Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

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Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Who says I don't listen? I ignore Gerzel because according to him I'm a sore loser. This is in spite of the fact that nobody but me has cited rules to back up their claims. You want to pin me down, do so with citations, otherwise you're words are hollow.

Allright, I'm sorry I said that you were taking losing poorly and being sore about it. I still say you have lost but if you don't see it I suppose we can spar some more. I honestly didn't think it would bother you or hurt your feelings that much.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
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All I've asked is for you to difinitively prove me wrong. I've backed up damn near everything I've postulated with material from WotC. Given what I know about research, I find your arguments to be on the losing side because you haven't proven me wrong with the material in the books.

Hecruel's picture
Joined: 2005-02-14
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"Emperor Xan" wrote:
All I've asked is for you to difinitively prove me wrong. I've backed up damn near everything I've postulated with material from WotC. Given what I know about research, I find your arguments to be on the losing side because you haven't proven me wrong with the material in the books.

What conditions would prove you wrong?

I'm going to list what I think the conditions are, please tell me if I miss anything.

To prove the point wrong a feat is needed that is:
A. Form an official WOTC 3.5 source.
B. Contains a specific benefit to the character possesing that feat.
C. Contains a specific penalty to the character possesing that feat.
D. That penalty must not be something that can be turned off. An example would be the power attack feat where a player can choose not to use power attack.
E. That penalty must not be something that can be completly negated. However if the ability penalized is not used that does not count as being negated because the penalty could arise later in game play.

Are these reasonable terms?

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
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"Emperor Xan" wrote:
That's nice, Narfi, but you still haven't refuted pages 57 & 58 of the FRCS, that was the other half of the point.

seeing as how I don't own the FRCS (and most likely never will) I do not know what is on those pages. Could you please be more specific?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
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"Narfi Ref" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
That's nice, Narfi, but you still haven't refuted pages 57 & 58 of the FRCS, that was the other half of the point.

seeing as how I don't own the FRCS (and most likely never will) I do not know what is on those pages. Could you please be more specific?

I was, I quoted the pages.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
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Oh, you mean this?

Oh, what's this? From the FRCS p. 57 concerning the Shadow Weave:

"Shar has full control over the Shadow Weave and can isolate any creature from it or silence it entirely without any harm to herself." Not to mention that "Without assistance from Shar, a Shadow Weave user loses a bit of his or her mind."

If that's what you were talking about, there's no point in me trying to refute it as it is a moot point. So Shar controls the Shadow Weave. So to be sane you have to worship him. So what? That has nothing to do with the fact that this feat includes a penalty toward those specific schools. This penalty applies to all spell-casting classes, and might even apply to the equivalent psionic disciplines due to Psionic/Magic Transperancy (note, this is note a subject that needs to be debated as the answer in no way has any bearing on the subect at hand, that being the existance of feats with inherent penalties). Was there anything else?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
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Yeah, the second quote.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
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"Hecruel" wrote:
What conditions would prove you wrong?

I'm going to list what I think the conditions are, please tell me if I miss anything.

To prove the point wrong a feat is needed that is:
A. Form an official WOTC 3.5 source.
B. Contains a specific benefit to the character possesing that feat.
C. Contains a specific penalty to the character possesing that feat.
E. That penalty must not be something that can be completly negated. However if the ability penalized is not used that does not count as being negated because the penalty could arise later in game play.

Are these reasonable terms?

These would be the four criteria. Option "D" was never included in my list as the "penalties" for feats such as Power Attack and Combat Expertise where you are taking a bonus you have and temporarily applying it to something else. Those are voluntary transfers of bonuses you have.

Hecruel's picture
Joined: 2005-02-14
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In the discussion of weather or not a feat could have penalties as the Planewalker feats do and still be built along lines that have already been demonstrated in WOTC official material there has been issued challenge from Xan to prove him wrong by submitting a feat that demonstrates these types of penalties. Here I submit the Shadow Weave feat as a feat that does just this.

