Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

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Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
That penalities are not only listed in 3.5 feats, but that WotC uses them as such and how PW should follow WotC construction given the relationship that's been established for the PSCS and the use of any WotC product to create PS in d20 terms.

Your argument appears to distill to 'Planewalker should not be allowed to be creative.'

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
"Bob the Efreet" wrote:
In 3.5, the only way they have demonstrated a mechanical benefit for being a member in a group is through a prestige class. Not a template, not a set of feats. Really, this logic makes you both wrong.

So, to be a member of the Harpers, you have to take a level in one of their prestige classes?

I present to you your own frequent admonishment: Read carefully what I wrote. To gain any mechanical benefit for being a Harper, yes, you must take a level in one of the prestige classes. No feats give you Harper abilities, and certainly no templates.

"Rhys" wrote:
What about feats for the druidic sects in Eberron?

I haven't read the Eberron book, so I was unaware they had such feats. Assuming they're there (why would you arbitrarily lie to me, after all?), there does seem to be a bit of a precedent for feats as group membership. Well, gaining abilities for such, anyway. I suppose the part of my point that still stands is that we still don't have anything in 3.5 (no breaking precedent is allowed, of course) that represents powers from group membership as a template.


Pants of the North!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

Just to clear things up (without getting back into this mess, Kaelyn and Bob are doing admirably in my stead):

Druidic feats from Eberron do not represent membership. Eberron features something like five major sects of druids in a region called the Eldeen Reaches. For example, one sect is called the Children of Winter, and it has a feat associated with it for druids that belong to it called Child of Winter. There is also a prestige class called Eldeen Ranger for rangers who belong to one of these sects. Neither the feat nor the prestige class is required to be a member, nor does the feat include any particular drawback.

Is this argument really all about that one feat Manic-Depressive? If the Bleakers knew how much was being made about one feat, they'd probably weep, if they could be moved to care at all.
It really gives some mixed bonuses and minuses. Just think of it like Power Attack. You get some advantage, but in order to do so, you willingly accept a penalty. The difference is that this one doesn't turn on and off.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
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Let's look at how the feat would appear in the SRD, as flavor text would be stripped out of it...

Child of Winter [General]

Prerequisites: Ability to spontaneously cast summon nature's ally,, non good alignment.

Benefit: You can use any druid spell that normally targets animals against vermin as well....

For those who'd like to read the full text, it's p.51 of the Eberron CS.

What I left out can be rewritten for Greyhawk to state:

"You are trained in the druidic traditions of the Snow Druids, a Blackmoor sect that embraces death and decay."

But the mechanics of the feat are unharmed by this rewording. I still cannot see how the prospect of going nuts or becoming apathetic is equivalent to the druidic feats.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
But the mechanics of the feat are unharmed by this rewording. I still cannot see how the prospect of going nuts or becoming apathetic is equivalent to the druidic feats.
They're not. I said they weren't. Read my post. The druidic feats are an example of a feat that is associated with an organization. You could eliminate references to Planescape from most of the faction feats and reassign them to something else, too.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
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"Bob the Efreet" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Gerzel, you still haven't shown me a 3.5 feat with both a benefit and a drawback.

In 3.5, the only way they have demonstrated a mechanical benefit for being a member in a group is through a prestige class. Not a template, not a set of feats. Really, this logic makes you both wrong.

A culture is a group. A race is a group. These facts make you wrong.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
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"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Know of any disadvantages that enable you to do something beneficial?

The madness points from the Bleaker feats are a good example of this. So is the voluntary poverty of the Ring-Giver feats.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
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"Emperor Xan" wrote:
I've already quoted the updated version of 3.5 feats for FR. The penalties are nonexistant.

How so?

