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Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Az, is your fly speed faster than D. Door? Ya might be able to catch or cut this giant squidy off if ya do a combo of flying your full speed and d.dooring in a round. Just an idear (besides just roasting every inch of the alleyway...though the warlock might like that option too. Cool )

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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:shock: Ok, that is IT! Did you guys see those rolls? Natural ones again, and both of them! Well, not that it matters, since Du'minh has horrible Spot and Search modifiers anyway, but still! That makes 4 natural ones in his total of 8 d20 rolls in the game! Half!
Sorry, rant over now... Laughing out loud

Revered Queen, please grant me better fortune in my hour of need... oh wait, nevermind.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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Az, is your fly speed faster than D. Door? Ya might be able to catch or cut this giant squidy off if ya do a combo of flying your full speed and d.dooring in a round. Just an idear (besides just roasting every inch of the alleyway...though the warlock might like that option too. Cool

My fly speed is 60 but I'm trying to track, also I don't believe Ar'Dru has dimension door yet but it's kind of a moot point now anyway.

By the way I've very obviously got red dragon blood so if you've got fire based attacks then blast away Laughing out loud .

[edit: yeah, shocking luck there Dunamin]


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Should the rest of us roll initiative as well? Do we hear a shout from Ar’dru, and if so do we have an idea of just how far away he/they are? Are we so familiar with the neighbourhood that we can safely Dimension Door to the locale where we may have heard Ar’dru, with reasonably little chance of ending up in an occupied square?


Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
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I checked and empty mind manifests as an immediate action if that makes any difference.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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I checked and empty mind manifests as an immediate action if that makes any difference.

Indeed it does.


Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Should the rest of us roll initiative as well? Do we hear a shout from Ar’dru, and if so do we have an idea of just how far away he/they are? Are we so familiar with the neighbourhood that we can safely Dimension Door to the locale where we may have heard Ar’dru, with reasonably little chance of ending up in an occupied square?

I'm with Dunamin on this; how familiar is this area to each of us (i.e. can we visualize the terrain ahead, such as "the alley opens into a lot, then drops into the Tunnels, which will make this a Gehennan Loth chase if we keep this up...") and roughly how far away is this alcove?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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how familiar is this area to each of us (i.e. can we visualize the terrain ahead, such as "the alley opens into a lot, then drops into the Tunnels, which will make this a Gehennan Loth chase if we keep this up...") and roughly how far away is this alcove?

The characters are familiar enough with the area to know all the above info, as they are not far from the heart of the void. Of course that familiarity breeds the following problem: You could d-door to the lot, but what if the ulitharid turned at the side alley? The three pursuing characters don't know what's going on up ahead, and Ar'dru doesn't know how far behind they are.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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The characters are familiar enough with the area to know all the above info, as they are not far from the heart of the void. Of course that familiarity breeds the following problem: You could d-door to the lot, but what if the ulitharid turned at the side alley? The three pursuing characters don't know what's going on up ahead, and Ar'dru doesn't know how far behind they are.

K. Gotcha. Thanks!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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As much as I'd like for Du'minh to follow Jhank'kor's lead and DD to aid Ar'dru, isn't "The Tunnels" a too vague designation of where we should meet up? I thought we were already in the Tunnels, and that it was a fairly huge area?

Is it too metagamey to assume Ben meant the split between the side alley and the passage leading to the lot? (where Jhank'kor just went, if I've understood correctly)

Oh, and I ask again: Should the rest of us also roll initiative?

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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As much as I'd like for Du'minh to follow Jhank'kor's lead and DD to aid Ar'dru, isn't "The Tunnels" a too vague designation of where we should meet up? I thought we were already in the Tunnels, and that it was a fairly huge area?

Is it too metagamey to assume Ben meant the split between the side alley and the passage leading to the lot? (where Jhank'kor just went, if I've understood correctly)

To explain Jhank'kor's logic here: He realizes that the underground section of the area is up ahead, which leads to many routes down into UnderSigil...he doesn't want to lose the Ulitharid into the shadows, so he's diving into the opening that leads underground [bottom of the staircase on the other side of the lot from us]...His strategy is a gambit on the Ulitharid heading for safety (which we know OOC to be true). I would have played him the same way if the Ulitharid had veered left--it would just mean I'd have to hoof it a good ways before finding him again.