Player's Guide To Faerun: Page 43
Exact text of the feat:

Shadow Weave Magic [General] You have discovered the dangerous secret of the Shadow Weave. . Prerequisite: Wis 15 or patron deity Shar. . Benefit: From now on, your spells tap the Shadow Weave in-stead of the Weave. You can also activate magic items that use the Shadow Weave without taking damage. . The saving throw for every spell you cast from the schools of enchantment, illusion, and necromancy increases by +1. You also get a +1 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance with spells from these schools. . The Shadow Weave proves less than optimal for effects involving energy or matter. Your effective caster level for spells you cast from the schools of evocation or transmutation (except spells with the darkness descriptor) is reduced by one. A 1st-level Shadow Weave user cannot cast spells from these schools at all. . You can no longer cast spells with the light descriptor. No matter what school they are from, such spells automatically fail. Your ability to use magic items that produce light effects is also limited--you cannot invoke an item's light power if its activation method is spell completion or spell trigger. . From now on, any magic item you create is a Shadow Weave item (see Chapter 2 of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting).

A. Form an official WOTC 3.5 source.
- Yes. The Player's Guide to Faerun is a WOTC 3.5 source according to the 1st paragraph on the 1st page of that book.

B. Contains a specific benefit to the character possessing that feat.

- Yes. Paragraphs one, two and five all give benefits to the character. One allows a character to access the Shadow Weave. Two grants a +1 increase to saving throws and caster level checks for the character when casting spells from the enchantment, illusion, and necromancy schools. This bonus applies for spells of those schools from any source, arcane or divine(see D&D 3.5 PHB pg 169 paragraph 3) since this is a general feat and does not specify arcane, divine or a specific spell caster class.

C. Contains a specific penalty to the character possessing that feat.
- Yes. Paragraphs three and four both contain penalties. Paragraph 3 reduces the effective caster level for evocation and transmutation for the character. Paragraph 4 removes the character's ability to cast any spells with the light descriptor regardless of school.

E. That penalty must not be something that can be completely negated. However if the ability penalized is not used that does not count as being negated because the penalty could arise later in game play.
- Yes. The penalties above are never completely negated as long as the Shadow Weave feat is present for the character.
- A specialist wizard character who takes evocation and transmutation as his prohibited schools is still penalized through the restrictions pertaining to casting spells with the light designator. As well that character may take levels in another spell casting class that would not have any schools restricted and the penalties to those schools would apply to the other spell casting class. I say may above because I have been unable to find a final ruling on the issue of weather or not restricted schools apply if a character multiclasses in another class that grants spells from a different list. The PHB is not specific and I am currently awaiting a response from WOTC help. However it does not affect the penalty restricting spells with the light designator.
- Also it is known that outside of the specific feat text the nature of the Shadow Weave may reduce a user's sanity if they are not a worshiper of Shar. In effect this is another penalty but does not count as a specific one.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
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This feat has been brought up before in the beginning of this thread. I have shown how this feat is not a penalty to the character through the description of the Shadow Weave and its effects in Forgotten Realms in comparison to the Weave. Point E in your argument is flawed based on the text of the FRCS which has not been replaced in 3.5 updates.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
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"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Gerzel, you still haven't shown me a 3.5 feat with both a benefit and a drawback.

Gods help me for wading in on this but... here goes.

Natural Heavyweight
(Planar Handbook, pg. 40, which makes it clearly WotC and 3.5e)
It's a feat that may be taken at any level and you can't turn it off once you've taken it.
Benefits: Carrying capacity is doubled, +2 circumstance bonus on Climb and Jump checks.
Drawbacks: -2 penalty on Balance, Ride, Swim and Tumble checks.

This fits every single one of the criteria set for this debate. The only way to reject this example is to pile on additional constraints.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
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"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Gerzel, you still haven't shown me a 3.5 feat with both a benefit and a drawback.

Gods help me for wading in on this but... here goes.

Natural Heavyweight
(Planar Handbook, pg. 40, which makes it clearly WotC and 3.5e)
It's a feat that may be taken at any level and you can't turn it off once you've taken it.
Benefits: Carrying capacity is doubled, +2 circumstance bonus on Climb and Jump checks.
Drawbacks: -2 penalty on Balance, Ride, Swim and Tumble checks.

