Do any of you psionicists plan on taking some sort of healing powers? Not very familiar with psionics, so I don't know whether psions or psi-warriors or very suitable in that regard...
BoG'r OOC.
I was also thinking perhaps it would be better to use a different word than “factions” for the various githyanki groups competing for power, to avoid confusion with the philosophical Planescape factions. Preferably a military term, to make it fit with githyanki society. Divisions? Forces? Orders?
Which group rules the githyanki embassy now the Queen is dead? As the most important inhabitant is called the “Queen’s Knight”, I take it it’s the Ascendancy?
Minor point: The PSCS (Ch.7) spells the name of the githyanki district in Sigil as Git’Riban or Githariban, while here it’s Git’raban. Which is it?
Sorry for the barrage of questions, by the way.
Not at all, I like questions (that I can answer). Last things first. I called the district "Git'raban" instead of "Git'riban" for the simple reason that I can't spell worth a damn (as you've already seen ). So it should be Git'riban, and when we start the game, I suppose it will be.
The master of the Embassy is a death knight, and (was) a fanatic supporter of the Queen. He's probably a supporter of the Ascendancy, but it's anyone's guess at this point.
I think instead of 'faction' we will use the term 'Power Bloc', or 'Bloc' for short.
Yes, I did base the Reconciliation on the "Sha'sal Khou", and yes, Zetch'r'r is the leader. Nobody knows for sure that they were involved in the Queen's demise, but many highly suspect it. As such, they have lost most of what little support they had among the githyanki, even among the Heartforce and others who view the lack of a Lich Queen a good thing.
Armory, I LOVE your concept.
Azriael, take your monster level skill points from either githyanki or dragon skill lists.
I can't seem to find a 'Githyanki skill list', so far I've looked in the MM, Savage Species, EPHB and MM4 as well as flicking through the Draconomicon and Races of the Dragon and as far as I can tell my class skills for monster levels (by combining the skills from both races) would be -
Craft (armour\weaponsmithing),
Jump (although why a dragon needs that skill I don't know) and
Does that look about right?
"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer
Thanks for all the answers, Azure. I'm almost done with my story and will PM you in a little while, I think.
I can't seem to find a 'Githyanki skill list', so far I've looked in the MM, Savage Species, EPHB and MM4 as well as flicking through the Draconomicon and Races of the Dragon and as far as I can tell my class skills for monster levels (by combining the skills from both races) would be -
Craft (armour & weaponsmithing), \
Jump (although why a dragon needs that skill I don't know) and
Does that look about right?
Take a look at the khaasta entry in Chapter 2 of the PSCS. They get racial hit dice, and the entry lists which class skills these skill points are for.
I think that because githyanki don't get racial hit dice, their "skill list" is simply that of their class (which in your case is psychic warrior).
Happy to do that but given my first level skills were going to come from my racial level that didn't seem appropriate.
"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer
Background done on Du'minh, PM away!
Yup, I'm pretty much ready to go.
Happy to do that but given my first level skills were going to come from my racial level that didn't seem appropriate.
Hmm, I see your point... Well, I'm out of ideas, so hopefully our merry DM can sort it out.
I can't seem to find a 'Githyanki skill list', so far I've looked in the MM, Savage Species, EPHB and MM4 as well as flicking through the Draconomicon and Races of the Dragon and as far as I can tell my class skills for monster levels (by combining the skills from both races) would be -
Craft (armour\weaponsmithing),
Jump (although why a dragon needs that skill I don't know) and
Does that look about right?
That looks about right to me. That's 8 skill points in those skills. Add;
Escape Artist
Knowledge (any)
These are from the dragon entry in MM.
A few more meta-game...
This will continue to be the OOC Post. The Game Post will be Blades of Git'riban: The Quicksilver War
Now that you are fleshing out your characters, I will be PMing you. I will set up the background this (now somewhat misnamed) post. This will basicly be the rough draft of the opening background scene for BoG'r: Quicksilver War.
Naming things in Gith is fun. I figure all gith have a comman linguistic heritage. Githyanki is interspaced with words and sylables of Draconic. Githzerai is influenced by Slaadi, as well as planar cant. Still, a speaker of one has a 50% chance to understand anything said in the other.
