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Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Azriael' wrote:
'Benyamin' wrote:
Az, I take it your character doesn't think much of warlocks? Just wondering.
He doesn't really care one way or the other about them. I'm going for the old-school Githyanki viewpoint that Sword=Axe=Spell=Spear=Psonics=etc so he doesn't see anything special about mages and gets irritated that they seem to have a predisposition for giving themselves airs. Of course Ar'dru knows that he's far better than you by virtue of his superior blood so he's not going to let your delusions of grandeur get to him you jumped up little peasant Laughing out loud

Superior blood? That would be debatable, half-breed. Sticking out tongue

And peasant is only an assumption off an hour's worth of IC action. Eye-wink

Ah...the beauties of random encounter parties! Laughing out loud

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Azure' wrote:
Swhooo!...quite a tale

Well, not that this really belongs in this thred buuuuuut ...

My favorite adventure was a fairly recent one, where the PCs revisited the Storm Realm (Beyond Countless Doorways by M. Cook, W. Baur, C. McComb and R. Vallese). They'd befriended some (surprisingly competant, if a bit barmy) Tinker Gnomes on their first visit, and Alec (PC) had time to wander around their floating island town. He had the good idea of asking one of the locals what there was to see.

"You should go see the Water Clock."
"Where's the Waterclock?"
"Down by the Reservoir, of course."
"Of course..."

The Water Clock turned out to be a clock make of water (... of course), but when he acted impressed a random local tells him,

"You think that's impessive, you should see the Sundial."
"Where's the Sundial?"
"Up at the Solar Observatoy, of course."
"Of course."

Of course the Sun Dial ended up being a huge collection of lenses and filters (controled with a dial, one setting simply labeled "NO!") that modified the rays of the suns (yes, plural on this world).

And so it went, with visits to the Firehouse (museum dedicated to fires that won't go out), the Hanging Gardens (reverse gravity field), The Munitions Factory (where they reserch "facts" about munitions and explosions), The Bell Tower (tower made of bells), and finally the Planetarium (where they can open gates to various planes).

Those are just the ones I remember well, all the players were coming up with these plays on words, and we were in stiches the whole adventure.

Sweet! I love it!! Definitely something I'll keep in mind when I DM again...cause plenty of inspiration lies within that segment!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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'Benyamin' wrote:
Superior blood? That would be debatable, half-breed. Sticking out tongue

And peasant is only an assumption off an hour's worth of IC action. Eye-wink

Ah...the beauties of random encounter parties! Laughing out loud

Sigh, typical reaction from a low-born to their better. It does weary one so to endure these feeble attacks at ones honor from a being who's very bearing betrays their low birth. Sticking out tongue

This could be either great fun or really troublesome for the party if it comes out IC. I can see you stocking up on non-fire based spells already!


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
BoG'r OOC.

'Azriael' wrote:
Sigh, typical reaction from a low-born to their better. It does weary one so to endure these feeble attacks at ones honor from a being who's very bearing betrays their low birth. Sticking out tongue

This could be either great fun or really troublesome for the party if it comes out IC. I can see you stocking up on non-fire based spells already!

Funny...I can say the same to you. Somebody's parents couldn't find a suitable mate among their own kin, so they had to branch out with a barely accepted race...the Queen's pets.

Oh, I already have plenty of those...esp. of the acid descriptor Eye-wink

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
BoG'r OOC.

'Azriael' wrote:
This could be either great fun or really troublesome for the party if it comes out IC. I can see you stocking up on non-fire based spells already!

Indeed, I think the duthka'gith has opened a whole new realm of brimstone--the party's stepping into the flames of caste battles.

Ok...I'll stop punning your half-dragon's heritage. Laughing out loud

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Note: all that stuff is IC, Az. No hard feelings against you, mate; you're playing your character. Eye-wink

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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'Benyamin' wrote:
Note: all that stuff is IC, Az. No hard feelings against you, mate; you're playing your character. Eye-wink

Yeah, same here. Just a shame if we have to re-roll when we've only just started to get to know the characters. Guess that's the risk with evil PC's.

edit: I'm going to give someone else a chance to try to smooth things over before responding, if no-one does then I'm going to roll initiative. btw, bodily adjustment doesn't make me bigger it just heals my wounds.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
BoG'r OOC.

