Baatezu Minions?

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Darth Krzysztof's picture
Joined: 2008-01-21
Baatezu Minions?

So the baatezu are the primary antagonists of my campaign, but the PCs haven't quite tumbled to that dark yet - they've fought a few baatezu here and there, but haven't put it all together.

I'm looking for some more ideas for baatezu minions, to diversify the encounters at the party's current & near-future power level (5 8th-level characters who've almost reached 9th). I can keep throwing human(oid) disciples at them, but they're a pain to stat up, and they've been dealing with such berks for awhile now. I've also used a handful of (unrelated) construct and undead encounters of late, and would just as soon give them a rest.

There don't seem to be any intelligent races in v.3.5 explicitly devoted to devils, and most of the smarter LE races seem to have their own agendas to pursue.

Currently I'm looking at bladelings, hobgoblins, jackal lords, marrash, medusas, meenlocks, mind flayers, ogre mages, and rakshasas. I suppose I could also use some spawn of Tiamat "on loan," since I've used abishai in the same capacity. I think a Nessian warhound will be in the next group they come across, as well. Does anyone else have any suggestions?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Baatezu Minions?

While they don't tend to work *for* the baatezu, they are relevant to the area - you may want to try kytons.

You could also get them tangled up in Blood War politics - baatezu will hire nearly anyone to fight the tanarri. (even good aligned PC parties... Eye-wink ) That would allow you to give them a taste of something completely different, while laying the groundwork with your plot for the inevitable betrayal by their employers.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Baatezu Minions?

The Nine Hells has strong connections to the City of Brass in the Elemental Plane of Fire, and with free-standing gates between these planes the devils could easily trade and recruit for their causes. You could play up this relation with inclusion of some Fire natives, like efreeti or azers.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Baatezu Minions?

You may want to have the PC's team up with a Hellbred (Fiendish Codex II) who has become aware that there is some sort of Baatezu plot going on and is seeking to destroy the source.


Darth Krzysztof's picture
Joined: 2008-01-21
Baatezu Minions?

Thank you all for the ideas!

'420' wrote:
You may want to have the PC's team up with a Hellbred (Fiendish Codex II) who has become aware that there is some sort of Baatezu plot going on and is seeking to destroy the source.


I was thinking about that - they already have hidden tanar'ri allies with the same MO.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Baatezu Minions?

Also you might consider this races working for/with baatezu:

1. Modrons:Will team up with anyone who is upholding law, good or evil is irelevant to them, but since the baatezu are masters of lies, fine print and abusing of legal systems unfortunate modrons could be stuck in all kinds of imposible contracts or deals.
Also you might consider using LE rouge modrons.

2. Rilmani: To uphold cosmic balance these neutral beings somtimes aid evil creatures like fiends.

3. Yugoloths: Lesser ones in particular. Mezzoloths and Dergoloths are fine mercenaries who will work for money. And they are stupid enough so that baatezu can exploit them. Besides Dergoloths are more sutiable for low low level parties becaouse they are much weaker than Mezzoloths.

4. Draconians: This militaristic dragon-men from Kryn are created in the rituals dedicated to Tahisis/Tiamat. They are fighters who are willing to follow orders and that is what baatezu apretiate.
Undoubtly there are some special units of draconians comanded by Abishai in baatezu armies. Sign of dyplomatic relations with Dark Queen of Kryn.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Baatezu Minions?

'Squaff' wrote:
4. Draconians: This militaristic dragon-men from Krynn are created in the rituals dedicated to Takhisis/Tiamat. They are fighters who are willing to follow orders and that is what baatezu appreciate. Undoubtly there are some special units of draconians comanded by Abishai in baatezu armies. Sign of diplomatic relations with Dark Queen of Krynn.

In 2nd edition, draconians were said to be created when abishai spirits were summoned into metallic dragon eggs - so they essentially are baatezu possessing draconic flesh.

In 3rd edition, this doesn't seem to be true. There've been several novels depicting draconians as not inherently evil.

But everything you said still applies (though some dispute whether or not Takhisis and Tiamat are the same entity, that's quite another argument).

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Baatezu Minions?

You could also use the Reth Dekala (from Tome of Battle: the Book of Nine Swords) who come from Acheron as potential minions of certain Baatezu.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Baatezu Minions?

ripvanwormer wrote:

In 2nd edition, draconians were said to be created when abishai spirits were summoned into metallic dragon eggs - so they essentially are baatezu possessing draconic flesh.

In 3rd edition, this doesn't seem to be true. There've been several novels depicting draconians as not inherently evil.

Interesting, I have allways thought that they just corupted the eggs with rituals. I would never imagined that abishai spirits were involved. Thanks! Laughing out loud

Also it seems that new draconians are different from old: now they have male and female draconians (and now they can reproduce, before that you could get draconians only trough ritual).

I guess that metalic dragon heritage is starting to kick in.

Anyhoo, back to topic: another critters who would be good minions for baatezu.

Maugs: Maugs are race of inteligent constructs from Archeron. They are war mercenaries who sell their their services to highest bidder, but once paid they are extreamly loyal until their job is done. Then they use money from their payments to create more of their kind.
(Fiend Folio)

Tso: Or planar Neogi if you prefer. These slave traders operate on lawfull planes and Outlands. So it is obwiously that they suply baatezu with all kinds of slaves. They are bit unreliable though, becaouse they are primarly concerned with their wellbeing.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

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