This fits every single one of the criteria set for this debate. The only way to reject this example is to pile on additional constraints.

I never added any constraints...however I can nullify the penalties.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Gerzel, you still haven't shown me a 3.5 feat with both a benefit and a drawback.

Gods help me for wading in on this but... here goes.

Natural Heavyweight
(Planar Handbook, pg. 40, which makes it clearly WotC and 3.5e)
It's a feat that may be taken at any level and you can't turn it off once you've taken it.
Benefits: Carrying capacity is doubled, +2 circumstance bonus on Climb and Jump checks.
Drawbacks: -2 penalty on Balance, Ride, Swim and Tumble checks.

This fits every single one of the criteria set for this debate. The only way to reject this example is to pile on additional constraints.

I never added any constraints...however I can nullify the penalties.

Please explain.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
I never added any constraints...however I can nullify the penalties.

No. You cannot nullify the penalties just by saying so.

What you can do is argue that they have been nullified but in order to do it you have to show how they are nullified. Wotc not changing that text means nothing to me. As far as I have read that text says nothing that nullifies the penalties.

Xan. At this point two feats have been provided that fit your critiria. While you have put forth arguements that go against them other arguments have been put forth as well that strengthen them. The last round Hecruel summerized the Shadow Weave feat and another feat was added that was another demonstration of a feat that meets those critiria.

If you don't want to concede then you should give reasons why E is nullified. If you already mentioned those reasons do it again or point to were you did, just a page number of this thread will do and a few words to show which post you're refering to.

If you don't want to put forth the effort to participate in a rational argument then concede gracefully. At this point Hecruel adressed every point you put forward that was still active. If he/she missed something you should point it out. If you don't want to do that then you should bow out.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
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"Emperor Xan" wrote:
I never added any constraints...however I can nullify the penalties.
You mean the penalties of the new feat? I'm curious... what do you have in mind?

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
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Hold on. I'm willing to let Xan explain why my example doesn't fit the specific criteria that he agreed to. This is his challenge, so as long as he's willing to play by the rules of the game, then so will I. Fair's fair.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
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"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
Hold on. I'm willing to let Xan explain why my example doesn't fit the specific criteria that he agreed to. This is his challenge, so as long as he's willing to play by the rules of the game, then so will I. Fair's fair.

Sorry, I was exhausted and had to sleep for a bit.

Here is one way you can nullify the -2 penalities:

Acrobatic: +2 to Jump & Tumble checks
Agile: +2 to Balance & Escape Artist checks
Animal Affinity: +2 to Handle Animal & Ride checks
Atheletic: +2 to Climb & Swim checks

as the penalty is a -2 for the four skills in question, they cancel one another out. However, the easiest way is to just not take the feat and get a bunch of bags of holding or other magic so you can carry double your normal carrying capacity without needing this feat.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
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OK. After talking with Xan over the messanger, I have a very distinct feeling that people have been arguing over two different things.
Xan's been trying to show that every drawback in the feat system can be compensated for. Sure, the compensations require additional investments (eg extra skill points or magic items to overcome the penalties of "Natural Heavyweight"), but there are escapes. On the other hand, the drawbacks of belief systems such as the factions are much less linear, much harder to dodge. How do you get around Bleaker melancholy with jink or feats?

Now, the break comes when different folks look at the feat system and interpret intent differently. Xan feels, it seems, that since traditional PC resources (feats, etc) only provide compensatable drawbacks, the systems don't support the unavoidable drawbacks of beliefs. Therefore, he's turned to templates, which have had such resilient weaknesses in the past. Others feel that since drawbacks are present in the feat system, it's irrelevant whether or not there's ways to eventually negate the drawbacks.

What we have here is different views of the rigidity of the system. Without agreeing upon this rigidity, there's nothing to debate. And if we do agree, then the debate is already resolved.

Let's bury the hatchet, folks.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

I'm sorry - and after this - certainly hatchet burying will occur.