As Dunamin already found out I tend to spell phoneticly while spelling gith.
Krr'a'gith'farak meant "Kingdom of Gith on solid ground" in Incursion. I figure "farak" is solid ground, or stone. I do not have a stack of published sorces, nor the time to go through them if I did. Besides, making up names and words is part of the fun.
Khraash (kind of a breathy "Crash") meaning "Fire" in Draconic. [=red]
A ' in a word is a soft sylable change, while a - in a word is a hard sylable change. Fhil-Shaak is pronounced "Fill Shack" while Fhil'shaak is pronounced more like "Fillshack" without being quite one word. (Get my drift?
A few NPCs that everyone in Git'iban at least knows of.
"Bosun" gith pirate proprietor of 'Haven Port' , a neutral meeting place in the center of the ghetto. Magical runes to protect from teleportation and scrying grace all the structural beams. In addition, the upstairs has a balcony overlooking the intersection of Gith Lane and Silver Void Street which is protected by a beaded curtain of psi-crystals attuned to negate all psionic effects going in or out.
"Blood Rat" vampyric githyanki necromancer. One of the reasons no cranium rats can be found for blocks around Git'riban is the work of the ratcatcher Blood Rat. Unlike human vampires he will not feed from nor turn any other being. To do so would make him too much like the hated Illithid. Instead, he prowls the alleys and sewers of Git'riban feeding on rats and other vermin. He has a bodyguard of half a dozen wights, the remains of last few assassins his old warband sent.
The Tribes, as the two competing clans of Athasan gith are known, are basicly street-thugs and portal-raiders. The two tribes are led by powerful individuals. "New Man" is rumored to be a powerful metabolist, able to bend and shape his body into a weapon. His tribe call themselves the Bone Clan. The Black Spear Clan is led by "Obsidian Orb" rumored to be an exotic and beutiful gith, and a 'Defiler', a wielder of a powerful form of dark magic from her homeworld.
"Zen" is a dojo for monks, martial artists, Psionics, and anyone else honing their minds and bodies. Also the moniker of the old githzerai who runs the place. The dojo is located on the Square of the Mind where it meets Transcendant Way. The old monk is, of course, a Cypher, and the dojo is huge, with dozens of practice rooms ranging from large halls to narrow rooms and wide stairways (former alleys, see the notes on the archetecture of the ghetto later in this post).
"Grazz the Accursed", a reviled githzerai double-tripple agent. Famous, infamous, it seems like every month there's a new rumor as to why he has a death sentence from both the Lich Queen and the Sorcerer-King of the githzerai. The latest include him selling githzerai (or githyanki, depending on who you ask) prisoners to the illithid for information. Nobody likes him, but he's not only the best fence and source of information in Sharpshadows (the githzerai side of Git'riban), he's also, conspiculously, still alive. Hence reviled, yet respected, on the streets of Git'riban.
Archetecture & Layout of Git'riban.
Git'riban is built on the remains of a much older district. Once the elvin district of The Forest lay on either side of the Square of the Mind spireward to what is now Silver Void Street, which was called Silver Street at the time. Several turns ago, an army from Acheron got the idea of portal-jumping into the Birdcage and burning a whole lot of elves. They did pretty good to, setting an inferno that destroyed every elvin home from around Silver Street to the Square of the Mind. The hardy trees the elves imported for the Square all burned too, but the Lady and her dabus put the invasion down before it could push any further toward the rim.
In the ruins of the Burned Forest, a new community started to rebuild. A few githyanki outcasts hiding in Sigil and some gith pirates who used nearby portals to strike quick raids across the planes started what is now Git'riban.
The 'Githyanki Ghetto' is bordered spireward by the Square of the Mind ( Now a Titan-Sized Zen Garden, i.e. the 'sand' is actually smooth, fist-sized stones, and there are ornimental rocks resembling islands ranging from 8 to 12 foot tall). On opposite sides of the Square are Transcendant Way, which heads toward the Gymnasium, and Bellwhistle Lane, which leads into the Market Ward.
A block down Bellwhistle Lane is the end of Duskgate Road, which winds through the Market Ward, past the Grand Bazaar, to finally end up at the opposite rim. Gitraban is bordered on the Market Ward side by Duskgate Road. On the Guildhall Ward side is Swan's Way, which terminates on Transcendant Way.
