.  Ports on the Isle of the Dragon and the Isle of Prespur, as well as smaller hidden ports scattered throughout the isles contain a mixture of githyanki troops and graith privateers.  The flying astral ships are the githyankis' greatest resource, since the slowest of them can run down even very fast sailing ships, but there are not enough to contain a fifth of the entire githyanki army, so many pirate ships have been commandeered and assigned squads of githyanki marines.  The pirates who have returned (for the isles were scoured with fire and blade during the Incursion), work closely with the githyanki.  They actually have leeway to sail where they will, so long as the booty makes it back to the Isle of the Dragon at the end.  Piracy in the Sea of Fallen Stars has therefore reached epic proportions, since the pirates are backed up by teleporting githyanki and sometimes by flying ships.  One thing that has changed, however, is the slave trade.  Once a major part of the cycle of piracy and trade, the githyanki have banned it.

The Western base is the Nelanther "Pirate Isles" in the Sea of Swords.  Two isles with magical beacons mark the northern and southern ends of Asavir's channel, the main shipping route around the Tethyr peninsula.  The githyanki seized these, and constantly raid both sea traffic and land caravans with their flying ships.  However, unlike in the inland sea, the task of subsuming the graith of this area proved unsuccessful.  The githyanki have turned the light-towers of Nemesser and Irphong into beacons of dread, but among the isles and on the high seas they battle pirates as much as ships flagged by merchant houses or nations.

South of Mulmaster is The Vast.  Dragon Falls and the countryside of the Vast are controlled by a mated pair of Red Dragons, who had come to this world with Vlaakith's Incursion.  The cities along the coast are hostile to the githyanki.  Some were conquered during the Incursion and some were not, but even those that were under the heel of the githyanki and their barbarian allies during the Incursion have been relinquished.  In the some cases they have managed to muster forces to take back territory beyond their walls, but the remaining githyanki have handed them sound defeats in these cases, so the countryside remains mostly empty.  

The center of power in the underdark is the growing under-empire of Gatchorof.  The githyanki enclave is bustling, and parties of relic-hunters delve into the tunnels and ruined dwarf-holds of the surrounding underdark, searching for adventure, items, and gold, in that order. [This is where Kirath recently came from]

There are three cities on the western end of the Sea of Fallen Stars.  Westgate was a pirate city of sorts before the githyanki came, and the Incursion swept into power a number of actual pirate captains who allied with the gith when the wind blew that way.  Its streets can't be considered 'safe' but githyanki are as welcome here as anybody else.  Less than a day's sail is the southern Sembian city of Urmlaspyr, which was largely depopulated during the Incursion, and is now largely a ghost town with fearful survivors, cut-throats, gangs, pirates, scavengers, rebels, and other rough individuals.  Githyanki here move about in squads, but are the undisputed masters of Urmlaspyr keep and the upper city of the former nobility and well-to-do, who were either slaughtered or fled.  About fifty miles away is the city or Daerlun, once a quiet trade city near the border of Cormyr.  A pair of overlords rules out of the ruined husk of what was once a great temple complex and gardens in the city center.  They are 'The Claws of Death', an ancient red dragon dracolich, and 'The Black Blade', a githyanki death knight.  The Cult of the Dragon worships ‘The Claws of Death’ like a god.  It runs many criminal enterprises and acts as spies for the dracolich in all three of these cities.

There are three 'allied areas'.  One is actually a world-spanning organization with a few centers of power itself, the Church of Tiamat.  Tiamat's followers treat the githyanki of the Cult of Tiamat as fellows, and other githyanki with some respect as well.

The Drow city of Sshamath is a major trading hub for the githyanki on Toril.  A rarity in that it is not a Lolth-worshiping theocracy, the City of Dark Weavings welcomed the githyanki, for they paid handsomely for illithid heads.  In addition, Sshamath is almost totally physically isolated and relies on a series of portals and teleport sites for trade.  Thus it has been profitable for the githyanki to conduct a great deal of their mercantile activities in and from Sshamath.