How you take the single words of a roguish character is up to you Eye-wink (Dropping into the side alley wouldn't cause you too much delay, as you'd probably hear the conflict in the lot)

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Should the rest of us also roll initiative?

Why not? I figure we'll be in the middle of things soon enough, so a good headstart on the line-up will help. That way Azure will be able to plug us in at the moment we arrive on the scene. Eye-wink

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Ah, ok. Still a bit confused on orientation, but since Azure mentioned the rest of us reaching the check on this round, I'll just run there and hope my Auravision can pick up lingering aura of Jhank'kor and/or the ulitharid.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Ah, ok. Still a bit confused on orientation, but since Azure mentioned the rest of us reaching the check on this round, I'll just run there and hope my Auravision can pick up lingering aura of Jhank'kor and/or the ulitharid.

Yeah, I might be off on my mental image, too, but describing locals is a tricky bit in itself, so maybe we'll all end up in the same patch of 'lithid goo. Laughing out loud

If it does work out, though, we'll be hitting him from three (or more) different angles. :twisted:

...well, Dunamin, looks like I'm picking up my share of natural ones. Guess the Dice Gods aren't favoring a high initiative...surely they noticed I only get a +3 to that roll. lol.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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We may have a new joiner soon guys.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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That's right I say!! It's a' time to go a' Planewalkin'!

I sent my character, and will come up with a background soon- although I think there might still be the issue of introducing him into the story. No need to rush him in, though.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Hey Trias, good to have you aboard!

Hope you brought your helmet, because so far this campaign has brain-sucking tentacles all over the place! Laughing out loud

Anything you want to reveal about your character?

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Aye! Glad to have ya bounding through the Void with us!

Like Dunamin said, ya might want to use your valuable gp to put a lead casing around your character's head...unless ya like serving Cerebral soup to squidies. Laughing out loud

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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hahaha! Yea, I've read the story so far and it def. seems to be that way.

I have a Cleric 6/ Monk 2 (ECL 10, gith +2) - Domains are 'Destruction' and 'Trickery.' I was going for the stealthy healer, but I do have a question that I sent Azure's way - perhaps you guys can answer as well - with a domain like Destruction, (bearer of the 'Inflict' brand of spells) is it possible for me to have healing spells as well? I would think so, but I'm not quite sure.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Hooray, we have a healer! I haven’t really considered such a build before, but it sounds interesting.

'Trias' wrote:
I was going for the stealthy healer, but I do have a question that I sent Azure's way - perhaps you guys can answer as well - with a domain like Destruction, (bearer of the 'Inflict' brand of spells) is it possible for me to have healing spells as well? I would think so, but I'm not quite sure.
Domains impose no restrictions on spells you can cast normally. If you’re talking about whether you can spontaneously convert into cure spells, well that depends on your alignment (as described on PHB p32-33). Even if you spontaneously convert inflict spells, you can still normally prepare cure spells just fine. Hope that answered your question. Smiling

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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Hooray, we have a healer! I haven’t really considered such a build before, but it sounds interesting.

heheh, I've never considered that build before either. Seeing as how in my last table top game, I was the stereotypical heavily-armored, slow, mace-wielding cleric -I am opting for something fresh.

Domains impose no restrictions on spells you can cast normally. If you’re talking about whether you can spontaneously convert into cure spells, well that depends on your alignment (as described on PHB p32-33). Even if you spontaneously convert inflict spells, you can still normally prepare cure spells just fine. Hope that answered your question. Smiling

it did, thanks!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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OK guys big problem! In my Psi Handbook, it says that githyanki get dimension slide as a racial ability. Unlike d-door, dimension slide is line-of-sight only. Help me out here, and tell me where to find the alternate githyanki stats that list d-door not d-slide as a racial ability.

Y'know, maybe I should just shell out and get the EXPANDED Psi Handbook. Are there gityanki stats in there?

Or I could use DM fiat and say d-slide gets upgraded to d-door at a certain effective character level ...

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Perhaps that's how Dimensior Door worked back in 3.0?

I only have the Expanded Psionics Handbook (3.5), there's githyanki stats, and it lists Psionic Dimension Door.

If you want another source, there's our very own Planescape Campaign Setting (p25).

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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You know, Trias, now that I think about, your build might actually be a pretty effective healer, compared to a traditional cleric:

High speed and Tumble means you should be able to get to those in need of your aid pretty easily, even if they seem cut off from the party. Your Stunning Fist attacks are likely more effective, since as a cleric you'd probably focus more on Wisdom than had you been pure Monk. Also, you should have awesome saves, particularly Will and Fort, which means you are less likely to be taken out of battle by special effects (and a failed Ref save rarely does anything but make you lose hp).

