Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

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Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

It seemed, at first, like a relatively normal morning. Until one realised that a loud crack, reminiscent of thunder, was the cause of awakening. The sky, far above, swirled with a wild maelstrom of colours, and a great black rent was slowly tearing itself across the sky from one horizon, presumably the cause of the thunder-like sound.

Charlotte Sometimes and her sister were a tiefling and an elf, with Sirrus, a hound archon, lying nearby them. The archon seemed inexplicably familiar, as the two girls were fairly sure they had never met him before.

Those were the only three who seemed to have gone to sleep anywhere near each other, although it was a small number of people who were loosely scattered about the area, within about thirty feet of each other. Charlotte and her sister, Sirrus, Rik Deffirra, Neui Thalenamake, Rishhad Claze, and Bruce Maxson. The strange thing was that none of them could recall how they arrived in such a place, although as far as they could tell they had all gone to sleep peaceably, and awoken here without being troubled.

The landscape here is desolate, the strange purplish-grey ground stretching off into the distance without any defining features visible. As the crack in the sky spreads further, it can be seen that the colourful swirls in the sky seem to be shying away from it. Some form of precipitation appears to drop out of this hole in the sky, as well, but it's too far off to determine anything about it yet.

OoC: Welcome! Although I said you all went to sleep normally, I didn't say you necessarily did so at your home. So, as regards your equipment and clothing, I leave it up to you: either what you would have on you if you had gone to sleep at home, or what you'd have on you in, say, the middle of the day when travelling (either in a city or across a planar landscape, depending on which you're more likely to be travelling through).


Pants of the North!

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Charlotte wakes up at the sound of the thundering crack.

"Hey sis! Purple! Wake up... there is a puppy!" she says as she nudges the tiefer awake and points to the Hound Archon. "Doesn't he look familiar? I think we have seen him before... no, PurpleSauce, I KNOW we have seen him before, I just don't know from where....WAIT a MINute! Where is the Hive?" A tear falls down her cheek. She wipes it up quickly though and says, "WHO are YOU?" seemingly talking to everyone present as they wake up accordingly.

OOC: YAY! Let the game begin!

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Running... Still running. He could see the glow up ahead. The all too familiar hallways, and then the crystal, floating in the giant hold of the ship.
The sound of footsteps, a ball of energy rushing towards him, the feeling of falling backward... and then...

Bruce Maxson opened his eyes, and knew something was wrong, even before he registered that he wasn't in the Gatehouse. Thunder? Thats new. The dream never ended with thunder before.

He sat up, and stared for a moment at the rift in the sky. As he stands up, he notices that he isnt alone. His hands leap to his face, before confirming that his wrappings are still in place. He rubs his jaw as it occurs to him that he should be more careful when wearing a guantlet.

He quickly checks through his belongings to make sure he has everything.
He still had everything he remembered having on him when he was in the Market ward.

Yet, things are rather blurry after that.

You really ought to stop having these blackouts of yours.
A voice says mockingly, again... all too familiar.

Shut up you. For all I know, this is your doing.
he thinks back.

He walks towards the middle of the group, and takes a quick look at the others.

He stares at Charlotte for a moment, but says nothing.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Charlotte looks up at the "person" approaching. She asks him "WHO are YOU? And why oh why did the butterfly cry, was it to bandage up your face?"

OOC: She is talking to you BERK.


BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

He considers her words for a moment, before replying. "I am but a man with a face, and a past, not fit for public veiw. My name is my own, but I will share it if you tell me yours."

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"My name is Charlotte....Sometimes, and this is my sister that was not free. What is your name? You must pay the bill."


princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling girl opens her violet eyes slowly. "Too loud like a drum, sis..." She rolls over a few times, mussing her long hair before rising up and trying to put it back into place.

She takes a good look at the bandaged man, then places her hands on the sides of her head, index fingers up to make antennae. "Beep." She cocks her head a little. "No face no name no place? Shufflesywuf! Do you see the face man?"

She reaches down into a large pouch at her side, bringing out a 3 legged rat. "LOOK" she holds out the dingy creature at the bandaged fellow.

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Summitfinder rolls over, slowly registers the fact that he's conscious, and becomes awake properly. As he takes in his surroundings, he mutters to himself "Looks like I'm not going to get paid then", before getting up and wandering over to the group of people who are talking to each other.