In 3.5, the Shadow Weave Magic feat imposes a -1 effective caster level penalty on evocations/transmutations.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
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If templates only apply to races, then explain the following two templates:

Chosen of Mystra

Lycanthrope: "When a character contracts lycanthropy through a lychathrope's bite (see above), no symptoms appear until the first night of the next full moon." - MM, p. 178

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
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"Nemui" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
I've already quoted the updated version of 3.5 feats for FR. The penalties are nonexistant.

How so?

In 3.5, the Shadow Weave Magic feat imposes a -1 effective caster level penalty on evocations/transmutations.

And how is this different from specialization by a wizard in other ways, besides the lack of the Shadow Weave in other settings?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Kaelyn" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Know of any disadvantages that enable you to do something beneficial?

The madness points from the Bleaker feats are a good example of this. So is the voluntary poverty of the Ring-Giver feats.

And how do these work to your advantage?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
"Nemui" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
I've already quoted the updated version of 3.5 feats for FR. The penalties are nonexistant.
How so? In 3.5, the Shadow Weave Magic feat imposes a -1 effective caster level penalty on evocations/transmutations.
And how is this different from specialization by a wizard in other ways, besides the lack of the Shadow Weave in other settings?

How is this *not* a disadvantage or drawback regardless of how simular it is to another game mechanic?

How is it *beneficial* to take a negative to your abilities?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
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It's not a disadvantage in that you are not banned from these schools where you must select banned schools when you specialize as a wizard. Additionally, Shadow Weave magic is indetectable by those who do not know how to use it.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
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"Emperor Xan" wrote:

And how is this different from specialization by a wizard in other ways, besides the lack of the Shadow Weave in other settings?


It's not a disadvantage in that you are not banned from these schools where you must select banned schools when you specialize as a wizard.

Additionally, Shadow Weave magic is indetectable by those who do not know how to use it.

Please, Emperor, you're stretching your argument beyond all acceptable limits. A penalty to your effective caster level is a penalty is an in-built disadvantage. (Not that a precedent is a big deal in this case.)

Yes you can specialize and choose evocation and transmutation as barred schools, so what? And I have no idea what that part about indetectable Shadow Magic means. Nor do I have any idea why I allow myself to get involved in these "Me vs. The World" discussions.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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You asked for an example of a feat that *combined* an advantage and a disadvantage. You didn't ask for a *large* disadvantage in a feat - you asked for *any* feat example in WotC 3.5 releases that showed a combination of advantage and disadvantage in a single feat.

A -1 caster level is a disadvantage.

And don't you dare expect me to accept that it's not because you can take something to 'fix' it. I am not stupid. If you have to take something else to fix it, then that is a disadvantage. I am extremely nearsighted. I can wear glasses to correct this - but this does *not* negate the fact that I *am* nearsighted, blind as a bat in the morning, and not allowed by military standards to fly a fighter jet.

Unless you can explain to me *exactly* how having a -1 to your caster level is a hidden advantage, without bringing in other unrelated feats - or the advantage paired in the feat with the -1, you have lost this point. You asked to see a feat that combined advantage and disadvantage. You were shown one. If you can't do that then find a different arguement because this one isn't going to work.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
straight outta Compton

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
"Kaelyn" wrote:
The madness points from the Bleaker feats are a good example of this. So is the voluntary poverty of the Ring-Giver feats.

And how do these work to your advantage?

Having a madness score (from the Manic-Depressive feat) gives you an effective bonus to your wisdom when it comes to divine spellcasting, and a penalty for other uses of wisdom.

Forsaking material desires with the Ascetic feat gives you a pool of luck points to play with. The Sacrifice Self feat prevents others from being hurt at the price of taking damaging yourself. This is advantageous if you have more hit points than a team-member, or it could just be used as part of the Ring-Giver philosophy of letting others fall into your debt. Advantageous, either way.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Clueless" wrote:
You asked for an example of a feat that *combined* an advantage and a disadvantage. You didn't ask for a *large* disadvantage in a feat - you asked for *any* feat example in WotC 3.5 releases that showed a combination of advantage and disadvantage in a single feat.

A -1 caster level is a disadvantage.

