Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

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princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

THe tiefling jumps up and down, clapping in place. "Good tag, good tag!"

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OOC: allo? bob, have you given up on us?

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

*Charlotte gets up from where she was hiding so you all know where she is now, drops her ball and all her jacks and says, "Ooooh! Who tagged?! Who tagged?!" to her sister.


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Time passes, and the man returns, a slight frown on his face. 'Neither of the planes you mentioned are in the planar registry. It seems like you lot must be from far out. How did you wind up in Kazzex? It would be of interest to us to collect information on previously-unknown planes.'


Pants of the North!

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Rik stands up as the man returns. after listening to what he had to say Rik speaks to him "actually, I'm not really sure how we ended up here. as i told you, i lived on another plane, and all of a sudden i find myself in the middle of nowhere with those people and a really frighting looking storm heading our way. then i cast a spell, which made thing even more confusing because it did not function as expected. it brought us to some interplaner ship that was heading to this place. so, since you don't know how to get us back, any chance you know of someone who does? anyway, if I'm going to be staying here i need to find a place to stay and a place to buy essentials... work would be a necessity too."

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Rishhad stops mumbling and stands."I agree something to eat would be nice and mabye way to figure what this cosmology of your planes."

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Bandage man got the Tall One!" The tiefling giggles, making her way to her sister.

"OOh Jacks!"

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The man nods. 'This sort of thing does happen from time to time. Across the street is the Office for Displaced Travellers, they should have all the information you require. It's a more specific role they play than just us guides.'


Pants of the North!

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Rik nods and says "thanks" before departing and walking towards the building the man mentioned, paying attention not to be cought in some moving gear on the way

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Rishhad thanks the man and follows Rik"Come on you four we going across the street."

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OOC : For the magically inclined amongst you, there was an incredible time dilation there, between those playing tag, and those not. Moral appears to be: time passes very quickly when you are playing tag. Laughing out loud

Summitfinder follows the two serious people across the street, assuming that the others are making moves to do so as well. He is making a mental note that for the next game, he needs to check the rules first. Plus, for preference the next game involves climbing something, because he likes that.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Bruce listens intently as the man mentions the building across the street.
"Thank you kindly." He says, bows his head for a quick moment, and takes off to follow the tohers, keeping as close to the sisters as possible.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling begins a game of jacks. In the cupboard.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

'galzion' wrote:
OOC : For the magically inclined amongst you, there was an incredible time dilation there, between those playing tag, and those not. Moral appears to be: time passes very quickly when you are playing tag. Laughing out loud

OoC: An hour passed. Some of you spent it playing tag, some didn't. Besides, as a 4th-level chronomancer I can dilate time if I want Sticking out tongue

Across the street, the entryway to the building leads to a large waiting room. Inside the room is a very large spider with a table under it. A sign on the wall says, 'Each traveller, please leave a written description of your home plane for the spider.' A desk next to the table beneath the spider contains paper and writing supplies. The spider, though alive, appears to be reasonably tamed, as it merely looks at each character when they enter.


Pants of the North!

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Rik becomes very tense and wary when he sees the spider, past encounters with creatures like that have taught him that they are very aggressive and dangerous.

Rik looks around the room, is there anybody else in the room except this huge spider? or are there any doorways? Rik would much prefer to talk face to face with someone rather than leave a message.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"what's wrong rik it's just a spider?"Rishhad says ass he walks to desk and begins to write.
"My homeplane is the city of sigil it is a super massive torus sitting atop an infintly tall spire.It is a cramped and crowded city filled with all sorts of different races ranging from celestial beings too demonic entities.There are five wards they vary depending on the the wealth and influence.I patrol the hive the slums of sigil."he writes.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Looking over Rishads shoulder, Brcue says, very quietly. "Six. There are six wards."

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"I'm new to this planes thing" mutters Summitfinder (he's not actually very good at muttering - it comes out as a fairly deep, loud rumbling, a little bit like distant thunder) "but I didn't think Sigil was a plane. That was how it was explained to me anyway." He doesn't intend to write anything himself; he knows from the time that he spent in Sigil just after his accidental transfer to the Planes that his description of his home plane - 'We call it home, it's got a fantastic high mountain range, there's good hunting in the valleys' - really doesn't narrow things down terribly well.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Charlotte follows the others into the next building and see's the spider and yelps in joy. She then runs back to the builing they just came from and yells to her sister, "A spider! A spider! A HUGE one! You HAVE to see it!" she waits as her sister gathers up her things or doesn't, and then says"The JACKS! Don't forget the JACKS!" Then she runs over to the spider on all four legs and gets up into it's face, about a foot away. She is planning to play a game with it of who blinks first loses. When she see's that the spider doesn't blink she says "No fair!" and saunters over to a corner and sits down in it pouting visibly.


princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling perks up at the sound of her sister's call and shoves all the jacks in her mouth, running to the next building. She goes over to her seated sister and spits the jacks into her hand. "For thanks borrowing!"

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Your thanks is a welcomed sound to my ears," says Charlotte rather poetic way. Then she looks all pouty again and drops her head cradling it in her hands as she sits cross-legged. "Grey Rain, the spider won in the "who-blinks-first-wins" game", she lifts her head to tell her sister, then continues to pout to the rest of the group.


princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Well, Cheechaw....Excpecting winning with no eyes spiders silly seem is can't see you?" She pats her sister on the head. "Its a 'no fair' game."

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"You are right Pudding," she says a little more cheerfully. Then she grabs the jacks her sister spit out and puts them in her bag. She looks around a little confused and says, "What are we doing here?" Her eyes are all clouded over again.


princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling looks around the room slowly, taking in the detail of the walls, celings, inhabitants....She then leans close to her sister. "......I have no idea....."

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

((OOC: cough...cough?))

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OOC: bob just said in the OOC forum that he will no longer run this game... damnable kishkecups... :cry: :x Puzzled Sad

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

I know I saw Sad Sad

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

anybody willing to take his place as dm? i can, but i know im not the best dm around.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OOC: I think the biggest problem a new DM will run into is trying to advance the story. It seemed that Bob knew where we were going, or at least where we are. Knowing little to nothing about our whereabouts makes things difficult.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OOC:I would but I'm a terrible DM and have no clue where we are.

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

i don't see this as a big problem, the new dm can just make up anything about this place that bob hasn't mentioned before. and advancing the plot should be up to the new dm in anyway he/she wants.

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