He is a massive creature, standing about 7 foot 9 inches tall, and has perhaps the most powerful build you've seen. His skin is mostly pale, with mottled dark patches in irregular shapes. You'd also swear that what appears to be rock is actually growing out of, or on, his skin in various places.

"I am Neui 'Summitfinder' Thalenamake" he rumbles. "You may call me Summitfinder" he adds, having found it easier on the Planes to explain to others his people's use of nicknames as the primary name. "I was not in this place the last I can recall, and I wonder if you might be able to tell me how I got here?"

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

it's getting dark. well, i might as well reach my destination tomorrow. i lay down on my bedroll, the night is pretty warm. i take a sip of water and close my eyes.

i jump at the sudden loud sound, my heart racing. that was totally unexpected. i jump to my feet, one hand over my head with the fingers spread, the other on the hilt of my sword.

i look at the people around me. i look at the source of purple light, the sky. i am not home, that is for sure, or i would have seen the other land above me.

"hello?" i shout, trying to make my voice heard over the thundering. i am still with my hand flexed overhead, but have released the hilt of my sword. i look at the people closest to me, the two tiefling women and the bandaged man. "what is going on?"

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Charlotte... well, as you say, the proper coin here is names, and I must pay. I am Bruce Maxson, and I am a man of little motivation."

Oh, I can see it in her eyes. And the other chick too. They got the Chaos in them. You know how I love the crazy ones. Lets have fun with them.

Bruce feels his arm start to go numb, a sign that he is losing control of it to the Voice, before forcing his will back into it.

NO. And for something who claims to NOT be a personification of my base intincts, you seem to go out of your way to contridict yourself.

What I am is no concern of yours. I just know how to have a good time. You know you enjoy it when I'm in charge too. Thats when all the interesting stuff happens.

Bruce refuses to answer, but because he knows its true. The voice had gotten him out of as many nasty situations as it had casued, and it was the one time that he felt truly alive, when the somber training as a Bleaker didn't make life so gray and dull.

" I do not know where we are, Summitfinder." he says, turning to the group. "Is there anyone here who had inteded to be here? If so, speak up now."

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

with a dazed and utterly cofused face he speaks up.
"I honestly have no clue where we are.But to tell the truth I don't like that storm thingy one bit and by the way my name's Rishhad."he glances back forth between the faces of his fellows,and quietly under his breath whispers"I always wondered why I hated purple now I why" With a glance at bruce."sooo,does anybody know where in the hells we are?"
OOC:yeah!It's begun!!

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Bruce looks Rishhad dead in the eye. "No. We're still working on that."

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefer makes a very disgruntled face and slips the rat back into the pouch at her side. "No work! Just go! Chareeeeeeeeeeeeet!" She begins to pull on the elf girl's sleeve. "Splore!"

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

seeing that the others are as confused as he, Rik lowers his hands. the shock still far from over. although Rik has been in weird situations before, he never got used to it, and his years are not helping.

the man before you looks to be a middle aged human of average height, anyone familiar with humans will probably put his age at about 35 years or a bit more. he is clad in gray and brown traveling cloths and has a shortsword at his side as well as a fat book. at present he seems to be frightful and confused.

an impossible and terrible idea strikes me, i have heard of layers disappearing from planes, but can this truly be what's happening right now? i look at my surroundings. no, this place does not resemble the one i remember, at least not in this purple light.

"eh, greetings... sirs, and ladies..." the pause has been because i am uncertain as to the species of some of you. "it seems that you know as much as i do about what is happening" if you listen carefully you might hear a slight tremble in my voice. i steady my voice and look around, at the people as well as the landscape. "this storm does not look good to me either" i say in response to Rishhad, "if any of you can see a shelter... it'll be a good idea to get out of the open"

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Charlotte looks at the tiefer, "Jumbly, let us go and explore! We will find a shelter! You wanna come Bruce? Or do we ALL have to go together as a groupity group group group? Maybe 'tis better to go all groupity like that." says Charlotte.