And don't you dare expect me to accept that it's not because you can take something to 'fix' it. I am not stupid. If you have to take something else to fix it, then that is a disadvantage. I am extremely nearsighted. I can wear glasses to correct this - but this does *not* negate the fact that I *am* nearsighted, blind as a bat in the morning, and not allowed by military standards to fly a fighter jet.

Unless you can explain to me *exactly* how having a -1 to your caster level is a hidden advantage, without bringing in other unrelated feats - or the advantage paired in the feat with the -1, you have lost this point. You asked to see a feat that combined advantage and disadvantage. You were shown one. If you can't do that then find a different arguement because this one isn't going to work.

Actually, I did answer this. You aren't barred for specialization through this feat. Yes, you have a -1 to two schools of magic, I didn't argue that it wasn't a penalty in that regard. I stated that you are not barred like other specialist wizards, yet you receive a +1 to three schools in return. While the -1 can be a pain in the rear, it does not prevent you from casting spells in that school. Other than light spells, there are no barred spells for the caster. Specialists wizards lose access to two schools in order to gain 1 additonal spell a day per spell level in one school. In many ways, the feat in question resembles specalizing without actually specializing.

Oops, forgot to add...Shadow Weave weilders can cast spells normally regardless of whether an area is considered a "dead magic" area. Casters who work through the Weave are not so fortunate. Seems like a really large advantage.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Re: straight outta Compton

"Kaelyn" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
"Kaelyn" wrote:
The madness points from the Bleaker feats are a good example of this. So is the voluntary poverty of the Ring-Giver feats.

And how do these work to your advantage?

Having a madness score (from the Manic-Depressive feat) gives you an effective bonus to your wisdom when it comes to divine spellcasting, and a penalty for other uses of wisdom.

Forsaking material desires with the Ascetic feat gives you a pool of luck points to play with. The Sacrifice Self feat prevents others from being hurt at the price of taking damaging yourself. This is advantageous if you have more hit points than a team-member, or it could just be used as part of the Ring-Giver philosophy of letting others fall into your debt. Advantageous, either way.

You still haven't shown how that's advantageous without adding some new point system mechanic. How do luck points differ from Belief Points?

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: straight outta Compton

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
You still haven't shown how that's advantageous without adding some new point system mechanic. How do luck points differ from Belief Points?

They're not different at all. You could even call them belief points, and they'd still be the same in every way. I didn't realize you wanted to know how they were different from belief points, or I would have told you that earlier.

What you asked was "know any disadvantages that enable you to do something beneficial?" The feats I mentioned above are good examples of this.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

I'm aware of what I asked. Cool

What I want to know is why only the Bleakers, or those who take the madness feat gain these points.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

Lets start with your words Xan. Nothing being put into your mouth. Direct quotes other than some color and boldface added by me for my later answer to your words.

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
You've never discredited my arguments. For that matter, you've never countered them with material from WotC who PW is supposed to be able to use their books as fair game to recreate PS.
--Page 2 of your "Where's my Hashkar..." thread

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
In 3.5, feats do not have penalties associated with them. You can create traits which give penalties and bonuses, but those are explained in Unearthed Arcana along as what constitutes a feat.
--Page 5 of your "Representing the Factions/Sects in 3e/3.5" thread

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Gerzel, you still haven't shown me a 3.5 feat with both a benefit and a drawback.
--Page 3 of this thread.

The above I remind you is your words. Out of your mouth. Do you deny that you posted these?

All right. If you want ME to show it to you. Here you go.

Now the idea here is if I can show you a feat that provides both an advantage and disadvantage that was published by WOTC for the 3.5 edition of D&D then Planewalker's official use of feats with drawbacks and advantages would be fine by you as fair game for use in Planewalker.

Shadow Weave Magic

Benefit: Access to use the Shadow Weave. This allows some spells to be harder to detect and other feats and advantages.