Right trough the middle of the ghetto is Silver Void Street, which parallels the Square of the Mind. Gith Lane forms a Triangle with Silver Void and Swan's Way. The area between Silver Void Street and Gith Lane is the oldest part of Git'riban, and is known as The Tunnels.
You see at first, with help from the Dabus, the gith rebuilt the area to be like the rest of Sigil. However, there were still empty lots filled with rubble, newly created, sealed, or opened areas of undersigil, abandoned basements, etc. The gith got in the habit of putting a high wall to brace both sides of an alleyway, and rerouting foot traffic through empty lots, or down through ruined rooms. Thus the area slowly became a labrynth.
This building trend lessened as the ghetto expanded, but there are still twisting alleyways and alley-wide stairs that crisscross, alleys that split into a series of interconnected balconies, alleys that lead town through ruined (possibly trapped) cellers and tunnels, and lots of other strangeness.
The area anti-spireward of Silver Void Street is known as 'The Alleyways of Git'nathar' while between Silver Void and The Square of the Mind are 'The Stairs of Khar-Riban'.
Many githzerai live along Duskgate Road. That area, and its residents, are called 'The Sharpshadows'. They tend to be a dangerous bunch of stag-turners and knights-of-the-post, and are generally shunned by other githzerai in Sigil. Many eschew their grey cloaks for the dun colors of a non-aligned gith.
The Alleys of Git'nathar become less and less populated as one moves in toward the center of the ring, into an area known as 'The Empty Rooms'. Few Sigilans want to live too close to Githyanki, so there are a few blocks that are empty except for the brave, the foolish, or the desparate. This is especially true now that the Tribes have moved into the areas anti-spireward of Gith Lane.
The other building tradition in Git'riban is to make every apartment, every room even, a defensible fortress. Most apartments have foyers with murderholes, starways covered by ledges and arrow-slits, iron doors, and a host of other mundane and magical protections.
Nobody pays rent in Git'riban, the residents simply stake out a territory in one of the apartments, disable and reset any traps, and set up a base camp. However, many newly arrived outcasts have learned the hard way not to underestimate their kin, the gith pirates and Athasan raiders. Though their depredations are far more often inflicted on random planars, there is good reason to fortify one's home against them.
When I first read through the layout I was a bit confused about the relative position of the various locales and streets, but I found this handy map of Sigil by zen79, which seems to cover all the mentioned landmarks of Git’riban. Thought I’d provide a link, in case anyone hadn’t seen it before.
Just one thing, though: Isn’t all the directions with relation to spireward and anti-spireword/downward reversed? Looking at the Sigil map on Planewalker, Git’riban seems to be located near the spireward rim, not the anti-spireward/downward rim.
While on the matter of directions, does Sigilians use “clockwise” and “counter-clockwise” to denote the other axis of direction? If so, I take it those are the orientations when Sigil is “viewed from above”?
Regarding githyanki language, I once came across this little thing, which I thought might prove useful for the campaign:
In any case, I fully agree that making up githyanki language is fun. It should be pretty obvious that Du’minh is sort of a githyanki version of Dunamin, but what probably isn’t obvious, is that in Danish it sounds like something sort of “You’re mine”.
Just one thing, though: Isn’t all the directions with relation to spireward and anti-spireword/downward reversed? Looking at the Sigil map on Planewalker, Git’riban seems to be located near the spireward rim, not the anti-spireward/downward rim.
While on the matter of directions, does Sigilians use “clockwise” and “counter-clockwise” to denote the other axis of direction? If so, I take it those are the orientations when Sigil is “viewed from above”?
I may have it wrong, if so sorry. I thought on the map of Sigil from the boxed set, which is the same layout as the map on planewalker, spireward was toward the middle between the two halves of the map, and anti-spireward was to the outside. If you want me to switch them around, I will, or we can go with my interpretation, or we can just say "rimward" and "centerward" instead, since Git'riban is toward one side of Sigil, be it the spireward or anti-spireward side.
Instead of clockwise (few would have clocks), Sigilans would just say things like "It's towards the Lady's Ward from here." or "It's near the Sandstone District."
Not sure if there's still room, but I was wondering if I could join?