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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You know, Trias, now that I think about, your build might actually be a pretty effective healer, compared to a traditional cleric

Yes, I have a pal considering to add a level cleric into his monk, and I agree that the blend is a good one. You have the mobility, strong AC from the higher Wis, and plenty of buffed stats...so, I'm glad you're among us to spare our crew when the mind blasts start rolling in! Laughing out loud

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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I just realized (from ben's post above) that I get a Wisdom bonus to AC - Wisdom and Dex are my character's two highest stats, so the AC will be high, as long as I stay unarmored (or lightly armored).

Your Stunning Fist attacks are likely more effective, since as a cleric you'd probably focus more on Wisdom than had you been pure Monk.

My guy can use his fists, but I gave him exotic weapon prof. in bastard sword - because he's a fallen monk, (yea, I know, the plot thickens...Smiling) so he can't advance in levels, but still retains the original abilities. I haven't really looked at the other character templates (just skimmed through - I know that there is a rogue/sorcerer, and an anti-mage type, but that's about it). I'll go back in the OCC and really take a look at the rest of the party. Amped!!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Hm, if I've discerned the situation correctly, the ulitharid can't have gone too far from my current location, and with Daraz approaching from one end of the alley, Jhank'kor from the other, and Ar'dru from the sky, we should have it fairly pinned down guys. Smiling

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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For a bugger that's bleeding pretty bad, he can concentrate pretty well...for now. :twisted:

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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i don't know the ultratharid's psi like abilities (no stats on hand), but can't it fly away or d-door

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Hush, don't give the DM's any ideas! Laughing out loud

Seriously though, the ulitharid has got to run out of psi points sometime. And it must have spent some before we engaged it, back at the Heart of the Void, to shield it's companions from the sight of all those giths and shatter that psionic curtain, aside from what else it had been doing, during their assault. It can't Plane Shift out since we're in Sigil, so I say we just keep the pressure on it.

We are gith, and we don't quit!
(winner of the Worst Bard in Sigil competition, I know Cool )

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Sorry folks but my computer just bit it. Lucky I gots roomies, or I wouldn't be able to tell you this.

F*@#!%in' m@@$^#R F!@$~r !!!

O.k. the rage has subsided, now let's approach the problem. I will be back up at my parents' house towards the end of the week (I'm painting it this summer) so I'll be able to post from there. I may even be able to use my roomy's 'puter while he's at work tomorrow. Regardless, unfortunately that means please disregard that "couple of hours" promise in my last post.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Aww, that sucks. Sad
Hope you can recover your computer eventually, though. Best of luck!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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I'm BAAAAcck.

Well, sort of. I'm staying at my brother's for a few days. When I go back to my apartment I have to see about my computer, which still won't boot. I'll warn you guys before I do (probably tuesday).

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Dunamin, I though the same (about your interception d. door)...It'll be interesting to see if that critter bullrushes you too. Eye-wink

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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'Benyamin' wrote:
It'll be interesting to see if that critter bullrushes you too. Eye-wink
Let it try, I say. Smiling Size-modifiers be damned, Du'minh ain't no weakling, so I think it would only have a slight advantage over him. It seems more relevant with an overrun or trip action, though, since bull rushing would only push me further down the corridor. In any case, hopefully I'll score an AoO regardless of what it tries.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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In any case, hopefully I'll score an AoO regardless of what it tries.

Hey, leave some squidy for us! (hopefully, no one will remember who hit it first...). Laughing out loud

LOL! I'm sure a dire flail will make a great addition to all those tuber whips on its face. Eye-wink

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Behold my artistic skills!

To be fair, though, seeing as I'm always last in initiative, you guys will probably pin it before me.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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ROTFL!!! I SO wanna see that! Laughing out loud

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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me too! this server doesn't do well with picture posting...

Azure - question: where is Rey'arteb in relation to the others (waiting by the portal). At the first sight of the Mind Flayer (or perhaps the others, if he can't see the mind flayer), he casts *Animate Dead*

Will Save for when he sees (or doesn't) the Illithid: 32

14 Bonus for Will to do
I rolled 1d20+14, the result is 32.
Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Azure, just to make sure I got the order of things right, this is the combat sequence so far, right?

