Bladelings and old age?

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Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Bladelings and old age?

Well, now that my Adamok Ebon conversion has been posted in Cage Rattlers, I think it's time to finally raise the question that's been bugging me for some time:

How long do bladelings live, anyway?

PS3E rtf chapter says: Adult at 17, middle-aged at 50, old at 75, venerable at 100.

Rip Van Wormer, whose writing most of us know & love, says: they are effectively immortal, as in "don't die of old age". See >here<

At first, Rip's version struck me as an odd choice. However, after checking out the 2E racial timeline of the bladelings, something came up.

According to Planes of Law and Uncaged: Faces of Sigil , the bladeling race came to Acheron from elsewhere at some point, quite a while ago. They were promptly attacked by rust dragons, and had to fight them off with great difficulty, being partially metallic and all. Adamok Ebon is a warrior priestess that took part in those wars. Eventually, the bladeling race had developed an immunity to rust attacks, and Adamok left, her dragonslaying skills no longer required. Today, she lives and works (for the loveable Queen of Crosstrade) in Sigil.
So how old is she then?! Adamok I mean, not Shemeshka.

One of the following must be true:

1) Bladelings age normally but are an extremely young race.
(Not supported by any source I know of.)

2) Bladelings age normally, and they are a relatively old race, but Adamok somehow got to stick around since the days of the "rust wars".
(How? Astral and anti-catching-up githyanki spells?)

3) Bladelings are ageless, as sage Van Wormer claims, Adamok is an ancient being that's still around for some reason. (Raises issues with playability of bladeling characters; minor issues, IMHO)


Law's picture
Joined: 2004-06-16
Bladelings and old age?

I would think of it as something simler to the warforged in ebberon. They do age but they have an unknown lifespan. So those are theries on when they get the afjustments.

Makes sense to me.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Bladelings and old age?

Yes, Adamok Ebon's age was what made me add that line.

Speaking of warforged, Mechalich has a theory that bladelings are descended from hellforged devils (living constructs who have evolved into true outsiders, described in Dragon #306). Unfortunately, I can't find his article right now.

Law's picture
Joined: 2004-06-16
Bladelings and old age?

Kaelyn I did read that myself so I do know what you are saying.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17

Considering how many Prolongers (Darkwood) and Incantifiers (Lu) there are out there, I wouldn't leave that out for Ebon, either. 'Seems like a *reliable* hunter like Ebon can find ways to continue existing...

Not every race is immortal, and sometimes... Not every question needs to be answered. The Planes are infinite, and there can be reasons that we will never uncover.


Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Ageless...

"jordarad" wrote:
Considering how many Prolongers (Darkwood) and Incantifiers (Lu) there are out there, I wouldn't leave that out for Ebon, either. 'Seems like a *reliable* hunter like Ebon can find ways to continue existing...

That's certainly a possibility, though there's no indication in her original description that Adamok Ebon is unusually long-lived for a bladeling. This may be an oversight, but I prefer to think of it as a opportunity. Many races on the planes are immortal, and the bladelings are no longer merely planetouched. They're born from the walls of their Mother Forest directly, making them a kind of plant; it makes sense that they might live as long as the Blood Forest does.

On the other hand, they might typically shrivel and die soon after leaving the embrace of their goddess and home. This would explain why they're typically so isolationist and seldom-seen on other planes. Adamok Ebon might be nearly unique.

I kind of like the idea that, if they're not immortal, that they have lifespans comparable to that of trees.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Re: Ageless...

"Kaelyn" wrote:
On the other hand, they might typically shrivel and die soon after leaving the embrace of their goddess and home. This would explain why they're typically so isolationist and seldom-seen on other planes. Adamok Ebon might be nearly unique.

That's good. It keeps the ageless idea, but prevents immortal bladeling PC planewalkers.

It also means nothing crunchy has to be changed in the "official" races chapter. Still, I'd mention insubstantiated rumors of bladeling immortality in the flavor text...

BTW Rip, do you still update the riptaplanorum site?

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Ageless...

"Nemui" wrote:
BTW Rip, do you still update the riptaplanorum site?

Yeah, when I think of it. Usually in subtle ways, like revising the list of Abyssal layers. The Dark Eight section is pretty recent. I wouldn't mind eventually putting it all on Planewalker, though.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Bladelings and old age?

Hmm.... *has idea*

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Re: Bladelings and old age?

"Kaelyn" wrote:
Speaking of warforged, Mechalich has a theory that bladelings are descended from hellforged devils (living constructs who have evolved into true outsiders, described in Dragon #306). Unfortunately, I can't find his article right now.
Hey Rip, if you do find the article... can you expand on these details a little? I know I have the issue somewhere, I just can't seem to find it Puzzled.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Bladelings and old age?

"Evil Construct" wrote:
Hey Rip, if you do find the article... can you expand on these details a little? I know I have the issue somewhere, I just can't seem to find it Puzzled.

He posted it in the Umbrasa Gravelands of Pitted Evil, didn't he? I think it was in a previous incarnation, but you've got better archives than I do. A big part of Mechalich's argument was that bladelings are immortal, but he speculated a connection with the hellforged Spiked Devils described in the Dragon issue. They're metallic, baatezu-ish looking creatures covered in spikes. Much more construct-y than hamatulas or spinagons, but alive.

Mechalich's theory doesn't explain the bladelings' connection with Hriste, however, or the fact that many of their blades are made of wood and ice and bone. Or maybe it did; my memory isn't perfect.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Re: Bladelings and old age?

"Kaelyn" wrote:
"Evil Construct" wrote:
Hey Rip, if you do find the article... can you expand on these details a little? I know I have the issue somewhere, I just can't seem to find it Puzzled.

He posted it in the Umbrasa Gravelands of Pitted Evil, didn't he? I think it was in a previous incarnation, but you've got better archives than I do. A big part of Mechalich's argument was that bladelings are immortal, but he speculated a connection with the hellforged Spiked Devils described in the Dragon issue. They're metallic, baatezu-ish looking creatures covered in spikes. Much more construct-y than hamatulas or spinagons, but alive.

Mechalich's theory doesn't explain the bladelings' connection with Hriste, however, or the fact that many of their blades are made of wood and ice and bone. Or maybe it did; my memory isn't perfect.

You could be right. It's starting to sound more and more familiar everytime I hear it. I'll have to check through what I've got saved from the first few months of 2004 from the PoE...

moogle001's picture
Joined: 2004-01-02
Bladelings and old age?

I like this thread Eye-wink . I'm open to suggestions about changing this or making more of it. The bladelings already have some mysteriousness to them, so I see no reason not to further it.


-Gabriel Sorrel,

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Ageless...

"Kaelyn" wrote:
"Nemui" wrote:
BTW Rip, do you still update the riptaplanorum site?

Yeah, when I think of it. Usually in subtle ways, like revising the list of Abyssal layers. The Dark Eight section is pretty recent. I wouldn't mind eventually putting it all on Planewalker, though.

Hey, we'd love to have your stuff here. You've written some interesting articles on your site, although a few are somewhat....psychedelic. Cool The Edge was well-received around here.

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