"The Empire of The Spell-Seer", a growing power on the border of Amn and Tethir, on the eastern edge of the great forest,is centered around Castle Spulzeer.  A powerful Lich there was a githyanki ally during the Incursion, and continues to work with the githyanki Master Necromancer and his army of githyanki undead.  Although living githyanki are welcome here, the Master Necromancer is loyal to the Ascendancy and The Court of Vlaakith, and considers most other power blocs as base traitors or heretics.  He has been known to ‘recruit’ troops from others’ commands, and he invariably finds them more useful as undead.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear

Burning Spear wrote:


When does our downtime kick in? is the nighs sleep enough to already gain a lvl or not?


Leveling happens in 'montage time', so everyone will gain a level during the downtime at the githyanki base in the Pirate Isles.  We have, maybe, 3 scenes to go; Initial 'getting to know you' (current scene), Raid on Assam, and Politics in the Fleet.


I really only gave thought to 3 NPCs so far, Gib, Xykk't, and Tar'geel.  There are about 100 warriors in total.  I guess out of that, probably 15 are duthka'gith.  Any ideas on additional NPCs are welcome.  You can even semi-pc a 'redshirt' for RP purposes if you want to make one up, like a healer to interact with Ya'shenn, a full-blooded gith loyal to the Cult of the Dragon interacting with Ar'dru, Kirath, or Ii'Jyka, etc., etc.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Azure wrote:Leveling happens

Azure wrote:
Leveling happens in 'montage time', so everyone will gain a level during the downtime at the githyanki base in the Pirate Isles.  We have, maybe, 3 scenes to go; Initial 'getting to know you' (current scene), Raid on Assam, and Politics in the Fleet.


I really only gave thought to 3 NPCs so far, Gib, Xykk't, and Tar'geel.  There are about 100 warriors in total.  I guess out of that, probably 15 are duthka'gith.  Any ideas on additional NPCs are welcome.  You can even semi-pc a 'redshirt' for RP purposes if you want to make one up, like a healer to interact with Ya'shenn, a full-blooded gith loyal to the Cult of the Dragon interacting with Ar'dru, Kirath, or Ii'Jyka, etc., etc.

Well, let me see, i would love to make an npc or 10, if given parameters like level cap and such...

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Azure wrote:The Githyanki

Azure wrote:
The Githyanki Empire on Toril is now more like several large fleets of raiders and pirates operating out of a few bases.  There are six main centers of power.  In addition there are three 'allied areas' where githyanki trade and move through in relative safety, but which are wholly graith.


The Northern Base consists of three enclaves, The Graith City of Mulmaster on the Moonsea, the nearby Ironfang Keep, and Kurogolomsh, an underdark area deep under the mountains which was destroyed by the void bombs and is now being rebuilt.  Due to the presence of many graith and the rebuilding activities in Kurogolomsh, there aren't as many raids out of the northern bases.

Mulmaster used to be ruled with a very tight hand by a lvl 22 "fighter"and a capable 6000 man army, and adittionally +/- 300 "Cloaks" aka Mages of which 30 are senior cloaks, at lvl 10 and higher led by a lvl 20 mage, +1 lvl 23 neutral mage residing in the city, so what they might lack in psionics, they have in magic, and u need a good reasoning to be able to circumvent this army, or defeat it...even with Githyanki

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
will reply to the rest

will reply to the rest later.. nearly have to go to work again...

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Azure -- according to the

Azure -- according to the news, the WTF flu from Mexico City might be in your state.  Please be careful.  Surprised


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
WTF flu??? is that american

WTF flu??? is that american humor? Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
ooc: It's a miz of human,

ooc: It's a miz of human, avian, and swine... I think wtf flu about sums it up! Eye-wink

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear wrote:Azure

Burning Spear wrote:
Azure wrote:
The Githyanki Empire on Toril is now more like several large fleets of raiders and pirates operating out of a few bases.  There are six main centers of power.  In addition there are three 'allied areas' where githyanki trade and move through in relative safety, but which are wholly graith.


