I *blew* my comp's powerpack up, dont know why or how, bought a new one, but it does not want to power up my comp, so i have brought it to the shop to get checked out... i'll get back asap..
It actually meant i blew my motherboard also, but i managed to save my C-disc, so i still have my info from my comp, yeay..
ehm... Will u answer about what we see lying about in regards to items?
the golden great shield, and the +3? chaos wpn i know... but anything else of note?
OOOoo, look the whole gang is online, lol,
If the Neothelid is down, i have another healing trick, and if Du'Mihn needs more, Ii'Jyka will assist...
Ii'Jyka herself has no wounds atm, so i dont need it..yet..