Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

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BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Okay, I don't know what to think anymore.

Thats why I love Xaosect women.

I thought you just had a thing for Tiefers. Or Elves.

What ever it is I like, I like it ALOT.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"TEECHIII! I'm just holding on!" The tiefling cries, fingertips pressed against the ships floor.

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

As you reach for Rik's backside his hand quickly slides into yours but does not hold. It appears Rik has not diverted his attention from the city below.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Rishhad stares out at the city his eyes glassy.
OOC:yeah Rishhad's little sanity may be a somewaht useful thing sooner or later.cause let's face it if I'm a crazy monk that would be ableit entertaing but a real pain to deal with at times.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Charlotte understands what her sister is saying but is still upset. "Violet, you have to hold onto the pole....the pole is what you hold onto, silly sister!" She whispers to her sister and sticks her tongue out at her. She then shows her how to hold onto the pole, by sticking her tongue on the pole.


princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling turns onto her belly, still stretched out. She looks carefully at her sister licking the pole, and sticks out her tounge, licking the floor of the ship.

"Like eeth?" She says, salivating on the ship.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OOC: She is not actually licking the pole, just sticking her tongue on it Eye-wink

IC: "Do ike dis, od dee powe." (translation:No like this, on the pole.)

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Ud....Ahm ong ee oor!" (But...I'm on the floor!) The tiefling says, eyebrows furrowed towards her sister.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OoC: Kazzex is not particularly toroid at all. It seems roughly spherical, if you were to try and assign a shape to it. I'll give you all the rest of the day to break Rishhad's fragile, fragile mind and enjoy more antics from the chaos sisters. But then we'll land.

IC: 'I just came from Amnelys, the Roving Citadel,' Kulat said. 'I have a couple messages to deliver to people here in Kazzex.'


Pants of the North!

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Brcue coughs and regains his composure. "Rishad, I think you need to check in at the Gatehouse when we return. This isnt Sigil. This is nothing like Sigil. Snap out of it, man! Your supposed to uphold the law. How can you do that if you break down and cry ever time someone confuses you with a pinch of glitterdust?" He says in a loud, stern tone of voice.
Then, in a more quite tone. "I doubt well see anything we know for a long while. Find strength in your beliefs or discard them now. I refuse to travel with a self appointed judge, jury, and executior who I can not trust."

With that, , Bruce turns back around and looks at the Spinning City.

Keep an ear on him. I don't like where this is going.

On it.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Within a few minutes, the ship is lined up with the docking platform on Kazzex, moving at the same speed as the part of the city it's intended to land on. Then, with a sudden bump, the ship is landed.

Just because I haven't really had anybody roll dice yet, everyone make a Balance check. And by 'everyone' I mean 'everybody who's not already on the ground'.

'Here we are in Kazzex,' Kulat said. 'As I said, I've some messages to deliver. If you're all new here - and I get the impression you are - would you like me to find you a guide? There's a small fee associated, but they're very helpful to take you where you need to go.'


Pants of the North!

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Rishhad seems to snap from his daze."How dare you insult us!!"he bellows moving with shoking speed throws a punch at bruce,aiming to knock him off the platform"No one shall insult the mercykillers!"
OOC:Yeah like I said don't mess with the mercykillers Rishhad get's a little touchy about that.

2 Bonus for attack to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 14.
7 Bonus for balance to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 24.
3 Bonus for strength to do
I rolled 1d6+3, the result is 7.
kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OOC: Perro, why did you post this over and over so many times? Trying to cheat with the dice?
Bob, do I get a bonus to my balance if I'm holding on to the pole?

IC:"I'm not sure where i need to go, but a guide would be helpful in getting to know my surroundings"

2 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 20.
BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Bruce staring off at the city, hears Rishads yell.

He turns and see the fist coming at him, just barely leaning out of the way. He means to punch Rishad in the face. He gives the command. He wills his arm to move, and it does, but in the wrong direction.

And suddenly he realizes that his body is numb. In that split second, distraced by the fist a few inches from his face, he lost his grip on himself.

Mine now.


Whats the big deal? You promised me some time in control anyway, right?

Bruce reaches for his belt and pulls out a thick, golden rod with odd, clear crystals on both ends. He smiles a diconcerting smile, and the crystals glow blue, before two glowing balls of light leap from the crystals at Rishhad's chest.

"Ha!" Bruce yells, and leaps away from Rishhad and toward the middle of the platform. "Learn your lesson, gith, or do I have to teach you again? Eh?" he says, smiling. The Bruce you see before you is... differant. It's the little things. The way he stands, the sudden vigor in his voice. He even seems to have picked up a slight accent you can't seem to place. And he has his magical rod leveled at Rishhad.

Thats not the point! This isn't how you should introduce yourself. Besieds, Rishad was my probelm, not yours!

He punched us. He was our problem. you taunted him, and I would have done worse. Besides, we both know I'm better in a fight. And thats what this is.
Just... control yourself, damnit!