The Northern Base consists of three enclaves, The Graith City of Mulmaster on the Moonsea, the nearby Ironfang Keep, and Kurogolomsh, an underdark area deep under the mountains which was destroyed by the void bombs and is now being rebuilt.  Due to the presence of many graith and the rebuilding activities in Kurogolomsh, there aren't as many raids out of the northern bases.

Mulmaster used to be ruled with a very tight hand by a lvl 22 "fighter"and a capable 6000 man army, and adittionally +/- 300 "Cloaks" aka Mages of which 30 are senior cloaks, at lvl 10 and higher led by a lvl 20 mage, +1 lvl 23 neutral mage residing in the city, so what they might lack in psionics, they have in magic, and u need a good reasoning to be able to circumvent this army, or defeat it...even with Githyanki

Mulmaster was target #1 in my Incursion.  The weakest city on the Moonsea, but with aspirations for greater power.  Githyanki spies, including 'Mist of the Mind', a Ghost Psion (telepath), engineered a confrontation between Mulmaster and Hillsfar over access to the Lis.  Just as the navies started to clash, the githyanki show up and burn both sides as a show of force.  They proceeded to use Mulmaster and Ironfang Keep (which I don't know anything about, so tell me) as bases for the first stages of the Incursion.  The initial invasion force was around 3000 githyanki, all in flying ships or mounted on red dragons, so when the High Blade of Mulmaster welcomed the githyanki overlord with open arms, everyone else went along.  By siding with the githyanki, Mulmaster saw their rivals on the Moonsea defeated, and they helped conquor a good deal of territory.  Mulmaster soldiers helped conquor and occupy Calaunt and Procampur (Tantras and Raven's Bluff remained untaken).  So all in all they profited from the githyanki Incursion, and even in the Aftermath, Mulmaster is more powerful than ever before.

As for the neutral mage residing in the city .... tell me what you know about him.  I used him in ways that, for BoG'r story reasons, I cannot yet reveal.  I just want to know if I used Gulgath correctly, so please share what you know.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
BTW - the Toril Incursion

BTW - the Toril Incursion Force was assumed to peak at around 120,000 githyanki and enough flying ships to transport 30,000 at any one time, faster than any native form of transportation except teleportation or portal.  Of course this is what it was maintained at, with losses being replaced by reinforcements from the Astral or other worlds.  The githyanki had the support of all the native red dragons and brought along 13 dragons (including one dracolich) themselves.  Add to this the 6000 blades of Mulmaster, the Zhentilar (once they were defeated), and various graith mercinaries and recruits, so somewhere around 50,000 for the 'Allied Companies'.  Also there was an army of  'Tiamat's Rats', kobold warriors, sorcerers, spies, and sabotours numbering hundreds of thousands.  The Incursion Kicked Toril's ass!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
*The Northen base, Ironfang

*The Northen base, Ironfang Keep

excerpt from Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

This forbidding keep fashioned from black basalt stands on top the cliffs of the White River, near the mouth of said river.

1 single entrance is the only way in or out, with no other windows or battlements.

Long reputed to be the home of a school  of wizards of great and dark power. has been scouted out by many adventuring bands and small armies, but all adventures remains are found neatly stacked in a closet of the hiring ruler of that previous  party. The small armies have only been able to stir the local Gnoll population.

