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Joined: 2007-05-16

What happens when a female faerie and a male goblin do the nasty? (And with goblins it’s always nasty!) You end up with a bendith. Always born male these hideous creatures are luckily sterile and can not procreate (not that even a female bendith would want to mate with another of her kind). This coupled with the rarity in which a goblin and fey interbreed keep the population of bendith mercifully low.
When born the fairy parent will a kidnap human child leaving the bendith behind, this practice is referred as fostering. When born the bendith appears as a beautiful baby who grows into a delicate child, this unfortunately does not last. As the bendith child grows into his teen years he slowly gets sicklier and his body twisted, yet his comely face stays as lovely as ever. By the time he reaches fifteen the bendith is a crippled hunched back all twisted of limb with the face of an angel. At about this time the poor twisted creature if not already driven out will leave the fostering parents and go seek out a dark damp cave or some other dank place to wallow in his misery. The bendith will spend the rest of his life plagued by morose thoughts, creating angst filled poems and music. If it were not for the haunting beauty of the bendith’s music (and his natural divination abilities) most would avoid these horrible creatures at all cost.

• -4 con, +4 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, +4 Charisma.
• Bendith base land speed is 20 feet.
• Low-light vision.
• Skills: bendith have a +2 racial bonus on bluff, listen and perform checks.
• Special Qualities:
o Damage reduction 10/cold iron,
o spell resistance equal to 15 + class levels.
o Immune to enchantment spells and effects
o Augury at will
o Charm person at will
o Has the following abilities at least 1/day
 1-2 HD Hypnotism 1/day; faerie fire or glitterdust 1/day
 3-4 HD sleep or enthrall 1/day
 5-6 HD curse 1/day, Tasha’s hideous laughter or suggestion 1/day
 7-8 HD crushing despair 1/day, divination 1/day
 9-10 HD eyebite or lesser geas 1/day
 11-12 HD dominate person or hold monster 1/day
 13-14 HD mass invisibility 1/day
 15-16 HD geas/quest or mass suggestion 1/day
 17-18 HD insanity or mass charm 1/day
 19+ Otto’s irresistible dance 1/day
• Automatic Languages: Common, Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Elven, Gnome, Draconic, Goblin
• Favored Class: bard.
• Level adjustment:

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