'Azriael' wrote:
Yeah, same here. Just a shame if we have to re-roll when we've only just started to get to know the characters. Guess that's the risk with evil PC's.

edit: I'm going to give someone else a chance to try to smooth things over before responding, if no-one does then I'm going to roll initiative. btw, bodily adjustment doesn't make me bigger it just heals my wounds.

Yeah, hope it doesn't come to that.

Alrighty, same here. And I'll be sure to edit my post accordingly. I'm too used to my warshaper friend who likes to make her claws 3x as large, so I mistook what sort of "adjustment" you had going on. Eye-wink Thanks for the heads-up.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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'Benyamin' wrote:
While Du’minh’s possibly prospective romance may turn out a traitor in the eyes of a githyanki loyalist, she probably has better diet manners than Jhank’kor’s or Rey’s Eye-wink

Eh, it'll make better table conversation than rambling on about a corpse queen. Sticking out tongue

Ah, yes, I can just see the scene now: Tripple date staring Rey & Ista, Du’minh & Telas-Niah, and Jhank’kor & Obsidian Orb.
Ista: “I’ll have the cranium rat.” (starts tearing out its intestines)
Obsidian Orb: “I’ll have the living Bone Clan githyanki (starts gnawing on its skull)
Telas-Niah: (long blank stare) “… I’ll just have a salad.”

'Azure' wrote:
Well, I've always strived to be a good writer, and I'm using lots of tried and true plot devices (if you know what to look for). One theme you learn over and over, in literature, psychology, biology (I've a B.S. in that one), etc:

Question - What makes the World go Round? Answer- S - E - X

So true! Just consider the Iliad, for instance (no, not the Illithiad, berks):
Helen is bored with Menelaus, so she screws around with Paris – this starts the greatest war ever. Agamemnon snatches Briseis, Achilles’ favourite girl – he gets so pissed he withdraws from the war until near the end of it, even when his side is getting their asses handed to them. Big A only steps in and “saves the day” once his best buddy Patroclus is wasted – best buddy the Greek way, that is.
Sex was the decisive issue that cost thousands of lives. Sticking out tongue

'Benyamin' wrote:
Swhooo!...quite a tale--and by the titles, quite an intriguing one at that! Smiling
Seconded! How long has it been going on for, Azure, out of game?

Ben and Az, regarding your latest IC drama I have this to say:
Playing out a role is great and all, but in the interest of preserving a party you guys may want to avoid escalating things until hostility seems unavoidable. Du’minh isn’t exactly the peace-mediating type Sticking out tongue

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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'Benyamin' wrote:
Indeed, I think the duthka'gith has opened a whole new realm of brimstone--the party's stepping into the flames of caste battles.

Just remember my note about githyanki society. Castes are not arranged in a heirarchy like in most human societies. The githyanki don't have 'nobles' they have generals who've worked their way up from a lowly githwarrior. Of course, that means that githyanki all walk around like they are princes anyway, especially here where most of the city is filled with 'lesser races'.

And one again, I'm lovin' the IC conflict. The duthka'gith were viewed with suspicion by most githyanki, and on their parts tended not to play well with others. Without the Queen around to make them work together, I could see suspicions re-emerging.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Azure, was Rey able to identify the item on the ulitharid, or will he have to pay to get it identified?

And one again, I'm lovin' the IC conflict.
Same. Rey will try and calm them down next time they throw tantrums.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Trias' wrote:
And one again, I'm lovin' the IC conflict.
Same. Rey will try and calm them down next time they throw tantrums.

...Or theurgy.... >:)

JK. But I understand the need for party cohesion. Just keep the red lizard and overgrown prestidigitator-smasher on a leash and things will be chip and cheery. Smiling

And, warmages are really an exception with how they work in military systems, as they prefer working in units than singles. Jhank'kor has some personal reasons for his solo runs these last few years...but, hey, no one stopped and asked for his tale, so we can't complain about him wanting to kick some tail. (wow, my mind is stuck on puns...)

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Azure' wrote:
Just remember my note about githyanki society. Castes are not arranged in a heirarchy like in most human societies. The githyanki don't have 'nobles' they have generals who've worked their way up from a lowly githwarrior. Of course, that means that githyanki all walk around like they are princes anyway, especially here where most of the city is filled with 'lesser races'.