I have a Githyanki soulknife in mind, giving the psionic edge to the fray.
I have a Githyanki soulknife in mind, giving the psionic edge to the fray.
Just one thing, though: Isn’t all the directions with relation to spireward and anti-spireword/downward reversed? Looking at the Sigil map on Planewalker, Git’riban seems to be located near the spireward rim, not the anti-spireward/downward rim.
While on the matter of directions, does Sigilians use “clockwise” and “counter-clockwise” to denote the other axis of direction? If so, I take it those are the orientations when Sigil is “viewed from above”?
I may have it wrong, if so sorry. I thought on the map of Sigil from the boxed set, which is the same layout as the map on planewalker, spireward was toward the middle between the two halves of the map, and anti-spireward was to the outside. If you want me to switch them around, I will, or we can go with my interpretation, or we can just say "rimward" and "centerward" instead, since Git'riban is toward one side of Sigil, be it the spireward or anti-spireward side.
I don’t have the boxed set, but it seems to me that the Planewalker map gives the opposite directions – at the right and left borders of the map it notes anti-spireward towards the middle between the two halves, and spireward towards the outside. You’re the boss, any way you want to go is a-ok with me. Besides, if confusion arises, one can always give directions towards well-known locales.
I have a Githyanki soulknife in mind, giving the psionic edge to the fray.
Welcome to our pseudo-warband Ben!
I have a Githyanki soulknife in mind, giving the psionic edge to the fray.
Cool! I'll get my character out to ya soon!
Erp! A double post, but thanks Dunamin!! I'm lookin' forward to joining the crew!
Character sheet almost finished. I'll send it to ya by tonight (Thursday).
D-oh! So I did get it wrong. I will edit the description of Git'riban.
Edited, and a few things added. Tell me what you think of the description. Really, I would apreciate feedback, it'll only help me improve.
How did the Square of the Mind get to be a titan-sized Zen garden?
Do Git’nathar and Khar-Riban have any special meaning in any of the gith languages? Are they names of famous figures?
Also, does “Blood Rat” have any known connection to Parakk the Ratcatcher? The former a githyanki who openly slays cranium rats, the latter a githzerai that secretly serves them. (though Parakk’s masters are a renegade swarm, “The Us”, who oppose Ilsensine)

Do Git’nathar and Khar-Riban have any special meaning in any of the gith languages? Are they names of famous figures?
Also, does “Blood Rat” have any known connection to Parakk the Ratcatcher? The former a githyanki who openly slays cranium rats, the latter a githzerai that secretly serves them. (though Parakk’s masters are a renegade swarm, “The Us”, who oppose Ilsensine)
Why, titan zen gardeners, of course.
Blood Rat shares only his profession with Parakk, so doubtless they know of each other, by reputation. Parakk makes a living catching rats, unlike Blood Rat (maybe we'll think of a good sounding githyanki word for his name), who just eats them.
Git'nathar and Khar-Riban were two founders of the district who aquired the Sigil-estate along either side of Silver Void Street. The two sub-districts' names put together make up Git'riban. [Actually, I just made up the words that together would make Git'riban. Dunamin, good call on them being names of individuals, we'll roll with that.]
Hey Azure, not to dig up an ol' issue, but the special materials quip might be a prob for my character. As a soulknife, he manifests his blades and their enhancements. I looked in the Magic Item Compendium and PM'd a poss. solution with the Mind Blade Gauntlets.
Let me know if those are acceptable since they don't involve astral god-steel
Sure, Ben, those can stand in for your primary weapon if you want. You still get a godsteel splint mail +3. Since you manifest your blade, choose 2 minor magic items instead of getting magic weapons.
Just to make sure everyone has been getting my PMs....list your character's apartment with a short description of what someone would know FROM THE OUTSIDE but with familiarity of the neighborhood, and having passed by it many times.
thank you for your cooperation
--the mgt.
Just checking in. Been unexpectedly away for a while, but I'm back now.
Azure I've got your PM and I'm on it....
Az, I'm taking the que to craft a warlock. Well, a warmage to be precise. I have the basic character sheet down, but I wanted to ask ya about a feat from Lords of Madness; I cannot find the description of Aberration Banemagic. I'm trying to gear this 'yanki toward facing aberrations while retaining his general offensive might.
