Been Gone a While

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The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
Been Gone a While

Yes, yes, I know, I disappeared off the earth. School savagely slammed me to the ground, and--

What's that? You don't even know or remember who I am?!

Well, all right. That makes this easy, then.

Hi! I'm a wildly creative person with a little time on his hands that loves the Planescape universe and wants to help build things. My most potent skill is writing and coming up with really oddball ideas at the fly of a hat. My least potent skill is general thoroughness and research (I'm a flash-in-the-pan kind of guy). I have an obsessive compulsive streak when it comes to details that borders on the crippling (I spend hours paining over the correct use of the word 'the'), as well as a bag chock full of weird ideas.

One of them is an introductory adventure arc that's a Dungeon Theme-Restaurant, with a safe-zone (conveniently marked by a sign that says 'SAFE-ZONE') complete with toiletries, couches, beds, comforters, a fully-stocked mini-bar, and even tiny theme napkins that contain 'DUNGEON-ROMPER HINTS!' (tm) for making your way through the dungeon to its end (where you can enjoy the special, deliciously steamed Beholder stalks over linguini!).

The players go in thinking they're going to kill the evil wizard, Sinistratus, only to learn that the whole place is just a Multiverse commute for adventuring families who want a little fun. They burst into the final chamber only to find level 20 families enjoying finely prepared food to the sound of elegant harp music.

"Oh, look, honey! Native Dungeon-Rompers! This place has everything!"
"I think they're still level 3. Are they still level 3?"
"Hush, Billy. You were level 3, once."
"Yeah, mom, when I was six."

ANYWAY. Where can I go here to do the most damage? I'm a nuclear warhead of creative energy. SOMEONE AIM ME.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Been Gone a While

"Go get her, Ray!" /forumtID=33663#p33663

Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Been Gone a While

"It just... popped in there!" (this picture did after reading your post, lol)

And I gotta say... it's not easy to horrify Tchick like that. Hilarious idea Smiling


Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Been Gone a While

You had me at "dungeon themed restaurant"

The planes needs this outlet. Especially Urban Planescape.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
Been Gone a While

It would be a start-up adventure for Planescape.

Something about the idea of players in a normal prime world thinking that they're busy destroying this all-important all-evil mage, with the slow creeping realization that the dungeon they entered (through an ancient, decaying portal) was apparently engineered for adventuring parties (helpful hints along the walls, sporatically placed rest-sites with fully stocked mini-bars). The document where they read about the mage turns out to have been a half-burnt ad that ended up in their prime-world; they get introduced to Planescape by discovering that for the rest of the Multiverse, what they dedicate their lives to (dungeon-romping and evil-slaying) is pretty much just a form of recreation for the bulk of the population.

One of the big themes of Planescape I've always enjoyed is the contrast to the Prime. In the Prime, you matter. The things you do--the villains you beat--the dungeons you explore, the monsters you slay--they can reshape the world.

But in Planescape, no matter who or what you are, you're just a berk. Even level 20 characters are just ants in the eyes of the real powers. The multiverse is just too immense for you to have any truly lasting effect.

Plus, the wizard that's used as the villain is a half-mad loony who's been ressurected so many times that he's actually trying to get perma-killed.

In addition, I have a crazy idea about a Yugoloth-run Library of Lies (where the Loths forge entire histories of lies, perpetuating untruths across the Multiverse--including false creation stories for the Baatezu, Tanar'ri, and anyone else) where the deceit gets so deep that it sometimes wraps back around into truth, and the lies themselves become alive. Even the Yugoloths in the library itself are victims of their own lies--and somewhere in the library is said to be the most powerful lie of them all: the First Lie.

A Mechanus math-golem (as in made of numbers--as in, he has no physical form, but instead insinuates himself into systems). A bard who's stories are so persuasive that they take on a life of their own and proceed to romp through the Multiverse (mazed after he started telling a story about the Lady of Pain). A haunted asylum in Sigil run by a brilliant disbarred Bleaker obsessed with immortality through memory, who terrified the inmates until their memories of him were so filled with fear that their collective unconsciousness allowed him to survive as a terrifying nightmare long after his death. A plane that's literally a tangled knot of space and time, where portals lead everywhere--and every when. A mage of time who's crimes were so great that he was trapped in a miniature demiplane that travels backwards through time.

Tons of other stuff. My brain is bursting.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Been Gone a While

A dungeon themed restaurant? A sorta resteraunt at the end of the multiverse eh?

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