Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

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galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OOC : I have to go away for the weekend, I'll be back sometime Sunday afternoon (my time). UIntil then, assume Summitfinder goes with the flow. Despite his earlier words, he'd rather move than sit around waiting (he's a man of action and purpose more than quiet contemplation). I might be able to post again later tonight, we'll see.

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

'princessbunny99' wrote:
OOC: Oh and kolikeos? If you're going to get on perro for his posts, you should start making yours a little easier to read. Like using punctualization and captialization. Don't be calling the kettle black now Eye-wink
ooc: i do have some trouble with english, as it is not my native language. i would appreciate corrections every now and then, if anybody has the time. i am not trying to insult perro by saying what i said. to Perro: if i have insulted you in any way, I apologize

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OOC: I see. Perro's posts would be awful hard to translate.

"Tell me, Sirrus, how good is your throwing arm?"

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

PB, this isn't any part of a plane that you recognise. Perro, the only magic you detect is on your companions.

The rift in the sky has grown so great that it would be more accurate to describe the sky as being black, with strange coloury bits near the horizon. As the sky reaches this point, the ground begins to tremble slightly.


Pants of the North!

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

As Bruce notices the tremble, he looks up.

"Where ever we are, I'm starting to doubt that it will be here much longer."

Damn, If I was a Doomgaurd, this would be more enjoyable.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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OOC: Not meaning anything derogatory either, kolikeos...but for you and perro, it would MUCH easier on the eyes for both of you to use proper punctualization and capitalization. Periods and the end of a sentance and Capital letters at the beginning make it much easier to read Smiling

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling doesn't seem to notice rift, but instead, takes each step like the was on a trampoline, giggling as the ground flattens back behind her. "Goooooooooshy!"

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OOC:I apologize like I said I'm crunched for time and usualey cannot proofread.
Rishhad looks from the ground to the sky then to the ground again.
"This can't be good."he thrusts the stone into his clothing and pulls out his weapons prepared for a fight.
"It is squishy is'nt it?Wonder what cuased this surely not that goo from the sky?"

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

As the ground starts to tremble, Rik peeks out through the tent's opening. "What was that?" calls Rik in the direction of the others. Rik takes a look at the sky, and is now even more displeased. "Alright," says Rik in a tone of one who has made up his mind "I can't keep on patiently waiting for this storm to take me". He takes a rope out of his pack, steps out of the tent with his spellbook in one hand and the rope in the other, and starts to cast a spell. "This shall keep us safe for a few hours. Hopefully, by the time the spell expires, so will this storm."

OOC: I'm casting rope trick.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
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"Ooo! Ooo! Me too!" The tiefling hops about, beginning to cast a spell of her own. She points one finger to the sky and blast off a blueish white the sky.

((OOC: Bob, just cast ray of the rift.....))

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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((OOC: Bob, just cast ray of the rift.....))

hehehee! That was GREAT!

Charlotte looks pleased at the trembling of the ground. "It is like a message for very tired feet. Go Whipper Snapper go!"The last she says to her sister. She then begins to clap for her sister's spell. "Good job! Cheerie-ohs and all that!"

She then looks to the next spell caster to chuck a spell.


BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Bruce just sits there and says. "I don't do that sort of magic."

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Well then what kind of magic DO you do, ole Brucie boy?" asks Charlotte.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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"The kind of magic that makes other spellcasters very frustrated." He says. "And lets just say I get more returns out of 'Damn you' than most people I know."

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The ray of frost shoots into the air, like a pale blue arrow. Far in the distance, it bursts into a shower of faint icy bits.

The rope trick opens its door as expected, just in time. The blackness in the sky has spread to the horizon, and there's a distinct impending sense of something.


Pants of the North!

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Ok people, unless you want to take your chances with this unknown somethingness of a storm, or whatever it might be" Rik pulls at the rope that is now hanging from the air, and indicates that you should all climb it. When everyone has climbed into the invisible hole, i climb into it myself and pull the rope after me. Oh, and i take the tent too, if i have the time.