Drawback: In 3.5, the Shadow Weave Magic feat imposes a -1 effective caster level penalty on evocations/transmutations.

This penalty is always present as long as the feat is connected to the character. The character might be able to raise their caster level for those schools but this feat would still reduce the total effective level for those schools by -1 when compared to the same combination of feats minus the Shadow Weave feat.

I have fulfilled your demands of me oh mighty emperor.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

Seems you're a little behind the ball on that one as Clueless already brought it up and I referred not only to the feat, but what the feat gives you: in effect, specalization without specializing. In other words, you subtract one effective character level to cast spells from two schools to enhance three others and be able to cast spells in areas otherwise referred to as "dead magic" areas of Faerun when those who use the Weave to cast spells are rendered useless within the affected area. Weave users also have penalites for detecting your spells.

Again, how does this act as a penalty when it acts like specialization?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Seems you're a little behind the ball on that one as Clueless already brought it up and I referred not only to the feat, but what the feat gives you: in effect, specalization without specializing. In other words, you subtract one effective character level to cast spells from two schools to enhance three others and be able to cast spells in areas otherwise referred to as "dead magic" areas of Faerun when those who use the Weave to cast spells are rendered useless within the affected area. Weave users also have penalites for detecting your spells.

Again, how does this act as a penalty when it acts like specialization?

Xan. Specialization has a benefit and drawback built in. You wanted a feat that had both a benefit and drawback. It has both. It doesn't matter that it acts like something else that is not a feat. It still has both.

PS the penalties STACK with specialization. Thus it is more than specialization too.

Your wrong. You have lost. Admit it or keep being a poor loser.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

You asked for a feat that showed disadvantage and advantage. You did NOT ask for a feat that showed a greater disadvantage than advantage. Nor did you ask for one where the disadvantages balance out the advantages. Nor - to be specific about it - did you ask for one where the advantage outweighed the disadvantage. You just asked for one that *had* a disadvantage built in with it's advantages..

Is there something hard about the concept of 1+1 = 2 and -1 + 1 = 0? It's called *stacking*.

The feat may be 'like' specialization. And it may be 'better' than specialization. But that doesn't change the fact that it *has* a disadvantage example as you requested. If you want to argue the feat's balance within the game system I suggest you take it up with the original designers.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
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I didn't argue the balance issue nor did I argue that there wasn't a disadvantage in the feat. I merely pointed out how you aren't barred from schools of magic through this feat as you are through specialization. To me, that's not an outright penalty. The rules for the Bleaker melancholia as part of a feat is an example of an outright penalty that's detrimental to a character.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

So what *WERE* you looking for then?

A feat that balances out to an overall disadvantage?

If that's what you wanted why didn't you SAY so three pages ago?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
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Because you never would have gotten the point I've been trying to make. Every so-called negative I've been presented with as proof that I'm wrong has been clearly demonstrated to not be as negative as they appear on close inspection. Faction drawbacks, on the other hand, are that negative. Bleakers have no control over their mood swings. That makes it a huge uncertaincy, not to mention the probabilty factor is something I've never seen in a feat.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

It's rather difficult to debate a point with someone when that someone never puts the point out to be debated.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Because you never would have gotten the point I've been trying to make. Every so-called negative I've been presented with as proof that I'm wrong has been clearly demonstrated to not be as negative as they appear on close inspection. Faction drawbacks, on the other hand, are that negative. Bleakers have no control over their mood swings. That makes it a huge uncertaincy, not to mention the probabilty factor is something I've never seen in a feat.

In otherwords negatives only count if you say so in your mind.

Xan. You are unreasonable.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Gerzel" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Because you never would have gotten the point I've been trying to make. Every so-called negative I've been presented with as proof that I'm wrong has been clearly demonstrated to not be as negative as they appear on close inspection. Faction drawbacks, on the other hand, are that negative. Bleakers have no control over their mood swings. That makes it a huge uncertaincy, not to mention the probabilty factor is something I've never seen in a feat.
In otherwords negatives only count if you say so in your mind.