Fits in quite well, really. We would be bantering and bashing in the hope to get the lead spot...which has yet to be filled. I wonder where the in-party politics will run to next...

Oh, and I've seen this sort of party friction only once in a Good (alignment) party, and it proved to be quite interesting to watch the power battles. As the DM, it gave me PLENTY of fun lovin' combat scenes where I forced those with issues to confront their short-comings...beautiful, well, until I killed the party leader (who happened to be the pistol with a burr in her corset. Laughing out loud)

However, to note, she ticked off the wrong guy and tried to walk out on him. I went with the IC result and just rolled really nasty dmg--which wouldn't have been so bad if she'd had the humility to ask for healing from her cleric earlier--and so, the PC nixing began...two PCs in three sessions got the characters looking over their shoulders at every turn (esp. since the level 4 cleric went down against four CR 1 snakes... Shocked)

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Well, this may be the end of Jhank'kor. Laughing out loud

Actually, I have a few more tricks up my sleeve...but this will most likely end in a humbling of the chal or a proud victory--for some reason, the latter might not be as viable as I first thought. lol.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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'Benyamin' wrote:
Well, this may be the end of Jhank'kor.

Actually, I have a few more tricks up my sleeve...but this will most likely end in a humbling of the chal or a proud victory--for some reason, the latter might not be as viable as I first thought. lol.

A simple humbling is a good outcome when any CL10 character tries to take on a CR13 monster alone.

[GOD! I am SUCH a geek! But then again so is anyone else who understands that sentince:D]

0 Bonus for wonder twin pow to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 20.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Welcome to Git'riban - where walking home is an adventure in itself!

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Azure' wrote:
'Benyamin' wrote:
Well, this may be the end of Jhank'kor.

Actually, I have a few more tricks up my sleeve...but this will most likely end in a humbling of the chal or a proud victory--for some reason, the latter might not be as viable as I first thought. lol.

A simple humbling is a good outcome when any CL10 character tries to take on a CR13 monster alone.

[GOD! I am SUCH a geek! But then again so is anyone else who understands that sentince:D]

LOL! This is where pride and stubbornness aren't a good thing...glad my character is also cunning and calculating, cause he's going to have some fun when the party returns. >;)

Trias, my cover name is Saduj and this is my garden. Sticking out tongue

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
BoG'r OOC.

You guys sure have been busy! So as to not disrupt the current drama with Jhank’kor, I’ll just respond in the OOC thread to issues brought up in the IC thread.

'Azure' wrote:
The ulitharid was also wearing a pair of rings, but it is unclear, even reading the old posts, if it was Du'minh or Jhank'kor who ended up with them. I'll award them to Du'minh, because while he tried to get the warlock to I-D them, Jhank'kor was stated specificly to have ignored that.
He did indeed keep them after his offer was turned down:
'Dunamin' wrote:
Irritated, Du’minh stores the rings in a secure pouch underneath his spiked armor

'Benyamin' wrote:
Oh, Dun, a question: How can Du'minh reflect an area based spell? The chal is no chump, so he'd be banking on frosting the two of you and using target spells on a last resort basis.
Even 1st level Warriors can do simple dispersions tactics to avoid a fireball (Complete Warrior p124) - Don’t worry, Du’minh already got strategy and surprises worked out for you as well. Eye-wink

Don’t assume his threats to be empty, Ben - should Jhank’kor feel need to point a gun at the head of a party member one more time, Du’minh will not hesitate in reacting accordingly.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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I do not doubt he won't hesitate, Dun; I was more referencing the empty gun I had at the time. Eye-wink

We might have some interesting information to share among the party soon enough.

Again, I hope this mage's exploit has been as entertaining to read as write...because I have been rolling with chuckles once I found a niche and ran with it.

However, I do not want to irritate the other members with this, so don't expect me to frequently derail things...The chal just figured he'd spend his hours away with some intrigue and action after getting his pride flayed by two comrades. Sticking out tongue

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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'Benyamin' wrote:
Again, I hope this mage's exploit has been as entertaining to read as write...because I have been rolling with chuckles once I found a niche and ran with it.

