Blood Wars CCG

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Ambrus's picture
Joined: 2007-03-05
Blood Wars CCG

I posted this request in the ENworld forum, but I don't see the harm of reposting it here. I have two favors to ask of anyone who takes an interest in what I'm doing with the Sigil NPCs and venues database:

Because of something I read in a forum post I discovered a Forgotten Realms novel, Tymora's Luck, that has a few chapters set in Sigil; a book I didn't previously know about. I've since purchased a copy from my FLGS and am making my way through it. I'd appreciate it if anyone here could tell me if there are any other such D&D novels that feature the city of Doors. I'm looking for new sources to index and I'm just trying to make certain I don't miss anything. Check the Sigil Ressources download page to see a full list of every Planescape source I'm aware of.

To that end, I'm also looking into the old Blood Wars collectible card game. I do own one of the Duel Decks, but I certainly don't have a full set of every card produced for this CCG; but I'm betting someone here does... I've read that the Warlord's Tactical Manual includes pictures of every card, but I don't know if that also includes the three Escalation Packs (Rebels and Reinforcements, Factols and Factions and Powers and Proxies) or not. What I'd like is to know which Warlord or Legion cards feature unique individuals whose home is "Sigil" along with any distinct Battlefields that are in the City of Doors. I just figured I'd try asking for help here before I contemplate shelling out some big bucks on Ebay for the Warlord's Tactical Manual for what might prove to be a pointless effort. Laughing out loud

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Blood Wars CCG

Well, my gang and me occasionally play game of Blood Wars ccg (they don't have any card so they play with mine.

Anyways although i don't have entire set of Blood Wars I have many cards from edition: Factols and Factions which features Sigil and its denizens.

If you wish I could sift trough cards and look for the info you are looking for...


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Ambrus's picture
Joined: 2007-03-05
Blood Wars CCG

I'd appreciate any help you could lend me. Thanks. Laughing out loud

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Blood Wars CCG

Ok, I won't bother you with cards from basic set, and number of uniqe (unherad) warlords from Factols and Factions expansion is rather low, but I foud some that could be interesting so here we go...

FACTOL MALLIN - LN, 8IS, 7RR, WARLORD Factol(Mercykillers). Home: Sigil (The Lady's Ward; Prison). Unique. Intrigue Power:As Defender in an Intrigue Challenge, this Warlord may change Intrigue to Combat between him and the Challennger. All other commited Warlords flip with no rewards. (Flip)

Apearently he was one of the former Mercykiller factol...

GAMAKAR THE STUDIOUS - N, 12IS, 3RR, WARLORD Factol(Free League's temporary leader). Home: Sigil (Gulldhall/Market Ward; Great Bazaar). Unique. Intrigue Power:May send one Warlords's Battle Hand (not currently involved in a Challenge to that player's Command Hand. (Flip)
I guess that this Sage is one of Indeps cell leaders along with Bria and wemics...

PERIGON - CG, 9IS, 6RR, WARLORD Factol(Revolutionary League's temporary leader). Home: Prime Material (Oreth) Combat/Intrigue Power: Can copy the power of any Warlord in play.

He is one powerfull rare, but he would be probably one of influential cell leaders of Anarhists faction...

This is not character, but rather important Harmonium artefact:

GREAT BLADE OF TASUP - Good, 5RR, FATE Item, Artifact Combat Effect:This artifact doubles the CS of Legion using it. If the Legion belongs to Harmonium faction, theartifact triples its CS.
I cannot inclue picture (for now) but this blade looks like great glowing two-hander in the shape of lightning...

And, last but not least in flawor text they mention MAXLOR the briliant Guvner Magistrate:

"Maxlor? LIke him or hate him , he's the youngest Guvner I've ever seen who undid a pit fiends peel and lived to laugh abou it."

This is it for now, hope I was of any help to you. If you want I will ask my friend to scan that cards and post them here.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Ambrus's picture
Joined: 2007-03-05
Blood Wars CCG

'Squaff' wrote:
Mallin I'm aware of; he's mentioned in the Factol's Manifesto and In the Cage as being the Mercykiller Factol who was succeeded by Alisohn Nilesia. He's supposedly dead though. Hm.
'Squaff' wrote:
This guy is new though. An interesting addition.
'Squaff' wrote:
Unfortunately, there's nothing to suggest this guy ever came to Sigil; he may just be a high-up on oerth.
'Squaff' wrote:
MAXLOR the briliant Guvner Magistrate
Ditto for this guy.

Thanks again for your help. I'll obviously need to do some more research if I want to go ahead and index all the Blood Wars cards. I've tried ordering the Warlord's Tactical Manual from amazon. Hopefully it will include all the cards from all the sets. *fingers crossed*

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Blood Wars CCG

Glad I could help. Laughing out loud

Trobble is exept some flavour text and card name there is wery little info about this NPCs. I mean there are lots Warlods from basic set that could be fleshed out into NPCs. Like Darktome the Arcanaloth warlord that is specialised in bribery, or Vadarther the Ultroloth (LOL his name is just hilarious) former master of Wasting Tower etc...

Then there are interesting illustrations that can also be used as inspiration for NPC: like on card Hardhead Dwarwes we have dwarven husband and wife in Harmonium armour, or on card Glee Bashers we have two berks in Bleaker armour that look like Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Laughing out loud
Anyways I will continue to put here interesting stuff I find in cards untill you get your book.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Blood Wars CCG

Ok i have found another one: it is rouge modron merchant Indep named "Self". In ccg it is just legion but he has interesting flawor text and ilustration (and it is CG aligment *shock*).


Acolite: (Free League). Quadrone Modron. Home: Sigil (Guildhall/ Market Ward, Great Bazar).

Quote: "Self serves order of the Great Ring by providing goods and services to nonself beings. Self needs no guidance beyond self to maintain order."

Ilustration also looks original: this rouge modron looks old and batered (even if modrons do not age), his organic face looks scared and wrinkeled (even sprouting some loose facial hairs). He has 3 funcional arms, but only one has hand, other two hawe abackus and hourglas grafted on them.
Beneath its organic face on modron metal body is attached old golden meddal and painted red Free League symbol.
The final detail on this old rouge is big red fez hat, giving Self compleate look of old and friendly merchant.

This anit much but Self could be also fleshed into NPC.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Ambrus's picture
Joined: 2007-03-05
Blood Wars CCG

This is good stuff! Keep it coming. Laughing out loud

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