Corwyn's picture
Joined: 2006-04-17
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Without a seconds hesitation Sirrus aptly pulls himself off the ground and bows to Rik with a short bob of thanks. Wordlessly he pulls himself up the rope and into the newly created space, waving an arm through the window in reality to show that the next person up may begin climbing at any time.*

OOC:Climb Check for the rope trick is listed at the bottom of the post)

4 Bonus for str to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 12.
BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Bruce turns towards Rik. "You realize, this will only delay the inevitable? We cant stay there forever."

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

THe tiefling doesn't seem to notice the rope, or anyone disspearing. She begins a series of cartwheels away from the group instead.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Bruce watchs Charlottes sister cartwheel away for a moment before breaking into a run to get ahead of her. He stops in front of her, spreads out his arms and says, in a voice just loud enough for her to hear. "There's three fish and a marble at the top of that rope. Go and teach the marble to swim."

Now, arn't you glad you have me around to tell you how to talk to crazies?

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

reluctantly Rishhad puts away his weapons and crawls up the rope.
"Dang it I want to kill something here. I'm on commission. Ladies hurry it up we don't want to get killed here."
OOC:I'm assuming this is going to be bad to stay here for too long Bob.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
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OOC: Funny BERK! You dhould've been a Xaositect instead!

IC: "Come on now Sister! We MUST absolutely climb this rope, it is all the rage in fashion these days!" she says with a heavily sarcastic voice, and waits for the tiefer to climb the rope, before she goes climbing up after her.

Climb check:
I rolled 1D20 and got a 12 + 3 mod = 15


perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OOC:I like the mercykiller life though,tis the curse of the limbo life.
"Oh,now your coming?"rishhad yells at the sisters."Where's that bruce guy?I have'nt seen him.Teifer who's this GRSHAKNORL(I'm not gonna try to spell that)anyway?"

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Some of you may have been inside a rope trick before. Generally, it has the look of a sitting room, or small campsite, where people can sit or lie to rest or hide. The exact details tend to vary from mage to mage, but typically one develops expectations about the basic nature of a rope trick.

These expectations almost never include extra people inside the extradimensional space. Yet, strangely, one is here. Climbing the rope apparently leads to a wide stone platform, with metal lamp posts around the edge. The rope is tied to one of these. Near the middle of the platform stands a man, perhaps some form of hitherto unknown guardinal, as he seems to be roughly similar to an anthropomorphic tiger, but with long ears swept back from his face. He's definitely not a rakshasa, though. He's looking away from the place the rope leads to, and occasionally consults a small handheld object before looking ahead into the void. He doesn't seem to have noticed any of you yet.


Pants of the North!

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling's mouth suddenly turns into a frown. "That....that poor marble!" She shimmys up the rope with surprising ease.
"GRSHAKNORL is the general! of the 63636363636363th brigade!"

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Ha. Told you it would work.

And it did. You cant be wrong ALL the time.

Brucewaits and stares at the horizon for a moment, thn walks over and climbs the rope.

OOC: climb check: 11 + 8= 19

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

'galzion' wrote:
OOC : I have to go away for the weekend, I'll be back sometime Sunday afternoon (my time). UIntil then, assume Summitfinder goes with the flow. Despite his earlier words, he'd rather move than sit around waiting (he's a man of action and purpose more than quiet contemplation). I might be able to post again later tonight, we'll see.
OOC: I assume that Summitfinder has climbed the rope. IC: I climb up into the spell-space and pull the rope after myself. I am surprised to see this tiger-man in here. My first thought is that i have somehow miscast the spell, although it is very unlikely. This has been a very weird day so far, maybe this someone has something to do with it. "Sorry to disturb" says Rik, his tone a bit sarcastic "so sir, or lady, or maybe something else, are you aware that you are inside my spell-space?"

Corwyn's picture
Joined: 2006-04-17
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

*Sirrus casts an approving nod at Bruce for convincing the Xaositects to shimmy up the spell, then turns towards the middle of the extradimensional space with suprise to see the unexpected guest. He closely studies the anthro's response to Rik, ready to draw his greatsword if there's need for violence, but hoping the tiger-man is here in peace.*

Hmm, now this is strange, perhaps the plane we were on is some sort of extradimensional space. Opening one inside another always leads to messy complications of this sort. Still, as the cadence leads...