Xan. You are unreasonable.

Actually, I could see that. With great power comes great sacrifice and all that, and large drawbacks make a certain amount of sense in this context. However, if one's using the feat system, the drawbacks (such as Bleaker depression) should be slowly worked upwards towards. And belief has always been a specialization of sorts, narrowing your options to expand your prowess in the options that remain open to you.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
I didn't argue the balance issue nor did I argue that there wasn't a disadvantage in the feat. I merely pointed out how you aren't barred from schools of magic through this feat as you are through specialization. To me, that's not an outright penalty. The rules for the Bleaker melancholia as part of a feat is an example of an outright penalty that's detrimental to a character.
Which is preceded by:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
It's not a disadvantage in that you are not banned from these schools where you must select banned schools when you specialize as a wizard.
(colorations mine) 500 XP to Logic for this CR 3 encounter.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"In that" might be a colloquialism for "In the sense that" in which case it isn't a direct contradiction.

Then again I'm up late and not thinking too straight.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Eco-Mono" wrote:
"In that" might be a colloquialism for "In the sense that" in which case it isn't a direct contradiction.

Then again I'm up late and not thinking too straight.

No, you got the meaning right.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

un·rea·son·a·ble ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-rz-n-bl)

1. Not governed by reason: an unreasonable attitude.

ir·ra·tion·al ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-rsh-nl)

1. Not endowed with reason.
2. Affected by loss of usual or normal mental clarity; incoherent, as from shock.
3. Marked by a lack of accord with reason or sound judgment: an irrational dislike.

Logical fallacy

n : a fallacy in logical argumentation


Pants of the North!

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

And how does this contribute to the debate? I let Gezrel's "loser" comment slide because it's obvious that the point was missed.

FyreHowl's picture
Joined: 2003-12-28
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

**wiped becuase apparently something was referring to a previous page and I wasn't aware and wrote to that effect**

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

Technically Gerzel said he was behaving like a "poor loser" as opposed to saying he was a "loser" - which has a much different conotation to it as a phrase.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
And how does this contribute to the debate?

Just making a point. You can go ahead and ignore this one, too, though.


Pants of the North!

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

Ah, but there's a problem with your analogy. The so-called penalty serves a purpose in directing specialists in Forgotten Reamls as to which two schools they should abandon in pursuit of a greater magical stealth. What's harder to detect, necromantic spells using the Weave, or necromantic specialists working through the Shadow Weave?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Ah, but there's a problem with your analogy. The so-called penalty serves a purpose in directing specialists in Forgotten Reamls as to which two schools they should abandon in pursuit of a greater magical stealth. What's harder to detect, necromantic spells using the Weave, or necromantic specialists working through the Shadow Weave?

It is still a penalty. Even if it is there for a good reason (As most penalties SHOULD be) it is STILL a penalty. A minus is a minus. It still takes away from the caster's abilities to cast certain spells that they would otherwise have if they did not have that feat. A penalty by definition is something that takes away a benefit. The benefit is the higher caster level that would be had and it is taken away no matter what other factors if you take that feat.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Gerzel" wrote:
It is still a penalty. Even if it is there for a good reason (As most penalties SHOULD be) it is STILL a penalty. A minus is a minus. It still takes away from the caster's abilities to cast certain spells that they would otherwise have if they did not have that feat. A penalty by definition is something that takes away a benefit. The benefit is the higher caster level that would be had and it is taken away no matter what other factors if you take that feat.

Since you specialize during character creation and must have Shar as your patron deity to take the feat, how's there a penalty if you drop the two penalized schools from the moment the character's created?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
"Gerzel" wrote:
It is still a penalty. Even if it is there for a good reason (As most penalties SHOULD be) it is STILL a penalty. A minus is a minus. It still takes away from the caster's abilities to cast certain spells that they would otherwise have if they did not have that feat. A penalty by definition is something that takes away a benefit. The benefit is the higher caster level that would be had and it is taken away no matter what other factors if you take that feat.

