In a bit of a Sticky Wicket

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Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13
In a bit of a Sticky Wicket

So, I could use some advice here. In the recent campaign my group has been preparing for I have - for various reasons - decided to let all the dice fall where they will, that means no Oops rerolls, or nice gm flubs on either side of the screen.

In this theme, we rolled up magic items for the group this last week - whatever they rolled they kept, be they weak, overpowered, or downright useless to the player, these are to be the things they start the game with. For the most part it wasn't an issue, some poor rolls, some very good rolls ... BUT two of the players rolled items that belonged to gods. The presumption is, they got them second or third hand, in some way, from the people who actually stole them - or whathaveyou. The items are Garl Glittergold's Axe and Athena's Spear.

So now I have a problem. I can't just have the players wandering around with these things without a some serious attention from many and varied power groups - not the least of which being the gods' servants. I don't have a problem with this per se - these things are minefields of campaign potential - but I was not planning for something like this initially and I am finding myself completely devoid of ideas for what to do in the coming adventure. What kind of obstacles should the PCs encounter because of these possessions, what measures should the gods be taking to retrieve their items and punish the culprits? (most gods aren't forgiving enough to care that you didn't steal the items yourself)

So I need either a very interesting campaign seed to roll with here, and/or some ideas for encounters created by this situation while figure out what to do.

Thanks in advance.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: In a bit of a Sticky Wicket

Garl's axe Arumdina is sentient, and his close companion. It's been speculated (mostly by me) that it contains the spirit of one of the lost gnomish "sister gods," the missing female members of the pantheon who vanished in some forgotten incident. Arumdina and Garl no doubt miss each other terribly. She'll whine a lot, and look for kobolds to trick. Maybe Garl is missing for some reason, though, and Arumdina likes the idea of hanging out with some planewalkers as long as they help her find him.

Athena will probably be wanting her spear back, as will the half-divine proxy (one of her children, or Zeus's) who lost it. Her rival Ares may wish for her to continue missing it, so he may exert powers to keep it hidden and subtly reward the impudent mortals who continue to use it without her permission (especially if doing so increases the amount of violence in the multiverse).

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: In a bit of a Sticky Wicket

Also remember that while the god will want the item(s) back; so will that god's enemies or rivals.

You could pretend that the higher powers are only vaguely aware of where the item is and they send in some low level cultists in to do the leg-work of finding the item.
If the PCs aren't aware of the power they hold in their hands, then the interest of the cultists could be quite a mystery to the PCs

If it's too late for that, if they aren't aware how to activate the power in their hands; it could lead to quests to find activation words, etc. But activating more powers might make the item more visible to both sides and bring in bigger threats to the PCs

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: In a bit of a Sticky Wicket

Should have thought of this earlier:

Perhaps the deity is OK with the PC having the item PROVIDED that s/he can prove himself worthy of wielding it. So the god sends down a variety of tests: physical challenges and moral dilemnas

If the PC doesn't live up to the god's standards, s/he might have to give up the item

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: In a bit of a Sticky Wicket

Garl's axe is kind of an odd thing. Garl is normally thought of as an inventive/trickster deity, not a straight-ahead warrior, but a battle axe is really only good for chopping at things. It's not a sly, subtle weapon of the sort that one would expect a god who specializes in illusion to wield.

There's a variant myth in one of the Greyhawk sourcebooks (I think Ivid the Undying) in which it is Garl, rather than Corellon Larethian, who faces off against Gruumsh in single combat and perhaps even cuts out his eye. So there's support for the idea that in very early myths, Garl was more of a war god carving out a place for his people with bloody force rather than amusing pranks. Maybe Garl disguised himself as Corellon in order to deflect blame from himself and his people.

