Blood War and the Rule of Threes

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Joined: 2004-12-06
Blood War and the Rule of Threes

So I've been ponderin' the chant on the Blood War, see? And wonderin' what the dark is, in the corners that no one's like t' be glancin'. After all, we've got this war. Huge, eternal, baatezu against tanar'ri and the pikin' 'loths playin' both against each other. Three sides, Rule of Threes, of course. No dark there.

And then there's the cutters who say the Blood War will end someday... and the fiends'll then turn on the celestials and set all the Outer Planes aflame. Exemplars of evil against exemplars of good, that's the screed, with the rilmani and such likely caught in the middle. The kinda show you'd pay good jink to watch... and would have ta be barmy to involve yerself in.

So far, so good. But I wonder... Rule of Threes. Ordered malice against disordered malice; malice united against benevolence. (Or at least, what these soddin' planes call benevolence.) What comes next?

What else is there, with all the Outer Planes unified? With belief itself redefined, unified under a single banner? Only place I can guess is the Inner Planes - the elemental powers. That'll be the last jihad, berk - belief against substance, mind versus matter, in a single penultimate cataclysm that'll redefine all of existence. And the other question - who'll be the third side in this struggle? Rule of Threes, friend, Rule of Threes. The outcasts of the Astral, maybe? The folk of the Ethereal, or some unknown demiplane? Powers above, I hope it ain't the Clueless. The thought alone's enough to make one a Bleaker.

- Anonymous work, found within the Forbidden Books vault of the former headquarters of the Fraternity of Order.

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