If I wasn't, would Rishad still have all the skin he does?

Good point.

OOC: All the attack rolls you made wuth the dice roller, including the most recent one, failed to hit me. The only one which did was the one you posted. I'm going with your most recent one, because that has all three rolls one it. please go back and delete the others.

BTW: you just took two magic missiles to the chest. Thats (1d4= 2+1= [3]+ 1d4=3+1=[4]) 7 damage. Thank you, come again.

And the nameless 'other' Bruce is unleashed upon the planes. God help us all Smiling

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OOC: Balance check? I hope I get a bonus for lying down Laughing out loud

5 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 12.
OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Here is my balance check.


4 Bonus for Balance to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 21.
galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Balance check. Not including any bonus that might be coming for holding the pole.

3 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+3, the result is 14.
Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

You've all made your Balance checks. Nobody falls down. Perro, I'm counting your last post as the one with the rolls we'll use, and I don't want to see such shennanigans from you again.

Kulat steps away from Bruce and Rishhad, but keeps an interested eye on the conflict. He makes a slight gesture at Charlotte and her sister, it looks like he's beckoning them over to him.


Pants of the North!

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Rishhad's fingers moved towards his weapons. But with a sudden look of sanity, he pulls his hands back. "Bruce, listen to me carefully. Never say that again, or I will not hesitate to kill you." he hissed.

OOC: Sorry, guys. I was trying to get the three rolls I needed on.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Bruce shrugs his shoulders, and the hand holding the rod suddenly twitches toward Rishad a bit. Bruce mouthes the word 'zap'.

He puts the rod back on his belt and claps his hands together, with a big smile. "So. Whats this about a guide then?" He suddenly grimices, and shakes his left hand as if trying to shake off a painful sensation. Note that this is the hand NOT covered in metal.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling jumps up, running over to the cat-man. "You want we us?"

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Kulat nodded at the tiefling's approach. 'I wanted to make sure you and your other friend were out of any danger that could come from those two fighting. However, since it looks like whatever squabble they've had is over - for now...' He speaks a little louder, then. 'A guide, yes. If you're all ready, I should be able to locate a guide for you within a couple minutes. They're all over the streets, hoping to find someone to sell their services to.'


Pants of the North!

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

rik steps off the platform and takes a look around, he is interested to know what kind of people live here, then turns to kulat and speaks "yes please, this will be most helpfull of you."

OOC: rik will need a good reason to stick togather with 2 unpleasent men and 2 crazy women, now that he is no longer in the middle of nowhere.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"So we're looking for a tout?"rishhad asks Kulat.He gazes at bruce"Relax I'll to control myself,I'm more worried about him."
OOC:Sorry I don't know how to roll three times with this thing.It won't happen again.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Actually, your the one who tried to jump me, but eh." Bruce says and shruggs again. He turns toward Kulat. "I am truely, deepyl sorry that this happened on your ship. and what a fine ship it is." He says tapping one of the poles. "Tell me, does it have a name?"

Controlled enough for you?

Yea, I guess. But if anyone asks about you, give then a new name for 'you.' If I have to refer to you later, I don't want to implicate myself in anything.

But... I don't have a name. I'm Bruce.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Charlotte jumps with her sister over tot he tiger man and holds his hand, then holds her sister's hand and is ready to take of to look for a tout.


perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Yes true but you should not have provoked me in the first place,nor should you have blasted me with that wand."Rishhad says curtley"Kulat,what sort money do these touts take?Copper right?"

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Summitfinder wanders over to Kulat and the girls. If there's one thing he learnt quickly after his accidental arrival on the planes, it's that having a guide really helps. He keeps an eye on Bruce and Rishad, however. He's not convinced that these two are good for the tribe (Summitfinder thinks of almost any group that he's a part of as a tribe). He stands silently with his arms folded behind the tielfing, watching Kulat and the others converse.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling girl points to her chest, looking quizzically at the others. "Out-tay? Tahsis, them tell! Out-tay!"

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Kulat shakes his head. 'Any guide who'll offer to take you somewhere for a few copper coins is going to take you somewhere you don't want to go. The usual rate for a reliable guide is a silver coin.'


Pants of the North!

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"So, you'r a tout?" Bruce asks, then looks Charlotte's sister dead in the eye. " Here a tout but is not a tout there. Not here is there, we must guide a new find. Don't agree you?"

"Pardon me if I didn't get it quite right, I never properly learned chaosspeaking."

That should get their attention.

Because, you know, speaking in mixed up words always gets the girl.

Hey, I dont tell you how to be depressed and uninteresting, you don't tell me how to attract hot, crazy women. Deal?

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Risshad turns to Kulat "I wasn't expecting it not to be silver, I just thought there might be some other coin, such as ron or nickel." Turns to Bruce, "What!?"

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling girl turns towards the bandaged man and just...looks for a moment or two, mouth slightly open.

She then breaks into giggles, reaching up to pat Bruce's head if he'll let her.