Let me know what you think. Thanks!
Well, seems the group is turning into quite the illithid slaying band… Azriael considering the Sanctified Mind PrC, and Ben the Aberration Banemagic feat. And I’ll deal with the spellcasting kind…
Squidies beware!
thank you for your cooperation
--the mgt.
Can do, I’ll get right on it. Expect a PM later today.
OK folks ...
When I start the post, I don't want anyone to reply 'till I give the OK on this thred, which will remain the OOC.
The first post of the campaign will be a work in progress for a few days before I get it how I want it. Then the characters will come in. The first post will include the notes on Git'riban I already wrote up. It will also contain an allusion to the Lich-Queen's death without stating what happened.
For the characters' backstory, what really happened :
The Lich Queen sends incursions into several prime worlds. The agenda is not pure conquest, she is seeking Gith's Tomb, Gith's Regalia, and the corpse of a dead Power once worsiped by the forebearers of the gith. Of course these goals are not exclusive of the overall goal of total eradication of mind flayers from these worlds. There were 9 worlds altogether, each with 100k or more githyanki warriors pouring through the gates from the astral. Some of the charactes may have even taken part in one or more of these incursions.
A strikeforce from one of the worlds entered the astral and assaulted the Queen. Problem is, nobody knows which incursion world these berks were from, because when the Queen was destroyed her contingency plan went into affect.
The Void Bombs went off.
Instead of a concussive blast, a Void bomb causes the energy inherent in an object to combust. This means any living thing, and every magical item, combusts with a violence commesurate with their energy level. On the fringes of the effects, an apprentice wizard might feel weak and have his spells fizzle, while his master standing next to him burns into a blackened skeleton.
When the Void Bombs went off, The palace of whispers, and much of Tunanarth, was reduced to a fine black powder. The "blast" also reopened the healed tears in dimensions that were the gates opened to the Incursion worlds, and the areas around them were Voided as well. This dealt a harsh blow to the remaining githyanki forces. Without the Queen's magic, no githyanki was high enough level to open a gate. In addition, the githyanki lost their ability to shift to the Astral (this may be due to the Queen's death, or may be a lingering and ultimately temporary effect of the Void Bombs). The githyanki in the Incursions had three choices; to fight on for their prime-world empire, to make their way to a hidden hatchey, where there were usually color pools leading back to the astral, or to find their way back to the planes some other way, like via Sigil.
When the Queen was destroyed, a few other things happened. The Dragon pact was officially dissolved, though it lives on in the Cult of Tiamat, and the average red dragon is still friendly towards the average githyanki (characters still get their reaction bonus). Also, the soul of Gith herself was released from imprisonment and posessed a young Gish, or so say her warband and many other warriors who were with her on the battlefield when "it happened". These now form the core believers of The True.
At the start of the campaign, it is pehaps 8-9 months after the fall of the queen. The characers were either in Git'riban when the Queen fell, or are refugees from the Incursion.
When I start the post, I don't want anyone to reply 'till I give the OK on this thred, which will remain the OOC.
The first post of the campaign will be a work in progress for a few days before I get it how I want it. Then the characters will come in. The first post will include the notes on Git'riban I already wrote up. It will also contain an allusion to the Lich-Queen's death without stating what happened.
For the characters' backstory, what really happened :
The Lich Queen sends Incursions into several prime worlds. The agenda is not pure conquest, she is seeking Gith's Tomb, Gith's Regalia, and the corpse of a dead Power once worsiped by the forebearers of the gith. Of course these goals are not exclusive of the overall goal of total eradication of mind flayers from these worlds. There were 9 worlds altogether, each with 100k or more githyanki warriors pouring through the gates from the astral. Some of the charactes may have even taken part in one or more of these Incursions.
A strikeforce of natives from one of the Incursion worlds entered the astral and assaulted the Queen. Problem is, nobody knows which incursion world these berks were from, because when the Queen was destroyed her contingency plan went into affect.
The Void Bombs went off.
Instead of a concussive blast, a Void bomb causes the energy inherent in an object to combust. This means any living thing, and every magical item, combusts with a violence commesurate with their energy level. On the fringes of the effects, an apprentice wizard might feel weak and have his spells fizzle, while his master standing next to him burns into a blackened skeleton.