Impervious to all divinations and Teleport effects, even those cast within the Keep's walls. No credible accounts of  the interior exist, but accounts from survivors of encounters with the keep's wizards indicate that they seem most active by night and their magic is exceedingly difficult to counter or dispel, some speculate that the keep houses a school for shadow weave users, a cabal of shadow adepts, or both.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Azure, how does the

Azure, how does the Githyanki race react to the Cult of the Dragon? in regards to Tiamat and her church etc. does the church affect the initial reaction because they might be biased? but seeing how u wrote the Dracolich and its influence, the Gith might be neutralish towards the cults ideaology of creating more such etc.?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Azure wrote: The Wyvern is

Azure wrote:

The Wyvern is right out of the MM for stats, including average HP (actually +1 for an even 60 HP), but he'll be a little smarter than an average Wyvern (+2 for int=8 ).  He's about equivilent to a "village idiot" i.e. a bit dimmer than your average farm-hand who shovels dirt all day.  Still, that makes him a bit smarter than the average bear (wyvern) too, and as per MM his wisdom=12.

Int 8 means he has "more" skillpoints, aka less of  negative on his skill point total, how many would that be? and can i spend as is? Smiling

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Azure, NPC mailed to your

Azure, NPC mailed to your email.. have fun reading. Sticking out tongue

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Where is everybody? am i the

Where is everybody? am i the only one online/ active now?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Dunamin? you scribbling?

Dunamin? you scribbling? Laughing out loud apparently he did, but then scooted out, same goes for Zimrazim.. hmmz, i guess i am to enthousiastic in my eagerness to keep things apace.. 



Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Sorry BS, no scribbling at

Sorry BS, no scribbling at present.


Studies been keeping me busy, but Du'minh doesn't really have anything more to say in front of fleet authorities right now, either. At least not anything that can't wait until after some extensive resting - that's currently his main concern.


Enjoying the latest posts, though, even if our pace has dropped a little. On another note, is the wyvern with us inside the meeting room??

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Dunamin wrote: Sorry BS, no

Dunamin wrote:

Sorry BS, no scribbling at present.


Studies been keeping me busy, but Du'minh doesn't really have anything more to say in front of fleet authorities right now, either. At least not anything that can't wait until after some extensive resting - that's currently his main concern.


Enjoying the latest posts, though, even if our pace has dropped a little. On another note, is the wyvern with us inside the meeting room??

Sounds logical,  and about the Wyvern, ehm, its head is Laughing out loud the rest of it is not...

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Well, I know things are a

Well, I know things are a bit slow now, but its up to the PCs to interact with each other and the NPCs.

Something will happen as soon as Na'rai arrives on the Fume, so EvilDM is waiting for wei.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
I hate waiting

I hate waiting Laughing out loud

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
OOO goody, DM is online,

OOO goody, DM is online, hmmz, whats happening? Sticking out tongue

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Though i posted several

Though i posted several questions that could be answered without needing to speed the game up, and to boot, they need to be answered by the DM Sticking out tongue

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear wrote:Azure,

Burning Spear wrote:
Azure, how does the Githyanki race react to the Cult of the Dragon? in regards to Tiamat and her church etc. does the church affect the initial reaction because they might be biased? but seeing how u wrote the Dracolich and its influence, the Gith might be neutralish towards the cults ideaology of creating more such etc.?
The Cult of the Dragon allied with the Incursion due to the Dracolich.  They actually opened a gate to the Neg-E for The Claws of Death and Black Blade to invade Daerlun.  The githyanki as a whole distrust them, but they do the Dracolich'sbidding, so they're OK as far as graith go.

The githyanki as a whole have a similar attitude to worshipers of Tiamat.  They are firm allies of The Cult of Tiamat power bloc, but not so close to githyanki of other power blocs.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Now that you explain it

Now that you explain it like this, it seems this is info i could get by babbling amongst the fleet's officers and soldiers, which i am intend on doing, but i dont think a Gather Info check is appropriate in this current meeting Smiling


and what about my Wyvern related question? 

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Ah yes, the skill points ...

Ah yes, the skill points ... yes a smarter wyvern has extra skills, but I think I may do the write-up.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear wrote:Can i do

Burning Spear wrote:
Can i do during the travels some gather info rolls?
Sure, but you'll have to wait a bit for the results, cuz its too late for me to do another big post.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
ok, but i do need to get

ok, but i do need to get some info if i am trying to get into the plotting and scheming with other gith and graith..