Since you specialize during character creation and must have Shar as your patron deity to take the feat, how's there a penalty if you drop the two penalized schools from the moment the character's created?

The requirment for Shadow Weave Magic is Wis 15+ or patron diety Shar.
Or means one or the other, not nessasarilly both.

Oh and not everyone drops those schools. So the penalty is still there. It doesn't matter if some people can weasle out of it at character creation. If they take the feat after character creation (Which yes they can) they get penalized. Those with those schools droped still get penalized as they still have the minuses they just don't notice. The minuses are still there.

Xan I really don't know why I'm posting this. The only thing I can figure is that somewhere I don't want to belive that you are so unreasonable that you cannot accept the fact that you've lost and if every possability is exausted you will finally see that you have lost. This last post of yours was based on one falsehood (You do not have to have Shar as a Patron to use Shadow Weave Magic) and one really narrow loophole (A few PCs can weasle out of the negative by NEVER using those spells affected).

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Gerzel" wrote:
Since you specialize during character creation and must have Shar as your patron deity to take the feat, how's there a penalty if you drop the two penalized schools from the moment the character's created?

The requirment for Shadow Weave Magic is Wis 15+ or patron diety Shar.
Or means one or the other, not nessasarilly both.

Oh and not everyone drops those schools. So the penalty is still there. It doesn't matter if some people can weasle out of it at character creation. If they take the feat after character creation (Which yes they can) they get penalized. Those with those schools droped still get penalized as they still have the minuses they just don't notice. The minuses are still there.

Xan I really don't know why I'm posting this. The only thing I can figure is that somewhere I don't want to belive that you are so unreasonable that you cannot accept the fact that you've lost and if every possability is exausted you will finally see that you have lost. This last post of yours was based on one falsehood (You do not have to have Shar as a Patron to use Shadow Weave Magic) and one really narrow loophole (A few PCs can weasle out of the negative by NEVER using those spells affected).

You haven't proven I've lost anything. As for the requirements aspect, yeah, sorry about that, I wasn't wearing my glasses and glanced at it briefly. What I don't get is how you think a penalty that doesn't affect you is still a penalty.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
You haven't proven I've lost anything. As for the requirements aspect, yeah, sorry about that, I wasn't wearing my glasses and glanced at it briefly. What I don't get is how you think a penalty that doesn't affect you is still a penalty.

It still affects you even if you don't cast those spells. It is still there if you don't use anything it affects. A character might take levels of wizard and cleric. Shadow weave would affect both. Clerics can't specialize so the clerical schools would still be affected. Thus the penalty is present even for sepcialists. Also another penalty it gives is that the character can no longer cast any spells with the light descriptor. Since descriptors are independant of schools this too is another penalty.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Gerzel" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
You haven't proven I've lost anything. As for the requirements aspect, yeah, sorry about that, I wasn't wearing my glasses and glanced at it briefly. What I don't get is how you think a penalty that doesn't affect you is still a penalty.

It still affects you even if you don't cast those spells. It is still there if you don't use anything it affects. A character might take levels of wizard and cleric. Shadow weave would affect both. Clerics can't specialize so the clerical schools would still be affected. Thus the penalty is present even for sepcialists. Also another penalty it gives is that the character can no longer cast any spells with the light descriptor. Since descriptors are independant of schools this too is another penalty.

Clerics have schools of magic? Why are their spell lists not divided into schools the way sorcerer/wizard lists are?

But what do I know, you're right after all, a penalty is still a penalty, even if you never use the affected ability....

Oh, what's this? From the FRCS p. 57 concerning the Shadow Weave:

"Shar has full control over the Shadow Weave and can isolate any creature from it or silence it entirely without any harm to herself." Not to mention that "Without assistance from Shar, a Shadow Weave user loses a bit of his or her mind."