But my local Guvner says 2 + -2 = 0 and 2 + 0 = 2 and 0 < 2.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

Shouldn't this go into the Hall of Records, as it's a rules discussion?

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
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I've followed this debate for a long time, and strong language aside, there have been good arguments made on both sides. I'm coming into this fresh and without bias. I just want to try my hand at Xan's challenge.

The point of all this, of course, is proof-of-concept. Xan's asking us to show that WotC has a game mechanic that is similar to what we are using for the factions. It's been established that the mechanism chosen for PW will not be changed now, so this debate is largely academic, but if you enjoy a good debate, then it's a valid topic. The caveat being that such a debate needs to remain friendly and not spill over into other threads.

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
Xan's been trying to show that every drawback in the feat system can be compensated for. Sure, the compensations require additional investments (eg extra skill points or magic items to overcome the penalties of "Natural Heavyweight"), but there are escapes.

Hmm. Drawbacks that can't be overcome or compensated for? That's a tall order. How 'bout this one...

There's a feat in Complete Arcane called Mage Slayer.

Prerequisite: Spellcraft 2 ranks, base attack bonus +3.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Will saving throws. Spellcasters you threaten may not cast defensively (they automatically fail their Concentration checks to do so), but they are aware that they cannot cast defensively while being threatened by a character with this feat.
Special: Taking this feat reduces your caster level for all your spells and spell-like abilities by 4.

That's a huge drawback -- it's clear that WotC is willing to apply major downsides to feats. 4 caster levels lost for ALL of your spells, all of the time. 4 caster levels gone from all of your spell-like abilities, all the time. Ouch. Could you overcome it? Well, the feat is available to 6th level wizards. A human 6th level wizard gets 2 feats at 1st level, another at 3rd, a bonus feat at 5th, and takes Mage Slayer at 6th. He gets 13,000 gp worth of gear/money/treasure. I don't believe it can be done but you're welcome to try.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
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Fine, let's move it to the proper section, but I think I got me a winner.

Xan, s'up to you. Will you accept that Mage Slayer is a valid 3.5e feat that meets all the established criteria, including 'E'?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
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"Emperor Xan" wrote:
"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
Hold on. I'm willing to let Xan explain why my example doesn't fit the specific criteria that he agreed to. This is his challenge, so as long as he's willing to play by the rules of the game, then so will I. Fair's fair.

Sorry, I was exhausted and had to sleep for a bit.

Here is one way you can nullify the -2 penalities:

Acrobatic: +2 to Jump & Tumble checks
Agile: +2 to Balance & Escape Artist checks
Animal Affinity: +2 to Handle Animal & Ride checks
Atheletic: +2 to Climb & Swim checks

as the penalty is a -2 for the four skills in question, they cancel one another out. However, the easiest way is to just not take the feat and get a bunch of bags of holding or other magic so you can carry double your normal carrying capacity without needing this feat.

That does not nullify. That merely compesates for. A character can take all those feats and if they don't have the Natural Heavyweight feat they will be better off in those areas than if they had the Natural heavyweight feat. The negative penalties still apply and are still in the equation. Also if you didn't have to compensate then you wouldn't have to spend those feats to compensate which would free them up for other uses.

In short. Compensation is not nullifcation. The penalty is still there even if it is compensated for. If you are very near-sighted but can correct it with contacts you are still near-sighted.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

True. Mage Slayer hits all the criteria for a "feat that includes a drawback," including stipulation E, because even if you take a feat like Practiced Spellcaster, it's still a part of your "equation," like Gerzel said. Having to take a feat to cast at the level to which you would normally be entitled is definitely a drawback. The feat is probably for warriors more than spellcasters, but that still is a drawback, according to stipulation E.

Alright, I'm once again not a part of this debate.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Clueless" wrote:
I'm sorry - and after this - certainly hatchet burying will occur.

But my local Guvner says 2 + -2 = 0 and 2 + 0 = 2 and 0 < 2.