When the Void Bombs went off, The palace of whispers, and much of Tunanarth, was reduced to a fine black powder. The "blast" also reopened the healed tears in dimensions that were the gates opened to the Incursion worlds, and the areas around them were Voided as well. This dealt a harsh blow to the remaining githyanki forces. Without the Queen's magic, no githyanki was high enough level to open a gate. In addition, the githyanki lost their ability to shift to the Astral (this may be due to the Queen's death, or may be a lingering and ultimately temporary effect of the Void Bombs). The githyanki in the Incursions had three choices; to fight on for their prime-world empire, to make their way to a hidden hatchey, where there were usually color pools leading back to the astral, or to find their way back to the planes some other way, like via Sigil.
When the Queen was destroyed, a few other things happened. The Dragon pact was officially dissolved, though it lives on in the Cult of Tiamat, and the average red dragon is still friendly towards the average githyanki (characters still get their reaction bonus). Also, the soul of Gith herself was released from imprisonment and posessed a young Gish, or so say her warband and many other warriors who were with her on the battlefield when "it happened". These now form the core believers of The True.
At the start of the campaign, it is pehaps 8-9 months after the fall of the queen. The characers were either in Git'riban when the Queen fell, or are refugees from the Incursion.
What the....
sorry for the DP
Mmm, backstory, tastes nice...
All Plane Shift.
How does this affect spellcasters in general?? And does this mean no one can plane shift into the Void zones?
So it double posts...
...and triple posts. Welcome to my internet connection
How does this affect spellcasters in general?? And does this mean no one--gith or berk alike--can plane shift into the Void zones?
Gate is a 9th level spell, usable only by a sorcerer 18 or wizard 16. The Queen consumed all githyanki who got close to these levels.
Why exactly the githyanki lost their ability to plane shift makes less sense, I suppose, but for some reason I thought it was canon. I use the "voidbomb fallout" theory. All githyanki on the astral or on the Incursion worlds at the time were affected.
The Void Bombs should have a fallout affect, on "ground zero" a magic-dead area maybe 120' in diameter at the entrancepoint to every gate the Queen opened. The "blast effect" on the material plane when it hit should be suitably large to make the mightiest war mage's jaw drop. We'll say it seemed random, from a furlong diameter (1/8 mi) effect up to just over a mile, of 99% destruction of everything not (A) Non-living, and (B) Mundane. The stranger effects radiate out from there, but enough to bring devistation to the core Incursion cities/areas that reinforcements moved through.
How does this affect spellcasters in general?? And does this mean no one--gith or berk alike--can plane shift into the Void zones?
Gate is a 9th level spell, usable only by a sorcerer 18 or wizard 16. The Queen consumed all githyanki who got close to these levels.
Why exactly the githyanki lost their ability to plane shift makes less sense, I suppose, but for some reason I thought it was canon. I use the "voidbomb fallout" theory. All githyanki on the astral or on the Incursion worlds at the time were affected.
The Void Bombs should have a fallout affect, on "ground zero" a magic-dead area maybe 120' in diameter at the entrancepoint to every gate the Queen opened. The "blast effect" on the material plane when it hit should be suitably large to make the mightiest war mage's jaw drop. We'll say it seemed random, from a furlong diameter (1/8 mi) effect up to just over a mile, of 99% destruction of everything not (A) Non-living, and (B) Mundane. The stranger effects radiate out from there, but enough to bring devistation to the core Incursion cities/areas that reinforcements moved through.
Oh yeah...definitely jaw droppin'! And tres cool!!
I second the coolness of Void Bombs, even if it saddens the githyanki patriot in me to see such immense devastation to the empire.
Just how much of Tu’narath is gone, though? Is it like all of the “head” part of the six-armed god-corpse? Is it still open for foreign traders? Are my off-duty holiday plans to Tu’narath ruined?
Oh, and description of Du'minh's residence done, PM away!
How are the rest of you guys progressing with your characters? Would be nice with a basic overview of the party composition and such…
I'm almost finished with the character sheet...I've had some hitches with item selection and my spells. Other than that, he's lookin good! Should be sent soon.
As an update, the warmage got ok'd, so you have your spell cannon primed and ready to blast.
