Bleak Xaos: On the nature of belief

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Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Bleak Xaos: On the nature of belief

A story. A viewpoint. Origins are meaningless. Wisdom is an illusion.


On their travels, two young monks came to learn of a village where an aging Master lived. The Master, it was said, could catch a sword in his bare hand without cutting himself.

Eager to learn, the two monks approached the Master and asked him if these rumors where really true. The Master smiled, and admitted that he could indeed do this thing. He refused, however, to teach the two monks. "I have only this to say," he spoke "you will find your answer by mastering doubt."

The young monks left to camp nearby, and thought upon the Masters words. Soon they concluded, that the trick must be to control their doubt, and know with all their heart that the blade would not hurt them. As the monks were not entirely stupid, they decided to first test their theory.

The first monk cleared his mind, and held his hand over the campfire, certain the fire would not burn him. After a few seconds, however, he had to withdraw his hand from the heat. The second monk, being somewhat more careful in nature, asked his friend to empty a bucket of water over him as soon as he had cleared his mind of all doubt. Fully expecting the water to bounce off him, the monk was greatly embarrased when the water soaked him to the bone.

When the two monks returned to the Master to tell of their misfortune, the Master laughed. "This is not what I meant by mastering doubt," laughed he, "what use is it to tell yourself that the arrow will not hit you, when it is the arrow you need to convince of this?

You must make the fire doubt itself rather than simply deny the obvious. You must make the soldier doubt his aim, if you want the blow to miss. Master doubt, not certainty. Sow it in your own mind, so you may later reap and share the fruit of Confusion. For enlightenment lies not in increasing certainty, but in increasing doubt."

The two monks left, greatly confused, and uncertain wether they had just been enlightened.

It is a wise man indeed who claims to know nothing.

Oh, Discordia

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Bleak Xaos: On the nature of belief

*grin* Niiice.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Bleak Xaos: On the nature of belief

I figured that planescpae would draw the attention of those that dabbled in philosiphy, I can only hope your not one of those philosophers with clubs. Eye-wink

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Bleak Xaos: On the nature of belief

Wonderful... simply a wonderful blending of ideas. Can I ask... is there more?

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Bleak Xaos: On the nature of belief

In my best Dr. Evil voice: "Thank you, thank you. I wrote that."

I didn't really. Some of you must've missed the link at the bottom of the post. Here it is again:

Hot Dogs On Fridays

Enlightement shall come only to those who bring their own candles.


In a monastery on a mountaintop lived a Master of inderterminate age. The Master was greatly renowned, and had many followers. The Master's sole posession was a sturdy wooden cane, which he used frequently to admonish his students. Although the Master was known to have a bad temper and to start flailing about with his stick whenever a student failed to understand his lessons, this only served to make him seem more eccentric, and so even more students flocked to him.

One morning, the Master rose in a foul mood, and gathered all his students on the central square. "I've had it with you lot," spoke the Master. "you come here, saying you wish to understand, yet all you do is copy me. You come here, with your minds full of bottled geese and that 'the Buddha is not Buddha' nonsense, and you claim your mind is empty and eager to learn."

"No more, I say! Today, you must show me that you understand my teachings. Show me the essence of enlightenment." The Master smiled thinly, then barked: "Get up! Stand up, all of you!" As the monks started to get up, the Master jumped left and right, beating them about the head with his cane. You get up simply because I tell you to? Get out! Get out! You have failed!" Shamed, the monks walked towards the monestary door to leave. Several monks, halfway between sitting and standing, sat down again. Immediately the Master was upon them. "And now you sit when I tell you to stand? You are even worse! Get out! Get Out!"

Several students were now wise to the trick, and they ignored the cries of the Master, simply refusing to leave. The Master was not impressed, however. "Ha! Wise guys, eh?" He raised his cane and beat these monks with renewed vigour.

Then a young monk stepped up to the Master, took the cane from his hands and conked the wise man on his head. The Master blinked twice, then sank to the floor. Rubbing his painful head, the Master looked up at the young monk. The Master smiled, got up, and left the monestary.

Holding the cane, the young monk reflected on the Master's lesson, slowly realising that he was a Master now. Looking up from the floor, he was shocked to find the students of the monestary were sitting again, looking at him to tell them what to do...

And so, the young monk learned the old Master's real lesson.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Bleak Xaos: On the nature of belief

What I tell you once, is advice
What I tell you three times, is truth
What I tell you five times, is dogma

-as adapted from Robert Anton Wilson.

Your entire life, you've been carefully monitored and controlled. You are a slave to the Status Quo. Like the rest of the worlds population, you are a drone. Who is doing this to you? Who is forcing you into the straightjacket of Reality?

You are.

Yes, you. You are a slave to your own mind. Your mind tells you that you can't, shouldn't, are not allowed. And you believe it. Your mind tells you that you won't succeed, and hey presto! You fail. You fail, because you believe what 'common sense' tells you!

So blow your mind. Sod common sense. Forget Reality. The Laws of Physics are nothing but guidelines anyway. Open your eyes and watch as your mind lies to you. Your mind tells you one sort of coloured paper is money, but the other is worthless. Your mind tells you that words on paper are more truthful than spoken words. Your mind tells you that you must be 'succesful'. Your mind wants to see patterns, needs to conform. Blow your mind. Wake it up.

See the world for what it really is. A chaotic place, with us humans running around trying to see patterns where there are none. There are no patterns unless you want them to be. There are no rules unless you make them.

Surrealism is the key. Surrealism will shock your mind of its track. Surrealism can shut your mind down for a fraction of a second, allowing you to experience the world -for just a moment- uncensored.

Blow your mind. And when you do, share the fun. Do something. Anything. As long as it's surreal, as long as it's funny, as long as NO-ONE gets hurt. But remember, you can't MAKE someone see. They have to do it themselves. Blow your own mind, and others will follow.

This is Operation Mindf**k.

Has an almost faction/sect mentality... does it not?

Here's the sauce

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Bleak Xaos: On the nature of belief

my brain hurts........

*off to find protection for opration mindf**k*

Pope Nag's picture
Joined: 2005-01-13
Bleak Xaos: On the nature of belief

*blush* Woah... quoted on a Planescape forum. Thanks, guys. Cool

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Bleak Xaos: On the nature of belief

"Pope Nag" wrote:
*blush* Woah... quoted on a Planescape forum. Thanks, guys. Cool
Hey Pope Eye-wink.

Would you like to express some of the thinking behind the articles that have been quoted here? It might make for some interesting discussion...

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Zen for roundeyes!

"Evil Construct" wrote:
It might make for some interesting discussion...

You can learn more about discordianism here.

And here.

Hail Eris

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Bleak Xaos: On the nature of belief

Bah! Damned and accursed Bavarian fire drills...

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Bleak Xaos: On the nature of belief

"Krypter" wrote:
Bah! Damned and accursed Bavarian fire drills...

Is that when everyone hops out of their skulls, runs around their bodies, and jumps into someone else's mind? 'cause that'd be, like, totally kewl.

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