But I think it might be fun if Arumdina better fit Garl's personality. Perhaps she seems to be a simple battle axe at first, but she's actually something like a magical Swiss army knife, able to manifest any tool the situation requires, transforming into a hat or umbrella or toothpick or spatula or screwdriver. Perhaps the whole axe shape is mostly illusory. The PC might not discover until much later that she only creates illusory wounds, and all the enemies the PC believes were dead were only tricked into believing they were dead. When they realize they aren't dead at all, perhaps weeks later, they might be furious.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13
Re: In a bit of a Sticky Wicket

>>Perhaps she seems to be a simple battle axe at first, but she's actually something like a magical Swiss army knife, able to manifest any tool the situation requires, transforming into a hat or umbrella or toothpick or spatula or screwdriver. Perhaps the whole axe shape is mostly illusory. The PC might not discover until much later that she only creates illusory wounds, and all the enemies the PC believes were dead were only tricked into believing they were dead. When they realize they aren't dead at all, perhaps weeks later, they might be furious.<<

I really liked this idea here and have made some use of it already. The PC in question was very wary of an Axe popping up in the game, but figured he would be safe because his character would never use an axe. But, because she is intelligent and I took the idea of her form being mostly illusory, she appeared to the PC instead as a sword cane of exceptional quality - just the sort of thing he would use. The player realized it as soon as I described the handle of the cane having an axe head like design and cursed me for luring him into using it just as he'd managed to devise ways and reasons to avoid it.

>>Perhaps the deity is OK with the PC having the item PROVIDED that s/he can prove himself worthy of wielding it.<<

I haven't decided really what to do with Athena's spear yet, but I've working an angle for Garl Glittergold that he has got himself into trouble and the Axe needs to manipulate the PCs into helping get him out of it. So long as they don't resist her subtle attempts to manipulate them into helping her she will make an effort to keep them out of too much trouble (though I think she'll be incapable of tempering her nature enough not to get them into some) as she attempts to get back to her owner.

If anyone has any more ideas for what to do with either - especially the Spear at this point - I'm still quite interested in hearing them.

>> the god will want the item(s) back; so will that god's enemies or rivals.<<

I'm definitely thinking of using Athena's foes and rivals in regards to the Spear ... each one in something of a race to see who can get their hands on it, or trick the PC into using it for their ends first.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: In a bit of a Sticky Wicket

For the Spear, as Athena was a goddess of wisdom (I think that would translate to INT in DnD) and of (strategic) warfare; there might be some ideas for tests or rivals there.

For example, perhaps Ares/Mars wants the Spear (either to keep or destroy) so that he can solidify his portfolio of warfare. Since he isn't flat out evil and since the Greek gods seem to be required by the Fates to let mortals with superpowers (or super-magic items) work out their own destinies; he might be able to send challenges but not be able to intervene directly and take the Spear.

Perhaps the Spear, or Athena's agents, will provide puzzles or guide the PCs to puzzle-type dungeons that the PCs must solve (without the help from the Spear) in order to activate a new power of the artifact.
[Imagine the spear pulling like a compass needle or a divining rod to get PCs to the site of the puzzle]

Perhaps Ares and Athena will agree to a "contest" for their respective champions. The contest would have to be one that Ares feels his champion will win with brute force and be one that Athena feels that the PCs can solve if they are clever.
[I know that still leaves the big question of "What kind of contest would accomplish that?" but I don't have any suggestions at the moment]

[My apologies to VanWormer as I somehow overlooked that he had already come up with the Ares/Athena rivalry (until I read Surreal Personae's recap below). I didn't mean to steal or to tell a watered down version of what had been told before]

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Re: In a bit of a Sticky Wicket

ripvanwormer wrote:
Garl's axe Arumdina is sentient, and his close companion. It's been speculated (mostly by me) that it contains the spirit of one of the lost gnomish "sister gods," the missing female members of the pantheon who vanished in some forgotten incident. Arumdina and Garl no doubt miss each other terribly. She'll whine a lot, and look for kobolds to trick. Maybe Garl is missing for some reason, though, and Arumdina likes the idea of hanging out with some planewalkers as long as they help her find him.

Athena will probably be wanting her spear back, as will the half-divine proxy (one of her children, or Zeus's) who lost it. Her rival Ares may wish for her to continue missing it, so he may exert powers to keep it hidden and subtly reward the impudent mortals who continue to use it without her permission (especially if doing so increases the amount of violence in the multiverse).

Hmm, this is interesting. Perhaps the axe and Garl had a "falling out" of sorts (even close friends or family can have their squabbles), and the axe decided it needs some time away from their divine home. Maybe it came down to an argument over when the former goddess/god would be restored to their fully divinity (ie, Garl was taking too long vs. not having the time or resources sort of argument). If this news leaked out, it may make things grave for his church (the enemies of Glittergold would be sure to jump on this).

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