So, if you want to be sane, it's not a requirement, but a necessity to be a worshipper of Shar.

Then again, you're correct in your assessment of what the feat's supposed to do because according to p. 58 of the same book: "In general, Shadow Weave users do not bother to create items that include Evocation or Transmutation effects." That like totally blows away my argument and proves that I'm so far off base with my assessment that, yeah, I'm just a sore loser who can't admit defeat.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Clerics have schools of magic? Why are their spell lists not divided into schools the way sorcerer/wizard lists are?

All spells have schools. Clerics might not learn them as such, but that does not negate the fact that all spells fall under one of the schools, otherwise school would not be mentioned in their descriptions.

Air Walk Transmutation [Air] Level: Air 4, Clr 4, Drd 4

Align Weapon Transmutation [see text] Level: Clr 2

Animal Shapes Transmutation Level: Animal 7, Drd 8

Animate Objects Transmutation Level: Brd 6, Chaos 6, Clr 6

Animate Plants Transmutation Level: Drd 7, Plant 7

Awaken Transmutation Level: Drd 5

Barkskin Transmutation Level: Drd 2, Rgr 2, Plant 2

Blade Barrier Evocation [Force] Level: Clr 6, Good 6, War 6

Blasphemy Evocation [Evil, Sonic] Level: Clr 7, Evil 7

Bless Water Transmutation [Good] Level: Clr 1, Pal 1

Bless Weapon Transmutation Level: Pal 1

All of these were taken from the first spell .pdf on the 3.5 SRD. All of these spells would be affected by the penalty of the Shadow Weave feat. None of them are on the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

Woah. And I thought television was a waste of time...

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

That's nice, Narfi, but you still haven't refuted pages 57 & 58 of the FRCS, that was the other half of the point.

Hecruel's picture
Joined: 2005-02-14
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
That's nice, Narfi, but you still haven't refuted pages 57 & 58 of the FRCS, that was the other half of the point.

In the second paragraph the last line does say that some mortals have stumbled across the shadow weave accidentally in their researches.

The parts about users not assisted by Shar I think would be another penalty assosiated with the Shadow weave and thus the Shadow Weave feat. The benefits are of coarse being able to use the shadow weave.

Also I think that not being able to make items with evocation and transmutation or to use those schools well is a penalty. What do you mean that it isn't? Even if SW users don't tend to do that I think that is because they are limited there not because they simply have decided that they don't like those schools.

Is this what you wanted to be looked at?

FyreHowl's picture
Joined: 2003-12-28
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

Xan- you of all people really dont have room to judge others debate styles. Consistently in this thread you've contradicted yourself, and played "that doesnt count becuase I say so" or ignored the refutes of others. At this point you're really just being utterly stubborn that if someone doesnt pin you 100% into a corner you're still right, and if they do pin you in it somehow doesnt count because of obscure,petty reason #567745645.

So between taking Gerzel's post out of context entirely, completely missing Bob's intent, refusing to listen to just about everyone here for one reason or another, I have to ask this-

Just *why* do you even *bother* talking to anyone else since you dont listen worth a darned?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Beating a dead Arcadian Pony

"FyreHowl" wrote:
Xan- you of all people really dont have room to judge others debate styles. Consistently in this thread you've contradicted yourself, and played "that doesnt count becuase I say so" or ignored the refutes of others. At this point you're really just being utterly stubborn that if someone doesnt pin you 100% into a corner you're still right, and if they do pin you in it somehow doesnt count because of obscure,petty reason #567745645.

So between taking Gerzel's post out of context entirely, completely missing Bob's intent, refusing to listen to just about everyone here for one reason or another, I have to ask this-

Just *why* do you even *bother* talking to anyone else since you dont listen worth a darned?

Who says I don't listen? I ignore Gerzel because according to him I'm a sore loser. This is in spite of the fact that nobody but me has cited rules to back up their claims. You want to pin me down, do so with citations, otherwise you're words are hollow.

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