Beavis and Butthead do Sigil...

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Joined: 2007-06-13
Beavis and Butthead do Sigil...

BEAVIS: Whoa! Check it out! There's a whole 'nother world in our closet!
BUTTHEAD: Beavis, you wuss! You've seen too many movies... and it was a wardrobe, dumbass!
BEAVIS: No, look, there a city in here!
BUTTHEAD: Whoa! You're right...
(They wander around Sigil a bit...)
BEAVIS: Dude, check out the big frog!
(They see a Slaad.)
BUTTHEAD: Forget the frog, check out the big chick with the blades...!
(The Lady of Pain approaches...)
BUTTHEAD: Hey, baby! Wanna show me your thinggies?
(The Lady's eyes flash, and Beavis and Butthead writhe in pain on the ground, covered with bleeding wounds...)
BEAVIS: Arrrgggghh! This sucks!
BUTTHEAD: Huh huh huh, "thinggies"...
(They die...)

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