However, I do not want to irritate the other members with this, so don't expect me to frequently derail things...The chal just figured he'd spend his hours away with some intrigue and action after getting his pride flayed by two comrades. Sticking out tongue

Besides, it's really my fault, what DM would let a PC walk into Undersigil alone and unmolested?

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
BoG'r OOC.

'Azure' wrote:
what DM would let a PC walk into Undersigil alone and unmolested?

ROTFL!!!!!Laughing out loud

I'm LOVIN it, though! Really suits Jhank'kor to be spellslinging in the pits of an Illithid outpost..I think he has a new hunting ground (if he makes it out... Eye-wink

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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you probably didn't see this one coming...

Beautiful!! Absolutely beautiful!!!! I'm putting that in the docket for later tricks to try Smiling

Just hope he enjoys the hug I'm going to give him... Laughing out loud

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Trias, my cover name is Saduj and this is my garden. Sticking out tongue

And who might be this roper/ghaik sentry friend that's trying to eat you? Reficul?

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Wow, we have a Father K'Dar moment going on and a Falling Roper in the other room--what more could we ask for? Laughing out loud

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
BoG'r OOC.

'Trias' wrote:
Trias, my cover name is Saduj and this is my garden. Sticking out tongue

And who might be this roper/ghaik sentry friend that's trying to eat you? Reficul?

Yep yep..If I don't give him a brimstone entrance back to lleh, he'll be awaiting guests when we next arrive. Eye-wink

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Wow, we have a Father K'Dar moment going on and a Falling Roper in the other room--what more could we ask for? Laughing out loud

If anyone's curious, Rey (after purchasing more black onyx gems for 'Animate Dead') is sound asleep.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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If anyone's curious, Rey (after purchasing more black onyx gems for 'Animate Dead') is sound asleep.

I was wondering if you were going to let ol' Jhank'kor slip into the basement after your lady told you not to... Eye-wink

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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I love the high and low tension going on the thread...in the foreground, you have a wounded soldier retelling the adventure of two legendary fighters, one who faced the ghaik and died; in the background, a shadowy figure struggles to slaughter an illithid-kin in the flames of conflict...very cinematic.

Reminds me of Casino Royale's opener. Smiling

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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could this murdered Gaz - be the same as the undead queen in the cellar?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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'Trias' wrote:
could this murdered Gaz - be the same as the undead queen in the cellar?


Ista K'ait is her own character, with her own backstory, that she just may yet reveal.

And before anyone asks, Zerth G'az is not the same as Grazz the Accursed.
I must have had a brain spasm when coming up with names.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Azure, thanks for the amazing combat!! I'm tempted to enjoy another cinematic rush, though I'm sure my party would write me out of existence if I keep on soloing...alas, that was the last mission of Jhank'kor the Dark on his own (and what a wonderful close to that chapter! Smiling

4 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 11.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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But only 16 dmg in a battle versus something 3CR levels higher is phenominal...though he feels like a deflated sack of potatoes. Laughing out loud

Well Jeez Louise look how much damage you freakin' do with your spells, if the the thing didn't have spell resistance, cold resistance, and immunity to electricity, you'd have killed it in half the time.

But seriously, good show! I thought you were going to have to roll up a new character for a minute there Ben. If you couldn't sever the strand that round, the next you'd have been grappling with the thing as it tried to chomp your skull open to get as those tasty, tasty brains.

Which brings up a point ... do you REALLY want to know what's in this thing's stomach? Because if you do, I'll tell you, but I don't think you really do Smiling

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Two questions that will decide my answer: Is the contents living and sentient? And will it require rolling initiative??

If it's a yes to either the living part or initiative, then no...that's the player's response...but Jhank'kor is a seasoned body snatcher, so he'd have better guts than I at the moment (though I'm currently writing a piece of fiction with ghastly bouts of wonderfully gory and horrific battle Eye-wink.

So enjoy telling whatever you must.

Alas, this might be the end of my posting for a bit tonight, as I must complete a birthday present for a lovely lady in my life.