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Checking in.  Will try to

Checking in.  Will try to post within the next day or two.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Ya'shenn would be willing to

Ya'shenn would be willing to help train the pet wyvern, too, by the way.  She doesn't have Charm Monster, but I figure that using telempathic projection to make the wyvern feel utterly miserable (when it's naughty) and gloriously euphoric (when it's nice) a few hundred times would work rather effectively.  Could also use the ability to condition the wyvern to associate certain objects or people with certain emotions (for example, associating Ii with feeling happy).


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Gy-Nath has 18 class

Gy-Nath has 18 class levels?  Wow.  :D

In the absence of the Revered Queen, I wonder where new Supreme Leaders come from...


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Zimrazim wrote:Ya'shenn

Zimrazim wrote:
Ya'shenn would be willing to help train the pet wyvern, too, by the way.  She doesn't have Charm Monster, but I figure that using telempathic projection to make the wyvern feel utterly miserable (when it's naughty) and gloriously euphoric (when it's nice) a few hundred times would work rather effectively.  Could also use the ability to condition the wyvern to associate certain objects or people with certain emotions (for example, associating Ii with feeling happy).
That would be much appreciated, Zimmy Smiling

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Zimrazim wrote: Gy-Nath has

Zimrazim wrote:

Gy-Nath has 18 class levels?  Wow.  :D

In the absence of the Revered Queen, I wonder where new Supreme Leaders come from...

Gy-Nath was originally a 2nd ed character.  In order to convert him to 3rd ed yet keep his signiture powers (namely disintigration) I had to make him a lvl 12 psion.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Azure wrote:Zimrazim

Azure wrote:
Zimrazim wrote:

Gy-Nath has 18 class levels?  Wow.  :D

In the absence of the Revered Queen, I wonder where new Supreme Leaders come from...

Gy-Nath was originally a 2nd ed character.  In order to convert him to 3rd ed yet keep his signiture powers (namely disintigration) I had to make him a lvl 12 psion.
Even if he was under the Queens thumb, he was allowed to stay at his lvl of power, no?, or was he needed to be executed "ofically"? Eye-wink

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
I figure in BoGr, he

I figure in BoGr, he attained that high level after Vlaakith disappeared.  Who knows, though.  Laughing


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Zimrazim wrote:I figure in

Zimrazim wrote:
I figure in BoGr, he attained that high level after Vlaakith disappeared.  Who knows, though.  Laughing
No problemo, Azure, i did not say this comment to have you justify your actions to "us", just to have you rationalize it for yourself, in your dm-notes Eye-wink

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Dunamin -- you around?

Dunamin -- you around?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Azure -- Pm'ed you

Azure -- Pm'ed you

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
C'Mon Guys???? *Cough*, wake

C'Mon Guys???? *Cough*, wake up, it was just getting along so nicely... and now we ran into a speedbump at a speed of over a 100mph, and instand standstill Sad

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Given the time of year, I'm

Given the time of year, I'm guessing that Dunamin and Weishan are doing academic stuff.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Zimrazim wrote:Given the

Zimrazim wrote:
Given the time of year, I'm guessing that Dunamin and Weishan are doing academic stuff.
Crap Laughing out loud

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Yea, sorry to say, but the

Yea, sorry to say, but the next 3 weeks are super busy for me, too.  I'll try to post when I can, of course.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Azure wrote:Yea, sorry to

Azure wrote:
Yea, sorry to say, but the next 3 weeks are super busy for me, too.  I'll try to post when I can, of course.
Double crap Laughing out loud

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
  More BoGr soon, I

Frown  More BoGr soon, I hope...


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Zimmy, shall we start our

Zimmy, shall we start our own sideline adv based on BoGr?  lol

Or a bogr-mini side-thread? (with different characters ofcourse)

Triple crap Laughing out loud, DM azure was online, but no posts, boohoo Sticking out tongue

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