Since everyone has seen each other one time or another, I'll give a brief description of Jhank'kor:
Dressed in a midnight cloak that clings to his slight frame, this githyanki is a recluse. No one ever sees him without the cloak's cowl concealing his face in shadow and rarely hears him speak--and then only to purchase goods. Underneath the thick explorer's cloak, an onyx robe with silvry ripples (much like the effect of a waterfall), ashen boots with brimstone runes laced into their down-turned lips, and the symbol of the githborn (an austere grey pendant with arabesque marks swirling around its face) completes his attire. However, few get a chance to notice such details as he sticks to the ruinous areas of Git'riban, particularly in regions with multiple entrances to UnderSigil.
Edit: Jhank'kor has one appellation from the streets: "The Dark." He is an unaccounted for entity who seems to disappear when he enters shadows or other dark regions. Some rumors persist that he hides from the assassins of his former warband (though no one seems to know which crew that is), while others say he is the sole survivor of his warband from an illithid incursion into the upper levels of Git'riban. Either one confirms he is alone and doesn't seem too set on forging a new group. However, you never know what hides beneath the face of "seeming"...
Dunamin, I was wondering how you played this aspect--does your character hate all spellcasters, have a special hatred for a breed of 'slingers (such as Squidy mages), or did his warband have him specialized to be the "mage terminator" (e.g. like a platoon in modern times now has a sniper for special targets)??
Have to know if I need to watch out for three feet of mage-hating god-steel running through my back. :shock:
More looking to see how you saw your character being played
Jhank’kor seems really cool, Ben, and its good to know we have a dedicated blaster. I was thinking shadowdancer with the notion of disappearing into shadows, but you decided on pure warmage from Complete Arcane, right?
Du’minh isn’t a long-time resident of Git’riban, so I was thinking of saving his visual presentation and that of his residence for the game thread, unless Azure wants our characters to have some previously established relations.
What say ye, oh mighty DM?
Have to know if I need to watch out for three feet of mage-hating god-steel running through my back. :shock:
More looking to see how you saw your character being played
That is a very valid concern.
I’m aware the Complete Warrior presents Occult Slayers as having a burning hatred towards all spellcasters, arcane and divine, feeling that mortals are unworthy of wielding magic and punishing these transgressors with death.
Now, normally I think that the flavour and feel of a class / prestige class is as important as the mechanics behind it, but this one seems to be begging for inter-party conflict. I hope Azure don’t mind if I change the flavour a bit in this regard.
Originally I was having squidies in mind with the class (pun not intended), as I had assumed them being played as out of the MM, but following Azure’s mechanical separation of magic and psionics, I have started to see the class in a new light: I figure their animosity for magic is directed towards non-githyanki in a way sort of like “Only the Queen and her servants may weave the strands of the Art – the mages of the lesser races are not only enemies, they are blasphemers and must be punished accordingly”, combined with a bit of “The Sons of Gith are warriors pure; let those who seek to escape honourable combat have their foul arts turned against them”.
My character is an idealistic githwarrior who has felt his world crumble, and thus I was intending to play him as a bitter loyalist in denial over the Empire’s segregation. I sort of have a somewhat planned character development in mind for him, however, as he is confronted with the new world order of the Quicksilver War.
As to the name “Occult Slayer”, I’ve never really liked it, but when translating it into the githyanki tongue with this source, I turns interesting:
“Rish-i Shalk” (“Hunter of Magic”)
“Rish-i Chal” (“Hunter of Mages”)
“Hta-i Shalk” (“Killer of Magic”)
“Hta-i Chal” (“Killer of Mages”)
“Ajak-i Shalk” (“Fighter of Magic”)
“Ajak-i Chal” (“Fighter of Mages”)
Off-hand I thought Hta-i Chal sound nicest, but what do you guys think?
Yes, straight lvl 8 warmage. Here I employed an underdark-bane mindset concerning items. In the Magic Items Compendium there's a low priced Ring of Darkhidden, rendering the wearer undetected by darkvision...which spells out to be a nocturnal's (and most outsiders') nightmare. Combined with a ring of mindshielding, this gith wants to keep himself "under the radar" when drifting through the catacombs of UnderSigil.