Careful. I hear the last word is a dangerous thing to have. Eye-wink

EDIT: Whoops, looks like there's another page. :oops:

"Gerzel" wrote:
That does not nullify. That merely compesates for. A character can take all those feats and if they don't have the Natural Heavyweight feat they will be better off in those areas than if they had the Natural heavyweight feat. The negative penalties still apply and are still in the equation. Also if you didn't have to compensate then you wouldn't have to spend those feats to compensate which would free them up for other uses.

In short. Compensation is not nullifcation. The penalty is still there even if it is compensated for. If you are very near-sighted but can correct it with contacts you are still near-sighted.

Compensation is what this mess is all about, actually. But like I said earlier, the whole thing's personal interpretation of intent anyway...

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
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Thanks for your support, Rhys. Truly. But I want Xan to consider my offering without explanations or clarifications. I want the feat to stand (or fall) on its own. Xan knows the criteria by which the feat must be considered.

Eco, I understand what you're saying. However, I believe Mage Slayer will fully meet Xan's criteria, as I don't think a 6th level mage will be able to compensate for or nullify the drawback. (even with a sack full of magic items)

I humbly ask for your patience to let Xan respond. Let's see where this goes.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
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"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Yeah, the second quote.

Which was what again? This thread is far too long for me to find that easily without some help. What page of the thread did you post it on? What was the gist of it?

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
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"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:

Eco, I understand what you're saying. However, I believe Mage Slayer will fully meet Xan's criteria, as I don't think a 6th level mage will be able to compensate for or nullify the drawback. (even with a sack full of magic items)

Considering that Stench of the Dead doesn't meet his criteria, I doubt this will. My guess is that Xan will say that it is obviously intended for non-spellcasting classes, and therefore the penalty is practically non-existant.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

I was afraid this would happen. Here's the feat again. I'd really like the next post to come from Xan. I want him (as the originator of this challenge) to consider the feat on its own merits, unclouded by others' opinions.

"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
There's a feat in Complete Arcane called Mage Slayer.

Prerequisite: Spellcraft 2 ranks, base attack bonus +3.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Will saving throws. Spellcasters you threaten may not cast defensively (they automatically fail their Concentration checks to do so), but they are aware that they cannot cast defensively while being threatened by a character with this feat.
Special: Taking this feat reduces your caster level for all your spells and spell-like abilities by 4.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
I was afraid this would happen. Here's the feat again. I'd really like the next post to come from Xan. I want him (as the originator of this challenge) to consider the feat on its own merits, unclouded by others' opinions.

Sorry, I read your post so quickly I missed the last line asking for us to butt out. I'll do that now.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Well, it's been a week and no reply. Guess that means I've successfully met the challenge."

Enzo starts digging a large hole, about the size of, say, a pony...

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

Patience, I'm not running away. I have to work on a contract for school.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
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Okay, to examine "Mage Slayer" will take multiple posts and a bit of time as I'm swamped with creative writing work for school, a playtesting group for my RPG, and I still haven't finished my book that's due 8/1/05.

The first detail that seems to have been overlooked is in the footnote attached to the feat in the feat list:

"A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats."

Granted, that's not enough to prove the intent of the feat as anyone can still take it based on the requirements listed. The requirements for this feat makes it unavailable to wizards until 6th level. For fighters, they can take it by 3rd level. There is a minimum of 2 ranks in Spellcraft to have this feat, a cross-class skill for fighters. The application of Spellcraft by wizards is such that not maxing it out could be a disadvantage for the character in terms of DCs for saves vs. spells cast by wizards who don't maintain their Spellcraft at its highest possible level.

The second clue we have as to who this feat is aimed at is in the flavor text:

"You have studied the ways and weaknesses of spellcasters and can time your attacks and defenses against them expertly."

This wording is stragetically-minded. The timing of an counterstrike is something a nonspellcaster would do.

The third clue is found in two feats that muse Mage Slayer as a prerquisite: Pierce Magical Concealment and Pierce Magical Protection.

"Your firece contempt for magic allows you to disregard the miss chance granted by spells or spell-like abilities."