"Try try good good! Ever no try one to Sigil inKay-sockspeaskses.....It is GOOD!" She says, and with a poke to her sister, "Karteeeet. Ussybrussy has PROMISE."

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Thanks." Bruce says with a big grin.
He turns to Rishhad. "I told her that even though she is a tout, she wont be able to guide us around here, so we need a new guide."

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"ineTa oota outya ow-na!"Says Charlotte to the Tiger man. Then she says to her sister, "UrplePa, ooya areya ightra, etsla oga ow-na!" She then pulls at her sister and the tiger man and takes a step off the ship.


perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

With a look of complete understanding, "OOoooh... ok... um... Bruce, do you have any silver? I've only got a couple pieces of copper."

OOC: Bob, Im gonna use the Gate Compass... tell me if I get anything.

Rishhad pulls out his compass and imagines the city of Sigil, again.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Kulat looks down at Charlotte, confusion on his furry face. He looks to Charlotte's sister and asks, 'I can't understand her at all. Do you know what she said?'

The gate compass is still unable to find a way to Sigil.


Pants of the North!

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Rik heads off into the city's streets, looking around at the biuldings and people. He will ask the first person he meets where a guide could be found.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Bruce turns toward Kulat, and says. "She said she wants to go right now."

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling girl nods. "Go go go go go guh oh egh ogh eeeg oooooog now!" She pokes Charolette in the nose with one finger, making a beep noise. "Iggy piggy."

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Charlotte looks at her sister and giggles at the poke in the nose, and says, "OUYYA iggleyya igllypay!" She then says the same to Bruce and pokes him in the nose either to make a point or to tag him, for he is now "it", either way you're not sure. She then has a full on belly laugh as they walk off the ship and onto the streets still holding tigerman and her sister's hands.

OOC: Good job BERK for deciphering my pig latin...hehehehee!


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The Spinning City of Kazzex is constantly in motion. There seem to be a number of different pieces of the city, all moving, sliding, rotating past each other. The city seems quite dangerous to the unwary - other people on the streets dodge instinctively to avoid being hit by a shifting metal plate or swinging metal rod. Kulat keeps the party to portions of the road that don't require such agility to safely navigate the city. After just a couple minutes, he walks up to a tall, translucent creature. It seems reminiscent of an ultroloth in appearance, save that it's clear blue, almost like water, with red dots in its head that are probably eyes. The creature seems vaguely feminine beneath its white, semitransparent robe.

'These folk need a guide,' Kulat says to the creature, 'and I know you're a good one.' He turns to face the displaced group. 'Now, ouvials can't talk, but she'll understand what you say to her. Hopefully she's heard of some of the places you're trying to find.' If nobody has any further questions for Kulat, he'll depart.


Pants of the North!

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Ooooo!" says the tiefling girl, reaching out slowly to touch the watery lady thing.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

As Bruce spots Charlottes Sister trying to touch the water being, he quickly reaches out to gently grasp her hand.
"Thats hardly polite." He says. He turnes his head toward the water thing, and says " We are travelers who have arrived here by accident. Do you know of Sigil? Or the Silver Void or the Outlands?"

You should ask about crystal spheres, or Spelljamming vessels. We might be able to Jam our way out of here.

Good thinking, me.

You can probably let go of her hand now.

In a minute.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling waves her hand around furiously in the air "OOO. OOO. Do you wiggle when people touch you?!!?"

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"a guide that can not communicate is not much help. i wanted to ask about this city before looking for a way to leave" Rik turn to the guide "greetings, can you give us a tour through the city? i have never been here before and this place looks to be very interesting" Rik opens his money pouch and provides a silver coin, as Kalut said.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The "woman" turns her head and looks at Bruce. She shakes her head, nods, and shakes her head again. She looks at Charlotte's sister and shakes her head. She looks at Rik and nods. She holds her hand out to take the coin, but her hand passes through it. On the third try, she claims the coin from him and it disappears into her clothing.


Pants of the North!

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

rishhad cursing qietley to himself looks at the being.
"So that's a yes to sigil and to the outlands?Have you been there before?"

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Bruce looks at Rishad in the same, pitying look you give a puppy that doesnt understand why someone isn't petting it.
"I don't know the customs of Gith very well, but accross all the worlds I have seen, its a nod that means yes and a shake that means no, not the other way around."
He looks back at her. "You said that you have heard of the Silver Void, is this a place where things do not age? Are there color pools of some sort? Have you ever heard to it referred to as the Astral Plane?"

If its the Astral then we can go home.

Eventually, yes. But we've been in Sigil too long. I want to stretch my legs, so to speak.
As long as we have a way back, eventually.

Agreed. I hate being trapped somewhere, and Sigil serves the best Cranium Rat i've ever eaten.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The guide looks at Rishhad and shakes her head twice. She then looks at Bruce and shakes her head three times. She turns and spreads her arms, indicating the city, then turns back to the group.


Pants of the North!

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