She stands up and now you can see her better. She is about 5'3", a planar elf, with auburn hair with three breaids of it on top of the rest of her hair going from the front to the back and flowing down her back. Her leather armor is dark blue and it is covered in runes that look like they were maybe painted on, but each rune comes from a different culture, and/or plane. (If you have knowledge arcana, or something similar, you can roll and take a guess at what they all or just some of them say). She has grey eyes that look a little clouded over right now, and she wears a pair of spectacles, but you cannot tell if she wears them to see or not.

After standing up, she takes her sisters arm and starts to try and walk off to supposedly find shelter.

OOC: I am not a tiefer, I am a planar elf silly kolikeos Eye-wink

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"OK, first one to find shelter then" says Summitfinder. He sets off on a course in the same direction as the two girls, but parallel to them. It is apparent to anyone watching closely that he is slowing his pace down to roughly match theirs.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling girl walks at about half speed, kicking up the dirt so it sprays. After a few moments, she stops suddenly, turning on her heel. "Find one if don't live hole shoee....should...can? Dig?" She purses her lips. and takes a long look over the horizon. " the sun, sis."

((OOC: She's looking specifically for any trees, caves, houses...moss?))

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Bruce watches for a moment as the two Xaosects wander off, before looking at the group that remains.

We might as well follow them, you know. At least we KNOW their crazy. Anyone else here we just have to guess.

Stop being resonable. It makes it easier to ignore you later.
Bruce begins to walk at a brisk pace towards Charlotte and the others, all the while searching the horizon for any sort of structure of high ground.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Charlotte looks all around her, this way and that looking for a place to find shelter in.

@ Bob, what kind of roll should we make to look for shelter? A search or a spot? I am guessing a spot, so here goes:
I rolled 1D20 and got a 15 + 10 (mod) = 25

Let me know what I see, k?

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

i fall in line behind the huge man, summit. unless the the man itself turns on me, it will probably be the safest position.

although groupity the elf and the tiefling seem a bit out there, it's a bit more comfortable to have a smiley around.

with a weak smile that lasts maybe a second, i continue walking, preparing for the unexpected.

ooc: we're missing two more players and a dm... ah well, looks like we'll have to wait 'til tomorrow

Corwyn's picture
Joined: 2006-04-17
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

If you slept little enough, and only slept to music, and only practiced to the sound of static, and only danced when it was quite, then chances are you wouldn't sleep much either (if you slept at all) and whatever sleep you did get, it'd be strange enough to make you not want to sleep at all.

That's why it didn't bother Sirrus much that over the course of the night he had sleptwalked into his training room to collect his gear, wrote a leave of absencse to his master in the Faction, and then fed his pet trilla enough to keep the dim beast alive for the next three weeks. The details of why he should be doing all this in his sleep, instead of consciously like good decent folk, is a question better left to old sages and young intellectuals.

A second pelt of thunder however was shocking to the black haired Hound Archon, causing him to wake with ( what might be considered in less noble creatures) a yelp. The Hound Archon shakes off his suprise, and in one fluid motion jumps from horizontal, to his hands, to standing upright on two feet. The Cipher surveys first his fellow travelers marooned on this desolate place, and then the horizon. Without a visible cue from the universe, the hound archon gently kicks the two still sleeping forms, and trots off into whichever horizon is stormiest.

OOC: Assuming of course that stormiest is a word <.<...)

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"No HorizonsFealt, we do not want to sleep in a hole, but we will if we must" says Charlotte to her sis. "We will keep looking, for now brown cow. Bruce did pay the bill," she looks behind her to Bruce walking to catch up.


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

As everybody searches, the rent in the sky approaches. Sometimes it cuts its way through the swirling colours faster or slower, as though some property of the plane occasionally impeded its progress. As Sirrus was heading directly towards it, he was the first to see that the stuff falling from the black void above was some kind of small, jelly-like blob. As the bits of goo hit the ground, they wobbled strangely and slowly melted into the ground. Getting closer to the strange storm, Sirrus could tell that the ground seemed to be getting softer, almost spongy.

Charlotte, being an attentive elf, noticed that next, and it's also quite apparent that the rain of goo is likely to overtake the archon very soon.


Pants of the North!

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Hey doggy-man! You might want to get away from there!" shouts Charlotte to the Hound Archon.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefer leans over to her sister, whispering loudly "The soup will overTAKE him!"

