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Phonkey's picture
Joined: 2006-03-22

Wieder einmal eine Regelfrage. Bezieht sich in erster Linie auf 2nd Edition, da ich mit der 3rd wenig vertraut bin.

Ist ein Blickangriff (Gaze) eine komplette Rundenhandlung, oder kann man sie mit anderen Handlungen kombinieren?

Und zweitens: gibt es nach normalem Regelwerk eine Möglichkeit für Magier ähnlich einem Krieger mehrere Zauber pro Runde zu wirken? (Gegeb. Hausregeln)



nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19

This is an English forum. Please post in English in the future.

According to Babelfish:

Again once a rule question. Edition refers primarily to 2nd, since I am little familiar with the 3rd. Is a view attack (gauze) a complete round action, or can one it with other actions combine? And secondly: is there a possibility for Magier to work after normal set of rules similarly a krieger several charms per round? (Gegeb. house rules) greeting, Serion

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

Aye, much as we don't mind folks from other countries - it gets hard to answer the questions when we don't know the language. Smiling

Regarding gaze attacks, at least in 3rd edition: It's a free action for the gazing creature. The gaze automatically works against one creature interacting with the gazing creature. Interaction such as attacking does count, and a victim may avert his eyes to have a 50% chance to avoid the effect. But then the cazing creature recieves one half concealment as a result. Creatures may close their eyes to avoid the gaze completely, but then the gazing creature recieves full concealment. (Information from the eyebite spell, 3rd ed. PHB.)

In 2nd edition: A gazing creature may make a gaze attack in addition to any other attacks allowed in a round (so it's a free action). The gaze has a speed factor of 1. The gazing creature is subject to his own reflection. There is no information regarding how to avoid the gaze. (From the eyebite spell, 2nd ed. Wizards Spell Compendium vol. 2)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

For your second question. (I'm relying on my roomate's translation ability here) - it sounds like you're looking for a Warrior Mage class or kit? I don't think there's any way to increase the number of spells you are putting out in a round in 2nd edition. You may be able to use a bladesinger class to create a mage who can use a weapon in a round.

FyreHowl's picture
Joined: 2003-12-28


Hoffentlich konnen Sie diese Antworten lesen, wir haben nur eine Mensch (mich), die Deutsch (nicht sehr gut) sprechen kann. Ob Sie konnen die Antworten nicht verstehen, sagen mir hier, und ich werde ein Ubersetzung unternehmen.

Mit besten Grüßen

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

'Clueless' wrote:
Regarding gaze attacks, at least in 3rd edition: It's a free action for the gazing creature. The gaze automatically works against one creature interacting with the gazing creature. Interaction such as attacking does count, and a victim may avert his eyes to have a 50% chance to avoid the effect. But then the cazing creature recieves one half concealment as a result. Creatures may close their eyes to avoid the gaze completely, but then the gazing creature recieves full concealment. (Information from the eyebite spell, 3rd ed. PHB.)

Not quite. The gaze automatically affects everyone within range, and the gazing creature can spend a standard action to 'aim' the gaze at someone, effectively making it save twice.


Pants of the North!

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22

I see someone had some fun on Apr 1st Laughing out loud

Phonkey's picture
Joined: 2006-03-22

Damn. I am very sorry, that I wrote in german. Didn't recognized it til now.

I was working ina hospital an talking the whole day different languages.. english, german, norwegian... i completely forgot it was an english forum.

But thanks to all the answers.

Are there any house-rules for high-level magicians, to cast more than one spell per round? I think its kind of... unfair, that a very skilled magician should not have the possibility to cast i.e. low level spells a little bit faster. after a while even magicians should get trained enough to do it without thinking too much.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

Not in 2nd ed. that I'm aware of at all really. Perhaps time stop, but I don't think that using a spell to achieve that effect is really what you're looking for. It's been a *long* time since I house ruled any 2nd ed. material - but I can ask if any of my older gaming crew has anything that might be useful for you.

3rd ed - sure, lots of ways.

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