Bariaur deities for 3e

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Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Bariaur deities for 3e

This is my 3e conversion of the bariaur gods created by Brannon Hollingsworth. They originally appeared on his webpage, and they're in Gary Ray's Bariaur Book of Belief. See

"Old Wisdom"

Nomolos is the Caller of Souls, the god of death, rebirth, and wisdom. He is true neutral. He created his mate Nor'bah, and himself, from words he spoke at the dawn of creation, and is said by the bariaur to have created such races as the valorums, shedu, unicorns, and armanites as well as their own. Nomolos manifests as an old, grizzled bariaur with immense curved, scarred horns, and a long gray beard. His eyes are filled with knowledge, life, and knowledge. His domains are Destruction, Renewal, Fate, Planning, and Knowledge. He carries no weapons, but his clerics gain a bonus weapon focus feat for their own charge attack. His realm, called the Echoing Vale, is in Ysgard. His symbol is an ancient bariaur horn. His clerics often use actual horns inherited from their predecessors; some carry entire skulls in order to frighten their opponents.

"As life turns into death and death into life, so experience turns into knowledge and knowledge into wisdom. As Nomolos created himself at the beginning of time, so wisdom creates new wisdom, in an endless ring. Death is not the end; go, then, bravely into death, and die a warrior."

Nomolos' clerics are warriors and councilors. They perform rites of death and birth, and pray before battles. Prayers to Nomolos are rhythmic chants in an archaic version of the Celestial tongue. The same prayers have been handed down between Nomolos' clerics since the creation of the bariaur species.


Nor'bah is the Life-Mother, sometimes known as Nor'bah of the Forests. She is the goddess of life and fertility, the sister and daughter of Nomolos. She welcomed the young bariaur into her realm in the Beastlands when they wandered, lost in the planes, in the early years of their race, and taught them how to survive and forage, and gave them the courtship and marriage rites they still observe today. She watches over bariaurs who live in the forest, love the woodlands, or make their livelihood there. She is often worshipped by bariaur rangers. Humans and elves associate her with Ehlonna. She is depicted as a dark or golden-haired bariaur woman, sometimes with a single horn like that of a unicorn. Her domains are Animal, Good, Plant, Moon, and Sun. She is neutral good. Her favored weapons are the scimitar and the mighty composite longbow. Her symbol is a unicorn horn.

"The woodlands are a beautiful place, full of life. The secrets of the forests should be learned and taught so that bariaurs and other races can live in harmony with nature. The wilderness must be protected from those who would harm it. The plants and the animals of the wildlands are things that nature gives as gifts, not things to be stolen. So, too, are young bariaur, and the gift of love."

Nor'bah's clerics are teachers and protectors of the wild. They are friendly with rangers, druids, and shamans. They are gentle with their first warning to those who would harm the forest and ruthless in stopping those who would persist. They often travel. They perform bariaur marriage ceremonies and act as midwives. Prayers to Nor'bah are soft, low, and crooning, performed in the open or under the trees.

Tirag Thunderhooves

Tirag is the god of brotherhood, fellowship, and fair play. He is known as Fair-Bringer, Winner-of-Rings, and Hoof-Brother. He is the son of Nor'bah, though the identity of his father is disputed. His alignment is neutral good. He is the patron of family and fellowship between bariaur flocks. He is also the special patron of Outlands bariaurs. He manifests as a bariaur with long white hair and wool and shining eyes. His domains are Community, Strength, Good, Protection, and Family. His favored weapon is the greatclub or the g'wrn-k'ton. His realm in the Outlands is called the Ring of Champions, though he is a wandering god. His symbol is a pair of clasped hands; this is often turned into a complex tattoo on the cleric's wrists depicting many hands clasped around one another in a circular pattern.

"Life is a game; it is too short for grudges and sore feelings. Play it well and honorably, but most of all play it with all of your heart and soul. Drink, fight, run, and afterwards celebrate with your opponents, for they are your brothers in the game of life."

Clerics of Tirag are judges of competitions as well as other disputes, which are all usually resolved with the same trials of combat, racing, drinking, or eating. Tirag's clerics are usually good cooks. Prayers to Tirag are often in the form of a challenge or wager.

Va'sha Battlefleece

Va'sha is the Horned Goddess, the bariaur patron of war, justice, honor, and independence. She is a wild goddess; she has her father Nomolos' grimness but not his even-handedness; she has her mother Nor'bah's vengefulness but not her gentleness. Her appearance is changeable as the wind, but she always manifests as an athletic bariaur doe with ungroomed, unruly gray wool, flashing eyes, and wicked horns. Her body is covered with tattoos, and her horns are carved and gilded. She has a realm in Ysgard called Battlegrim. Her alignment is chaotic neutral. Her domains are Chaos, Endurance, Travel, Retribution, and War. Her favored weapon is the g'wrn-k'ton. Her clerics from the heretical k'pak sect use the sog'ma-k'ton instead. Her holy symbol is either weapon, though the g'wrn-k'ton is much more common.

"There are three truths: war, honor, and independence. Life is conflict, honor is life, and to be beholden to another is to be dead inside.There is no honor without war and independence. There is no independence without honor and war. War without honor and independence is mere slaughter and slavery, not honest war, and not worthy of a bariaur. Honor and independence must be defended, to the death if need be, from foes such as giants and domineering bucks. Does are warriors the equal of any buck."

Clerics of Va'sha lead other bariaurs into battle, stirring them with impassioned speeches as well as leading by example. They are at the front of every fray. They teach young bariaurs how to fight, but when real battle starts they seldom give advice, trusting in the instincts of their fellow warriors. Prayers to Va'sha are shouted, or screamed, like battle cries. Most often they are battle cries.

Exotic bariaur weapons:

The g'wrn-k'ton, meaning "war-maker," is a large exotic weapon. It is a double weapon, between six and eight feet long, with a mace head on either end. It is deliberately unbalanced, so one side does 1d8 damage and the other does 1d10 damage. On a critical, it does triple damage. It weighs thirty pounds, and does bludgeoning damage only.

The sog'ma-k'ton is a similar weapon with axe blades on both ends. It is essentially the same as a g'wrn-k'ton, but it does slashing damage only. It is considered blasphemous by many bariaur, who consider it a perversion of the sacred g'wrn-k'ton. Its name means "doe weapon," so male bariaur will never use it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Bariaur deities for 3e

NEAT! I *REALLY* like the idea of a female war goddess - it seriously turns things on their stereotypical head. Just the idea of a wild, vengeful, and downright *SCAREY* bariur chick... I can dig that. In fact... *musing* I suddenly have a PC idea, must go work on that.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13

What ever happened to It's gone 401. That site had some amazing material on the bariaur race.

I've still got the old Bariaur Book of Belief (Gary Ray, Simson Leigh). It's all in 2e, but it's a goldmine of cultural info. It's 140 pages long!

I also have the Complete Book of the Bariaur. That's another 133 pages of gold.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10

"Enzo Sarlas" wrote:
What ever happened to It's gone 401. That site had some amazing material on the bariaur race.

I've still got the old Bariaur Book of Belief (Gary Ray, Simson Leigh). It's all in 2e, but it's a goldmine of cultural info. It's 140 pages long!

I also have the Complete Book of the Bariaur. That's another 133 pages of gold.

At one point, it was advertised that it was going to be hosted by I don't know whatever happened to that idea.

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