She falls to her knees and begins to dig. "A house!"

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The ground has a consistency resembling stone, but is reasonably easy to dig in, similar to the dirt found in places that aren't Sigil.


Pants of the North!

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

(OOC: When I looked out over the horizon, did I see any trees, shelter...caves?)

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

'princessbunny99' wrote:
(OOC: When I looked out over the horizon, did I see any trees, shelter...caves?)

OoC: Nope! Nobody has.


Pants of the North!

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

((OOC: Well shoot.))

The tiefling stops her digging for a moment to pull a whistle off of a string on one of her many belts. She holds it to her lips and blows, the note shrill and piercing. "I'M MAKING A HOUSE!" She yells, falling back to the ground to continue her hole.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Charlotte looks startled at her sister's reaction, and falls to her knees to help her dig. She pulls out two of her punching daggers and breaks through the dirt, allowing the tiefer to move it all away. In that way they can dig much faster.

"Sis... I will make the dirt loose, you will move it out, ok? We work like a team." says Charlotte sounding peculiarly clear for the first time you all have heard.


kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

i have a bad feeling about the thing that just fell from the sky, i attempt to stay as far away from it as possible "im not sure what that thing is, but i don't think it will be a good idea to stay and find out"

ooc: is it raining goo or did this thing just fall in one place?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

'kolikeos' wrote:
ooc: is it raining goo or did this thing just fall in one place?

OoC: It's raining goo, like little goo-blobs instead of raindrops.


Pants of the North!

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

You know, thats not to bad an idea. Bruce walks over and, without a word, begins to tear at the ground with his Guantlet.

"Are there any here who know the shield spell?" He yells as he digs.

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

in response to bruce "a small force umbrella will only be big enough for one person..." Rik joins the digging, what seemed like a crazy idea of two lunatics now seems like a pretty good idea "...hey, if we can make a hole big enough for all of us i can seal the entrance with a shield spell"

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Rishhad rushes to help realizing that he will be one of the first to get hurt should the goo be volatile,considering the only protection he has is his simple clothing.He falls to his knees and starts using his hands to dig at the ground as quickly as he can.
"We best hurry then.Someone here know's how to cast right?And how wide is that shield gonna be?I mean what if that stuff eats away the dirt next to us,then what?"
Rishhad pulls his handaxe from it's holder and starts to chop at the ground loosening it as well as scraping what is loose with his other hand.
OOC:I knew I shoulda bought that gronkskin cloak!

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"...hey, if we can make a hole big enough for all of us i can seal the entrance with a shield spell"

"Such was my plan." Bruce says, continueing to dig. He looks up briefly at the raining goo, and then back at his digging, and how little he has dug.

"I'll be right back." he says, charging toward the raining goo.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling pulls out a crowbar from her backpack and behings to hit the ground along with Charolette. "RAH!"

((OOC: How deep are we able to dig? Oh, and I posted a black and white picture of the tiefer here:

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"Hurry,hurry.we need to hurry up that storm thing's getting closer. Where'd bruce go?"Rishhad is now maniacly pounding the ground with the handaxe."You two(at the sisters)how deep should we go?"
OOC:ah! I don't the way this looking!

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Summitfinder has been watching the raining goo. He's never seen raining goo before, usually just water in various states falls out of the sky. And possibly things related to birds which we won't go into.

Looking at the people digging a hole "Umm, I'm not sure what you mean by a Shield spell, but how big an area does that cover. Because even if we all stood side-by-side and all cramped up, you're looking at the hole being about, what, 4 foot by 5. And dug down 8 foot if I'm going to stand in it. And even if we can dig that big a hole, which is questionable, if that spell doesn't cover the top then it isn't doing the job anyway."
"Oh, and has anyone ever seen it raining goo before?"

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling stops thudding at the ground with her crowbar and stands up, looking over the Hound Archon. "You.....are tall aren't you?" She takes off her haversack and sets it on the dirt. She reaches in and pulls out a bedroll, a thick blanket, a tent , an empty sack, and finally, a large iron pot.

She takes the pot in two hands and holds it up to the Archon. "Hat." She takes the sack and puts it on her own head and then hands the thick blanket to her sister. "Poncho!"