"Your contempt for magic is so fierce that as a standard action you can make a melee attack that ignores any bonuses to Armor Class granted by spells."

If you're intent on taking a feat chain that describes your hatred for your class' most important abilities, then there's a chance that you need to reexamine the character's motivations. However, if you just want to be able to prevent another caster's ability to cast defensively, you can negate the effects of Mage Slayer by taking Practiced Spellcaster:

"Your caster level for the chosen spellcasting class increases by 4."

In this case, you negate the level loss by Mage Slayer.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Okay, to examine "Mage Slayer" will take multiple posts and a bit of time as I'm swamped with creative writing work for school, a playtesting group for my RPG, and I still haven't finished my book that's due 8/1/05.
I understand that you have suddenly become very busy. That's okay. I can be patient.

The first detail that seems to have been overlooked is in the footnote attached to the feat in the feat list:

"A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats."

I didn't overlook it. It's irrelevant. The feat is not restricted to fighters, as you grant below.

Granted, that's not enough to prove the intent of the feat as anyone can still take it based on the requirements listed. The requirements for this feat makes it unavailable to wizards until 6th level. For fighters, they can take it by 3rd level.
No argument. A fighter can get to this feat before a wizard. I note that a cleric could get it at 4th.

There is a minimum of 2 ranks in Spellcraft to have this feat, a cross-class skill for fighters. The application of Spellcraft by wizards is such that not maxing it out could be a disadvantage for the character in terms of DCs for saves vs. spells cast by wizards who don't maintain their Spellcraft at its highest possible level.
Irrelevant. In fact you seem to be arguing against yourself here.

The second clue we have as to who this feat is aimed at is in the flavor text:

"You have studied the ways and weaknesses of spellcasters and can time your attacks and defenses against them expertly."

This wording is stragetically-minded. The timing of an counterstrike is something a nonspellcaster would do.

I presume that a 'Mage Slayer' knows how to time and direct threatening moves against an enemy spellcaster so as to completely frustrate spell-casting attempts. A mage, sorcerer, bard, cleric, druid, paladin, ranger, etc. is just as likely to threaten an enemy mage as a non-spellcaster (barbarian, fighter, rogue). I think your point is invalid.

The third clue is found in two feats that muse Mage Slayer as a prerquisite: Pierce Magical Concealment and Pierce Magical Protection.

"Your firece contempt for magic allows you to disregard the miss chance granted by spells or spell-like abilities."


"Your contempt for magic is so fierce that as a standard action you can make a melee attack that ignores any bonuses to Armor Class granted by spells."

If you're intent on taking a feat chain that describes your hatred for your class' most important abilities, then there's a chance that you need to reexamine the character's motivations.

You are arguing intent based on FLAVOR TEXT from OTHER feats that use 'Mage Slayer' as a prerequisite?! No. That's just wrong, Xan, I'm sure you can see that. But I'm in a good mood... It's Friday, so I'll play along. Say I'm a cleric who hates mages... this would be a great feat for me to take. Say I'm a sorcerer who hates... druids! Bloody tree-huggers always getting on their high hors... uh right. Sorry. Anyway, you can be a spellaster and still hate other spellcasters. I can come up with plenty of valid character concepts centered on spellcasters who hate spellcasters.

However, if you just want to be able to prevent another caster's ability to cast defensively, you can negate the effects of Mage Slayer by taking Practiced Spellcaster:

"Your caster level for the chosen spellcasting class increases by 4."

In this case, you negate the level loss by Mage Slayer.

No you don't. All you negate is the 4 levels for spells from one of your spellcasting classes. What about your spell-like abilities? What about the levels in ANOTHER spellcasting class you might have. Practiced Spellcaster only bumps up caster level for the CHOSEN spellcasting class. Mage Slayer reduces your caster level for ALL spells and ALL spell-like abilities.

As a refresher, the rules of the challenge are as follows...