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiger-man looks over at Rik, a somewhat startled look on his face.

'Your spell-space? That seems rather unlikely, given what I know of magic. Although, clearly, you did something and ended up on my ship. Where were you trying to go?'


Pants of the North!

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Rishhad looks at the tiger-man-thing.
"Ship?Um,sir this cannot be a ship it is the result of a mere spell nothing of true power such as unerring travel in seconds."At an almost instintual urge rishhad blurts."what plane is this ship in?The astral,a prime,the elemental plane of water,what plane is THIS?!!"he falls to his knees as his brain swims with thoughts of home and how the past fw hours have railed on his sense of what is what.
OOC:yeah like me Rishhad is having a bit of a breakdown trying to puzzle out this whole thing.But unlike me this character is way to ordered to take such brain beating Laughing out loud

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

What the hell is wrong with him?

Oh... the little drone is so confused, now that he's seperated from the others. Excuse me as I laugh uncontrollably at his discomfort.

"Ignore him. I'm not sure whys he's doing that. You see, we all king of... woke up on a plane we have yet to identify, with some sort of growing rift in the sky, and we have taken refuge within a simple Rope Trick spell."
" I dont suppose," Bruce says, gesturing toward the hole he just crawled through, and the window down to the plane. "That you can see that, can you?"

"And..." He pauses for a moment, and tilts his head to one side, as if listening to someone. "You said ship. Would this happen to be a naval ship, or a spelljamming vessle?" He asks.

OOC: And yes, the window down to the plane comes standard with the spell. However, the SRD didn't account for anyone to already be inside. So this should be interesting.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

'Plane? We're not in a plane right now. We're in between them. It's why I need my ship to get around in them. I can't say I've heard of any of the planes you mentioned, though.' At Bruce's question regarding the rope trick, the tiger-man walks to the edge of the platform and looks over. 'I see a rope tied to my ship, but it just disappears a couple feet down. Is there something else I should be seeing?'


Pants of the North!

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

I pull the rope a bit and then release it. Does more of it appear or disappear as I do this? That way I can know if the door to our previous location is still open. How does this place look? Not only the ship, but also whatever it is sailing in. How does the sky look?

Rik addresses the tiger-man "Hm, I do apologize about intruding upon your ship. As my friend here said, this was not the desired effect. Anyway, I am Rik. A pleasure to meet you... I hope. You said this ship is traveling between the planes right? It is very likely then that this place is the Astral, but what do I know? Where is your next destination?"

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

With a serious muscle twiches around his eyes Rishhad start's to get back up.
"Between the planes?How,that can't be possible,can it?Sir what do you mean you have never heard of those places.Have'nt you at least heard of sigil the city of doors?"

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Why couldn't we of landed on a ship... the world is full of chaos you know," as she says this she points to one of the runes on her armor, an old one and an odd one someone told her about while passing through Sigil once. "Hey furry tiger man, how's about showing us around your ship?" she says in a seductive voice, then she says in an exhasperated voice,"Where in the Nine Hells are we anyways?"


galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Summitsinder sidles over to Rik (you are astonished to find that someone who stands 7 foot 9 and weighs over 300 pounds is even capable of sidling, let alone good at it).

"Is this not what you expected?" he asks. Perhaps slightly unnecessarily. He's trying to peer down the rope as well at the same time, mostly because so many other people are taking an interest in it, though he's also trying to look around himself as well.
"Also, what's a 'ship'?"

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Rik looks up at the huge man "hm? no, not really. i think i have somehow miscast the spell" says Rik in a low tone. Regarding Summit's (Rik usually thinks of people not by the name they have given him, but will not call them this way until he has become friendly with them) second question, Rik is surprised to hear such an obvious question at first, but then he remembers that on the planes many things are different. Rik gives a small smile before answering "ships are transportation devices, like wagons, except that they are used to travel over large areas of water. i am not sure what THIS ship is though, as i have never heard of ships that travel through planes before... and it does not look like much of a ship anyway. at least, not the kind of ship i know."