She then returns to smacking at the ground with the flat of the crowbar, apparently forgetting about the bedroll and tent

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Charlotte tales a quick second to put and secure the blanket over her head and shoulders, then goes back to puncing holes in the ground and moving the piles of dirt away.

"Thanks Kitten!" she says to her sister. "Wait... the tent! We can place that along with the shield spell over the hole...or why don't we just go into the tent and put the shield spell over that?" Charlotte's eye are looking VERY clear now. She stops digging and goes to put the tent up. When the tent is up she places the bedroll over the top of it. She then goes over and gets her sister and puts her into the tent, by force if nessesary. "Stay!"

She closes the tent door and goes over and runs into the storm of goop with her "poncho" on to see what will happen to them if there is no magical barrier. She knows they cannot dig enough in time, so she will sacrifice her health to find out what exactly this goop is.


BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

As Berk notices Charlotte, he yells back. "NO. I will test the effects of this."
With that, he continues to run towards the falling goo, slowing down as he reaches the edge of the 'rain.'

You know, Bruce. You've had better plans then this.

You want to go and dig, fine. I'll test the goo all by myself.

Wise ass.


kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

"it doesn't look like we'll have enough time to dig a big enough cavern, we should either start moving or get into the tent and hope for the best"
i stop digging and look at the two who went towards the goo rain, if the goo has any visual negative effects on them i will cast the shield spell over my head.

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Summitfinder watches the two racing off with a slightly bemused expressiojn on his face. You get the vague impression that he's not used to people who change their minds as often as the two girls. Then he grins and sets out in a gentle lope after the elf, easily eating up the distance between them, slowing to match her pace as he catches up to her.

"Does this mean that you don't know raining goo either? I hope it's nice goo. Do you think we can eat it?"

kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

ooc: if my character would have heard summit he would have said "are you sure this is the right time to flirt with mad women?". nah, just kidding, but its the first thing that popped into my mind.

galzion's picture
Joined: 2004-07-04
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OOC: you mean there's a wrong time to flirt with mad women? Smiling

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

OOC: hehehee There is NO wrong time to flirt with mad women... trust me, I KNOW, I AM one...ask Bob or PB!

IC:Charlotte looks to SummitFinder and smiles back, but her eyes are starting to look a little cloudy, like she isn't as "with it" as she was when she made this choice.

"Bruce...I don't want to pay THAT bill!" she yells to Bruce.

Charlotte starts running as fast as she can and throws off the blanket "poncho" and begins to laugh.

OOC: Bob, please tell us who makes it there first Eye-wink


princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

The tiefling girl sits in the tent (that's unfortunately only big enough for two) for all of....3 minutes or so. She then promptly stands up and begins repositioning it over the hole. AFter that, she sits back down and continues to dig with the crowbar, making more of a mess than anything.

" Digagigabar a crow, crow a bar a dig gar gig a gar. Flutter flip and flit a bar a gig a fig a crow!" She sings in a surprisingly in tune and beautiful voice.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Summitfinder easily catches up with Charlotte, followed shortly by Bruce. Although Charlotte and Bruce try to beat each other to the strange rain, they arrive at roughly the same time. Little droplets of goo splatter over them; where it touches bare skin it feels... cold. Their body heat quickly melts the goo, turning it into a runny liquid, almost like water. The ground beneath their feet is clearly spongelike and squishy, squelching beneath their weight.

It seems, though, that the rain is merely unusual, not harmful. The dark rent in the sky grows wider, though, slowly pushing the swirling colours off towards the horizon.


Pants of the North!

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

Charlotte abubtly stops laughing and begins to call out to her sister. "Sister Violet Eyes Persuasion! Come out and play! Ollie ollie oxenfree! Not it!" And she tags Bruce with a wet splash and runs behind SummitFinder so that Bruce cannot see her. She makes a B-line away from him so thst hopfully he will not see her running. though he probably will.


kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Between the Spaces III: Foris Universitas

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
The ground beneath their feet is clearly spongelike and squishy, squelching beneath their weight.
"it looks like staying in that hole would not be a good idea" says Rik to the crazy tiefling. "anyway, it seems you made me panic with no real reason" says Rik with a small smile

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