I've definitely had a blast! You have completely blown open new frontiers for my ideas within the mind of Jhank'kor...oh, if he did chew on me, and didn't instantly slay me, he'd had to deal with my body erupting with fire in his mouth, so it's all cool. Smiling

Edit: I'm game to get a read on what this baddie has been digesting... Smiling

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Oh yeah, I can see where this is going, and I’m loving it! Smiling

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Man, I wish I didn't have to go to work, but I do. I'll be back later. This whole campaign is getting more and more interesting for me as well.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Bing! Next step in character development Laughing out loud

(I must admit, I was tempted to play up Du'minh's evil alignment to a pretty dramatic degree there for a moment)

Once again, awesome show, Azure. Much looking forward to see how we continue on from here.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Ah! Don't you long for the simple times when you could just kill everybody?

Those were the days! As long as it wasn't another loyal githyanki, nobody cared if you smashed some berk's skull in. Now it's all muddled up, githyanki allying with githzerai, githzerai selling intel to both the ghaik and the 'yankis, unalligned gith who just want to rob and pillage, power blocs fracturing the empire...

It's a messed up time to be a githyanki, that's for sure Smiling

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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'Azure' wrote:
Ah! Don't you long for the simple times when you could just kill everybody?

Those were the days! As long as it wasn't another loyal githyanki, nobody cared if you smashed some berk's skull in. Now it's all muddled up, githyanki allying with githzerai, githzerai selling intel to both the ghaik and the 'yankis, unalligned gith who just want to rob and pillage, power blocs fracturing the empire...

It's a messed up time to be a githyanki, that's for sure Smiling

You are reading Du’minh’s mind, but then again you play all the mind flayers, so that’s no surprise. Smiling
Seriously though, you’ve summed up one of the central causes to Du’minh’s identity crisis, spot on in fact. All too much change too fast too drastically.

Hope Azriael drops by soon, looking forward to see how Ar’dru reacts to all that he has heard and seen.

I’m also tempted to have Du’minh go look for Telas-Niah already this same night in the game, if only to see if he can draw more answers out… well, of course, that’s not the only reason, but that part of it is subconscious for the time being Eye-wink

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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I’m also tempted to have Du’minh go look for Telas-Niah already this same night in the game, if only to see if he can draw more answers out… well, of course, that’s not the only reason, but that part of it is subconscious for the time being Eye-wink

Wishing Rey hadn't gone to sleep so early, I'm tempted to have him go searh for Ista in the deadbook at the Mortuary early in the morning...

And once again, hats off to Azure - this is by far the most active (in terms of posts per day) online campaign I've ever been involved in.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Sorry to leave you out of the individualized action, Trias. However, after Rey wakes up there can be a tiny side-adventure, or at least dialogue, for him too...

Otherwise, once Du'minh and Ar'dru discuss the absurdity of life, we'll fast-forward to the cantina scene.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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'Trias' wrote:

And once again, hats off to Azure - this is by far the most active (in terms of posts per day) online campaign I've ever been involved in.

Well, all I've got to say is thank YOU! I really, really wanted to run a Git'riban campaign, and was surprised to get so much interest. I'm havin' a blast!

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Azure' wrote:
Well, all I've got to say is thank YOU! I really, really wanted to run a Git'riban campaign, and was surprised to get so much interest. I'm havin' a blast!

You have an enthralled warband at your dispos...er, you have our attention! (Did not want to give the DM any ideas... Laughing out loud)

Edit: Creating in-part conflict are we, Azure? I love it!!! Smiling

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Trias: I could totally see that whole exchange where "one 'zerai hands the other a bag of coins who then gives it back saying the first guy needs it more" as being a comman githzerai geeting. I know it was impromptu and genuine on Rey's part, but what'ya say?

The 'zerai probably have thousands of cutural "secret handshakes" to know who's on the up-and-up.

I will also draw your attention to the fact that Grazz sounds significantly more "street" than the other characters.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Sure, not even Rey is going to refuse money twice.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Oooh...the plot is twisting more and more! The DM has been waiting too long to play this game...cause he's wrapping up is in more threads than a illithid roper in a fight with a warmage. Laughing out loud

Question: What's the rate on heaing the str dmg? Jhank'kor will be resting during the rest of the time between and relaxing his mind to recover spells if possible.

Before he leaves his apartment, the chal will begin setting up the liquifying process on the body parts, though he'll carry the eyeball and brain (still wrapped in cloth) with him in a bag made from the lashed tentacles.