Round 1:
21. Jhank’kor casts Phantasmal Killer.
10. Ulitharid trips Jhank’kor.
Other PCs moving down stairs.

Round 2:
21. Jhank’kor casts Lesser Orb of Acid from prone.
20. Ar’dru flies down and attacks.
19. Daraz runs down stairs
10. Ulitharid activates Jhank’kor’s mark and moves 30 ft away (provokes AoO from Ar’dru)?
8. Du’minh dimension doors 40 ahead of combat scene.

Round 3 begins?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Sorry for the mix-up with you d-door, Dun. I suppose that's what comes of the chase getting ahead of the map. Learning experience. It WAS Ar'dru that would get another AoO, not Du'minh, then Du'minh would have engaged normally in round 3. I was picturing him coming out closer to the bottom of the stairs and the initial actio. I suppose I'm stronger on description and imagination than I am on 'the rules' , but I did 2nd edition, where the rules were vague enough that we only rolled dice one out of three sessions at most.

Anyway, hope you guys are having fun.

A couple of notes on the Aftermath-

Jank'kor is in pain. Instead of a flat -3, roll d6-1 each round, and that's your modifier to all rolls for the round. If you roll '0' you still have to make a concentration check to cast a spell, but without any penalty.

In addition, the scar oozes blood constantly. Not alot, but enough to make spotting the scar now easier. Make a hide roll to conciel your face, the result being the spot DC for anyone to notice. In non-specific, walking-the-street situations I can assume you are taking 10 (or 20 if you bandage it) on this roll.

Last (and most eeevil of all) make (or take 10 on) a bluff check to conciel the fact that you are in pain, because Jank'kor will twich and spasm from time to time. Aww, i'm not that evil, you can roll once per encounter, or keep rolling until you regain your composure. Don't forget the d6-1 modifier though (I take it back, I am that evil)

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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'Azure' wrote:
Sorry for the mix-up with you d-door, Dun. I suppose that's what comes of the chase getting ahead of the map. Learning experience. It WAS Ar'dru that would get another AoO, not Du'minh, then Du'minh would have engaged normally in round 3. I was picturing him coming out closer to the bottom of the stairs and the initial actio. I suppose I'm stronger on description and imagination than I am on 'the rules' , but I did 2nd edition, where the rules were vague enough that we only rolled dice one out of three sessions at most.

Anyway, hope you guys are having fun.

Absolutely, boss, absolutely!

Don't worry that much about rules, I often forget 3.0 to 3.5 spell conversions myself. The ulitharid ended up decidedly dead in any case. Laughing out loud

On another note, I've just handed in my bachelor thesis, so now I have more time to dedicate myself to the game.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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Aye! I'm lovin' the game!! Kudos for the tale! Smiling

Woot! Glad to hear that, Dun! Hope that turns out well for ya.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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'Benyamin' wrote:
Woot! Glad to hear that, Dun! Hope that turns out well for ya.
Thanks, I'm hoping that too! I even handed it in past the deadline, but they accepted it nonetheless. Now to get back to a somewhat normal sleeping cycle...

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Dunamin' wrote:
Thanks, I'm hoping that too! I even handed it in past the deadline, but they accepted it nonetheless. Now to get back to a somewhat normal sleeping cycle...

Your welcome. I empathize on the sleep deprivation bit.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Ya congrats on B (S or A?) degree. I've got 2 of 'em, and I still make more $$$ as a stonemason lol.


Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
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'Azure' wrote:
Ya congrats on B (S or A?) degree. I've got 2 of 'em, and I still make more $$$ as a stonemason lol.

Woot! Congrats! Smiling

'Azure' wrote:

Teehee! We wanted to surprise ya with some dialogue. Eye-wink

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
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'Azure' wrote:
Ya congrats on B (S or A?) degree. I've got 2 of 'em, and I still make more $$$ as a stonemason lol.


Its only because we enjoy the game so much, boss! Laughing out loud

Oh, and what does S or A refer to?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
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'Dunamin' wrote:
'Azure' wrote:
Ya congrats on B (S or A?) degree. I've got 2 of 'em, and I still make more $$$ as a stonemason lol.


Its only because we enjoy the game so much, boss! Laughing out loud

Oh, and what does S or A refer to?

Kudos to that - the game is FUN.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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S = ... of Science

A = ... of Arts

I've got 2 B.S. degrees.

... (pun)

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