To prove the point wrong a feat is needed that is: A. Form an official WOTC 3.5 source. B. Contains a specific benefit to the character possessing that feat. C. Contains a specific penalty to the character possessing that feat. E. That penalty must not be something that can be completly negated. However if the ability penalized is not used that does not count as being negated because the penalty could arise later in game play.

I think "A", "B" and "C" are clearly met. We're presently debating "E".

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
You are arguing intent based on FLAVOR TEXT from OTHER feats that use 'Mage Slayer' as a prerequisite?! No. That's just wrong, Xan, I'm sure you can see that. But I'm in a good mood... It's Friday, so I'll play along. Say I'm a cleric who hates mages... this would be a great feat for me to take. Say I'm a sorcerer who hates... druids! Bloody tree-huggers always getting on their high hors... uh right. Sorry. Anyway, you can be a spellaster and still hate other spellcasters. I can come up with plenty of valid character concepts centered on spellcasters who hate spellcasters.

I didn't know you considered the text of a feat's benefit to be flavor text.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

You used the term 'flavor text' yourself, Xan.

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
The second clue we have as to who this feat is aimed at is in the flavor text:

"You have studied the ways and weaknesses of spellcasters and can time your attacks and defenses against them expertly."

"Your contempt for magic..." is flavor text. There is no mechanic for 'contempt'.

Regardless, my point still stands. There are plenty of valid character concepts that involve spellcasters who hate other types of spellcasters. You're presenting OTHER feats that clearly are NOT the feat I presented and they don't belong in this discussion.

Xan, either explain why Mage Slayer does not meet the rules of the challenge or be a gentleman and concede graciously. But don't try to take this off on a tangent.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

Who the feat is aimed at is (a) impossible to prove and (b) irrelevant. Whether, in your opinion, it makes more sense for a fighter to take "Mage Slayer" or a wizard or a cleric or a bard or a paladin makes absolutely no difference.

You never actually articulated this point, but I think I'll fill it in for you: you believe that, since the feat is so clearly intended for pure-combat-no-spellcasting classes, it is not restrictive for them.

You can never prove, even by deconstructing each sentence in the feat, what class it was "intended" for, if (unlikely) the game designers would be so self-restrictive as to make feats for one class only. Certainly, trying to claim that the strategic or tactical diction means that only a non-spellcaster would take it is ridiculous. Anyone can take a feat like that.

The only thing you've brought up that is an argument based on rules is the idea that it requires both combat capacity (as represented in the BAB requirement) and magical knowledge (as represented by the Spellcraft requirement). But this makes no difference, either. Fighters can take cross-class skills. Characters can multiclass warrior classes with spellcaster classes. Classes exist that have good BAB progressions and have Spellcraft as a class skill. Wizards can be 6th level.

You could take Practiced Spellcaster to undo the effective caster level penalty to one spellcasting class. You'd still have penalties to spell-like abilities and to any other spellcasting class. But you'd still have to use an additional feat just to compensate for the penalty associated with this first feat.

But none of this really matters, because even if your arguments were true, and the feat were used only by people who didn't have levels in spellcasting classes, according to stipulation E, "if the ability penalized is not used that does not count as being negated because the penalty could arise later in game play." Therefore, Mage Slayer beats you.

Like the example wizard victim of this feat, you have no defense against it, and every move you make draws another hit from the opponent.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
Xan, either explain why Mage Slayer does not meet the rules of the challenge or be a gentleman and concede graciously. But don't try to take this off on a tangent.

Practiced Spellcaster may be taken multiple times.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Rhys" wrote:
But none of this really matters, because even if your arguments were true, and the feat were used only by people who didn't have levels in spellcasting classes, according to stipulation E, "if the ability penalized is not used that does not count as being negated because the penalty could arise later in game play." Therefore, Mage Slayer beats you.

You haven't proven that this feat doesn't have a counter, Rhys.

By the way, how many feats has WotC published?