Craft(alchemy): 12

Taking 20 on crafting the bag, for a result of 20 due to penalties.

-1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+-1, the result is 4.
3 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 12.
Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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After waiting a good while in the shadows, Rey makes his way to Haven Port.

He enters, secretly keeping an eye peeled for Grazz, though not really expecting to discern him amongst the locals. He approaches the one in charge, and asks for one of the upper rooms for an hour.
I'm not sure how I was to do this - should Rey enter Haven Port, and continue his actions as above), or is Azure going to describe the scene for us, and we respond. I wasn't sure, (and didn't want to interrupt the dialogue) that's why I posted it here.

Spot: 7
Search: 9

4 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 7.
1 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+1, the result is 9.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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OOC: how much jink did Rey get?

I'm assuming you mean for the resonance stone? None as of yet, unless you want to ignore Grazz's advice and try to hock it IN Git'riban. Heading out of the neighborhood to a pawn shop somewhere else in Sigil would take too much time right now.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
BoG'r OOC.

'Trias' wrote:
After waiting a good while in the shadows, Rey makes his way to Haven Port.

He enters, secretly keeping an eye peeled for Grazz, though not really expecting to discern him amongst the locals. He approaches the one in charge, and asks for one of the upper rooms for an hour.
I'm not sure how I was to do this - should Rey enter Haven Port, and continue his actions as above), or is Azure going to describe the scene for us, and we respond. I wasn't sure, (and didn't want to interrupt the dialogue) that's why I posted it here.

Spot: 7
Search: 9

Hmm ... yea ... I'm going to ask everyone to go ahead and, um, just post the time you plan on getting to Haven Port, so I know who'll be there first, etc. So ... if you could just go ahead and do that, that'd be great.

Possibilities -
Peak (early)
Half Descending (about on time)

When more than one PC chooses the same time to arrive, I'll make a secret roll with the d20 on the shelf above my computer to see who got there first.

Then I'll describe the scene.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
BoG'r OOC.

'Benyamin' wrote:

Question: What's the rate on heaing the str dmg? Jhank'kor will be resting during the rest of the time between and relaxing his mind to recover spells if possible.

Good question. Neither the urophion nor the roper entry say, only that the str drain is temporary. So I guess I'll make a DM ruling ... you get 1 str back every 2 hours. This means that by half-descending this evening, you'll get 5 points back. You don't need to rest to get 'em back though, so you'll continue to regain str. You'll have to make a bluff roll to keep the other PCs from seeing that Jhank'kor's a bit weak right now.

And yea, rest up and regain spells. The tiny evil DM on my shoulder says you might need 'em.

Oooh...the plot is twisting more and more! The DM has been waiting too long to play this game...cause he's wrapping up is in more threads than a illithid roper in a fight with a warmage. Laughing out loud

Well, I am re-using characters and plots from the PS campaign I mentioned. The PCs met Telas-Niah and G'az in Pandemonium, both parties hot on the trail of an insidious plot. During the Adventure (encompassing Bedlam and Beyond to The Battle of Bedlam) G'az was killed, but I can't reveal any more than that. You may still meet lots of NPCs from that campaign, because the threat of the Illithids and other Lovecraftian horrors are a major theme there too.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
BoG'r OOC.

Unless specified otherwise, ability damage is recovered at a rate of 1 point for each night of rest (8 hours) for all abilities, or 2 points per day of complete bed rest. (PHB p146). However, a single casting of Lesser Restoration recovers 1d4 points for one ability score, so multiple castings by Rey could fix Jhank’kor up (or a single casting of Restoration).

Also… I don’t mean to burst Ben’s bubble, but I took a look at the battle details against the urophion and it doesn’t seem to have been played out quite right.
The urophion has a SR that seems unbeatable for a level 8 warmage, but the only spell that Jhank’kor cast for which spell resistance doesn’t apply was one Orb of Fire. The dice rolled for damage for this spell were 8d8+7, but it seems it should have been 8d6 + Jhank’kor’s Int bonus (thanks to Warmage Edge). The spell doesn’t involve a Reflex save for half damage either, but a Fortitude save or be dazed for 1 round.

Please don’t shoot the messenger! Sticking out tongue

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