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"But it is a simple spell how can anybody miscast such a thing that simple?"Rishhad looks at the tiger man"How does thing move I see no sails or oarsmen?"Rishhad's eye twitches spasmadicly at the thought of an unusual power source.
I want to go back to the hive!!
OOC:Italics is rishhad thinking by the way.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"I'm not sure he miscast it at all." Bruce says. "It could be that we were in a unique form of demiplane or extradimensional space. If so, his magic could have been effected."
"But, thats just a theory."

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Planes effecting how magic works is'nt unheard of and that place affected my magic items,so bruce you may have a point with that one."Rishhad's twitching begins to subside as logic takes hold in his mind again.

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
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"now now Rishhad, i don't have to take that from you, i doubt you could have done better, and as Bruce said, it might not have been my fault at all." seeing that Rishhad is losing his mind, Rik decides to try and calm him down. Rik places a hand on Rishhads shoulder and speaks in a friendlier tone "this whole thing might seem to you as a very random and chaotic sequence of events. i know that you are a man of order and law and this whole thing is intolerable for you. but surly, if you are as devoted to your belief in order and law as you say, you most know that there is order in everything, even if one does not see it at the beginning"

OOC: perro, i did not see your most recent post as i wrote this

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Listening to Rik and fighting off the urge to fall over again.
"I know where ever I go there is order Rik but....well I can't see the order. That's what's making me uneasy and I... can't impose it.It's hard to keep it together Rik."Rishhad starts to twitch again his grasp on sanity sliding twoards the brink.
OOC:No problem on the whole latest post Rik.

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Summitfinder is watching the conversation with interest. He's not totally sure what's going on, or why, but he's never seen anyone have a breakdown before, and it's sure to be instructive.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"tiger man.What plane is this ship in?"

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling looks from person to person as they speak, listening intently. After a few moment though, her intent expression begins to fail, her eyelids begin to droop and lets out a yawn.

"Eeeeet. Let's GO" she tugs on her sister's sleeve. "Chaaaaaaaaaletelele!"

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Not until the tigerman answers me, Sweetness in a Can." says Charlotte in answer to her sister's plees.


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

'I told you,' the tiger-man says in response to the same question coming from a number of people, 'we're between the planes. Ships like this are the only way people like me - people who aren't powerful spellcasters - can get from plane to plane. Now,' he turns his head to Charlotte - sometimes - and gives her a smile, 'there's not much to see here. This,' he indicates where he's standing, 'is where I stand to help guide the ship. And those,' he indicates the metal poles around the edge of the platform, 'are to keep big rocks from knocking me off-course. I haven't heard of this Sigil, whatever spell you did must have gotten you really lost.'

When any of you look over the edge of the ship at the rope, you can see the rope trick window, but the landscape seen through it keeps changing.


Pants of the North!

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Bruce looks geniunly interested. "An actual inter-planar vessel. Amazing." He takes a look around. "So, its similar to a spelljammer, but with a gate capable helm. " He looks at the Tiger-man. "Tell me, to what planes do you refer? I find it hard to imagine anyone capable of traveling the outer planes without hearing of Sigil. It is the hub of nearly all planar trade. "

I think we might be farther from home then a few secluded primes.

Me too. I just hope we arn't someplace else.

What do you mean?

Right. Nevermind. Forget I said anything.

No, what do you mean?

If I told you, you'd just forget again. Just accept it as something you suppressed for a reason.

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OOC: bob, what about me looking at the sky and sea? (if they exist) and what about my question about our next destination?

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"So ,we're between the planes(a look of slight understanding crosses his face)WE are between THE planes.Guys and ladies I think we've done something that many only dream of.Bruce,what is spelljammer?I've heard of such a ship."Rishhad looks about his eyes glittering with sanity once more."Tell me is this it or are there other sections of your vessel we can't see,and what exactly are you?"

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