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
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"Emperor Xan" wrote:
You haven't proven that this feat doesn't have a counter

The burden of proof is yours, Xan, to demonstrate that there is a way to compensate for the penalty to all spell-like abilities. Until you can show evidence that a way does exist to do so, then it's perfectly valid to assume that there isn't one.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Persephone Imytholin" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
You haven't proven that this feat doesn't have a counter

The burden of proof is yours, Xan, to demonstrate that there is a way to compensate for the penalty to all spell-like abilities. Until you can show evidence that a way does exist to do so, then it's perfectly valid to assume that there isn't one.

Hello! How many times do I have to point things out to you people?

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Hello! How many times do I have to point things out to you people?

I'm assuming that you mean you're repeating this:

"Your caster level for the chosen spellcasting class increases by 4."

I don't see any mention of spell-like abilities there. Even if you treat the benefit as including spell-like abilities for that spellcating class, it still means that you've yet to show a way of compensating for penalties to spell-like abilities for races, templates and non-spellcasting classes.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

Please, everyone. I don't want to take over the thread, but at the same time, I want to win this challenge fair and square. I can only do that if Xan and I participate in a calm debate. Right now Xan's addressing my offering. Please allow him to do so, and please allow me to defend myself.

I believe that Mage Slayer will stand up to Xan's requirements, but by stepping in, you affect my ability to control the line of reasoning and keep the debate focused on the relevant issues.

Humbly and respectfully,

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

To get back on track...

1. It's been established that fighters may take this feat, but this feat is also a valid selection for spellcasters.

2. The Mage Slayer feat imposes a -4 penalty against caster level for all spells and spell-like abilities.

3. We agree that Practiced Spellcaster will negate the -4 penalty against caster level for one spellcasting class. The feat may be taken multiple times. However this still does not negate any spell-like abilities obtained by race, etc.

As a refresher, the rules of the challenge are as follows...

To prove the point wrong a feat is needed that is: A. Form an official WOTC 3.5 source. B. Contains a specific benefit to the character possessing that feat. C. Contains a specific penalty to the character possessing that feat. E. That penalty must not be something that can be completly negated. However if the ability penalized is not used that does not count as being negated because the penalty could arise later in game play.

Again, I think "A", "B" and "C" are clearly met. We're presently debating "E".

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony


Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:

You don't give up, but now I'm wondering if he did.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

Just waiting patiently [grin]

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

Week Three
Tues Mar 1: Prologue of novel

Week Four
Tues Mar 8: Introduction/Chapter 1 of creative technical writing project #1

Week Five
Tues Mar 15: Short Story

Week Six
Tues Mar 22: Chapter 1 of novel

Week Seven
Tues Mar 29: Chapter 2 of creative technical writing project #1

Week Eight
Tues Apr 5: Intro and Chapters 1 & 2 of creative technical writing project #2

Week Nine
Tues Apr 19: Chapter 2 of novel

Week Ten
Tues Apr 26: Chapter 3 of creative technical writing project #1

Week Eleven
Tues May 3: Chapter 3 & 4 of creative technical writing project #2

Week Twelve
Tues May 10: Chapter 3 of novel

Week Thirteen
Tues May 17: Short Story #2

Week Fourteen
Tues May 24: Chapter 4 of creative technical writing project #1

Week Fifteen
Tues May 31: Chapter 4 of novel

Week Sixteen
Tues June 7: Chapter 5 of creative technical writing project #2

I haven't given up, and this is just one class...

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

You're a busy man. I've got it.

And I'm the mechanical engineering lead on a multimillion dollar construction project with an accelerated schedule. I work 60+ hours a week. I'm a busy man too. This is North America in the 21st century... we're ALL busy. If you're too busy to participate in a discussion, why start it up in the first place?

I said I was a patient man, but I'm not prepared to wait until June 7th to hear your response, Xan.

I've met your challenge. Everybody can see that, plain as day. Take five minutes to write the post acknowledging that I did meet all the requirements of your challenge. Then, after you've done that, you can spend the next three months coming up with a challenge that we CAN'T beat. Or you can spend the next three months preparing a long essay explaining why this challenge doesn't mean anything. I don't care.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

Even if in the end I can't reduce the -4 penalty, what do you gain by proving there's one feat that doesn't follow the pattern set by well over 600 others?

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