(I like to stylize my items to fit a certain trait or function of the char...which I'm pretty sure isn't revolutionary on my part)
I'm sure we'll get plenty of time to describe ourselves in-game. When he ok'd my character, Azure said most of us have seen each other around Git'riban from time to time. But, in such a campaign, there's bound to be exceptions (though I'm interested in reading more about what motivates Du'minh).
My character is an idealistic githwarrior who has felt his world crumble, and thus I was intending to play him as a bitter loyalist in denial over the Empire’s segregation. I sort of have a somewhat planned character development in mind for him, however, as he is confronted with the new world order of the Quicksilver War.
Ah, very cool! To make sure I'm following, does this mean he sees gith wizards as weak or heretical, save the queen and a few elect among her council?? "The Sons of Gith are warriors pure" sort of leans toward a great disdain for such a character as Jhank'kor (but I'm sure he'll appreciate his comrade when a lightning bolt drops the 'zerai rogue intent on sneak attacks )
Off-hand I thought Hta-i Chal sound nicest, but what do you guys think?
Overall, it's your call, but that or Rish-i Chal sounds great.
Du'minh of the Rish-i Chal
Warlock Jhank'kor
Ar'dru the Duthka'gith Mindwarrior
Xar'Sauken the Free
We've ouselves a party, people. Problem is I haven't heard from Azrael, weishan, or Armory99 in awhile. We're almost ready to start, it seems, but I just wanted to hear back from everyone before we did. That's what the call for apartment descriptions was. Anyway, everyone has a workable character...
So here's how it will go...
I start the first post, then I'll ask everyone to roll ( here, not on the actual game post ) a full attack sequence. From these rolls I will describe, in the second post, the early stage of the opening fight scene where the characters meet. It will also let me know everyone has "checked in" and is ready to start.
Cool! Sounds good!
Oh, I'll send ya a description of the ol' kip; must have slipped my barmy mind. :oops:
Awesomeness for the campaign start being imminent, sadness for player inactivity (hopefully, it’s just a temporary busy period for them).
Du’minh of the Rish-i Chal it is, and he’s all ready to take names!



Azure, still have a few minor unanswered questions that I humbly repost:
Also, I assumed there were several deserters who managed to flee the Queen’s hunger when they got in line for consumption? And that some of those might be joining the power struggle now that she’s gone?

As it should be.

Ah, true dat. I'm sure our characters will come to terms over time...understanding breeds empathy (or emnity in most 'yanki cases ).
Azure, how do you play Spellcraft in regards to spell manipulation? Some DMs are very rote in the "identify effect or spell level," but that doesn't quite seem to be "crafting" persay. Not talking anything metamagic worthy, but could Spellcraft be used to add aethsetic qualities?? (e.g. make a fireball bear a menacing face; a flamestrike to appear as a column of prancing fawns playing mute [maybe some ethereal music] flutes as they rush down upon their foes; etc etc)...Always a fan of the interesting, though I wanted to check what your house rules were on the matter.
Btw, you'll find Jhank'kor is a loyalist; sometimes prior events shape the way a person perceives his duty to his queen.
A thought struck me at the mention of Spellcraft:
My prestige class’s trademark ability is that to turn back magic on its source, but since I can only do that once per day, I’ve invested in Spellcraft to identify magic so I know I’m not wasting the ability on minor spells. Azure, whenever a spell is cast at Du’minh, perhaps you could just roll his Spellcraft check at the same time instead of waiting for me, to speed up gameplay?
On another note, I thought I’d note that the Darken webcomic is a great inspiration for evil campaigns.
Hmm...well....part of the point is that the characters don't know how extensive the damage to the Githyanki capital was. Many githyanki still believe that the Queen just COULDN'T have died, despite the evidence and the moves by the Princesses of the Ascendancy to secure the throne. So, I won't elaborate any more on the backstory of 'what really happened' ... yet.
Re Benyamin: Spellcraft checks to do special effects are O.K., but the DC is set by what you want to do, and if you roll a 1 your spell might fizzle. Putting a face on a fireball might be DC 15, your prancing fawns are like DC 30.
Psychic warrior is fine by me. My concept has a few levels of Psion if Azure okays it (so we've somebody who does it, just in case that's your only reason), but I doubt we'll overlap.